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-   -   Capybara - restarted (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34907)

llamabeast May 31st, 2007 06:22 PM

Capybara - restarted
I've decided to host a new game for new/newish players.

I'm thinking around 4-8 players, and a not-too-large map - maybe around 15 provinces each. In my experience this is plenty big enough for lots of interesting things to happen, but not so big that it can get overwhelming. We can sort out details when we see how many players we've got.

Oh, it'll be an MA game.

So, post here and choose a nation if you want to play! I'll tentatively put in sum1won and Xanatos because they said they would be interested.

Cor - Pythium
Ubercat - Pangaea
Zoshan - Ermor
Izzyz - Caelum
StrictlyRockers - Arcoscephale
Aristander - Machaka
Digress- C'tis
Yucky - Eriu

The game will start on Monday (4th June), or Tuesday at the latest.

Map: Parganos (Edi's fixed version) Link
Everything on default (indies, research, magic sites)

Worthy Heroes
Blessing Hotfix

Just stick the map file in your dominions3/maps folder, and the mod files in your dominions3/mods folder (all of them will need to be unzipped first, of course).

When the game starts you'll be e-mailed a 'trn' file. You need to make a game folder to put it in. Go to 'dominions3/savedgames', and create a folder called 'Capybara'. Save the trn file in there. Take your turn ('Play an existing game'->'Capybara'), and once you've hit end turn you should find a 2h file in your Capybara folder. E-mail that back to the server (just reply to the e-mail it sent you and attach your 2h file).

Hope that's all good and vaguely clear. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Cor May 31st, 2007 06:27 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Is it a PBEM or server game?

Either way, I want in. I get back to you on the nation in a jiffy.

Cor May 31st, 2007 06:49 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I will play Pythdom.

Its my 300th post! Hurray. I win a donut.

llamabeast May 31st, 2007 07:41 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
It's a PBEM game, but on my automated system, the LlamaServer. I think it's close to a server game in convenience, as you can see who's taken their turn, when it next hosts etc on the website. Also it checks its e-mail very often, sends you receipt e-mails, reminder e-mails and so on.

The website is www.llamaserver.net (although there's some possibility it won't work quite right since I have been changing the system in the last few days and it takes a day or two for the changes to propagate through the internet).

Okay, so I have created the game (see the website), and if you want to you can now upload your pretenders. To do that:

- Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions
- Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h)
- E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
- Crucially, you must have the game name, 'Capybara', in the subject line of your e-mail

(I decided to call it capybara because the first game on there was called Alpaca after my username here, and I thought I would stick with the South American mammal theme).

llamabeast May 31st, 2007 07:48 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
By the way, you can always change your pretender later just by e-mailing in a new one.

Izzyz May 31st, 2007 08:31 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
Hi llamabeast,
I'm interested, but don't have a choice, yet. I'll email a pretender and nation later tonight. Thanks!

JayThomas May 31st, 2007 08:35 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
The llamaserver has been an excellent platform for pbem games.

Ubercat May 31st, 2007 08:59 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I'm in! I've been checking here daily for awhile, waiting for someone to post a new game. I've never M/P'd before, but want to try it.

I'll take Pangaia, as I don't think anyone has claimed it yet. If I'm mistaken then my second choice is Marignon.

Now to review the mechanics of M/P games....


edit: I just sent in my pretender file as per the directions.

Zoshan May 31st, 2007 10:11 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
I would like to play. If there is room. Ermor is my 1st choice 2nd would be Abysia.


sum1lost May 31st, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: New game for new/newish players (recruiting)
If you can give me until monday I'm in.

I'll take abysia if its still available then.

Make that thursday, actually.

And I'll take Man if abysia is taken.

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