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-   -   Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [few more spots left, join now!!!] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43169)

Zeldor May 20th, 2009 12:13 PM

Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [few more spots left, join now!!!]
Preponderance 1 has finished earlier, due to massive end game madness. Now, with some tweaks, to prevent bad things from happening, 2nd edition is accepting players.

Settings - that time it will be RAND game. That means you don't know who is who [you know who is with who though], no trading allowed, no NAPs, no allainces, no communication at all. You know who was playing a nation once that team is eliminated.

All nations are divided into 2 sets [not decided how exactly, probably strong-weak], you get one nation from each set. Choices will be probably final [or you can switch 1 nation to one of free, but cannot reverse it].

Settings [can be still modified]:
Map: WoG Remake Team Arena [12 teams of 2] with some tweaks
Gold: 150%
Resources: 150%
Magic sites: 55
Research: Difficult
HoF: 15
Mods: latest CBM [1.5] + banned spells + banned uber discount sites [except placed on map] + banned gem-gens [we can add CPCS too, if majority is for it]


01. EA Sauromatia - MA Eriu
02. EA Mictlan - MA Agartha
03. EA T'ien Ch'i - EA Kailasa
04. EA Fomoria - LA C'tis
05. EA Abysia - MA Shinuyama
06. EA Vanheim - MA Pangaea
07. EA Helheim - LA Pangaea
08. EA Lanka - LA Ulm
09. MA Ermor - EA Arcoscephale
10. MA Arcoscephale - LA Patala
11. MA Mictlan - EA Yomi
12. MA Vanheim - MA Marignon
13. MA Jotunheim - MA Ulm
14. LA Arcoscephale - MA Caelum
15. LA Mictlan - EA Ulm
16. LA T'ien Ch'i - LA Abysia
17. LA Agartha - LA Pythium
18. LA Midgard - MA Machaka
19. LA Utgard - EA Marverni
20. LA Gath - EA Tir na n'Og
21. LA Marignon - EA Agartha
22. LA Caelum - MA Bandar Log

Priority for signing will have vets and players from Prepo 1.

About the map - please make suggestion on what to fix. Biggest problem is with Troll Kings, so they will be removed [or have their cost upped appropriately, to 500-800 gold per one].

Other map tweaks will include improved guards in caves, bodyguards for important mages, boots of youth where needed, increased population in caves.

Players signed so far:
1. Namad
2. Unoptimized
3. Gregstrom
4. sansanjuan
5. P3D
6. namad
7. Cicadian
8. Alpine Joe
9. Frozen Lama
10. Trumanator
11. DrP
12. Ossa
13. OoohSnap
14. nozshand
15. Zlefin [?]
17. shard [?]


1. Frozen Lama + Trumanator
2. Gregstrom + DrP
3. namad + Alpine Joe

Zeldor May 20th, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
Also Zlefin may be able to finish his F/W thug mod soon, so we can add it. I guess it will be cool addition? :)

sansanjuan May 20th, 2009 01:25 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
Interesting. A couple (perhaps stupid) questions.

Is RAND an acronym for something or referring to a random assignment of nations?

If a player signs up there will be a process whereby each player is given (secretly) a (random) strong and his teammate a (random) weak nation to play or vise versa?

Trading between these two player owned nations is ok but not with other player nations.

Unsure of what the Troll King issue could be. Could you elaborate?

I like to try. Any idea when it would start?


namad May 20th, 2009 01:29 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
i'll play pending someone i like agreeing to be my teammate (possibly someone i don't yet know)

additionally i'd like to know more about the nation selection process i thought it went reasonably well last time? how will order of selection be determined? lottery?

i guess pm me or irc me if you think i want you to be my teammate... if you are even suspecting it slightly then i probably do and i will probably ask you at some point when i am not afk.....

or is zeldor assigning teams instead of letting us cherry pick?

archaeolept May 20th, 2009 01:45 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
no troll kings. is that even a question? ;p

edit: sansanjuan - RAND means random nations no diplomacy - so you are not allowed to state what nation you are playing, or enter into any communication w/ the other nations for whatever purposes.

Zeldor May 20th, 2009 01:51 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
Yeah, named for famous Pasha's RAND games :)

Nation selection is simple: you get one nation from group A and one from group B. You can change one nation to undistributed ones from same group [you don't know which ones are free and you cannot change back]. You decide with your teammate who plays which nation.

You can [should] pick your teammate. You can talk with him about everything, you just cannot say what nation you are. And you just cannot communicate with other nations/players. So you are on your own, no trades or alliances.

And yep, Troll Kings will be removed. I may add something else there, considerably weaker though. Maybe smth from Endo's mod site pack [which I will probably include too].

Executor May 20th, 2009 02:19 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
Preponderance 2, so soon?
What the hell happened?

I really disliked the map in this game, led to a 3 vs 1 in the first 15 turns...

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 02:49 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
I think I'd like to play in this. I'd vote for CPCS, and Endo's Site Mod, and possibly even Mytheology to be included.

TheDemon May 20th, 2009 02:56 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]
So you can talk to your teammate, but you can't tell him who you are? Won't he figure out right quick in the course of normal discussion? Or is it you can talk to your teammate about anything, but you cannot talk to anyone else about anything?

Gregstrom May 20th, 2009 02:58 PM

Re: Preponderance 2 - RAND team game! [sign-ups]

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 691982)
You decide with your teammate who plays which nation.


Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 691982)
You can talk with him about everything, you just cannot say what nation you are.

I spot a contradiction :D

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