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Desert_Fox September 26th, 2007 02:23 AM

New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
1 Attachment(s)

I am pleased to announce my new mod, which is close to completion. This mod adds two new factions: the Jedi Order and the Sith Dominion, in a bitter contest for power. If you have ever dreamed of commanding huge armies of light-saber wielding, slash-happy warriors, then this mod is for you. Here are the details:

As a SW fan, I paly many such games. However none of them satisfied my need for massive Jedi vs Sith battles (in the movies we get cool duels, but no large battles between those skilled with the force). So, also being a huge Dom fan and a descent modder (though I will not claim greatness), I figured I would try to develop a Dom mod to meet my needs. Having made much progress, I descided to share my creation. A brief description of my mod folows.

The mod includes several heros from the SW saga (though I will not reveal them at this time), as well as generic units for the rank and file.


Infantry- Soldiers single and duel-wielding light sabers
Cavalry- Single-blade soldiers on speeders and pairs of single-bladers together on a large skiff
Ranged- None currently
Commanders- Jedi knights and masters; scouts, and others

Infantry- Soldiers with single and double-bladed light sabers
Cavalry- Single-blade soldiers on speeders
Ranged- None currently
Commanders- Sith knights and masters; scouts, assassins, and others

This mod is not balanced for play with original Dom3 nations, but is well balanced between each other (they wipe the floor with normal units, for the most part). The Jedi soldiers have speed and deffence advantages; the Sith have attack advantages. These differences force the player to use tactics over brawn and requires a slightly different strategy for each side, but they are not so significant as to dominate gameplay.

I am still finishing this mod (having new, cool ideas constantly poping into my head, plus a busy schedule, slows my work a bit, however). I plan to release the first version in the next week or so, depending on the many variables of life. Interest in this mod is also a factor in how much priority I will give this project.

Other Things:
I have never done any map designing, though I plan to sometime find the time to learn. Even so, I know there are many awesome map makers already out there. So, if anyone would like to create some SW themed maps, they would make a welcome addition to my project.
I also have a crazy idea, but it would only work with the right map. My idea: to create a space combat SW mod, were all the units are space ships (like X-Wings and Tie Fighters and Star Destroyers, etc.). This would be totally awesome, but would only work with a map board that looked like space and had provinces named for SW planets and the like. The battle map, I think, presents the biggest problem. I do not know this, but is it possible to edit/create a battle map? It would need to be black and probably have a star/space background. Is this possible, O mapping experts? I have never heard of modding battle maps, but I am no expert. If this were possible, then it would make one of the sweetest Dom mods ever! So please give me some feedback, anyone who is knowledgeable on this topic.

Anyway, this is a synopsis of my SW mod. I look forward to feedback. Stay tuned for future updates, espessially the first release of this mod.

Thanks, have fun!

P.S. ~ I have attached a screenshot. Enjoy!

Kristoffer O September 26th, 2007 01:01 PM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith

That made my day!

Morkilus September 26th, 2007 01:07 PM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
Modding the ocean into space would kinda work. You'd need an overland map that was extremely stylized to be able to play on both planets and space, and make it impossible for stormtroopers and the like to gain "water breathing" and the like.

I totally support you on this; nobody's really attempted a TC mod for this game yet, though we might be getting close with all the Warhammer nations http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Aezeal September 29th, 2007 10:14 AM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
Whole armies of jedies?

Wouldn't it nicer to have troops from all planets we know in the starwars universe and have the jedis more as leaders?

and a clone army http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Desert_Fox September 29th, 2007 06:23 PM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
I have also been working on a mod of the typical Empire and Rebel troops (Stormtroopers, even AT-ATs, etc). I am still nowhere near done on this one though (it only has a few units from the Empire so far). I think massive Jedi/Sith armies fills a gap in the SW realm. Anyway, I still agree with you on standard forces, and I do eventually plan on creating a total SW mod, which would be force guys (reduced #s) anlong side of huge regular armies.

But, I had start somewhere; plus at least Jedi and Sith use "swords", which Dom3 has the proper sounds and sprites for. It is hard to make ranged units with blasters and lasers because Dom3 does not have such sounds or sprites (except the lightning ones) that make sense. I have found the bane fire arrows, regular arrows, fire javelin, and lightning bolt make the best resemblence to lasers and blasters, so those are what I will use. It is very sad we can not mod our own new sounds and sprites, as it would not be too difficult I think. Anyway, the point is we will need to sacrifice some realism to go into a full blown SW army.

Thanks for your feedback; as I said, I do agree with you, but I just love Jedi, so they got priority. A mod like the one you speak of is in my future plans; definitely some clones too! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Desert_Fox September 29th, 2007 06:59 PM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
1 Attachment(s)
Here it is folks: The first release of my Star Wars: Jedi vs Sith Mod http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Here are the details:

The mod adds two new nations: The Jedi Order and the Sith Dominion.


Each nation has one Pretender: Jedi- Yoda ; Sith- Emperor Palpatine

Each nation has two heros: Jedi- Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi ; Sith- Darth Maul, Darth Vader

Jedi Units:

Infantry- Jedi with one light saber, two light sabers, one long light saber
Cavalry- One Jedi with one saber on a speeder, two Jedi with one saber on a skiff
Ranged- The speeders have a small blaster (like the movie), but no formal ranged units yet
Commanders- Jedi Masters, Jedi Knight Commander, Jedi Knight Commander (mounted)

Sith Units:

Infantry- Sith with one light saber, two light sabers, one duel-blade light saber
Cavalry- One Sith on a speeder
Ranged- Same as Jedi
Commanders- Same as Jedi, but plus a stealthy assassin

Other Details:

vanila- no; this mod has the Jedi and Sith well balanced, but Dom3 units are no match for them

Play Style- Due to balancing, this mod is just meant for Jedi vs Sith games. I suggest playing with the world supply, wealth, and resource levels at the max of 300. Dominion is mostly ingnored as a game factor, the only priest is your prophet, but this is due to an error with giving Priest skills (see bellow).

Bugs- none known, but please inform me of any you may find

Error (from above):
When I tried giving units the Priest skill I got the following error message- "no holiness". This occured when I coded "#magicskill 8 3" for the unit. The # for skill level did not affect the error, as I tried several. The error occurs when the game tries to load a new turn. If anyone knows how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate help, as I need to get priests into my mods (this error also happens with my other mods).

Well, there it is, my first mod for Dom3 (I have made a number of mods for myself, but this is the only one I have released; though I did release one other for Dom2). I will really, really like feedback on this, any at all. I will use it for newer versions of this mod and others in the future.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Juzza September 29th, 2007 08:59 PM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
You need to give any unit with priestly magic skill the tag #holiness to make them sacred.

Aezeal October 1st, 2007 05:56 AM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
IF you will do what I proposed (jedi as commanders) you could more easily give them sacredness and then pass the blessings off as JEDI POWERS (speciallity of that specific jedi)

Desert_Fox November 2nd, 2007 07:59 AM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith

So, it has been quite a while. Any feedback for improvement at all?

Aezeal January 21st, 2009 10:14 AM

Re: New Mod: Star Wars- Jedi vs Sith
so how is this mod going? PS holy magic needs #holy (not #holiness)
so if you still want priestly magics...

I'm waiting for my comp to be fixed after that I'd like to check the sprites and maybe use the Jedi and Sith as either a nation (but I'd need to think how to fit in, I'm thinking of something like the force being balanced and putting the best idea's of both nations in one... though that might be a bit much) or at least as independants (probably not recruitable but.. maybe, at least as fun defenders of a nice good new site) in my Dominions 3000 mod.

That is if Desert_Fox can agree with that. I hope he's still around.

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