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MadFrancis December 26th, 2008 03:48 AM

HumanWar: Odd Man Out (Game On!)
New Game ... all ages, human only nations.

Allowed Nations:

Arcoscophale chrispedersen
Ermor rabelais
Ulm rdonj
Marverni LoloMo

Arcoscophale Fakeymcfake
Pythium Isokron
Man nozshand
Ulm Deadnature
T'ien C'hi
Machaka ddavidd

Pythium qio
Man MadFrancis
Ulm Dragar
Marignon gotchaaa
T'ien C'hi Zeldor
Bogarus solmyr
Jomon JimMorrison

LlamaServer ID: HumanWar
Players: 16
Map: AsiaTwist by PashaDawg
Gold: 125
Resources: 125
Sites: 60
Renaming: On
Heroes: 15
Mods: Updated Single Age Complete, CBM 1.3, Banners Mod

Hosting: PBEM (LlamaServer), 24 hour quickhost with 48 hour quickhost beginning the 5th of January (school starts :))

Rules: No Awake Pretenders, no banned spells, no smack talk between players but between nations it's okay (ie, refer to a nation when talking ****, not a player).

Concept: I've been wanting to see wars fought with mostly human armies for awhile now. I excluded any nation that could build more than one type of non-human troop; nations that had more than one human troop type with supernatural powers (ie, shape shifting or flying). Dormant or imprisoned pretenders only, with a gold and resource boost to help facilitate early expansion. Water provinces ARE viable, with no Aquatic or Amphibious nations.

Current Players and/or Subs (12/26/08 or 26.12.08 for you non-Americans):

. EA Arcoscophale - chrispedersen
. EA Ermor - rabelais
. EA Marverni - LoloMo
. EA Ulm - rdonj
. MA Man - nozshand
. MA Arcoscephale - Fakeymcfake
. MA Pythium - Isokron
. MA Machaka - ddavidd
. MA Ulm - Deadnature
. LA Ulm - Dragar
. LA Pythium - qio
. LA T'ien Ch'i - Zeldor
. LA Man - MadFrancis
. LA Marignon - gotchaa
. LA Bogarus - solmyr
. LA Jomon - JimMorrison

JimMorrison December 26th, 2008 03:51 AM

Re: HumanWars
Well this is an awesome concept, I like your ruleset!

I would love to play EA TC! :D

MadFrancis December 26th, 2008 03:52 AM

Re: HumanWars
Wow! Just the game I was looking for. I'll play LA Man.

ddavidd December 26th, 2008 04:54 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
I would like to play MA Machaka.

gotchaaa December 26th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
LA marigon plz =)

solmyr December 26th, 2008 05:22 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
sign up for LA bogarus!

LoloMo December 26th, 2008 06:17 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
EA Marveni please!

Deadnature December 26th, 2008 07:36 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
MA Ulm please, I like this idea for an MP game.

Dragar December 26th, 2008 10:40 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
LA Ulm please

rdonj December 26th, 2008 10:49 AM

Re: Human Wars: Odd Man Out
EA Ulm! By the way, why no LA Jomon? I'm pretty sure they fit the criteria.

In the single age mod thread it says we need to rename the mod to use it on the llamaserver. Is that still true? What EXACTLY does the mod need to be renamed to... I've renamed my copy to SingleAgeMod.dm for the moment.

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