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Hadrian_II January 4th, 2008 10:42 AM

EA Game \"A Blessing in Disguise\"
1 Attachment(s)
Greetings everyone

As we have a new year it is time for a new dom3 game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Llamabeast is willing to host the game on the llamaserver so it will be PBEM. The game is missing a name, so feel free to propose one.

I would like to play a game with the following settings.

Era: early
Settings: Hall of Fame 15, rest normal. graphs on
MAP: i would like to use PashaDawgs alexander map (280 province wraparound) link: Alexander Map
Mods: I will use a mod that increases the cost of gemproducing items, and that will ban the Arcane Nexus.
(mod is attached to this post)
Worthy Heroes 1.8 will also be used

Nations signed up so far:

Atlantis: cupido2
Abysia: Torin
Agartha: FeydMantis
Arcoscephale: Nikolai
Caelum: IndyPendant
C'tis: vfb
Ermor: Cerlin
Fomoria: BigDisAwesome
Helheim: Tyrant
Kailasa: Hadrian-II
Lanka: Coobe
Marveni: hEad
Mictlan: Meister_Miagi
Nifelheim: DryaUnda
Oceania: LoloMo
Pangaea: Falkor
R'lyeh: Tichy
Sauromantia: Sir_Dr_D
Tien Chi: rasko
Tir na n'Og: Sorlakind
Ulm: MrSparkle
Vanheim: Revolution
Yomi: Digress

Votes (yes/total)
Graphs: (9/17)
Ban Astral Corruption: (8/18)
Ban Utterdark: (7/18)
Worthy Heroes: (12/17)

Sorlakind January 4th, 2008 11:17 AM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
Sign me up, don't have much experience in MP (only a total of 3 games) but its been a while since I had a good thrashing.

Map & Settings: Fine by me.
Mods: A definite yes on Worthy Heroes. The newest version, do you mean the last set up by QM, 1.8 I believe?
Graphs: Off. Diplomacy becomes *really* important with graphs off.
Globals: No opinion.

Nation: I'm up for R'lyeh -- scrap that. Sign me up for Tir Na Nog.

hEad January 4th, 2008 11:54 AM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
Would a complete newbie be welcome?

If yes then:

Nation: Marverni
Map & Settings: No probs.. The Alexander Map is a tasty looker
Mods: Yes to the majority
Graphs: Off - it gives away to much
Globals: Acquiesce to the majority


Sir_Dr_D January 4th, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
I am in as Sauromatia.

Graphs: off
Astral Coruption: off
utterdark: off
worthy heroes: yes

FeydMantis January 4th, 2008 12:49 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
Complete mp newbie here aswell. If it isn't a problem:

Nation: Agartha

Graphs: off
Astral Corruption: off
Utterdark: on
Worthy heroes: whatever majority votes

AlgaeNymph January 4th, 2008 12:54 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
I wish to be in as Niefelhiem, see if I can play that nation right this time.

Graphs: off
Astral Corruption: off
Utterdark: off
Worthy heroes: yes

IndyPendant January 4th, 2008 12:58 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
I'll join as Caelum.

Graphs: off
Globals: off
Worthy Heroes: no--but I suspect I'll be outvoted. ; )

Please give us precise details of any of the changes you are making (such as to the gemproducing items), so we can plan accordingly.

Torin January 4th, 2008 01:37 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
I would like abyssia

Graphs:on (cheat un-friendly)
Astral corr + Utterdark: on
Worthy heroes: whatever is fine.

llamabeast January 4th, 2008 02:03 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players

Graphs:on (cheat un-friendly)

I don't think you need to worry about that. There's been no hint of any cheating on Dom3.

Tuidjy January 4th, 2008 02:49 PM

Re: New EA Game Looking for Players
Nickolai can't log in right now, but wants me to reserve Arcoscephale
for him. He will posts his preferences himself, I guess.

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