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Torin March 10th, 2008 05:13 PM

Favorite games
Here´s my favorite computer games

1 Pirates!
2 Dominions 3
3 Battlefield 2
4 Master of Magic
5 Fallout 2
6 Star control 2
7 Scorch
8 Duke Nukem 3D
9 Starcraft
10 Master of Orion 2

What´s your top 10?

meister_miagi March 10th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: Favorite games
1. Dominions 3
2. Wizardry 8
3. Star Chamber
4. Age of Empires 3
5. Chaos Overlords
6. Majesty
7. Warcraft 3
8. Ultima V
9. Knight of the Old Republic
10. Oblivion

Dedas March 10th, 2008 05:26 PM

Re: Favorite games
This is extremely hard but I will try:

1. Monkey Island 2
2. X-com: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense
3. Civilization 2
4. Operation Flashpoint
5. Alpha Centauri
6. Day of the tentacle
7. Duke Nukem 3D
8. Outcast
9. Counter Strike (the mod)

And so many more...

Aezeal March 10th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: Favorite games
in no particular order

Dominions, dawn of war (warhammer 40K) games, master of magic, galactic empires, warcraft games (+ starcraft), Oblivion, baldurs gate series, the Witcher (one of the best recent rpg games IMHO)

Dedas March 10th, 2008 05:33 PM

Re: Favorite games
Baldur's Gate... how could I forget BG?!

And why isn't Planescape Torment on my list. No, this is too hard.

thejeff March 10th, 2008 05:37 PM

Re: Favorite games
I can't even come up with 10, but then I tend to focus one 1 or 2 games for a very long time, usually starting well after they're popular.

Dominions, nethack, Neverwinter nights, Alpha Centauri,

Digging back into the past: Ultima (mostly 4-5),Civ1

Endoperez March 10th, 2008 05:46 PM

Re: Favorite games
- Dominions series

story games:
- Planescape: Torment
- Freespace 1 & 2. I bought a joystick for these beauties, but I'm not good at them yet. DragonStrike gets an honorary mention.
- LOOM, the adventure
- I completed Beyond Good & Evil, and it was nice, but not exceptional.
- Betrayal at Krondor (have had to format my hard drive THREE! times before reaching chapter 2! I'll complete you yet...)
timewasting games:
- various roguelikes, including ADOM (1 victory), Dungeon Crawl and DoomRL
- Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) is good, I got to the secret level but haven't completed it yet.
- Master of Magic/Orion, Conquest of Elysiun, Dwarf Fortress

Those are games I have finished, or think I'll finish. Games I have tried, but for some reason didn't play through/left, and I'd like to pick up again one day if I have time to:
- King of Dragon Pass (cool ideas and imagery, but I didn't quite grasp the gameplay)
- X-Com 1, Ultima IV, Ringworld 1, The Ur-Quan Masters (cool, but I got distracted)
- Dungeon Keeper 1, Mount & Blade, Final Fantasy Tactics, Super Mario World (damn you, wizard turtle!), Prince of Persia (original, not the fancy new one), Wik the Fable of Souls - nice games, all, but I lost interest for a time, and haven't taken up yet.

Torin March 10th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Favorite games
Prince of persia, that was a good one, i finished it. And Out of this world!!(another world as alias) wich was too hard for me.
I will have to check some that are listed and I dont know of.

vfb March 10th, 2008 07:52 PM

Re: Favorite games
Games I have spent the most time on:

1) Dom3
2) Roguelikes (Nethack/Moria/Angband/TOME)
3) Master of Magic
4) Master of Orion
5) Civ II & AC
6) Thief
7) Deus Ex
8) Panzer/Allied/Fantasy General
9) Starcraft
10) Fallout
11) XCom
12) Kohan IS

I want to try Dwarf Fortress, but I'm still having too much fun with Dominions.

lch March 10th, 2008 08:23 PM

Re: Favorite games

Endoperez said:
- Freespace 1 & 2. I bought a joystick for these beauties, but I'm not good at them yet. DragonStrike gets an honorary mention.

I looked that DragonStrike thing up. LOL! Either you have started playing computer games from the cradle, or you're much older than I am. Roguelikes on the list might indicate the latter. On a related note, the original Red Baron game was awesome. Played it through once. Then tried to play it again as the other faction. But the planes and their controls grow on you: The later planes fly much smoother than the earlier designs. Jumping from the powerful planes at the end of the war to the machines at the beginning feels like a crippling lobotomy - I didn't manage to play again.


Torin said:
Prince of persia, that was a good one, i finished it.

I think I finished the original game, too, but I'm not sure. Maybe with cheats.


vfb said:
I want to try Dwarf Fortress, but I'm still having too much fun with Dominions.

There is no goal to the Dwarf Fortress game as of yet. Why don't you try some other hobby, like gardening, or knitting?

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