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DrPraetorious July 27th, 2008 03:48 PM

Revenge of Pimping - Let's go Voltron Force!
1 Attachment(s)
Game info:
server - dom3minions.com
port - 32179
mods - empty_mod.dm (does nothing, see attachment)

The map file is also attached.

We're restarting Popin', Pimpin' and Playin'!

This is a team game. Players in the previous, aborted PPP, can retain their team assignments if they wish, or open up for reassignment. If any of the players from the previous game either decide to quit, or don't comment in this thread in the next 2 wks or so, they'll be replaced.

I will be using a somewhat different map - if I have time, I will use my very limited artistic skills to make it wrap? What are the thoughts on that?

Any advice, commentary or feedback derived from the previous team games will be much loved. We also need someone to host.

Teams from Previous Time:
TheNotoriousDoctorPraetorious, Hadrian II - Mictlan/Abysia
Shovah32 no Micah, Lingchih - Pythium/Marignon
Foodstamp, Baalz - Ermor/Agartha
Revolution, BigDisAwesome - Man/R'lyeh
Peacekeeper, Aezeal - Patala/C'tis
Kristoffer, Quantum Mechanic - Atlantis/Bogarus
(these people have priority)

Introduce yourselves and start familiarizing yourselves with your nations if needbe. You can trade positions with other players if it is mutually agreeable.

LOOK TO THE SKIES! - Man, R'lyeh
THE GIRLS ARE MINE - Mictlan, Abysia
THE SUN ALSO SETS - Ermor, Agartha
HOT LIZARD LOVE - Patala, C'tis
WEAR SILLY HATS OR ELSE - Pythium, Marignon

Following teams not in use :
1. DEATH MAGIC, 2. ?, 3. PROFIT! - Caelum, Utgard
THE SUN ALSO RISES - T'ien Ch'i, Jomon
PROCESS OF ELIMINATION - Midgard, Arcoscephale

Team Assignment and Map:
Players will be randomly assigned to teams, this means:
a) Players from the previous round get first crack at joining the game, and may keep their previous assignment if they wish.
b) New players, and old players wanting a new assignment will be assigned to a team at random.
c) Each team will have two start locations assigned to it. These may be the same start locations as before, or we can change them (thoughts?)

Within each team, you can work out for yourselves who gets which nation and which start location.

IP or E-mail:
Unless there is a massive revolt, the game will be IP. We do need to find a host.

Graphs Off, Renaming On, otherwise standard.

We will use some kind of hotfix mod, as provided by Edi for the current version. Even if we don't actually need it, it allows for fixes to be hot-patched in when new patches come out. Can Agartha bless their undead units right now?
Other than hotfixes the mod will not make any changes.

Returning Players:
TheNotoriousDoctorPraetorious (Mictlan/Abysia)
Micah (gets a new assignment b/c he dropped out and rejoined)
Lingchih (gets a new assignment b/c he dropped out and rejoined)
Aezeal (wants a new assignment)
Revolution (wants a new assignment)

New Players (first come, first served):


DakaSha (?)

Okay, here are the team assignments:
Mictlan/Abysia - DrPraetorious, Hadrian_II
Pythium/Marignon - James243, nozshand
Atlantis/Bogarus - Nikelaos, revolution
Man/R'yeh - Zeldor, AreaofEffect
Ermor/Agartha - Unoptimized, StrictlyRockers
Caelum/Utgard - Aezeal, EvilHomer
T'ien Ch'i/Jomon - Psisoldier, Ershalim
Ulm/Pangaea - Micah, Lingchih

To clarify! Each team can split the nations however they wish -if the team-mates cannot agree, I'll flip a coin. The order above doesn't reflect the order in which you get your nations, so I could be Abysia and Folket could be Mictlan, for example.

You probably want to contact your team-mate over the course of the next week.

Micah July 27th, 2008 03:55 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
Sure, I'll bite, teams are fun.

Lingchih July 27th, 2008 03:57 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
I will play again. Same team please.

Unoptimized July 27th, 2008 06:07 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
I am very interested in this game, please count me in http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

nozshand July 28th, 2008 07:30 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
im not in the previous game but i'd like to join if there is a spot available

AreaOfEffect July 28th, 2008 11:36 AM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
I'm in.

DakaSha July 28th, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
what are the settings? mods ect

Evilhomer July 28th, 2008 02:44 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
Reserve a spot for me. As previous poster said, what mods, age, nations etc are you planning on ?

Folket July 28th, 2008 02:45 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
I'm in.

AreaOfEffect July 28th, 2008 03:08 PM

Re: Revenge of Pimping - Sign Up
I would assume the settings will be simular to, if not the same as, the original game.

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