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-   -   MP: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47415)

Laddwr May 17th, 2011 09:12 PM

Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I'm looking to start a new game for players new to multiplayer such as my self. I'd like to get 8 players together for this. I'd like everyone to be newbies, maybe one more experienced player to take a more observational role and help us out. Running on default settings without any mods to complicate things.

-Map is Cradle of Dominions
-Turns will be either every 24 or 48 hours, depending on what works for everyone
-8 players, will add bots if everyone wants them
-No mods
-Standard settings
-Victory will be decided when everyone wants to end it or some one kills off all the other players
-Diplomacy us A-OK, feel free to make friends and betray anyone you want!

Also, this is my first thread on this forum, so woo!

1 Laddwr - Neifelheim
2 Talrivian - Yomi
3 AfroSquirrel - Hinnom
4 Thanatus del Dragos - Agartha
5 LongBrodie - Fomoria
6 Thranite - Atlantis
7 Soviet_Storm - Abysia
8 MagicDinosaur765 - Mictlan

9(?) Ghill - Sauromatia

http://www.llamaserver.net/gameinfo....me=TheNooblies <=== llamaserver page

AfroSquirrel May 17th, 2011 10:40 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
How will this be played? Through llamaserver? Also, I suggest forbidding players from going AI.

I'm interested in taking on another MP game. I'm not yet sure what nation I'll play, though.

Talrivian May 17th, 2011 10:46 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
Well, I guess technically I can be considered a noob. I am currently playing my first game, but I would like to join in on this one as well. I recommend using llamaserver.net as it is rather easy to use.

If you will have me, I'd like to play Yomi, please.

Deadnature May 17th, 2011 10:50 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
If this is a game for getting some Dom3-experience (new players only) I would strongly recommend using the mod CBM in some form, because it seems almost universal these days and playing with is quite different from vanilla (better IMO).

Laddwr May 17th, 2011 11:13 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
And yeah, planned on using llamaserver. Forgot to mention that. And I'd like to try it out with vanilla dom3 first before loading up any mods, standard as they may be. I hope I'm not alienating my self from this.

Also, how do I edit the title to a thread?

Korwin May 17th, 2011 11:37 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]

Originally Posted by Deadnature (Post 777411)
If this is a game for getting some Dom3-experience (new players only) I would strongly recommend using the mod CBM in some form, because it seems almost universal these days and playing with is quite different from vanilla (better IMO).

Really don't understand this argument.
Newbies migth have some SP experience in Vanilla, why should they use an Mod where they need to learn the game again?

AfroSquirrel May 17th, 2011 11:37 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
Alright, sign me up for Hinnom. Pretty sure I qualify as I newbie, since I'm still involved in my first MP game.

Laddwr May 17th, 2011 11:51 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
Alright, added Afro and Tal to the list and changed my faction, since giants are cooler than olms.

Thanatus del Dragos May 17th, 2011 11:57 PM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
I want olms! Agartha please.

LongBrodie May 18th, 2011 07:27 AM

Re: Nooblies - EA [1/8] players [Recruiting]
I have yet to play a MP game, myself. Sign me up under Fomoria. :D

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