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Innocence October 8th, 2008 04:31 AM

Coop against AI?
I was wondering what the experts in here recon the chances are of playing Dom3 coop multiplayer against the AI?

Disregarding the fact that Dom3 doesn't support alliances (ie. the players risk accidentally attacking one another even though they're supposed to be allies), the main problem is that the AI is unable to comprehend the full complexity of the game, resulting in a very one-sided game (read: walkover).

Are there any mods/scenarios/settings which would make a multiplayer coop vs. AI a real fun challenge?

Redfrog October 8th, 2008 04:38 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
Games with three allied AI's vs 1 to 4 human players:

Small games available (Blitz, CBM and Allied AI's)

Endoperez October 8th, 2008 04:58 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
Edratman recently made a mod that makes several nations tougher. Improved Computer Opponents

There are two versions of the mod, one for Early and one for Middle era.


Seven EA nations have been modded to “EA Improved Computer Opponents”, Yomi, Agartha, Pangaea, Kailasa, Hinnom, Oceania and R’lyeh. These nations were chosen for this mod because they were the six nations with least victories on the MP scoreboard (when mod was started).

Six MA nations have been modded to “Improved Computer Opponents”, T’ien Ch’i, Caelum, Arco, C’tis, Marigon and Man. These nations were chosen for this mod because they were the six nations with least victories on the MP scoreboard (when mod was started).

Sombre October 8th, 2008 05:22 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
Honestly it should be fairly simple to make a challenging Co-op map.

I would advise you to give it a go yourself (using an existing map and just adding commands to the map text file) and build from that small starting point. You could end up with a very cool co-op scenario, like lots of people allied against a huge ermor or something.

Edi October 8th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
The Better Independents mod makes the AI significantly tougher because it eliminates the possibility of hiring chaff troops by raising gold cost to 9000 for them. Use that and set AIs on Impossible and choose a fairly large map with a good number of AIs. Such as Glory of the Gods Multiplayer with around 2 human players and 9 or 10 AIs. Set indies to 7, research to hard, supplies 150 and see how far you can get. Powerful magic isn't too easily available and you don't get SCs all that easily either (unless playing one of the nations with recruitable SCs) and if you stick to using mainly standard armies backed up by combat magic, you'll be in for something quite different than a regular "ho-hum, AI go squishy-squashy" game.

With that setup, I lose more games against the AI than I win, especially if I start in the middle of three or more AIs.

You can find the Better Independents mod from the link in my sig.

Edratman October 8th, 2008 07:33 AM

Re: Coop against AI?

Originally Posted by Innocence (Post 643874)
I was wondering what the experts in here recon the chances are of playing Dom3 coop multiplayer against the AI?

Disregarding the fact that Dom3 doesn't support alliances (ie. the players risk accidentally attacking one another even though they're supposed to be allies), the main problem is that the AI is unable to comprehend the full complexity of the game, resulting in a very one-sided game (read: walkover).

Are there any mods/scenarios/settings which would make a multiplayer coop vs. AI a real fun challenge?

It sounds to me like you will want to ally the AI's also against your co-op human alliance. That is allowed and the AI's will not be wasting their strength against each other.

If you do not know how to do this, just post what nations you and your friends wish to play, which map you want to use (choose one of the ones that come with the game or one of the ones in the map section of the Maps and Mods forum) and I'll set up a game for you within 48 hours. :)

Also let me know how hard you want the game to be. :D Then I will choose the number of AI opponents using a province ratio of 15 to 20 provinces per player (your co-op + AI).

Also decide if you want your co-op adjacent or scattered around the map.

Innocence October 8th, 2008 07:51 AM

Re: Coop against AI?

Originally Posted by Edratman (Post 643904)
It sounds to me like you will want to ally the AI's also against your co-op human alliance

Exactly. Humans vs AI(s) (be it one large AI or several smaller ones)

If you do not know how to do this, just post what nations you and your friends wish to play, which map you want to use (choose one of the ones that come with the game or one of the ones in the map section of the Maps and Mods forum) and I'll set up a game for you within 48 hours. :)
Interresting. Is this on Llamaserver?

Also let me know how hard you want the game to be. :D Then I will choose the number of AI opponents using a province ratio of 15 to 20 provinces per player (your co-op + AI).
Ideally hard enough to keep the game interresting without being totally impossible :)

Is it possible to design good Pretenders for the AI to use?

Edratman October 8th, 2008 08:03 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
I intend to set up the AI optimally.

The maps I referred to are listed in a sticky in the "Scenario's, Map and Mods" page of this forum.

I edited my original post to include that you need to decide if your co-op should be adjacent or scattered about the map, but you posted before I was complete. So that is one more decision for you to make.

I will make the game hard, but not impossible. Of course that is by my standards. But I am very, very far from being the best player in the world, :o so it should be reasonable. That will mean there is a chance that it could pull off a rush on a co-op capital, with a little luck on the AI's part. :angel


rdonj October 8th, 2008 09:04 AM

Re: Coop against AI?
Another way you could limit the power of magic would be to use one of kristoffer's mods that limits research to either level 4 or level 6 in all paths.

Innocence October 8th, 2008 09:22 AM

Re: Coop against AI?

Originally Posted by Edratman (Post 643909)
I intend to set up the AI optimally

Ok, but is it possible for me to supply the Pretender files, for players and AI both?

I guess adjacent placement of the players would be preferable, otherwise several players might be crushed individually before anyone can help them.

Will players and AI(s) start with only one province each, or will the entire map be distributed evenly among the players from the beginning?

Also, is this Llamaserver you're talking about, or do you mean you'll supply me with the files to host it myself?

Many questions i know :angel

I'm not crazy about limiting magic with magic being such a huge part of the game.

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