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Zargen June 1st, 2009 03:41 AM

Worst Nations in Each Era
I saw the -best- nations in each era. Now whats everyones thoughts on the worst?

Mine would be:

Early - Agartha/Marveni

Mid - Man/Ulm

Late - Hard choice, but in the end for me it was tied between Utgard and Marignon. I'd say Jomon too...But damnit I love Jomon!

Poopsi June 1st, 2009 04:01 AM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
LA Rlyeh. Not because it's inherently weak.
No, my reason is this: Micromanagement hell.

LA Ermor is also a micromanagement hell to an extent, but at least your commanders dont start dreaming of the void at critical points.

Zeldor June 1st, 2009 04:57 AM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
You are totally wrong for LA. Marignon and Utgard are top nations there.

EA: Ulm weakest, then also C'tis, Agartha, Marverni, Kailasa are considered weaker
MA: Man is the weakest nation now, level higher is probably Agartha, Ulm is not so bad now [but tough in MP]
LA: Atlantis, Jomon, Bogarus

Kuritza June 1st, 2009 05:10 AM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
EA: I have yet to figure what to do with EA Rlyeh.
MA: Man, Bandar Log (very fun to play, as I figured out recently, but still somewhat weak imho), Oceania, Eriu.
LA: Man, Jomon (not exactly weak, but very hard to figure out how to play with these), Ulm (same as Jomon).

Hadrian_II June 1st, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
EA: Ulm, Yomi
MA: Man, Agartha, Oceania
LA: Jomon, Atlantis, Bogarus

elmokki June 1st, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
EA: Ulm/Agartha
MA: Man
LA: Man/Jomon

Maverni is not really bad, they have a decent heavy infantry unit you want to spam and 4S/4E easily accessible. It sure isn't top notch either naturally.

Meglobob June 1st, 2009 05:34 PM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
EA:- Atlantis, Yomi.

MA:- Man, Machaka, Oceania, Atlantis.

LA:- Atlantis, Man.

Executor June 1st, 2009 06:27 PM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
EA - Mictlan, Hinnom, Sauromatia
MA - Pythium, R'lyeh, Ashdod
LA - Mictlan, Marginon, Midgard

EA Mictlan is not that bad, they have sort of useful sacreds, but Ashdod totally blows.

Dragar June 1st, 2009 07:41 PM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era

statttis June 1st, 2009 08:17 PM

Re: Worst Nations in Each Era
Whats with that hate for Yomi? I wouldn't think a nation with recruitable SCs, strong mages, and powerful demon troops would be considered weak :confused:

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