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Executor October 19th, 2008 07:44 AM

Suggestions for new patch
I would like to hear some opinions and suggestion on this matter. Here are the thing I would like added to some future patch, feel free to share your thoughts.

A command to transfer gems like blood slaves would be very nice. If you have 100 clams or blood stones it is very frustrating to move every turn.

I would also like to see a bigger magic treasury, if you're playing a 50 provinces map you have 50 spots for items same if you are playing a 500 province map.
Sure you can give items to commanders, but I often forget what I have on commanders, and there are always spells like fires from afar and murdering winter to ruin your day.

Illuminated One October 19th, 2008 07:57 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
If your clam-carriers are in a province with a lab you just need to click on pool to get the gems. But maybe I'm misunderstanding you here.

Well, the only thing I'd like to see would be the ability to change the position of commanders in the unit queue. Just click on a commander portrait and shift-click on another and they change places.
Communions are such a cool feature, and the different behavior of slaves depending on casting order is nice, but it sucks that you can't control it.

Executor October 19th, 2008 08:16 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
Pool transfers ALL the gems from ALL the commanders, including the gems you put on your mages for spells and stuff like that, and that can be disastrous.

Edit: What I mean is you select the mages with clams and shift+z just like when you transfer blood slaves.

Edi October 19th, 2008 09:53 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
Having that would certainly expedite micromanagament. So instead of pooling just blodslaves from the commander, it might as well pool all gems in the same manner.

Omnirizon October 19th, 2008 09:58 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
you've ever had 100 clams/bloodstones before? I mean like in a serious game? The time it would take you to get that many the game should have ended long before... around turn 50 clamming becomes potentially wasteful because the game might end before you would get a pay-off from each new clam. Well... at least around turn 50 in any game I would play in, but I try to avoid large maps, not to mention mega maps.

Psycho October 19th, 2008 10:05 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
I've also suggested this some time ago in one wishlist thread.

I've had about 80 clams in a game on a small map with 8 players, so yes it is quite possible in a serious game. Clamming doesn't become wasteful in late game, especially if you put the forge up.

Sombre October 19th, 2008 10:09 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
I completely agree with illuminated one. The ability to move commanders in the order sequence would be mondo. Yes, mondo. It would be so good it caused me to reach back in time and grab that word, as no modern word suffices. Even if it was very limited and didn't entirely solve the issue, even partial control over that stuff would be rad. Yep, rad.

AdmiralZhao October 19th, 2008 10:29 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
If you hold down shift or ctrl when transferring gems, it transfers 5 or 10 gems at a time. This would save a lot of effort for players managing late game blood nations.

Also, when you transfer items, move the Laboratory to the top of the list rather than the bottom.

For the clams issue, I've had 100+ in a couple of games with 10-14 players and ~15 provinces per player. It is entirely possible to have to manage that many.

Executor October 19th, 2008 10:30 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
I too agree with Sombre and Iluminated one about changing the commander position.
Omnirizon, I'm in a mid size game with much more than 100+ clams, and another 5-10 each turn depending on the situation, so that's too much micromanagements, and the game is far from over.

I consider that clamming could become potentially wasteful because your not using those gems for GOR or items or spells and you might meet your end before they pay off.
And if you plan on clamming you need to start early and by the time you reach turn 50 you'll know if it's worth continuing to forge them.

Edit: Zhao has a good point about the laboratory, I'd also move the throw away button, one easily makes a mistake like that and doesn't even notice.

Tifone October 19th, 2008 11:11 AM

Re: Suggestions for new patch
About the order affecting reverse communions, I feel I should remind you about a conversation of some time ago - where KO said it is possible that in future patches all the communion slaves will be busy catalysing the power of the master, and so be able only to fight if required, not to cast spell.

Nothing certain yet, but I can just agree with this solution, if you ask me. I've always found those a bit of weird.

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