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Tyrant April 3rd, 2008 10:41 PM

Fracture running
1 Attachment(s)
Beset by the Madness of the Dreamlands on one side and the Living Dead on the other the many nations of the world formed a Great Alliance to survive. After years of brutal war the Great Alliance did triumph and seal shut both the Void Gate and the Gates of Death.

With madness banished and the dead at rest a new spirit of tolerance and reason suffused the land. United by their common struggle and weary of war, the peoples of the world sought to cherish what bound them together and negotiate their differences in a spirit of peace. The beliefs of all peoples were respected and freedom of conscience was accepted across the land. The men of Chelms studied the texts of old Arcoscephale and lead a renewal of thought and learning. The merchants of Marignon built great ships to establish trade across the seas that knew peace for the first time in Ages. Many peoples opened their lands to refugees from the vanished realm of Atlantis, and even in the wilds of Pangaea progress came with the long peace. But even in the light of this Golden Age there were low whispers in the shadows and the drip of Blood on eldrich alters.

Two centuries of peace did not dim the memories of the glory of Atlantis and while others studied books and built palaces the Atlanteans pursued plans of their own in the ice floes of the north and the Ziggurats of Mictlan. They found what they were looking for buried in ice and then they stuck- the Sky Priests were slaughtered and the old ways reborn in Mictlan. Where once they had been grateful refugees the Atlantians now ruled as haughty lords, while elsewhere they established a new city dedicated to the Cult of Bone.

The Sibyls of Arcoscephale were first to see the signs, but soon every mage learned the truth as dwindling forces of magic surged anew. The Wheel had turned and the dark whispers became a public roar- "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" The Dominion Wars had begun again.


The late age is not played much, and i think it's because people are intimidated by Dreamlands and Ashen Empire and/or don't like the low sites. At least that's why I favor the other eras. But I hate to see all those neato nation going unplayed, so here's a chance to play without the killer free spawn powers and with plenty of gems.


Late Era, no Ermor, no R'lyeh

Sites: 45

Renaming : On

HoF: 15

Mods: Worthy Heroes


Schedule: 24hr QH for the first 20 turns, 48 hr after that

Victory Conditions: 25 of 55 VPs {20x 1VP, 10x2VP, 5x 3VP)

This will be a Llamaserver game, which means automated PBEM.
I will post the Llamaserver procedures after sign up for those who need them.

C'tis - Tyrant
Caelum - Karlem
Mictlan - Nihil
Abyssia - KIM
Marignon - calmon
Patala - cupido2
Pangaea - kasnavada
Ulm - zenphos
Pythium - Cor2
Argatha - DryaUnda
Man - tg122
Utgard - Misaarenso
Bogarus - Xox
Jomon- fungalreason
Tien Chi- Cicadian

Xox April 4th, 2008 12:00 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup

AreaOfEffect April 4th, 2008 12:43 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup

tg122 April 4th, 2008 01:14 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup

AlgaeNymph April 4th, 2008 01:40 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
I'll play as Agartha. My preferred victory condition is for total VPs with lots of VP provinces.

Cor2 April 4th, 2008 02:30 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
I would like pythdom please http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Cor2 April 4th, 2008 02:32 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
condition votes:
1) lots of vps 2)no bonus 3)no mod nations

zenphos April 4th, 2008 04:17 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
Ulm would be my preference.

victory conditions: VP provinces,

kasnavada April 4th, 2008 04:54 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
I would like to join as Pangaea. I don't care about victory condition, as long as they are explained properly when the game starts.

Duncan_Frost April 4th, 2008 05:16 AM

Re: Llamaserver game - modified Late Era - signup
I hope you're accepting newbies, as this would be my first MP game.. You're probably going to have to guide me on how to play, step by step. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Anyway, i'll take T'ien Chi.

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