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Atreidi June 10th, 2009 06:52 PM

Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
List your Super Combatant and build:

(My number one)(for SP mode)

Enchanted Sword
Lucky Coin
Astral Cap (forgot the name it gives +1A)
Robe of Shadows (I think thats what its called)
Anti-magic Ammulet
Optional Equipment: (Depending on what nation im playing)
Bottle of Living Water
Dancing Blades
Quickening Boots

I ususally have the golem cast Astral Shield
and attack rear
Works great against chaff units.
I only use Astral gems to summon it and equip it.
Wich I always have because of arcane nexus. :)

Psycho June 10th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
A brand
Gold shield
Astral cap
Marble armor
Boots of quickness
Anti-magic amulet
Girdle of might

in the rear, script: personal luck, body ethereal, 3 x hold, attack

Frost brand
Vine shield
Rime hauberk
Boots of messenger
Anti-magic amulet
Amulet of resilience

in the rear, script: phoenix pyre, personal luck, 3 more buffs depending on opposition, cast spells

Micah June 10th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
Air Tartarian Cyclops:

Flambeau or fire brand/faithful
rainbow armor
dragon helm
quickness boots
antimagic amulet
regen ring

script 5 of: summon earthpower, resist lightning, mirror image, mistform, invuln, iron will, summon storm power. With a support army for fog warriors and antimagic iron will and mistform aren't needed, so the other 5 go, otherwise cutting summon storm power is a given, and the last spot is between lightning res, mistform and invuln in terms of overall usefulness.

Psycho June 10th, 2009 07:10 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
When I get those guys I only think rain of stones.

Air Tartarian Cyclops:
armor of virtue, ama, optionally ring of regen for afflictions, optionally storm stuff
4 earth gems
script 2 x rain of stones

Ynglaur June 10th, 2009 07:24 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
I thought Tartarians couldn't benefit from regeneration because they're undead.

Executor June 10th, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
3 earth gems is enough, no need to waste.

Anit Tart SC


Holy Scourge
Astral Cap
Jade Armor
Stone Bird
Anitimagic Amulet
Winged Shoes

Attack Tartarian!

Tartarians do benefit from regeneration, lifeless undead don't.

Illuminated One June 10th, 2009 07:31 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds

Undead can, lifeless stuff (Golems) can't.

Ynglaur June 10th, 2009 07:36 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
Nice! Thanks!

Psycho June 10th, 2009 07:43 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
I don't know if three earth gems is enough, as tartarian has E3 and can spend all three on his first casting. If you tested it, then ok, but I'd take four just to be safe.

Executor June 10th, 2009 07:55 PM

Re: Your Top 10 Super Combatant Builds
That is actually similar to the build I use, just you only have 22MR with no place for rainbow armor and taking the staff of storms instead of lead shield to protect from those mind hunts.

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