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-   -   New Team game, new(ish) players prefered (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=36949)

TrajanX November 23rd, 2007 11:27 PM

New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
The Platypus game, 8 player / 4 team newbie game just ended -- congrats to Cicadian and Cleveland!! After a promising start, my teammate and I were handily crushed, repeating with many frightening similarities the whooping Potatoman gave me in Opposom, the only other MP game I've played.

Now I am Domionionless-- sad. Is there enough interest, particularly among new players, for another team game? There seems to be a glut of newbie games that I missed out on joining, but none of them teams. I noticed in Platypus that (from my perspective, at least) the team aspect was extremely fun, and also that the teams seemed to be fairly good at coordinating. The downside seemed to be some uneven start points which decreased interactivity between players, and the small number of players (8 is a lot, but since it was teams, only 4 actual factions).

Before I formally propose a setup, is there enough interest in another team game, with a goal of 6 two player teams? Twelve players in all, 24 hour turns, ideally hosted on our favorite camelid's Llamaserver, but as I haven't asked him about this yet, maybe by PBEM http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif or I could set up a 24-hour basic server.

I'm thinking a large map, obviously, pre-set but randomized start points, maybe EA? and a preference for new or newish players. For comparison, I've played two single player games, neither to completion, and never played the earlier Domiions. Multi-player 0-2 and will count myself lucky if I even get to see what "late game" looks like. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Is there enough interest, particularly among new players, for a game like this?

Torin November 24th, 2007 12:27 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
Random nations and teams would be cool

Zeldor November 24th, 2007 02:32 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered

I am in 3 games, all of them being beaten http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif So 0-3 for me. I may be able to join that one with a teammate if it started in 1-2 weeks. World of Geometry looks like a great map, but I will be probably playing on that in 1 game.

TrajanX November 24th, 2007 03:35 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
Heh well I think you qualify Zeldor!

I dont mean to set a high bar with my 0-2 record, just trying to give an example. I think anyone who has played five or fewer multi player games and doesn't think they are an expert is still very new. And since we're looking for 12 players here there will probably be room for other "new-ish" players!

llamabeast November 24th, 2007 07:52 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
Yep, I'm happy to host it on the LlamaServer.

Zeldor November 25th, 2007 01:40 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
I would really like to see Conceptual Balance mod in use here. I think it makes game more interesting and fun.

Zylithan November 25th, 2007 03:21 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
I'm in. flexible on terms and conditions (null and void in Hawaii and Alaska)

HJFudge November 25th, 2007 03:24 AM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
I want to play too. Random nations would be ok but I dunno about random teams lol! Also there was another team game starting up, so maybe we should just merge the two?

Networkingguru November 25th, 2007 08:23 PM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
I'd be willing to play, but I'm not so sure about the random nations thing. I'm only decent with a handful of nations, and really hate playing some of the others.

DonCorazon November 25th, 2007 08:34 PM

Re: New Team game, new(ish) players prefered
I'd be interested in joining. My only caveat is I will be out of country for about a week around Christmas w/o access to Dominions. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif No worries though if you just want players with unlimited availability.

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