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mosehansen Faerun, again.
i have started new game at mosehansen-server. games name is Clash of the Titans. feel free to join this campaign.
settings are: faerun, large magic 50 ind 9 startprov 1 research 2 rich 2 hof 15 port 2321 game will start when all slots are taken. noobs and experienced are welcome to take part.no anonymous players will be tolerated. and no norfleeting:) = cheap cheating. ill be playing <font color="red"> </font> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif =Abysia All anonymous should click "thats me" at the mosenhansen. Gem production (15each type of item and 7 soul contracts) |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I will take Jotunheim.
Iīd like to have a restriction on gem producing items, since the map is so big. Can we go with a house rule of 10-20 each player? |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I have joined as the most feared Vanheim
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I'll play with Abysya.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Ahem someone already took Abysya, but here I didn't saw any post!!!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Well if Abysya isn't possible, I'll go for Marignon.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Signed up with Cael.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Signed on as Pangea, new to me but i've wanted to give it a try. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I'll Try Ulm out. I frankly think that a house restriction of 10-20 is too nebulous. It would be extremely hard to enforce, and the most recent patch has already done a little bit of damage to hoarders. Either go no hoarding whatsoever, or unrestricted, I think.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I hate to do this, but after everyone else has claimed their gods on mosehansen, can you kick anonymous so I can re-upload my god? After talking with some dominionsites on IRC I decided to make a few changes, and thats the only way to do it. Thanks.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
In as Machaka, and Cohen Wake up the game's started said he was taking Abysia.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Regen, notice the EDIT date of the first post, that is LATER than my post claiming Abysya.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I would like to try R'Lyeh if that is ok with you.
Faerun seems to have underwater provinces... Never played this map though. Can you confirm? |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Well i donīt worry too much about controlling the house rule.
I guess we all play to have fun and clamhoarding or mass devils arenīt fun to most players, because they make the endgame quite tedious, yet you have to do it to stay competitive. I would just trust that everyone sticks to the house rules, to allow for a more interesting game. If someone would break them, you could always use the master password to have a look if something looks very suspicious. If there are any people here who would not want to play with a restriction rule, they can say it right here. And if itīs a significant amount of the players(3-4 at least) we just play without restrictions. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
If were placing restrictions on contracts and gem producing items, should we put one on vampire lords too? Also, do you mean a total of 20 gems producing items, or 20 of each gem producing? btw, i'm in as atlantis
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I would happily play Tien Chi!
I will upload tonight. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I have no experience with vampire lords, so I donīt know.
My favourite solution would be 10 of each gem producer and 5 soul contracts. Vampire lords seem to be ok with their high cost, and weak vampire stats, but as I said I have no experience with them. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I am all for restrictions on hoarding. On a map this large I think it is neccessary.
The VL by itself is fine. The problem with VL is summon allies, and the summoned vampire is immortal, so you can create a very large force of vampires which cant be killed in their own dominion. Granted the stats are poor, but it is immortality that really wins http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
My first selection was to Join as Pythium.
But the servers states that it's already taken. So, I took Arco instead. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I'll join as C'tis or Mictlan (the only remaining nations!)
Just need to take a look at both of them and see which I like better. Edit: Mictlan it is! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
So to be clear, 20 max gem producing items of each type? Or 20 total?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
quoting turin: My favourite solution would be 10 of each gem producer and 5 soul contracts.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
To allow for a less-constrained endgame, how about this:
Don't make more than 20 each of fever fetishes and clams, and 10 soul contracts; this limit is raised by 1 for each player who's gone AI or been eliminated. How does this strike everyone? Whatever we agree on should probably also be noted in the listing for the game on Esben's server. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I can't stress enough how much you need limits on gem producers on a map like this.
I am currently crying doing my turns in another game. I take the maximum time to do them since I have to summon the will do the turns. I have to go through hundres of scouts per turn looking for who is dying this month from fever fetishes. It's insane. I will never play again on this map without limits/mods to gem producing items. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Seems unneccessarily complicated. A simple hard limit would be best.
The map is large enough that you will not feel the end-game to be terribly "constrained", e.g. there is a lot of STUFF on this map! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
so it is 10 of each gemthings and 5 sc? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Sounds good to me, but it's your game so you have the final say!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
if your placing limits on soul contracts you shoudl also place the same limits on vampire lords. lords cost a little less then a sould contract forged with a hammer, and summon 1 vampire per turn, so instead of devil hoards you will see massive immortal vampire hoards
odd_enuf |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I've found that, just by forging a clam when I've got spare water gems sitting around (i.e. no queens to summon, no boots to forge, all the global slots are filled, no nifty artifacts to make, etc...) it's not that uncommon to have 20 or so by the late parts of the game, on smaller maps than this. If we do just a hard cap, I'd prefer it to be 20 for the gem-producing things and 10 for the soul contracts. I wouldn't mind limiting vampire lords too, but the only because immortal vampire hordes are boring, not because they're particularly overpowered.
This is just my vote, though. Lots of other people involved in this game, probably most of them more experienced than I. Cheers! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
My previous pretender design (for Mictlan) wasn't working out, so I'm now in the list of people who will stay anonymous until I get kicked, then reupload before we start. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. I check these Boards pretty rabidly, so it shouldn't be much of a delay on my account (especially if you kick me now).
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I'd really rather not limit the vampire lords... I plan on playing BF Ulm and I'd like to be able to stay in theme with my summons. Plus its hard to get the demon summons working for BF Ulm. You could limit the number allowed to summon allies, but they have other uses as well.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
There's an house rule in some games I've joined that doesn't limit the gem producing items, but that you can't move your gems (not slaves) from commanders to lab.
So you can only move gems from commander to commander. What's now the use of a clam? Fuel your combat spell in battle without having a supply line of scouts that have to pass gems each other till the frontline. (when you're lacking of money, this is a far better choice than building a lab that could fall in enemy hand ... scouts hides and sneaks, and if you lose your army, you can mostly retreat your gem bringers where a new army is growing.) |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
ygorl: why dont you upload your new design over the old one? ive changed my pretender for about 10 times now. server will say that there is somebodys pretebder in the slot allready, just click "upload anyway", or whattaever the name of the button is. and zadam! your new design is in the game.
no restrictions on vampire lords. vote for the vampire ally summons.. and for the clams and stuff. this is a large map and magic sites are up to 50 so there will be enough of gems anyway. so lets keep it 10gems and 5souls. or 10gems and 10souls. the latter suits better for me. sorry cohen for not stating clearly that i claimed abysia. i tryed to be funny by saying http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif didnt quite work out as intended:) edit: cohens idea seems ok to me. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I like 20 gems/10 souls. I think we can all be honorable to keep to this limit.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I've uploaded... looks like only Ctis to upload and we can start.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
It is necessary to do as Ygorl suggests, and go anonymous then kick all anonymous players. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
I mean however if my proposal is fine, that there's no limit to gem generating items, since you can use those gems only for combat purposal, since you cannot put them in the lab.
And probably you won't clam a lot because you don't need all those gems in combat, however you can ensure your astral mages every turn a gem to cast something like "power of the spheres", that isn't all bad a +1 in all paths magic boost in battle. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
But thats even harder to enforce... plus do you expect people never to hit "pool all gems" or something?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
ok ill kick anonymous.
ulm, pangae, mictlan and rlyeh, please upload your pretenders. and somebody tell a friend to take Cītis. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
pls Limbo kick me too i should change my pretender too
im Phytium |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
kicked you for good.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
R'lyeh: I will upload tonight...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Oops i joined as Pangea cause i saw it was open my bad, kick me off for the original sorry. Ctis has only 2 adjacent provinces one of ehich is an untakeable fortress , really screwed position.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Ctis isnt that bad I've played them on this map before. The provinces in their region are very rich, and their capital has two adjacent provinces, + the city of shadows so you are exaggerating a little bit, no?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Game settings says you start with 2 provinces anyway, which might end up giving C'tis city of shadows and being a wonderful starting location.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Oh that would be... naaasty...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
ok, i have kicked anonymous.
how about simple 15 of each type of gemthingies, and 7 of soulcontracts. do you think its a bad idea to have 2 starting provinces? i can change that. settings are just proposals. settings that fit on most maps dont necessery fit on faerun, thats true. when i made settings, i thought that mosehansen faerun would be a that blanco faerun (no specials). im starting next to C`tis and it would be naaastyyy if they would get the city of shadows.. and baboun: you can have any nation possible. if you want to change, go anonymous and ill kick you again. there`s still one slot unfilled at mosehansen, plus pangea which i just kicked. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
As long as there is a limit, iīm content. 15/7 sounds good to me. One starting prov might make more sense if you play with specials.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.
Well my first choice would be R'Lyeh, if you have someone else who wants to play it, I can go for Pangaea or C'tis.
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