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1 Attachment(s)
EDIT-Please Read!: This and my other "placeholder" nations are freely available to anyone who wants to help with them, add to them, make them into a fully working mod, add graphics, etc. Whatever you want to do with them is fine. I would appreciate getting credit for them, but if I don't-as long as you're not making money from them, and I don't see how you easily could-then I can live without it. So anyone who wants can freely use the information here, take from it-in part or whole-complete the mod or make your own based on it. It's open to everyone who's interested. I do plan on finishing it myself, at some point, but who knows when that will be? And more than one version of the same general mod nation wouldn't bother me. Enjoy!
I've decided to resurrect this mod Nation, in the hopes that I can manage to get it off the ground. It's one that I had mostly completed, and then lost all the work to, before I started my new mod Nations. If you've never had that happen to you, it can be extremely frustrating and disheartening, and so it's taken a while for me to "get back up" on this particular horse. This is meant to "tie together" several Nations and themes, including the vanilla Jotun Nations, and vanilla Troll summons, to the modded Dwarf Nations, such as 'Kharam-Dzu' and the 'Halls of the Underkings'. Inspiration to make the mod in the first place came from Zepath's most excellent Kharam Dzu, along with atleast one fairy tale I read when I was very young. I'm also drawing from German folklore and language, to separate this mod Nation geographically from the Norse Nations. My German's extremely rusty, although I am of German descent and did take the language for 3 years in highschool-so if anyone wants to help with that, I'd very much appreciate it. :) For roleplaying connectivity purposes, these giants are related to Jotuns, and are infact Berg Jotuns, or Mountain Giants (as featured on the Icelandic National Coat-of-Arms). They're strong in earth and air magic, with a little fire, water, death, and nature, but lack the Niefel cold aura. The Mountain Kings themselves are quite physically imposing, and come equipped with stone mauls which do area damage. The Berg Jotuns enslave dwarfs. They also employ several different kinds of trolls. Trolls are their misformed and dimwitted, but elementally awesome cousins, and are looked kindly upon by the Berg Jotuns, but are viewed as little more than pets. Most lack much intelligence and are far too dangerous to be set free, but some of them, the Jaetti Trolls, do breed true. The most intelligent trolls are often set up as taskmasters for dwarf slaves in the mines, and the dwarfs absolutely loathe, abhor, and fear them--much more than even their giant masters. Weapons and armor are forged by dwarfs, and are made of bronze. Jotuns-being the elder race-taught the dwarfs the secrets of forging copper, silver, and gold, but the dwarfs, being dwarfs, have much improved upon that knowledge. They've invented bronze and discovered iron and other metals, and in time, with the discovery of steel, will turn on their masters, while the jotuns-in the next age-are engaged in a war with the dragons who want their riches. Strengths: Very tough recruitables, worthy Sacreds, berg jotun stonehurlers have shields, Mountain Kings can deal out area damage, and can eventually spam Watchers. Troll summonables are varied and tough/powerful. Plentiful troop-types of many sizes make well managed armies more effective. Weaknesses: Recruits are unusually expensive, and take a lot of resources. It's hard to build a large army quickly, and just as hard to get your magic economy going. You don't have many good commanders, so even when you get an army, it's harder to find leadership, and your troll troops won't fight without magical leaders. Most troll summonables require paths you don't have access to. PD is a bit improved over Niefels, but still lousy, and consists mainly of dwarfs, and is therefore easily ridden over by elephants or other tramplers. Priestly magic is fairly hard to spam, somewhat worse than Niefelheim. Fortresses are very expensive. Sacreds are either Capital Only or Mapmove 1, and no recruitable troops get more than Mapmove 2. This is offset, ofcourse, by potential to Cloud Trapeze. Mages suffer from relatively high Fatigue. Again, this is offset by Earth magic/bless potential. Your Berg Giants also have a severe allergy to lightning, although they have other resistances in trade. You have to think a little bit harder about a Bless strategy with this Nation, compared to Niefelheim. Earth bless by itself will add little to your magical range--although this Nation works best with a high Earth bless. Earth+Nature still works, but the Nature bless won't be nearly as effective on your dwarf sacreds, which are non-Capital, and your Capital-Only Sacreds aren't nearly as good as Niefel Giants. Earth + Fire is less than optimal, since you've got good access to magical weapons, and although extra Attack never hurt anyone, you aren't suffering terribly in this department. Earth + Water might be the best choice, but good luck getting it on anything other than a Rainbow Mage. Earth + Death is another way to go, and you'll have National Pretenders that can pull this off, but you're still not adding a lot to your magical diversity. Earth + Air is the easiest option, but again isn't ideal, since you don't need Air Magic, and only your Konigs are going to need the Air Shield-but it will offset considerably, your giants' shock susceptibility. This will be the Early Age of a two-part Nation. The Middle Age will feature the dwarfs overthrowing the giants-which is why the Berg giants aren't heard from as much as the Niefels or the Muspel Giants. A late age isn't very likely (the late age for this Nation is currently meant to be Kharam-Dzu). A Jaetti troll Nation may possibly follow, for the Middle Age, depending on how well this one turns out, but there are already efforts by others towards this end. I'm using a modified version of the Halls of the Underkings dwarfs for this Nation, reflecting a race which has yet to come into it's own, in the EA. They will share similar base stats, including 25% resistance to poison and mountain survival, but only have 50% darkvision. Berg Giants have the race ability of 25% fire and cold resistance, but are 50% susceptible to Shock. They also have base Gluttony of 0, and mountain survival. Jaette Trolls are 25% susceptible to fire, NNE, Regeneration (Base 10%), and have mountain survival. Other trolls have wildly varied resistances and susceptibilities. Attachment 9018 Non-Capital Recruits: Copper Zwerg-armed with mace (Zwerg = dwarf) Silver Zwerg-armed with spear Lead Zwerg-armed with flail Tin Zwerg-armed with axe Iron Zwerg-armed with hammer Gold Zwerg-armed with shortsword Berg Miliz (basic Berg giant unit, armed with wooden club, hide shield) Bergsra LandsCarl (Berg giant armed with bronze spear, shield, bronze brigandine) Bergsra WaldCarl (Berg giant armed with boulders, axe, shield, leather armour) Bergsra HausCarl (Elite Berg giant armed with bronze mace, bronze shield, bronze armour) Bergsra Edler (Berg giant armed with 2-handed magic stone maul, leather armour, leather helmet) Jaette Thraell (The smallest and weakest, but most intelligent and civilized of the trolls, Jaette Trolls, with occasional exceptions, usually breed true. While still viewed more or less as country bumpkins and second-class citizens by the Bergsra Giants, Jaette Trolls occasionally do reach positions of relative power and authority, and the best even serve as a royal bodyguard for the Mountain Kings.) Jaette Thraells are almost identical to the "Contact Troll" summons, except unarmed, and with slightly worse stats, and should be considered to be the connection between Nebbulon trolls and vanilla summons trolls. This mod, by the way, will utilize an altered form of the "More Trolls" mod, which will modify slightly the various vanilla Troll summons, to put them in line with the trolls of this Nation. Stats: Hp 30 Str 21 Prot 6 (4) Att 9 Def 6 Mor. 9 MR 12 Mv 13 (2) Pre 8 Weapons: Claws, Bite. Armour: Leather Loincloth (Prot 2). Regeneration 10%, Fire Res. -25% Dark Vision 50%. Mountain Walk. No Need to Eat. Zwerg Kofewalt (sacred dwarf with defensive bonus (2), armed with magic halberd, bronze plate, bronze tower shield, bronze mask-helmet, 50% resistance to fire. Mapmove 1.) Non-Capital Commanders: Bergsra Spaher (sacred scout) Bergsra Sklavenfanger (summons Zwerg Thraells-dwarf slaves armed with pick, has a slight bloodhunting bonus) Bergsra LandsRitter (basic leader) Tomte (dwarf shaman with 1 Earth, 5% chance 1 Earth, 1 Fire, 1 Death, 1 Water, 1 Air--10% forging bonus.) Capital-Only Recruits: Gipfel-Thegn (sacred Berg giant armed with magic stone mattock, javelins, bronze shield, bronze armour, bronze helmet. Has 75% Cold Resistance, but 75% Shock Susceptibility.) Jaette Thinjalid (Jaette Troll Royal Guard) Stats: Hp 32 Str 21 Prot 12 (6) Att 9 Def 8 Mor 10 MR 14 Mv 13 (2) Pre 8 Weapons: Bronze battleaxe, Bite. Armour: Bronze Armour. Regeneration 10%, Fire Res. -25% Dark Vision 50%. Mountain Walk. No Need to Eat. Capital-Only Commanders: Bergsra Graf (sacred leader) Bergsra Herzog (sacred leader/1H Priest, equivalent to Jotun Jarl) Bergs-Konig (sacred king with Earth 2, Air 1, Holy 2. 100% Chance Earth, Fire, Air, Death. 100% Chance Earth, Fire, Air, Death. Armed with magic stone mallot that does area 2 damage, bronze shield, bronze armour, crown.) Bergsra Volva (witch) Jaette Ysattir (troll air mage) Bolverk (human-sized spawn of giants and trolls. 50% Earth 1. 25% Fire 1, Death 1, Blood 1. 25% Fire 1, Death 1, Blood 1. 25% Fire 1, Death 1, Blood 1. Sacred. Blind. Fear (0), Shattered Soul. Causes Unrest. 25% Forging Bonus. Wields a magical hammer-"Parzel-Glocke"-that Curses whatever it hits.) Summons: Nar-Folr Draugr (undead) Hel-Blar Draugr (undead) Nachzehrer (undead lifedrainer and corpse-eater who can shapeshift into an undead boar) Haugbui (undead/immobile PD enhancer) Mara (seducer) Sumpf Troll (amphibious, claws cause disease) Dreck Troll (troll miner, armed with armour-piercing bronze pick, seige bonus) Schleim Troll (poison bite, poison claws) Dustere Troll (etherial, more powerful in darkness) Krank Troll (lifedrain bite, claws cause decay) Ubel Troll (armed with bronze mace, bronze armour, bronze helmet-has an immoble stone Deathform.) Eis Troll (slight cold aura, claws do ice damage) Graben Troll (immobile PD supporter, has defensive bonus) Kamin Troll (slight heat aura, claws do fire damage) Troll Summonable Commanders: Troll Steiger (Troll Commander with minor magical leadership) Troll Athacha (ancient, deformed, insane (shattered soul) but very powerful troll commanders with random but powerful magical powers) Troll-Wife (amphibious Troll mage, summons Bytings-troll children-in combat) All summonable trolls have atleast 50% darkvision, self-healing, and regeneration. The recruits also have very low morale (3-7, not because they're cowards, they just lose focus easily and wander off), but can go berserk (0). They require magical leadership. Heroes: Surtr (I'm going to use Surtr to tie the Jotun Nations together, and add him to Abyssia as well-he'll be unique, though, so only one Nation can have him at any given time. He will produce Muspel Giants.) Frau Holle (Huldra, awe, powerful nature/earth/death mage. summons woodwoses) Auberich (secret king of the dwarfs, powerful sorceror with stealth, summons Zwerg Nisse's-sacred dwarfs with stealth, armed with magical slings which do double damage to larger creatures.) Bergelmir (father of trolls and giants, most powerful of the Athacha, sacred but starts very elderly.) Agleaca (amphibious troll witch, summons Grendels--stealthy trolls) Nykur (monstrous creature) Multiheroes: Swan Maiden (holy 3, can transform into a swan, has awe) Son of Aegir (amphibious sea giant, has water magic, sailing) Huldra (Hamadryad-like, nature magic/awe, seducer) Perchta (sidhe-like warrior-maiden) Lindwurm (flightless dragon with poison bite) Aptrgangr (undead Berg giant with death magic) Pretenders: Bergsra Kaiser (Father, King, and largest of all the Berg Giants, Earth 1, Air 1, Dom 2. Wields a magical maul that does area 3 damage. Casts *Earthquake* at the start of battle. Size 6. Very good protection, Poor Amphibian, and Heals Self on land. Cost 150.) Krampus (stealthy, mounted on a goat, wields a Virgacs, which causes area fear. Supply bonus.) Jatte-Fin (huge troll that can transform himself into immobile stone, has seige and defense bonuses.) Spawn of Nidrhoggr (more powerful version of the Lindwurm) Son of Mimir (I'm borrowing this guy from the Middle Era 'Halls of the UnderKings' Nation, because, if I do a middle era of this Nation, it will be dwarf-centric, and I want to tie the two together in this way, as they'll be different dwarf Nations, as opposed to human Nations, with similar Pretenders, sortof like Ermor, Ulm, etc.) New Vanilla Summon: Trollhund (Requires Earth 1, 1 Earth gem. Regenerating dire wolf, more or less) Alternate versions of Vanilla Trolls: Contact Troll = "Contact Jaette Troll" Summons Jaette Soldnerx1 (identical stats/Cost to Vanilla Troll summons, except gets a bite attack). Troll King's Court = "Trolla Thing" Requires Earth 4, Costs 60 Earth Gems. Summons Jaette Soldner x10, Krieg Troll X5 (Identical to War Troll, except gets a bite attack and Def 7), Troll Knecht x 2 (identical to moose knight, except gets Def 9), Troll Jarl x1 (identical to Troll King, except armed with magical battleaxe and gets Attack 12, Def 9). |
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
Ok, certain social and familial obligations have gotten in the way of my posting, so it's going to be a little while until I can submit any units. Sorry, that's life (and modding) for ya.
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
Any progress on this Honeybadger? I would love me some dwarves to play http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
This sounds great, I look forward to it.
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
Resuscitation Bump!
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
Sounds very unique. It seems like a nation that could really benefit from a Turmoil-Luck build, but is also very money intensive, making it a hard choice.
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
Thanks! It's going to take a lot of work, and a lot of balancing, to get it right. I don't know quite what the end result is going to resemble, but I didn't think it very likely that anyone else would give berg jotuns a shot.
Re: Nebbulon, In the Halls of the Mountain Kings
I'm very interested in this too. Keep up the good work Badger ;)
Re: Nebulon-Halls of the Mountain Kings.
Where are you HB? We love you and eagerly anticipate your work! |
Re: Nebulon-Halls of the Mountain Kings.
Well, I'm still here, but between work, my garden, my personal life, and the fact that I'm just a little bit disgusted with certain members of the Forum who will remain nameless, and for reasons I won't bore anyone with, I haven't been devoting a lot of time or energy to the Forum. I really would like to, because I miss being active, but the environment has sadly become more hostile than I'm comfortable investing a great deal more of my very limited free time to.
I am committed to continuing work on my mods, however, so no worries there, but it'll have to be at my own pace, whenever I feel the urge, considering that I can't even play Dom3, since I don't have a computer that'll run it properly. I know it's a selfish view to take, but it is what it is. |
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