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Thanatus del Dragos August 30th, 2010 10:19 PM

Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
1 Attachment(s)
UPDATE: 90210. Yea, thats the date today...anyway...

*I decreased and narrowed magic on most mages.
*Increased cost and lowered research bonus on the Sages (Salvija).
*Decreased HP, Prot, Def and nerfed power of magic weapon, along with removing the fear on Cyclops (Vienu Aci) but left them recruitable everywhere, along with their lords.
*Increased HP and removed awe from Titan warriors (Dieva'Dels)
*improved titan Lords armor, kept Awe, and lowered air magic skill and narrowed random paths.
*removed bonus gold from capital.

This is my Ea version of my LA mod I put out a little bit ago. The idea of this mod is that there is a great city that is ran by old gods and their children. Most of the human troops are weak and dumb, with poor equipment while the children of titans and cyclops are powerful and armed with magic weapons. Any ideas would be appreciated.

HoneyBadger August 31st, 2010 09:50 AM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
How about not just an old city, but a ruined one?

Maybe even the ruins of Atlantis, destroyed by the Pantokrator in an age beyond memory, now risen once more from the depths?

And maybe it's residents are the scions of primordial titans, creators and rulers of a fetal cosmos, long before even the gods were born?

Thanatus del Dragos August 31st, 2010 12:26 PM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
Ooh, that's an interesting idea, that's sparking some brainstorming.

Thanatus del Dragos August 31st, 2010 01:34 PM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
I think I am going to stick with my original idea, kind of based on the Roman god Saturn, unlike his Greek counterpart, he wasn't just some jerk who tried to eat his children, but he ruled over a Golden Age and was a god of fertility and growth. That will be represented in the EA, then The armies of Ermor come, raise the city, put it to ruins and the people of the city are scattered become barbarians, and then many generations later return to the city, along with many other refugees from other nations, that is the idea behind the MA. After the refugees arrived, they intermarry, rebuild the great city and form a new people and new nation, and that is the idea behind the LA.

But I also like the Idea of an Atlantis like nation, returning from the depths after being sunk to the ocean, that is more like the Atlantis that I think of than the one that is already in the game. I may work on a separate one on that idea.

Nikelaos August 31st, 2010 04:33 PM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
The atlantis is the game is based on the atlantians from the cthulu mythos iirc, I haven't actually read any of H.P Lovecraft's books.

So they aren't supposed to be based on the Lost City of atlantis myths. It would be interesting to link the two however,

HoneyBadger September 1st, 2010 06:14 AM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
You could always go with Lemuria or Mu, two other, lesser-known parallels to Atlantis. Both were present in real-world mythology, and both had similar stories of being great Nations that were sunk beneath the waves.

His Rotundity September 1st, 2010 04:56 PM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
I'm a bit concerned, having installed and played around with it, that this faction has too much going for it. It has Fear +1 Giants available from every fort, a fairly massive resource and gold bonus to the capitol for no really discernible reason, and their primary research mage, the Salvija, is as far as I can tell the most efficient researcher in the game by a wide margin. They have 8 base points of research for 100 gold and are sacred. That means that, with a single magic scale, they can get three research points per gold upkeep per turn, which seems absurd. I really dig the concept, but the faction as it stands has way too much going for it and really needs to be toned down. Also, the Awe on the sacred giants seems a bit much.

Overall, it's a neat concept that still needs a bit of tinkering with.

Soyweiser September 2nd, 2010 05:13 AM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)

Originally Posted by Nikelaos (Post 756066)
The atlantis is the game is based on the atlantians from the cthulu mythos iirc, I haven't actually read any of H.P Lovecraft's books.

So they aren't supposed to be based on the Lost City of atlantis myths. It would be interesting to link the two however,

While the Cthulhu mythos is more than just Lovecraft. I can't really recall atlantians in the stories of Lovecraft, it is more based on the deep ones and Dagon. (the Shadow Over Innsmouth story http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_Over_Innsmouth). Read this story, it is one of the best ones from Lovecraft.

A race of underwater beings mating with humans, to create half human half toad creatures. And they live in old underwater ruins. But I imagined these as more of a shallow water society than a deep in the ocean group (which the Atlantis nation is).

Reading the wiki page I just discovered that the Deep Ones do indeed live in a city deep beneath the sea. The fact that the Lovecraft Deep One city is listed as being under a reef makes the coral weaponry of the Atlantians more fitting.

I think that the Deep Ones where both the inspiration for the Atlantian nation. And the mechanic of R'lyeh that coastal forts get freespawn.

This distinction makes the Shadow over Innsmouth story even more interesting. That way, the Deep ones would not have been the bad guys of the story, because they would have been controlled by a alien influence.

WAAAAAAAYYYYYY offtopic I know ;).

Thanatus del Dragos September 2nd, 2010 08:13 AM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
Thanks His, balance issues are really things I need help with. Should I tone down the research bonus and increase the cost on the sages (Salvija) and drop the fear and awe? That seems reasonable. The resource and gold bonus for the city is meant to reflect the City as a well organized, massive metropolis, a truly fantastic city. But if it too much, I can take it off for balance.

rdonj September 2nd, 2010 09:10 AM

Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)
Also took a brief look. Don't have much to say, except that I agree quite a bit with His Rotundity. Also, have you noticed how many magic paths they can get to 3 or greater with just randoms (and 5a, caelum level air magic)? And the crosspath potential on said same mages? And how the recruit everywhere forge bonus giants are absurdly good, and are actually better than the cap only sacreds as SCs? The goblin assassin mages are actually potentially very powerful too. The nation's sacreds don't seem absurd looking at them, but that's when compared to the recruit everywhere giants which are seriously good enough I wouldn't even bother with a bless, unless it's something to help your mages.

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