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ano August 14th, 2008 05:22 AM

Returning script ignored. Bug?
I just wonder how could this happen. My golem was moving to castle and was scripted to cast Returning the first turn. But when he got attacked by teleporting Atlantis' KOtD he casted Personal Luck instead and was naturally killed by Magic Duel.
I strongly suppose that this is a heavy bug. Any comments?

p.s. yes, he had two gems to cast Returning.
p.p.s. I double checked the previous turn and have both files at my disposal.

ano August 14th, 2008 05:26 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
What I found out when I ran it this with debug options...


comp_castspell: No eval Returning due to gems

Not enough vis for Returning
I don't know what this means but my golem HAD gems to cast returning. He also was carrying other gems. Maybe, this matters?

Endoperez August 14th, 2008 05:58 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
If the golem had enough gems, it indeed sounds like a bug.

Vis means gems. The term comes from Ars Magica, a roleplaying game. It is used for magical resources that can be used to create magical items or to help the mage to complete a more powerful spell. Most vis is aligned, e.g. Ignem (fire) vis might come in the form of rubies, or Auram (air) vis as wingbones or feathers of a magical bird.

ano August 14th, 2008 06:48 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
Well, we'll perform some testing shortly and I'll post the result here. Just tested: golem with 2 pearls always casts returning.
I have two strong suspicions:
1) he was carrying 28 D gems in addition to 2 pearls
2) he was wearing an Armor of Virtue

vfb August 14th, 2008 06:58 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
Hmmm, I wonder if somehow he was actually overflowing with D gems. I'm guessing he's got the Deathsicle, right? Maybe the extra D gems somehow screwed up the pearl count.

I had an SC cast Astral Shield once, instead of following its script for Returning. I think that was just a priority issue though. Now I always script Returning x 5 ... not that it would have helped you.

Reay August 14th, 2008 07:12 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
This happened to my Golem as well in the Fallacy game. My Golem with Returning scripted cast Personal luck instead and then got magic dueled.

I think it did not cast Returning because I had a certain amount of PD in the province and the AI thinks you should not retreat if you have other troops. It generally works when the Golem is alone.

ano August 14th, 2008 07:35 AM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
We tested the nearly identical situation and Golem did cast returning successfully. Same artifacts, same gems, same script, same situation. I played with PD (from 0 to 40) and gems but always had the same result - golem did cast returning the first turn.
So probably this is a very weird and badly reproducable bug.
That golem was worth about 100 gems total (taking on account forge bonuses and not taking on account forge time and the fact that these artifacts can easily be reforged). And as it happens not first time, I think, it should be investigated by the devs.
I can provide anyone interested with the turn files and description

Sicaire August 14th, 2008 02:00 PM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
I have had the same "bug" happen to me in an 3.17 MP game with CB 1.21 and single age mod.
I had a golem carrying just the 2 astral gems needed and returning scripted as first action. He got attacked along with 3 or 4 PD by 3 enemy illusionists and ignored the scripted cast returning spell.
I would have said it was because the adverse party was not deemed threatening enough by the AI to use a spell involving a gem cost. The AI commonly ignores gems costing spells in scripts if the enemy army is too small. Problem: the golem got lighted and died with a horribly costly gear of magic items doh...

ano August 14th, 2008 02:16 PM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
I even tested the situation with golem backed up by 40 PD and single teleporting empowered enemy priest. Golem always casts returning so probably the cause is not that easy.
Also, it seems to me that Returning casting should never be ignored at all.

Meglobob August 14th, 2008 03:10 PM

Re: Returning script ignored. Bug?
Btw I am keen for Illwinter to look at it and deciede if it is a bug or not. But we cannot hold up the game for that.

The debug is:-

comp_castspell: No eval Returning due to gems

Not enough vis for Returning

It could mean your golem + 10PD or so thought my single S mage was no threat to them and so your golem choose to not waste 2s gems casting returning. Such is the way of AI scripting. But no one knows, other than the developers.

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