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Dominions II In-Game Typos
I thought that typos really don't need to be mentioned in the threads that deal with real bugs, so why not gather them here? If the thread is stickied, it'll be easy for IW to check for updates, and they can fix them if they've got the time or inclination.
I will confess here that I'm something of a grammar nazi in the sense that typos annoy me supremely out of proportion to their actual impact (such as the Dom-PPP typo that causes enemy forces to consist mainly of "commander of Ulms" when it should say "commanders of Ulm"). Of course, other than that, lack of typos gives the impression of a more polished product, so fixing them is a good idea in this sense. I will also add that none of the typos I've seen (haven't yet actually seen the DomII demo, so Dom-PPP is what I'm basing this on here) are big ones, but mainly small, relatively unimportant ones and perfectly understandable given that English is not the native language of the IW people. Some of them (like my example from Dom-PPP) also result from game mechanics, unless every unit gets programmed with both singular and plural forms with checks for when which is used, which just seems like far too much trouble for absolutely no gain. Anyway, that's for the thread introduction, now start listing them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif Edi [ March 24, 2004, 04:44: Message edited by: Zen ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
1) The Diseased affliction description says your troop will "loose" hit points each turn, where it should be "lose"
2) Nature Magic Description says "A Mage of this paths...". Probably should be "A Mage of this path ..." or maybe "A mage of these paths ..." |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Pythium has access to a hero with the title ehem "hero". While this Hero's actual name seems to be randomly chosen, his desc will begin with "Hierogallus is an old Serpent Lord...". Oops..! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
From another thread (sorry St. Patrik for putting them there):
- Demon description should say "spells that target undead" instead of "spells that targets undead". - When scouting provinces, military report says that "the army is composed mainly of hastatus", while for all other units the plural is used. So, princeps (I think this is wrong in the unit description as well, it's called principe or something) - principes, hastatus - hastati, triarius - triarii. [ October 31, 2003, 08:38: Message edited by: HJ ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I'm sure I saw a couple (of typos) - I'll keep my eyes open. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the description of the spell "Royal power" with C'tissan Desert tombs theme, it says that "the effect is identical to Unholy Power". I'm guessing that the Unholy Power spell is the Ermorian Version of the C'tissan spell Power of the Grave. Since the unholy spells apparently have different names for C'tis and Ermor, the description should be "the effect is identical to Power of the Grave".
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I guess you could call the following a "typo":
The info given to the player when you right-click on items in the forge displays the unmodified cost for making that item. Now, if you happen to be a Master Smith or wield a Dwarven Hammer and so forth, the displayed cost won't correspond to the actual cost. That can be somewhat confusing. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
An unrelated typo: the description for female pretenders calls them "a Pretender Godess". That should be "Goddess". |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Female Pretenders seem to have to frequently put up with being taken for a male. Titles such as "God of the Invincible Power" and "He Who is at the Center" are some examples.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Normally, if a unit has an affliction that affects one of its stats, this is mentioned when you right-click on that stat (e.g. the loss of an eye is mentioned when you right-click on Precision, along with the -3 penalty involved). However, Feeblemind is not mentioned by any of the stats it affects, even though it is considered when the game calculates the current stat levels.
[ November 02, 2003, 15:48: Message edited by: Calanor ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The Master Alchemist's description reads (typo's in boldface):
"The Master Alchemist is an alchemist of such great power that he has taken the role of a Pretender God. The Great Scholar is a master of magic alchemy and is often adept in several of the magic Paths." |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Not sure, but I suggest the following change in the "events".
“A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis. He and his retinue was so impressed by your wondrous palaces that he swore his allegiance to you”. Replace was with were. “An old tower surrounded by wisps of mist was found on a high mountaintop. The owner of the tower agreed to help you for a meagre fifty pounds of gold and a couple of virgins”. Replace meagre by meager. “Gold deposits have been found and a new mine is being built. Tax revenues have been premanently increased by 30 pounds of gold”. Replace premanently by permanently. “An annatural plague has swept the province killing thousands”. Not sure but annatural should be replaced by unnatural I believe. “Great treasures was found!”. Replace was by were, or write A great treasure was found. “A grand festival was held in your honour”. Replace by honor. A wave of religious zeal / A group of zealots. Replace comitted by committed. “Realizing the power of the beatiful and ever growing nature”. Beautiful. “The temperature has dropped considerably and blizzards devastates the land”. Devastate. “A sect of dark cultists have appeared in your province”. Remove have. “A group of visiting heroes have decided to rid this province from your unfair rulership”. I’d say Visiting heroes have, or A group of visiting heroes decided. “Trolls living under bridges have killed and eaten travellers crossing the bridges”. Travelers. “Heavy snowfalls has blocked important mountain roads”. Have. “Rain has been pouring down and the entire province is severly flooded”. Severely. “People here are very unruly and have destroyed valuable equipment that is neccessary for us”. In different Messages: replace defence by defense. In different Messages: “Tax losses was xxx pounds of gold”. Should be loss, or were. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Edit: Never mind, found it. [ November 03, 2003, 11:23: Message edited by: Johan K ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the description of the "Bind Heliophagii" spell, there is one instance where the plural (Heliophagii) is used where the singular should be used (Heliophagus). (Sorry I forget where, I don't have the game with me now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif )
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
A few more:
- in the description of Blood Boil spell, it should say "one of the few blood magic spells that don't require" instead of "one of the few blood magic spells that doesn't require" - in Moloch's description, it says that he has fire 2, while in fact he has fire 3 when you go to the magic screen - Blood of Humans theme is not listed in race description of Abysia |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The description of the Amulet of the Fish starts with "This gives". I think the intention was to say "This amulet gives".
Yes, I'm really savouring the details of the game, and I read every description. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
[ November 10, 2003, 18:25: Message edited by: georgevtucker ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"One of the few blood magic spells that do not require" vs "One of the fhew blood magic spells that does not require" Second is correct. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"One of the few blood magic spells that do not require" vs "One of the fhew blood magic spells that does not require" Second is correct. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">"Spells that do not require" is a complete phrase, I believe, and that's why I think it shouldn't be "doesn't". The "do not require" part describes the group that this particular spell is part of, not the spell itself. I guess that we should ask someone like georgevtucker to be sure. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
god title : patron of abitrators.
a 'r' is missing. Arbiter |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
-- From skimming the strings in the Linux binary:
(notes below biased by American English habits...) Wispering Legion: should probably be Whispering. Check list of mercenary bands. Celestial Apostats: Should this be "Apostates"? "The spell wasn't targetet at a forest and had no effect." appears; either 'strings' is messing up or s/targetet/targeted/. "The spell did not find a suitable target fortification and was effectless", probably s/effectless/ineffectual/. "The fortification in this province was temporary breached by the spell": s/temporary/temporarily/. "Mighty storms blew the %s off target. The spell struck an emtpy location". s/emtpy/empty/. Also appears in "The was no suitable target for the %s. The spell struck an emtpy location", which needs s/the/there/ for the first sentence as well. Well, s/emtpy/empty/g. Grammar: Gems and girls, being countable, should appear in "huge numbers", not "huge amounts". This appears with the wish-fulfillment text. "The entire earth trembeled" -- s/trembeled/trembled/. Armageddon wish. "Vanheim have leaders that can sail..." s/have/has/. Tip text. "Ambidexterous soldiers do not suffer from as much attack..." Matter of taste, but consider s/suffer from as much/suffer as much from/, or even s/do not suffer from as much/incur lower/. "Only a few items grants the wearer..." s/grants/grant/. Right afterwards, "Other forces the owner" s/other forces/others force/. "%s's summoning was sucessfull, but"... s/successfull(\w)/successful$1/g well, if \w is word-boundary anyway. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I think the between-turns tip about Soulless and how they are equipped based on their living form, has a typo where the word "were" should be "where". I only had a few seconds to look at it though, so maybe I was reading it wrong.
Also, the tip about visiting the illwinter web site to look for patches should read "to see if there are any" rather than "to see if there is any". PvK [ November 09, 2003, 18:10: Message edited by: PvK ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"One of the few blood magic spells that do not require" vs "One of the fhew blood magic spells that does not require" Second is correct. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">"Spells that do not require" is a complete phrase, I believe, and that's why I think it shouldn't be "doesn't". The "do not require" part describes the group that this particular spell is part of, not the spell itself. I guess that we should ask someone like georgevtucker to be sure. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="sans-serif, arial, verdana">It should be "One of the few Blood magic spells that does not require . . ." A singular subject ("one") requires a singular verb ("does"). |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Doesn't really matter, of course. [ November 10, 2003, 02:32: Message edited by: HJ ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
there is no range indicated in the spell description of quickening.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In race description of Tien Chi under Dominion it says "Conscription (defense increseases in provinces with order)" - should be "increases".
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In case this hasn't been pointed out, there's a magic site called 'wispering woods' - should be 'whispering woods'
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Apologies if this has been pointed out already.
I saw a magic site called 'Volcanoe'. Should read 'Volcano' methinks. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
One of the celestial summoning spells of Tien Chi is lacking description.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Just a minor typo edit, you probably have already seen.
In the Dominions 2 Manual. Page 72. Under Shark Attack on the left hand side, under: Range: 1 it says /includegraphics(Air.tff) |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Enemy-dominion candles are red, not black (the latter being what it says in the manual).
It's tangential, but the Shrapnel Games catalog that came with Dom II had a mispelling of Napoleon (think it was "Naploeon") in one part of the Austerlitz listing. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Do you need more manual typos?
Or have you caught them? I have a few more of the "image" typos in my manual; if you haven't already addressed that and are only looking for in game items. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Nah, I don't need the image typos. It's a bit late for that, the manuals are already printed after all.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The way the game is selling (based on what Tim has posted), I wouldn't be surprised if there is a reprint on the manual some day. It might be good to collect any typos there for future use.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the "what do nations get for province defense" manual table, the word "Eunuch" appears as "Enuch" once.
The Banefire Lord is named Antrax in his unit name, but Anthrax in the description. |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
One might argue that the omission of "Enter Site", "Corrupt Commander", "Seduce Commander" is a typo in the manual's list of commander orders. "Enter Site", at least, can be pretty important.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
With the addition of themes, the "Black Laurel" description should be made more specific. Only Ashen Empire Ermor can revive Lictors, I think; Soul Gate does not appear to. So the description could be narrowed to only refer to Ermor (Ashen Empire).
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
In the Barbarian Kings Theme for T'ien Ch'i, Celestial Masters have a Leadership of 15 on the highlight; but in actuality when you build them they have 20 Leadership.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
T'ien C'hi = Book
T'ien Ch'i = Game I also noticed in the manual, many times there were missing commas, for example "This, this and this." It shoudl really be: "This, this, and this." [ November 23, 2003, 21:17: Message edited by: Argitoth ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Experience also increases leadership. I think commanders with 10 base leadership get +5 per star (at least for the first couple of stars - it might go up after that?) |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Pazuzu is refered as "Pazazu" once in his description text.
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"Parts of our army was lured in the wild forest and never seen again."
- should be: "Parts of our army were lured into the wild forest and never seen again." PvK |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Limne the Queen of the Lake is refered to as "Rinna" once in her description text. And she can summon allies, but the description doesn't say which ones (for everybody else I've seen so far it does say specifically).
[ November 26, 2003, 06:05: Message edited by: HJ ] |
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
"Pikeneers" isn't really a word - should it be pikemen?
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
The eater of the dead message reads: "...and if it continus to grow...." - should be "continues".
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos
I've gotten the divine title "Lord of youthful vitality and violence", which seems like it should have more capital letters.
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