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llamabeast February 22nd, 2008 06:59 PM

FruitBat - EA newbie game - started
1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I think it's time for me to start a new game for new/newish players. I'd recommend 0-2 games - if you've played more than that and would like to play regardless, post here and you can play if we're short of players. This should be a nice, fun and friendly game, a reasonable size but not too huge, and generally ideal for new players (that's the plan, at least).

This will be an EA game and will use the Worthy Heroes mod. Renaming will be on, graphs will be on, and everything else will be standard.

The map will be my modified version of Parganos, which is modified (a) to have a much more fair and even spread of terrain types, (b) to have fair-ish start positions, and (c) to have no gold or magic sites in the seas - so this will be a land-nation only game.

The players are:

Pangaea - kasnavada
Abysia - reinselc
T'ien Ch'i - Donny
Lanka - chrispedersen
Ulm - StormCrow434
Caelum - ComTrav
Marverni - fantasma
Tir na n'Og - Hully

kasnavada February 22nd, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
Well, I volunteer ! Pangaea please !

reinselc February 22nd, 2008 09:29 PM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
I am interested I am currently playing my first MP game. I will take Abysia. Where do I find the worthy heroes mod?

Aezeal February 22nd, 2008 10:14 PM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
I'm interested but since I wanted to play pythium in another game but couldn't I'm eager to play MA pyth.. so my question is... will you start a MA game in the very near future cus then I'll pass on this one and would like to reserve a spot there..

If not I'm sure I'll find a nice race to play in EA too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Donny February 22nd, 2008 10:28 PM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
I'm interested!
Actually I don't have any MP experience.
I'll try T'ien Chi - I love it!

reinselc February 22nd, 2008 11:19 PM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
hey aezeal I think pythium is in the EA too, a little different, but similar.

chrispedersen February 23rd, 2008 12:02 AM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
Interested in either Tien Chi, or barring that Lanka.
What is the mighty heroes mods, and how often will the game be played?

StormCrow434 February 23rd, 2008 01:11 AM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
This would make Game3, although we're only two turns into Game2. Would really like to try EA Ulm.

This would be first 'Mod' game...

ComTrav February 23rd, 2008 02:25 AM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players
Caelum please...

And what exactly does Worthy Heroes do? I see it a lot, so its obviously a popular mod.

fantasma February 23rd, 2008 03:37 AM

Re: FruitBat - EA game for new players

I would like to play Marverni.
So far, no MP experience.

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