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Autochthon October 11th, 2007 08:44 PM

A Cunning Plan: Trample
Let's see...

I was looking at my notes, and wondered if there was a reason why Trample couldn't be handled like Repel.

Hypothetically, of course.

Namely, compare unit sizes and if the difference crosses a threshold, then Trample is available as an attack.

For example, instead of specifically saying that a unit does or does not have trample, could we not simply say that a unit can trample any unit with Unit Size 2 less or more? So, a Size 6 Titan could auto-trample units of Size 4 or less. Or Size 4 Heavy Cavalry could auto-trample Size 2 Infantry.

I like this concept because it seems simpler to apply. I could be missing something though. Does Trample only apply to particularly bulky units for a given Unit Size? Or something else?

I realize that this is just an intellectual excercise, but I'm curious what the community thinks of this. If such a change would make Trample overpowered, how could it be re-balanced?

AreWeInsaneYet October 11th, 2007 10:34 PM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
Not that such a change will make Trample overpowered, but mostly it will make big units USELESS. There are so many ways to stop trample and you'll definitely hope your tarts/elemental royals DO something other than trying to trample your enemy's army.

Valandil October 11th, 2007 11:07 PM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
Also, heavy cav are size 3.

Sombre October 11th, 2007 11:09 PM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
I don't think it makes sense. Elephants trample not only because they are large, but because they can't fight - they just stomp along crushing things. Minotaurs can fight, but are bullish enough to squish people under their hooves and so on.

Trample is used by units which use their bulk to simply crush enemies.

As for repel and trample, well I think repel should work vs trample by checking length against size. So pikes could stop elephants trample if they passed a repel test and the elephants would then use their trunk that turn. Spears could stop minotaurs (unless they were berserk) and force them to use their axes, but spears are length 4, too short to stop elephants trampling (size 6).

Sombre October 11th, 2007 11:14 PM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
My suggestion would also allow tramplers to make more use of their weapons, which in my opinion is a good thing. Long spears on elephant back would actually be worth it, minotaurs would get to swing their axes, trampling SCs wouldn't be using two shields as much. Cuts down on generally retarded stuff a bit.

Zylithan October 11th, 2007 11:27 PM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
caelum is size 3, but very skinny right... so size isnt a great indication of trampling ability.

Autochthon October 12th, 2007 01:41 AM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
Interesting reponses so far...

So perhaps Trample would be for units unusually bulky for their Unit Size?

And in real life, most trample-capable animals were trained to overcome their natural reluctance to step on squirming bodies - maybe add a Morale Check to enable?

And, if we treat Trample like a four-legged body slam, that would require the Trampling unit to stop, or at least move at a slower speed.

There is a certain intuitive sense behind this though...a bunch of Size 2 Monkeys shouldn't hold up a Size 4 Chariot, should they?

OmikronWarrior October 12th, 2007 01:52 AM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
You're not the first one to ask if the Trample Mechanic could be changed. Though, such questions deal with how to find an appropriate counters to mass generic tramplers, i.e. Caelum cranking out 4 or 5 mammoths a turn and having an unstoppable "critical mass" of tramplers. A Pretender or other SC with said ability is much less worrisome. It can ultimately be countered with Horror Mark and the fact that there is only one trampler. My own proposal made a morale check against the total length of weapons in the square it was trampling, with amounts over 10 being doubled like Preciscion. If the check failed the unit attacked with whatever weapon it has. The math was fairly pleasing in outcomes.

cleveland October 12th, 2007 10:06 AM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
Hi, I'm new to all this, so apologies if my comments are off the mark.

It seems to me that trampling effectiveness should rely primarily on the SPEED of the attacker.

Carthage's war-elephants were tough (thick hide + immense strength + 10-foot tusk + terrifying appearance), but could be overwhelmed at a standstill. However,a single elephant at full steam could annihilate the most disciplined phalanx. Didn't matter if the phalanx had spears, or pikes, or bazookas; at 30mph, it was simple bowling-ball kinetics.

On the other hand, imagine a chariot pulled by a donkey (war-donkey?). The overall size of the chariot hasn't changed, but you ain't trampling nothing. Horse = speed = effectiveness.

cleveland October 12th, 2007 10:14 AM

Re: A Cunning Plan: Trample
Actually, staring at my own post, what's really most important is KINETIC ENERGY...~Mass * Velocity ^2

Let trampler_ke = (trampler_size)*(trampler_actionpoints)^2

If trampler_ke > some critical value, and trampler_size > tramplee_size, squish.

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