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-   -   Mytheology 3.10 And 3.11 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47839)

Soyweiser October 2nd, 2011 08:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)
10/04/2011. bugfix release 3.11

10/03/2011. Created an update for the Mytheology mod.

Mytheology is a mod originally created by Psientist, it adds a bunch of new pretenders, items, creatures, and spells to dom 3.

And because it looks like Psientist has not been at the board for some time now, and I liked some things is this mod. I tried to update them to the newest Dom 3 patch. A lot of bugs have been removed, and a lot of unbalanced things have been rebalanced. It still is not balanced, but at least some of the things are not way to strong anymore.

And while there are still a few issues, at least it is working again now. And as an added bonus. I moved the numbers around so it can now be used together with CBM 1.9 again.

Feel free to thank Psientist, or to mention any remarks or bugs.

And as I'm a non-native writer of the English language, please mention any mistakes.

Previous thread:
(Psientist version)

The zip file also includes a numbers.txt, a changelog.txt, and a holyspells.txt. Which contain, the numbers used for items/monsters etc, a changelog of all the things changed, and a list of all the removed holy spells. Because these are not working in the current patch.

These are the changes made in the 3.10 version:

- Fixed gold dragon bug.

- Moved Kraken to nature magic. Same with kraken king. Adding more underwater creatures to the water path wasn't useful.
- Menhirs have 2 ap (0, but that didn't work), stops them from being useful patrollers. Str 1, was 0 but that didn't work.
- Menhirs are made mindless
- Menhir of faith no longer copystats the Telestic Animate
- Menhir of Growth no longer copystats the Lord Of Fertility, as it didn't add anything. Increased the supply to 200 (150)
- Gave the carrion lord weapons the same weapons as a Ziz.
- Carrion lord cost reduced to 70 (110)
- Crabs now have tiny bites. Huge damage attack removed.
- Fixed pantokrators weapon
- Removed wraith king bug. Odd that nobody never found this.
- Yggdrasil now has high max and starting age.


Note that this mod is now compatible with CBM 1.92 again. It is not compatible with the [MC] Skaven and Lizardmen mods.

Known bugs issues:
- Multiple Taoist masters show up.
- Soulblades might not work. (The icon appears, but the weapons do not actually get AN attacks)
- Sunwell might be a bit overpowered.
- Naming standards could use some work.
- Desire can only seduce males.
- Yggdrasil has no movement. (Yeah, oops).

Jiggymike October 2nd, 2011 09:27 PM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
Thanks to you and Psientist. I'm a fan of this mod for my SP games. Was not aware that it didn't work with 1.92 because I hadn't tried them together yet. Will let you know if something comes up next time I use it.

brxbrx October 3rd, 2011 11:26 PM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
I have a problem with my golden dragon pretender. The game says he's got too many points. What gives?

Soyweiser October 4th, 2011 08:04 AM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
That is odd. I'll look into it. Which age?

I can reproduce the bug. Fixed some others, but am baffled why it happens.

Soyweiser October 4th, 2011 08:33 AM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
It is somehow related that all 3 of the ages have different dragons, but point to the same toaist master as a shapechange.

That and the restricted nations mechanic.

brxbrx October 4th, 2011 09:49 AM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
Would you like me to upload the save file?

Soyweiser October 4th, 2011 10:13 AM

Re: Mytheology 3.10
Nope, I already reproduced it. I have a possible solution. But it will just use up two more monsternumbers. Thankfully I have those spare because I just claimed this is not compatible with two mods who have a lot of m#'s.

I will fix it. Hopefully later today.

Soyweiser October 4th, 2011 05:19 PM

Re: Mytheology 3.10 And 3.11
Bug has been fixed.

brxbrx October 4th, 2011 08:58 PM

Re: Mytheology 3.10 And 3.11
Great! Will this work on my saved game, or will I have to create a new pretender? Where can I download the fix?
Thank you so much, by the way

Soyweiser October 5th, 2011 10:12 AM

Re: Mytheology 3.10 And 3.11
You have to create a new pretender obviously ;). Fix is in the first post.

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