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Kelan October 18th, 2004 08:27 PM

Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
I figured I would finally work on an AAR as I once hinted I would do quite a while ago http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I took a little break from Dominions 2 for a couple months during the summer, but am back playing a lot and figure I will try to write one before I possibly get wrapped up into WoW when it comes out.

I just upgraded to Version 2.14 of Dominions from 2.11 so this will have some impact and some things I will have to adjust to. I also have enabled some mods for the first time and am going to use Zen’s 1.72 Version of the Pretender mod and his 1.4 conceptual spells mod. I also enabled Unwise’s flag mod from Illwinter’s site and copied in some new skins. Hopefully I will run into some interesting pretenders and see how this may impact how the game plays out.

For background, I have only played single-player so far so it may show in how I play the game. I am fairly skilled and have won before against Impossible Ais and beat Easy Ermor as part of a game, so I am at least somewhat competent http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.


I will be trying Jotunheim:Niefelheim for this AAR and it will be the second time I have tried them. I have been successful with Man and Arcoscephale in the past and once before with Niefelheim and would like to try them again.

For pretender I will be trying a Son of Niefel with 4 Air, 5 Water, 3 Order, 3 Cold, 2 Growth and 6 dominion. I will use the standard 80 pt castle with 40 admin. I have yet to try Air with Jotunheim and have used Earth a lot with Water, but I want to see how effective the Alteration buffs in air are on a pretender as a SC. I normally take Production and Luck to get Angerboda, but want to see how Growth works out and see if it can help with income later on in the game. I have yet to try Growth as a scale in my games in the past. I set my pretender name to Vaklidun, a name which I used back in my DAoC days in Midgard, and he is ready to go. All praise Vaklidun, God of Order, King of Rivers, Prince of Illusion and Masquerade.


For map I am going to try Zen’s Cradle Map v1.4. I have completed a game to the end on Parganos once and really enjoyed it and tried to get a couple games going on the original Cradle map, but didn’t continue for various reasons… once being due to some weird path/retreat pathing between provinces. I am hoping Zen’s new Version I will have better luck with.

For the game I have enabled 12 total nations with myself and 11 Impossible AI s. It is recommended to use 8-10 nations, but with using 2 water nations there should be plenty of provinces to go around with 220+ total. I will use Abysia, Atlantis, Pythium, C’tis, Arcoscephale, Caelum, Marignon, Vanheim, R’lyeh, Mictlan, and T’ien Ch’i. I will avoid Ermor for this game due to the ability of the AI to play them so well. It is a fun challenge, but I just played against them in my Last game and it was mostly just me and Ermor in the end game along with Ulm. I would rather combat some other nations in this game. I will also be trying to complete a game with underwater nations for the first time, and hopefully I will follow through this time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

The rest of the settings will be:
Starting Provinces: 1
Indep. Str.: 7 (seems to be the best to use for a good game against the AI)
Special site freq: 50
Normal richness
Common Events
Enabled graphs (should show some interesting info later in the game)
Hall of Fame to 15
Standard research
Standard victory (in case I want to play to the Last province)
Renaming allowed


I intend to use armies of a couple Niefel Jarls with quickness and breath of winter along with a few Niefel Giants and small Groups of Jotuns. Eventually I will outfit the Jarls with equipment and hope they can take on anything that comes along.

Later on I hope to get some blood economy going and summon some ice and maybe arch devils, wraith lords, and later complement my armies with some arch angels and assistance with Ghost Riders late game. I will try to look for other rituals I have not tried in the past to see how they work also during the game and try to add some summons that have been helped in the latest spell mod.

Kelan October 18th, 2004 08:39 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)

Hugin is my starting Jotun Herse
Starkader is my Jotun Scout

Vaklidun is set to research Alteration with his 11 RPs

I plan to get Alteration 2 and maybe 3 for Quickness, Mirror Image, and Mistform, then go for Const 4 for making some clams, wraith swords, and other items.

I start in the NE corner of the map, which will help me in defense later in the game. I will scout W and S and determine which way I want my 1st main army to go first and send my 2nd army later in the other direction.

I recruit a Jotun Scout to send S and save the rest of my gold for recruiting a Niefel Jarl next turn.


Mercs available are Victor’s Villains with 10 men for 30 gold. Mercs are fun to use, but I will have my hands full just trying to get enough gold to form my first armies and get some research going so will only grab some mercs if someone like Orion comes along. I normally like to form my own armies and avoid mercs for the most part anyway plus I tend to forget them a lot and don’t re-hire when necessary.


J (207) Yldemir – Capitol
I (208) Farsen Forest - Forest
I (218) East Farsen Forest - Forest
I (202) High Yldemir - Forest
I (195) Oeversee – Forest

It looks like all surrounding provinces are forests, which should give me some decent resources for my capitol to draw from and some good sites with hopefully good nature gem income. I hope to have enough to forge rings of regeneration to prevent my giants from getting afflictions too easily and later plenty of bags of wine to keep my giants happy.

I send Starkader to (218) to check one of the nearest provinces. He will then continue on to the West and hang out around the nearest chokepoint to watch for enemy movements. My new scout I am recruiting will head South and monitor activity there.

I set the tax rate to 130 for a bit of extra gold and set Hugin to patrol with his 8 axemen.

Thinking ahead, I do some comparison between the Jotun Spearman and the Huskarl w/spear. I normally recruit only Spearmen, but will consider using the Huskarl and its lesser resource cost if I am in need of more units in a hurry plus the improved morale won’t hurt.

I have taken screenshots of my starting map position and the pretender list to see what pretenders I am up against and to notice the nation flags.

I will attach those here if I can get it to work properly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. Hopefully these files aren't too big. I may have to try to get Gimp going to try to reduce the file size.

Kelan October 18th, 2004 08:47 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
It looks like I can only attach one file per message, so put the pretender list there and will attach the map file to this post.


I will try to set a common order of events to make it a bit easier to read and follow this AAR. I will try to adhere to this order: Turn starting statistics, Messages, Battle results and comments, Merc report, Province report (after tax/unrest is adjusted for the turn), Recruiting, Troop movements, Forging, and Research.

Provinces: 1
Treasury: 598
Income: 208
Upkeep: 21
RP Total: 11
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 3

Alteration: (+11)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 6 (+3)
Death: 4 (+2)

~ Patrolling troops in Yldemir have killed 6 filthy brigands and trouble makers.
~ Caelum has appointed a Storm General named Vidhisravah as its prophet.

Vanheim has recruited Victor’s Villains
Ferdinando’s Footmen are now available, 30 men for 160 gold.

For province reports I have printed out quite a few extra spreadsheets to track dominion, defender counts, income, resources, population, tax and unrest per turn. I will use these to try to track certain trends and to hopefully draw some interesting information during the game. In the past, I normally use two standard spreadsheets to write turn info on while playing the game to track information and may try to attach them later if people think they may be helpful. One has 25 turns on a page and tracks per turn # of provinces, treasury, income, upkeep, RP, total forts, total temples, max dominion, converted prov, research levels, gems and gem income.


Owner Dominion (#) Name – Terrain – Defenders or Province Info Tax/Unr (Pop, Inc, Res, Sup) Note: I am only going to track Province info ( ) every 5 turns or so. I will put the defenders of a province in ( ) when a scout is present in the province to see if this helps at all.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep.

J 2 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29560, 208, 80, 409)
I 1 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 70 Militias/Archers/Light Infantries
I 0 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – (50) Woodsmen/Woodsman Blowpipes
I 0 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40 Barbarians
I 1 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70 Barbarians

I set taxes back to 100 for Yldemir as I have had bad fortune in the past when I try to tax high for more than one turn… unrest goes up, income goes down, and I lose valuable resources.

I recruit a Niefel Jarl for 500 gold and 60 resources and have 98 gold left. I normally make this Jarl my prophet, but since he is normally in melee, he doesn’t get a chance to fully utilize the 4 Holy. This time I am going to recruit a Jotun Gode next turn to be my prophet and let him sit in the back in battle and cast Divine Blessing and Fanatacism to keep my troops in battle. I think this will work out better overall and also allow the Niefel Jarl to not lose so many hit points fighting in enemy dominion later on.

I send Starkader the scout to (208) and my new scout Tunne to (202). It appears that (208) has 1 Death already as a scale so perhaps there is a death site there. Starkader will continue on West each turn and Tunne to the South. I figure whatever direction has the nearest enemy I will send my first army toward to try to secure as many provinces early as possible. I will my send my 2nd army in the other direction. Another thing I am realizing is my position is nice and far from the water, so I won’t be harassed early by R’lyeh or Atlantis http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Vaklidun will continue researching Alteration with his 11 RPs.

Kelan October 18th, 2004 08:50 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
I will try to update at least a turn a day, but I only have a couple hours after work to play each day and I am realizing this takes a while http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I will see what I can do, though.

Kelan October 18th, 2004 09:14 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

NOTE: RP Total and research additions listed at beginning of turn summary is the status of both when the turn ends.

Provinces: 1
Treasury: 268
Income: 219
Upkeep: 38
RP Total: 31
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 5

Alteration: 1(+31)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 9 (+3)
Death: 6 (+2)

~ Alteration 1 completed.
~ Pythium has made the Patriarch named Bartholomeus its prophet
~ C’tis has made the Lizard King named Ishkur its prophet
~ Angerboda the Great Hag appeared at the gates of your Castle

!!! Holy cow! I didn’t even take luck and got her already. My Last game under Luck 1 it wasn’t until probably turn 25 or so before she showed up as my first hero. She is a 3S, 3D, 2N, 3B mage with 13 research. This is a great surprise and satisfies many uses that I will want eventually including a 3S mage!

Ferdinando’s Footmen were recruited by Marignon.
The Elephant Corps are now available, Hannibal commands 5 men for 80 gold

NOTE: In the Province reports the Pop, Inc, Res, and Supplies will only update every 5 turns or so. I will also add a , and new defender numbers after the previous if there are new reports.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep.

J 3 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29560, 208, 80, 409)
I 1 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 70, (50) Militias/Archers/Light Infantries
I 1 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – (50), 40 Woodsmen/Woodsman Blowpipes
I 1 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40, (40) Barbarians
I 2 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70, 40 Barbarians
I 0 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest
I 0 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest

Surprise! More forests, heheh. At least they aren’t swamps http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Gotvid is my new Niefel Jarl. He is a 3W, 2D, 3H fighting machine.

This turn I recruit a Jotun Gode for 200 gold and save the remaining 68 gold. It will be a couple turns before I move out so I may as well save on a little upkeep and hold the gold to recruit the rest of my first army.

I send Starkader the scout on to (212) and Tunne to (195)

Vaklidun, Gotvid, and Angerboda are set to research giving me 31 total RP in Alteration. At this rate I may hit Alt 3 sooner than I expected.

Daynarr October 18th, 2004 09:33 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Keep it up. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
There is never too much AAR's.

Kelan October 19th, 2004 07:50 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 1
Treasury: 243
Income: 222
Upkeep: 44
RP Total: 31
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 7

Alteration: 1(+31)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 12 (+3)
Death: 8 (+2)

~ Vanheim has made the Vanjarl named Hogne its prophet

The Elephant Corps was recruited by Marignon.
Obscuro the Hidden master is now available for 50 gold.

I like to take mercs for paths I don’t normally have, but my pretender now has air this game so I will pass on Obscuro this time.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep.

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29560, 208, 80, 409) 25 Def
I 1 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 70,(50),60 Militias/Archers/Light Infantries
I 2 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – (50),40,40 Woodsmen/Woodsman Blowpipes
I 1 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60 Barbarians
I 2 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70,40,(40) Barbarians
I 1 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80) Barbarians
I 1 (180) Suddeir Down - Plains
I 0 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest
I 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain

Maybe I will try to color code the provinces later on with Argitoth’s new color codes. I will save that for a later turn, though. It looks like a lot of barbarians are nearby. Those can hurt.

I would like to recruit some mages, but 250 gold is the cheapest for Niefelheim so I will have to wait until my 1st army is formed. This turn I recruit 1 Niefel Giant and 1 Jotun Spearman. This takes all but 8 of my resources and leaves me 63 gold for next turn.

Freke is my new Jotun Gode and I set him to become my prophet.

I leave Starkader the scout for one more turn in (212) to get more information on the large number of barbarians there. I may have to go South in my expansion first due to this roadblock. I send Tunne the scout South to (183).

Kelan October 19th, 2004 07:53 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 1
Treasury: 240
Income: 222
Upkeep: 45
RP Total: 13
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 7

Alteration: 2(+13)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 15 (+3)
Death: 10 (+2)

~ Alteration 2 is completed.
~ Abysia has made the Demonbred named Togaric its prophet.
~ Jotunheim has made the Jotun Gode named Freke its prophet.

Victor’s Villains were recruited by Marignon.
The Elephant Corps appears to be gone… I never did trust those elephants http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Obscuro the Hidden Master was recruited by Pythium.
Gynter Blukraft’s Sonnenkinder is now available, 30 men for 150 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep.

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
I 3 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 70,(50),60,30 Militias/Archers/Light Infantries
I 2 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – (50),40,40,60 Woodsmen/Woodsman Blowpipes
I 1 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60,40 Barbarians
I 4 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70,40,(40),30 Barbarians
I 2 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70) Barbarians
I 1 (180) Suddeir Down - Plains
I 0 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
I 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain
I 0 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest

I actually like that there are many good site provinces nearby to start this game. Hopefully it will allow me to get some good gem income going early and the income levels also seem to be decent. Also, these forest provinces seem to be a great population level (most are about 7k) for blood hunting and being so near my capital and in the corner of the map should allow my growth scale to help offset the pop decrease and keep the hunters safer.

I recruit another Niefel Giant and 1 more Jotun Spearman.

I send Starkader the scout on to (216) and Tunne the scout to (180).

Vaklidun with his winter wolves (1 per turn while in cold province), Gotvid with the 8 Jotun Axemen, 1 Jotun Spearman, and 1 Niefel Giant and Freke my Jotun Gode prophet head to (208) to attack. This seems to be the easiest surrounding province and should have around 45-50 defenders based on the reports. Hugin the Herse will stay behind to bring more troops to the next province.

I set the Axemen, Spearman, and Giant in the middle of the placement area with hold and attack nearest orders. Vaklidun is set at the rear top scripted with Quickness, Breath of Winter, Air Shield, attack closest. Gotvind will cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, attack closest and is set at the rear bottom. Freke is set to cast Divine Blessing, Fanaticism, and (cast). It is my hope that my giants will absorb any missile fire with their shields until buff spells are cast, then all will meet the charging enemy at about the same time.

Angerboda will continue to research Alteration with 13 RPs.

Kelan October 20th, 2004 05:45 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 2
Treasury: 259
Income: 240
Upkeep: 52
RP Total: 13
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 7

Alteration: 2(+13)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 18 (+3)
Death: 12 (+2)

~ There was a battle in (208) Forsen Forest.

Battle Results: There are 28 Militia, 15 Archers, 7 Light Infantry, and 3 Commanders. It looks like my scout was right on with his report of 50 defenders. I figured that Vaklidun and Gotvid would move out to attack at the same time, but Gotvid moved a turn earlier. I guess I figured on turn 2 that Vaklidun would cast BoW and Air Shield and Gotvid would cast BoW and wait until turn 3 to attack and that its movement would be done since it casted at least one spell in round 2, even though he would have had quickness. It seemed that Gotvid attacked turn 2 in the replay.

The battle still went well, however, even though Gotvid charged ahead and fought alone for a couple turns. The archers continued to target my axemen and spearman even though my two main commanders were far ahead of them as the battle went on. In the end I had no losses and Vaklidun and Gotvid escaped without any afflictions and landed in 3rd and 4th in the Hall of Fame. Gotvid got the heroic quickness skill for his reward.

At the start of the battle, Vaklidun’s stats were 198 Hps, 14 Prot, 30 Morale, 19 MR, 4 Enc, 31 Str, 15 Att, 19 Def, and 16 Prec. Not too bad with no equipment after dominion strength is up some. I will try to get him and Gotvid to attack at the same time next battle and not get so far ahead to get surrounded so easily.

Ferdinando’s Footmen were recruited by C’tis
Obscuro the Hidden Master is gone and seems Pythium sent him to an early death.
Gynter Blukraft’s Sonnenkinder is still available, 30 men for 135 gold.

<font color="#64300C"> </font> J=Jotunheim, <font color="white"> </font> I=Indep.

<font color="#64300C"> </font> J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 4 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 70/11 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
<font color="white"> </font> I 2 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – (50),40,40,60,40 Woodsmen/Woodsman Blowpipes
I 2 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60,40,30 Barbarians
I 4 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70,40,(40),30,50 Barbarians
I 3 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30 Barbarians
I 1 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 0 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
I 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain
I 0 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest

<font color="black"> </font> I set province defense to 5 for my new province. I would like to get it to 10 at least before possible remote province attacks, but should be okay with 5 for a while.

I recruit another Niefel Giant and 1 more Jotun Spearman. I will try to recruit as many giants for my first army before they head off South. Then, I hope to be able to afford some mages for a few turns.

I send Starkader the scout on to (205) and Tunne the scout to (166).

My main army will continue on to (218), another surrounding capitol province. I add Blessing to the end of Gotvid’s script hoping it will synch his attack up with Vaklidun. Hugin takes the newly recruited Jotun Spearman and Niefel Giant and joins the battle in (218).

Angerboda will continue to research Alteration with 13 RPs.

Kelan October 20th, 2004 07:01 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 3
Treasury: 273
Income: 288
Upkeep: 59
RP Total: 13
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 9

Alteration: 2(+13)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 21 (+3)
Death: 14 (+2)

~ Caelum has declared war on me.
~ Hugin the Jotun Herse was struck straight in the heart by an arrow. He survived but got an ugly wound.
~ Arcoscephale has made the Hero named Anthromachus its prophet.
~ T’ien Ch’i has made the Prince General named Hou Tu its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (218) East Forsen Forest.

Ugh, I hate that seeking arrow spell (I assume that is what hit me). How did they know where I was? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Battle Results: There are 26 Woodsmen, 18 Woodsman Blowpipes, and 1 Druid. I realize the enemy are all ranged units and I should have changed my giant units to attack right away. Also, Gotvid ends up casting Quickness and Breath of Winter in the first round, decides not to cast Blessing and attacks right away in round 2. I suppose this is because my Jotun Gode cast Divine Blessing in round 1 and Gotvid was already blessed and the heroic quickness allows him to charge off again on his own, heheh. With his 44 AP, he gets to the Woodsmen in a hurry. The blowpipes appear to be 2 AP damage with paralyzing poison and precision 0. It doesn’t appear that any of my units are hit with it, though. The sole druid casts sleep a lot also to no effect. I end up routing the enemy again with no losses and no afflictions to my commanders.

Gotvid ends this battle with 96 fatigue and the wraith swords will not come soon enough. I better get construction going soon. He has also taken over 1st place in the HoF.

Gynter Blukraft’s Sonnenkinder was recruited by Marignon
The Brave Breakers are now available, Grom Brave Breaker commands 30 men for 150 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 5 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
J 2 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 70/15 (9680, 45, 30, 196) 5 Def
I 2 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60,40,30,50 Barbarians
I 5 (195) Oeversee – Forest – 70,40,(40),30,50,50 Barbarians
I 3 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60 Barbarians
I 1 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
I 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 0 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands
I 0 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest
Mg ? (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands

I finally find my nearest opponent, Marignon. It appears that my initial decision to go South first will work out well. I will try to secure as many provinces as I can before Marignon moves North.

I set province defense to 5 for (218). I will try to remember to take a new map screenshot and add province numbers on the next turn I play (which is up to 10 now) to try to make it a bit easier to tell where each province is.

I recruit another Niefel Giant and 1 more Jotun Spearman. I like to have a group of 3-4 Niefel Giants along with 8-12 Spearmen/Axemen for this first army I want to send off to the South. I notice that Druids are now recruitable in (218), but I will need to build a temple and lab first. They are 140 gold each and are 2N 2H mages. This is quite an investment early on and the research gain is minimal (35.7 gold/RP for the Skratti and Gygja and 35 gold/RP for the Druid). I didn’t notice whether Druids were sacred or not though for the reduced upkeep. Either way, I decide to wait a bit before trying to recruit some and with seeking arrows starting to fly it may be good to recruit giant mages for my research so they can survive them. It will be a nice vine ogre factory province possibly later on in the game, though.

I send Starkader the scout on to (193) and Tunne the scout to (165). Tunne will get a report on (165) and (152) and then hang out near the border of Marignon to track its movements.

My main army will return back to my capitol before heading South as that is the only way to go.

Angerboda will continue to research Alteration with 13 RPs.

Kelan October 20th, 2004 07:13 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a copy of the Turn 5 map attached. I added some province numbers in Paint real quick to show where they are. The file is a little big (293k), but hopefully not too bad for most.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 06:45 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 3
Treasury: 265
Income: 297
Upkeep: 68
RP Total: 13
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 10

Alteration: 3
Construction: (+13)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 24 (+3)
Death: 16 (+2)

~ Alteration 3 completed.

I accidentally forgot to split research Last turn. I only needed 10 of the 13 to complete Alt 3 and now have 3 extra there toward Alt 4.

Brave Breakers were recruited by Arcoscephale
Shipwreckers are now available, Y’gologna commands 20 men for 150 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/4 (9680, 45, 30, 196) 5 Def
I 2 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 40,(40),60,40,30,50 Barbarians
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50 Barbarians
I 3 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60 Barbarians
I 2 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
I 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 0 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest
? -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains
I ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains

I made a mistake since I started this and had Oeversee (195) listed as forest when it is in fact plains. I will fix that here and from here forward.

This turn I recruit a Jotun Skratti which is 2W, 2B, and 1 random sorcery path. Hopefully I will eventually get one with 2W, 3B so that I can make a water bracelet and summon ice devils. It does appear that druids are sacred, so this appears to be my best long term research option for the time being. For now, though, I will wait to invest the 400 gold up front to get them going (cost of temple and lab).

I now have a total of 4 Niefel Giants, 8 Jotun Axemen, and 5 Jotun Spearmen. I put the Jotuns in one squad (I leave 1 Spearman to guard Angerboda) and have them in the center to Hold and Attack Nearest. I put the Niefel Giants in their own squad (mainly because they are faster) and set them back a step or two with the same orders. I now script Vaklidun to cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, Mirror Image, Mistform, and Attack Closest. I change Gotvid to cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, (hold) 3 times then Attack Closest. Hopefully this will allow him to time up right with Vak to attack at the same time. I send the army to attack (202). Hugin the Herse will stay to pick up later re-inforcements and pick up forged items in the turns ahead. Vaklidun now has 6 winter wolves. I just notice that these also get a nice boost in Zen’s new spell mod and this should help my cause http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I also take a moment to notice that none of my Niefel Giants are wounded, but 3 of my Jotun Axemen are now afflicted.

I send Starkader on to (189) to scout some more and move Tunne to (152).

Angerboda will start to research Construction with 13 RPs. Once I get Construction 4, I may use Angerboda or another Gygja to search the surrounding provinces for magic sites. I intend to use Acashic Record a lot later on, but it will be a while before I have the gem income to do that.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 07:11 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR

Provinces: 4
Treasury: 280
Income: 345
Upkeep: 72
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 10

Alteration: 3
Construction: (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Water: 27 (+3)
Death: 18 (+2)

~ R’lyeh has made the Starspawn named Yakt Hoob its prophet.
~ There was a battle in High Yldemir.

There are 48 barbarians here, 26 with mauls and 22 with great swords. Both are 9 damage and the barbarians have 12 strength, so this may hurt some. Gotvid waited way too long to attack. I was hoping that while under both quickness he would pass over the 3 (hold) turns in 1 turn, but apparently no matter how quickened a commander is, they will hold a turn for each time listed, which makes sense.

The barbarians were fast and got to my giants first, and without any support from Gotvid or Vaklidun, they chewed up some of my Jotuns in a hurry. As soon as Vaklidun and Gotvid got in there to help, the barbarians soon routed after. Before they ran, they did manage to kill 6 of my Jotun Axemen and the rest of my army did not rout at all. I think I could have prevented the losses, or at least reduced them, if I set my Jotuns back a bit and had Gotvid not hold so many turns.

Ferdinando’s Footmen were now recruited by C’tis.
Shipwreckers were recruited by T’ien Ch’i.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (29750, 222, 80, 438) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 34, 32, 126) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9680, 45, 30, 196) 5 Def
J 3 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 80/10 (7200, 32, 32, 158) 5 Def
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50,30,40 Barbarians
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40 Barbarians
I 3 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 3 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 0 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
? ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
I ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands

Fres is my new Jotun Skratti and is 2W, 1N, 2B. I set him to research construction with Angerboda for a total of 20 RPs.

I recruit 6 new Jotun Huskarls w/spears to replace the 6 axemen that just died. I decide to go for the lower resource cost Huskarl so that I can get 6 this turn. They have +1 morale, +1 defense, and –3 protection compared to the Jotun Spearman so they should be close to as effective for how I am using them.

I have Vaklidun, Gotvid, and Freke search for magic sites in (202) while they wait for more support to take on the barbarians in (195) next turn. If I had 6 less Jotuns in this Last battle, things may have not been as well so I decide to wait.

I send Starkader on to (170) to scout some more and have Tunne stay in (152) to see if Marignon has any activity in the area.

Hopefully I will find some Independant scouts soon so that I can recruit some cheap ones to scout more and to bring and hold magic items.

Kelan October 21st, 2004 07:48 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 10:

Provinces: 4
Treasury: 312
Income: 337
Upkeep: 86
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 1 (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 1 (+1)
Water: 31 (+4)
Death: 21 (+3)

~ Construction 1 has been completed.
~ Freke, my Jotun Gode and prophet was struck by an arrow, survived and got an ugly wound.
~ Vaklidun has found a magic site in (202) – Mist Swamps which has 1W, 1A per turn
~ Gotvid has found a magic site in (202) – Battlefield which has 1D per turn
~ Mictlan has made the King of Legends named Mictlipoctli its prophet.

Gynter Blukraft’s Sonnenkinder was now recruited by T’ien Ch’i.
Hector’s Heavy Horsemen are now available, Hector Stark commands 15 men for 220 gold.

Heavy Cavalry sure can be nice and can take some provinces all by themselves. I just don’t want to spend the gold right now, though, and they may not work well with the chill from my giants. I also don’t think they can take barbarian provinces or others that are next in line to take over by themselves.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
J 3 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
J 4 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 90/3 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
I 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70,40,(40),30,50,50,30,40,30 Barbarians
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60 Barbarians
I 3 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20) Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
? ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -1 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
I ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
I ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
I ? (153) Golana – Swamp
Mg ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands

There is a new update on population, income, etc. and I like how much growth is helping along here. This may have quite a nice income effect as the game goes on.

It appears that Bolfar has a temple and fortification and is owned by Marignon along with (179) now. This is probably its capitol as I doubt that they built those already. Also, it looks like Marignon has been working over province (170) as there are only 9 heavy infantry left there. Marignon is also expanding very fast from the graphs, and has 3 more provinces than I do it appears. I tend to expand slow and try to watch my borders and like to prevent routing as much as possible. It also tends to give the AI more time to expand, and even expand faster than I, and can give a bit more of a challenge later in the game. If I get time to commit to some MP in the future, I will probably have to re-think this, but who knows http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

This turn I recruit another Jotun Skratti for 250 gold. Normally I would try to recruit more Gygja right now, but since I got Angerboda so quickly she satisfies most of my Astral, Death, and Nature needs for a while. Still, I will most likely recruit another Gygja next turn to try to get another forger for Wraith Swords, Pendants of Luck, and Ring of Regeneration. This will also allow Angerboda to keep using her valuable 13 RPs researching.

I send my main army on to (195) to try to eradicate the barbarians there. I move the spearmen and giants back a bit to try to slow down the first contact a little. I remove 2 of the extra (hold)s from Gotvid’s script and have Hugin gather up the 6 new Huskarls (with same positioning and orders as the spearmen) and join the fight.

I send Starkader on to (179) to scout some Marignon’s territory and head back to the bottleneck to see when Marignon starts to move that way and to monitor what size army/make-up he may move in with toward me. I have Tunne stay in (152) to wait on Marignon’s progress in the area. At this point I normally don’t send in scouts deep inlands to see what other nations are doing. Part of it is I like to be surprised at what I come up against and see how I react and part is I don’t want as much management of scouts and their progress. I am not sure what else I would do with the info either at this point. In MP, I would probably have to do much more scouting as many seem to do to be successful.

I have both of my mages continue to research Construction with 20 RPs.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 08:07 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
TURN 11:

Provinces: 5
Treasury: 369
Income: 410
Upkeep: 99
RP Total: 27
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Converted Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 1 (+27)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Air: 2 (+1)
Water: 35 (+4)
Death: 24 (+3)

~ Hugin was struck by an arrow again and survived.
~ There was a battle in Oeversee (195).

There are 2 barbarian chiefs, 20 barbarians with mauls, and 29 barbarians with great swords. My army timing works well and all move together except for Gotvid, which went a turn too early. I will add one more (hold) to his script for the next battle. Upon charging, though, Vaklidun gets stuck behind the spearmen and does nothing for 2 turns. I think perhaps the wolves got in his way and that caused him to veer more to the center of the battlefield. I end up routing the barbarians and taking the province, but not before I lose 2 Jotuns and have one squad of Jotuns rout and flee.

I check my remaining units and notice that one of my Niefel Giants has lost one eye and has been weakened. At least he didn’t get morale loss, which would be much worse I think.

Upon taking province (195) I notice it has the Arena as a site which gives an extra 15 gold income per turn.

Hector’s Heavy Horsemen were recruited by Marignon.
Black Bone’s Pirates are now available, 25 men for 180 gold.

J=Jotunheim, I=Indep., Mg=Marignon

J 6 (207) Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
J 6 (208) Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
J 4 (218) East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
J 5 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70/14 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70 Barbarians
I 5 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
Mg -2 (141) The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
? ? (189) Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
Mg ? (179) Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
I ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
Mg ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
I ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
Mg ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

I notice there are now 20 Heavy Cavalry in (179) and it is probably Hector’s Heavy Horsemen that Marignon has just hired. I set the defense to 5 in my newly acquired province (195).

Alf is the Jotun Skratti that appears and has 2W, 3B. Excellent! This is what I was hoping for as I don’t recall it being easy to get +1B without having at least 3B already.

This turn I recruit another Gygja for research and forging and 3 Jotun Spearmen.

I send Hugin back to my capitol to pick up the 6 Jotun Spearmen that will be there next turn. I send Freke to (202) to pick up the 2 Jotuns that fled there. Vaklidun and Gotvid will search (195) for magic sites while they await reinforcements.

I have Starkader move up to (179) to wait for any advancement by Marignon and have Tunne wait and scout in (152).

My mages in the capitol continue to research construction with 27 total RPs.

I will attach the turn 10 map file to this post.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 08:11 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Hmm... I tried to use Tab and spaces to try to help format the reports a bit, but they don't seem to have any effect.

Does anyone know of a way to get columns of data to line up in a post? Perhaps I can just try to add some of these characters to help ____.

I also tried to add some color codes, but couldn't get them to work either. Could someone point out what the exact syntax would be to try some custom colors?

Zen October 22nd, 2004 08:34 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Use code, /code to be able to format things in rows. For colors I believe you just use the normal color:red, /color tags.

Kelan October 22nd, 2004 09:23 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> J 5 (202) High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
J 6 (195) Oeversee – Plains – 70/14 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white">I 4 (212) West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70 Barbarians
I 5 (180) Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
I 4 (183) North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
</font>? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
? 0 (205) Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
I 1 (166) Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
I 1 (165) Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
I 1 (152) South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200">Mg -1 (146) Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
</font>I ? (193) Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights

</pre><hr />


Kelan October 22nd, 2004 09:25 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
Cool, thanks Zen. I will play around with this some more and try to come up with a better format.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 10:33 AM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 12:

Provinces: 5
Treasury: 289
Income: 415
Upkeep: 121
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 2 (+20)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">3 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">39 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white"> </font>
Death: <font color="purple">27 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Construction 2 has been completed.
~ Gotvid cannot find any magic sites in Oeversee (195).
~ Vaklidun cannot find any magic sites in Oeversee (195).

Black Bone’s Pirates were recruited by Mictlan.
The Archers in White are now available, Sanne commands 20 men for 100 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 90/3 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 5 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10,30 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 5 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),50,30,40,70 Militias/Light Infantries/Archers
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 0 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="white"> I 2 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – (40) Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 2 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 1 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

Sif is the new Gygja that was recruited and has 2D, 2N, 1B. Now I have two mages that can forge Wraith Swords and Rings of Regeneration. I would like to get at least one random Gygja with 1S to help with making pendants of luck and to allow Angerboda to keep researching.

I notice that I can now forge Horror Helmets, Pendants of Luck, and Clams of Pearls. I have 140 total RPs to get to Construction 4 and want to get there as soon as possible, but decide to have two of my Jotun Skratti forge a Clam of Pearls this turn. I will need the pearls to make pendants of luck and can turn them into nature gems to make rings of regen and other nature items in case I don’t find any nature sites soon. Once I get enough items made for my army early on, I will research conjuration and try out some new summons like the ice drakes.

This turn I recruit another Gygja for 250 gold.

Hugin picks up the 6 spearmen in my capitol and heads to (195). He will offer support in the attack on the heavy cavalry in (180) if I decide to attack there next turn. Freke picks up the 2 Jotun in (202) and heads to attack (183) along with my main army which moves from (195). Vaklidun now has 9 winter wolves which have built up a bit over the turns. I group them together and tell them to Hold and Attack Rear to see if they are more effective that way.

I have Starkader wait in (179) and Tunne wait in (152).

My extra mages in the capitol continue to research construction with 20 total RPs.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 11:25 AM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 13:

Provinces: 6
Treasury: 362
Income: 474
Upkeep: 138
RP Total: 27
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 11

Alteration: 3
Construction: 2 (+27)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">4 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">23 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white"> </font>
Death: <font color="purple">30 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Gotvid was stuck in the heart with an arrow and received a wound. Ugh! The +5 Enc will really hurt him now.
~ There was a battle in (183) North Horslund Forest.

For defenders, there are 1 priest, 3 commanders, 15 Militias, 19 Light Infantry, and 14 Archers. The timing of this battle went very well. The Jotuns took the initial charge and Vaklidun and Gotvid hit the sides of the enemy hard. 5 of my winter wolves charged ahead and quickly killed the priest and attacked the commanders. I ended up with no losses while taking the province.

The Archers in White were recruited by T’ien Ch’i.
Dante’s Stingers are now available, Dante commands 30 men for 150 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90,40 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 5 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – (20),10,30,20 Heavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 60/20 (8970, 36, 30, 167) 5 Def
? 0 (216) Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="white"> I 3 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – (40),50 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 2 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 2 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

Tokk is my new Gygja that was recruited and has 2D, 2N, 1B. Dang… no random astral yet. At least I now have 2 mages with 2D and 2N other than Angerboda now and I can always use any extra Gygja to get my blood hunting going.

This turn I recruit another Gygja for 250 gold and 3 Jotun Spearmen. I set defense in (183) to 5.

I have my 2 Jotun Skratti forge another clam of pearls each and equip each of them with one that is in the lab.

I put the 2 Jotuns that Freke brought down into the same squad as the other Jotuns to help minimize routing chances. I sent my main army from (183) to (180) to try to take over the Heavy Infantry and Cavalry there. I have reports ranging from 10-30 there with Heavy Cavalry listed 2nd, so hopefully the cavalry are 10 or less in number. Hugin comes down from (195) with his 6 Jotuns to join in the fight.

Assuming I can take over (180) next turn, I plan to then move on to take (166) and build a fort/temple/lab and await construction 4 for wraith swords and other goodies. Then I may have to decide to move on Marignon and start building my 2nd army to send out West from my capitol.

I have Starkader wait in (179) and Tunne wait in (152).

My extra mages in the capitol continue to research construction with 27 total RPs.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 11:55 AM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 14:

Provinces: 7
Treasury: 354
Income: 515
Upkeep: 158
RP Total: 48
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 12

Alteration: 3
Construction: 3 (+48)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">5 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">7 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white">2 (+0/2)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">33 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

I will put the astral income as (+sites/clams)

~ Abysia sends me a message, “We shall burn your nation to the ground!
~ Construction 3 has been completed.
~ There was a battle in (180) Suddeir Down.

Yikes! I love how Abysia goes to war with you, heheh.

For defenders, there are 2 Mounted Commanders, 11 Heavy Infantry, and 10 Heavy Cavalry. At least this Version of Heavy Cavalry has the light lance as a weapon, but I notice the hoof attack is 10 damage, ouch! After scripting their spells, both Vaklidun and Gotvid have 38 fatigue. After the initial Cavalry charge, I do not lose any units, but two Jotuns only have 21 and 2 hps left. 1 of these Jotuns dies the next round, but then the enemy routs and I take the province with only one lost Jotun Huskarl. Gotvid has a hard time with his new encumbrance of 9 and tires out quickly. Hopefully the wraith sword will overcome this penalty easy enough once I can get one. I also notice that one of my winter wolves loses an eye.

After the battle, I group all of my Jotuns together in a squad and end up with 12 total. I also notice that my new province has a Library! Excellent! Now I can recruit sages for 80 gold for 7 RPs each. This should greatly help my research efforts and allow me to get some random 1 elemental mages.

Dante’s Stingers were recruited by Vanheim.
The Archers in White are still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The rest of the mercs are now gone.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30350, 213, 155, 414) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7280, 43, 33, 167) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9780, 52, 30, 185) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7250, 29, 32, 158) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10410, 53, 20, 208) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90,40,90 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 60/19 (9870, 44, 18, 193) 0 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 80/6 (8970, 36, 30, 167) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 1 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="white"> I 5 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – (40),50,40 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 2 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 3 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

I forget to write down the paths of my new Gygja, but think it has at least 1S finally. I leave province defense in (180) at 0 so that I make sure I have enough gold next turn to build a castle in (180) to protect my new sages that I plan to recruit.

I have Gotvid build a lab in (180) to be able to recruit sages. Vaklidun and Freke will search for magic sites while they wait.

I give the two new clams of pearls to 2 of my Gygja.

I have all of my mages in the capitol research construction with a total of 48 RPs. I only have 93 RPs left to get to construction 4 and will get there in 2 turns.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 02:56 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
TURN 15:

Provinces: 7
Treasury: 504
Income: 521
Upkeep: 158
RP Total: 48
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 12

Conjuration: (+3)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 3 (+45)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">6 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">11 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white">6 (+0/4)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">36 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Gotvid was struck by an arrow again and survived. Is there any way to protect yourself from these attacks early in the game without the higher research domes? It seems like they are higher research level to get early on.
~ Vaklidun could not find any magic sites in (180) Suddeir Down.
~ Freke could not find any magic sites in (180) Suddeir Down.

The Archers in White are still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
Fordo Boggit’s Elite Warriors are now available, 40 men for 220 gold.
The rest of the mercs are now gone.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30950, 230, 173, 446) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7410, 41, 33, 173) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9880, 56, 30, 186) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7380, 44, 33, 183) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10610, 84, 22, 224) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90,40,90,70 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 90/4 (10070, 30, 18, 193) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9130, 36, 31, 168) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 0 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="white"> I 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – (40),50,40,60 Barbarians
<font color="white"> I 4 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 3 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40),(40),(40),(40) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

Another update on populations and incomes this turn for provinces that are conquered.

Aude was the Gygja I forgot about Last turn and has 1S, 1D, 2N, 1B as her paths in magic. I have 2 of the spearmen that are in the capitol guard Alf, my 2W 3B Skratti and add another spearman to guard Angerboda.

Hugin starts to construct a fort in (180) to help protect the sages that I will start recruiting. It costs me 450 gold and will take 3 turns to build. I set the province defense here in (180) to 5.

Vaklidun, Gotvid, and Freke move on to province (166) to attack the barbarians there. I now have 12 winter wolves and am enjoying their effectiveness.

I have all of my mages in the capitol research construction with a total of 48 RPs. I set 45 RPs in construction to complete level 4, and put the remaining 3 RPs in conjuration. I plan to now go for conjuration 5 for Acashic Record, but also intend to use level 2 for summoning some Ice Drakes and level 3 for summoning some Vine Ogres. My Last game I didn’t use any Vine Ogres at all, but with a druid site early in the game and with the improved stats of the Vine Ogres in the mod, I will try some again this game to see how they work. I plan to have a few Ice Drakes be a part of my 2nd army that I will start to form very soon and maybe make an army of Vine Ogres later on.

I will attach another updated screen capture of the map here.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 03:21 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 16:

Provinces: 8
Treasury: 466
Income: 583
Upkeep: 158
RP Total: 20
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 13

Conjuration: (+20)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">7 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">15 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white">10 (+0/4)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">39 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Construction 4 has been completed.
~ Alf the Jotun Skratti was struck by an arrow, survived, and was wounded.
~ Marignon has made the High Inquisitor named Charle its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (166) Horslund Forest.

Here there are 2 barbarian chiefs, 19 barbarians with mauls, and 29 barbarians with great swords. When the armies first clash, only 2 barbarians were able to get attacks off. Then, my army countered and was able to get the first attack for the most part and cause some heavy losses. After a couple of rounds, my winter wolves were out on their own at the top with the two barbarian chiefs nearby in front of them. However, instead of charging and taking them out, they flanked to main army of barbarians and ran toward the center. Oh well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. The barbarians only manage one full round of attacks on my army and then rout as I take over the province with no losses. I check my troops again and find I have 2 winter wolves, 1 giant, and 4 jotuns with wounds.

The Archers in White are now employed by C’tis.
Fordo Boggit’s Elite Warriors were recruited by T’ien Ch’i.
Urgek Beast Brother is now available, 20 men for 30 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30950, 230, 173, 446) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7410, 41, 33, 173) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9880, 56, 30, 186) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7380, 44, 33, 183) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10610, 84, 22, 224) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 4 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60,70,90,40,90,70,50 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 90/1 (10070, 30, 18, 193) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9130, 36, 31, 168) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 70/12 (9050, 35, 31, 167) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="white"> I 3 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest – (50),(60),(40),(40),(40),(40),(40),(60) Light Infantry/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50),(30) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

I increase the PD of (180) to 11 and (166) to 5. The Last thing I want right now is a remote attack on (180) while building a castle so I bump that up a bit more.

This turn I recruit one sage in (180) and another Gygja in my capitol (207).

Vaklidun, Gotvid, and Freke move on to province (152) to attack the light and heavy infantry there.

I have one of my Skratti forge another clam of pearls, 2 Gygja forge wraith swords, and my 1S Gygja forges a pendant of luck. The remaining mages research conjuration with a total of 20 RPs.

Tunne will now move on to province (165) since I am now moving in to take the province he is waiting in.

I notice my dominion is staying high in my own provinces, but I still plan to build some temples soon at my borders to keep it that way.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 07:42 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 17:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 498
Income: 624
Upkeep: 180
RP Total: 42
Forts: 1
Temples: 1
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 13

Conjuration: 1 (+42)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">8 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">9 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow"> </font>
Astral: <font color="white">9 (+0/4)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">22 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Conjuration 1 has been completed.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.

Here there are 3 commanders, 5 crossbowmen, 14 heavy infantry, and 25 light infantry. This battle is pretty un-eventful and I take over the province with no losses. Gotvid keeps getting 100+ fatigue and needs a wraith sword in a hurry http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

The Archers in White are still employed by C’tis.
Urgek Beast Brother was recruited by Mictlan.
Rexor’s Barbarians are now available, 40 men for 150 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30950, 230, 173, 446) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7410, 41, 33, 173) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9880, 56, 30, 186) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7380, 44, 33, 183) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10610, 84, 22, 224) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10070, 30, 18, 193) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9130, 36, 31, 168) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9050, 35, 31, 167) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> I 5 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 70/14 (8930, 36, 29, 158) 5 Def
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50),(30),(30) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="white"> I 0 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains

(141) The Sinking Land appears to have been taken over by 10 troglodytes. An event must have stricken this Marignon province and taken over. There appears to be no defenders in the Marignon province of (146) Vorgunmarsh.

I increase the PD of (152) to 5.

Alfhild is my new Gygja and is 2S, D, N, B and Radan is my new sage and is 1D. I still have no place to recruit independent scouts yet.

In the new province of (152) I have Vaklidun build a lab, Freke build a temple, and Gotvid searches for magic sites. Next turn I will be able to have them pick up their magic items at the new lab.

This turn I recruit one sage in (180).

I have Aude forge another pendant of luck and send Angerboda to (208) to do some site searching. I debate whether I want to make some Horror Helmets this turn, but decide to save the death gems for now and will be using more soon to make more wraith swords for my next army. The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 42 total RPs. I consider starting to blood hunt soon, but may wait until I start researching Blood Magic. I still want to get Enchantment 5 after conjuration and maybe Construction 6 before I consider Blood Magic.

Tunne will now move back to province (141) to scout any army that may come through next to take the province.

Kelan October 23rd, 2004 08:13 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 18:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 463
Income: 662
Upkeep: 186
RP Total: 56
Forts: 2
Temples: 2
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 2 (+56)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">9 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">13 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">1 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">9 (+0/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">25 (+3)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Caelum has declared war on me again.
~ Conjuration 2 has been completed.
~ A dire portent. Pythium has cast The Eyes of God.
~ Gotvid has found a magic site in (152) South Horslund Forest. The magic site is the Stony Swamps (+1E).

Rexor’s Barbarians are recruited by Marignon.
The Archers in White are still employed by C’tis.
Urgek Beast Brother is still employed by Mictlan.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is now available for 40 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon,</font> <font color="#9F2DB0"> Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30950, 230, 173, 446) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7410, 41, 33, 173) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9880, 56, 30, 186) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7380, 44, 33, 183) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10610, 84, 22, 224) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10070, 30, 18, 193) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9130, 36, 31, 168) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9050, 35, 31, 167) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 90/2 (8930, 36, 29, 158) 11 Def
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py 1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50),(30),(30),(60) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="white"> I 2 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -2 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

(146) Vorgunmarsh has just been taken over by Pythium and now appears to have as defenders 20 Velites and a huge Hydra. I also see that Pythium owns the new visible province of (136). I see a new Marignon province off to the west (143). There is an awful lot of swamp provinces down in this area. When I decide to go to war I better have plenty of supplies with me before I move out.

I increase the PD of (152) and (166) to 11 now that I am bordering some possible aggressive nations. The fort is now completed in (180) and the income level of the province has increased to 74 and the resources to 106. This is a decent place to recruit some added Jotuns if needed once I go to war.

This turn I recruit another sage in (180) and a priest in (152) to stay in the temple and preach. I save the rest of my gold to recruit a Niefel Jarl next turn to be the start of my second army. He will move to (218) to construct a temple for the druids and then move out west once an army is ready to go.

Angerboda will search for magic sites in (208). Hugin will move to (166) on his way to (152) to construct a new castle. I send my army to (166) from (152) to try to intercept a possible offensive from the Pythium army on my border. Before they move, however, I equip Vaklidun and Gotvid with a Wraith Sword and Pendant of Luck each.

The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 56 total RPs.

Kelan October 24th, 2004 12:26 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 19:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 710
Income: 664
Upkeep: 193
RP Total: 49
Forts: 2
Temples: 2
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 14

Conjuration: 3 (+49)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">10 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">17 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">2 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">14 (+0/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">30 (+5)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Conjuration 3 has been completed.
~ Angerboda has found 2 magic sites in (208) Farsen Forest. One is Burial Mound and has 1D and the other Well of Pestilence which has 1D and Increases Death. Looks like my early guess on a death site there was right after all.
~ There was a battle in (141) The Sinking Land, Marignon attacks the troglodyte independents there.

There are 10 troglodyte defenders and Marignon brings to the battle 1 Commander, 1 Admiral, 2 Heavy Infantry, 3 Man at Arms, 4 Pikeneers, 6 Archers, 7 Crossbowmen, 12 Swordsmen, 13 Light Infantry, and 21 Halberdiers. The troglodytes trample some of the Marignon army, but quickly rout after.

Rexor’s Barbarians are still employed by Marignon.
Urgek Beast Brother is still employed by Mictlan.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still available at now 36 gold.
Helmut’s Sappers are now available, 20 men for 200 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (30950, 230, 173, 446) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7410, 41, 33, 173) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9880, 56, 30, 186) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7380, 44, 33, 183) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10610, 84, 22, 224) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10070, 30, 18, 193) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9130, 36, 31, 168) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I -1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9050, 35, 31, 167) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (8930, 36, 29, 158) 11 Def
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py 1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50),(30),(30),(60),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 2 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -1 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Jano is my new sage and is 1D. Dang, that makes 3 sages now and all are 1D, which doesn’t do much for me. I recruit a Niefel Jarl in my capitol for 500 gold and another sage in (180).

I have 2 Skratti summon Ice Drakes this turn to try them out. Angerboda moves on to (218) to search for sites there next turn.

My army will move to (152) again to try to cut off any advancing army if they attack. I notice that province (165) has a nice 91 Income, but reports of up to 90 crossbowmen and heavy cavalry make me hold off. The Last thing I want to do right now is deplete a big part of my army or scatter them amongst many provinces right when some armies are on my borders.

I send Tunne back to (165) to try to prevent him from getting sighted in (141).

The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 49 total RPs.

Kelan October 24th, 2004 12:51 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
TURN 20:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 586
Income: 673
Upkeep: 215
RP Total: 66
Forts: 2
Temples: 2
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 14

Conjuration: 3 (+66)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">11 (+1)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">5 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">3 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">19 (+0/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">35 (+5)</font>
Nature: <font color="green"> </font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Karloman the priest was struck by an arrow, survived and was wounded.
~ Fres and Alf, my two Jotun Skratti, cast Summon Ice Drake.

Rexor’s Barbarians are still employed by Marignon.
Urgek Beast Brother is now employed by C’tis.
Helmut’s Sappers are now employed by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still available at now 33 gold.
Burelk’s City Guard are now available, 60 men for 140 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 0 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py 1 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I ? (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 3 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -2 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

On my borders, Pythium appears to have 3 Militias in (146) and Marignon appears to have 30 Lizard Warriors, Halberdiers, and Heavy Infantry in (141).

Tabrok is my new sage and is 1F. Gisli is my new Niefel Jarl (actually was named Starkader the same as my scout, so I renamed him). I recruit another sage in (180).

I have one Gygja alchemize 2D to 1S gem and then 20S gems to 10N so that I can forge a Ring of Regeneration. Sif the Gygja forges a Wraith Sword for Gisli.

I have Angerboda search for magic sites in (218).

Hugin starts to construct a castle in (152). I have Freke and Vaklidun search for magic sites in (152) while they wait for the ring to be forged. Gotvid has already searched this province, so does some research this month. I consider having Vaklidun forge some winged shoes, but decide to wait.

The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 66 total RPs.

I will attach the new turn 20 map screen capture.

Kelan October 24th, 2004 02:01 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 21:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 509
Income: 685
Upkeep: 220
RP Total: 70
Forts: 2
Temples: 2
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 4 (+70)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">13 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">9 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">4 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">8 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">29 (+6)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">2 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Conjuration 4 has been completed.
~ A dire portent. Vanheim has cast Dark Skies.
~ Angerboda was struck with an arrow, survived and was wounded.
~ Angerboda found 3 magic sites in (218) East Farsen Forest. The sites are Moon Mages Circle (2S, 1D, can recruit Moon Mages), Forest of Delights (2N), and Crystal Garden (1S). Very nice!
~ Vaklidun has found 1 magic site in (152) South Horslund Forest. The site is Thunder Oak (1A).
~ Freke could not find any magic sites.
~ Arcoscephale has made the Hoplite Commander named Anchises its prophet.
~ A death match competition has been scheduled.

The Moon Mages that I can now recruit are 140 gold and 2S, 1D mages. I don’t think I have any direct uses for them, but they are nice nonetheless. Perhaps they could be nether dart casters? This is the first time I have ever seen them.

Urgek Beast Brother is still employed by C’tis.
Helmut’s Sappers are still employed by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still available at now 30 gold.
Burelk’s City Guard is now employed by Marignon.
The Lost Legion is now available, The Lost One commands 20 men for 30 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40,70 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 13 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 2 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70) Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 2 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I -2 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40),(30) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 3 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -2 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

On my borders, Marignon has just taken over (146) with what appears to be 50 Lizard Warriors, Halberdiers, and Heavy Infantry. Marignon’s province (141) appears to be empty.

I increase the PD of my sage province (180) to 13.

Xeran is my new sage and is 1A. I recruit another sage this turn.

In the province of (218), Angerboda builds a lab and Gisli builds a temple. I can now recruit moon mages and druids here next turn if I decide to.

I have a Gygja alchemize 6S to 3N gems to forge an Endless Bag of Wine. I have Tunne move to province (152) to pick this up next turn for my army to move on the swamps in the near future.

The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 70 total RPs. I have 144 total RPs left to complete conjuration 5 and should get there in two turns.

Kelan October 25th, 2004 05:57 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 22:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 442
Income: 695
Upkeep: 247
RP Total: 77
Forts: 2
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 4 (+74)
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: (+3)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">15 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">13 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">5 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">10 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">35 (+6)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">2 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Conjuration 4 has been completed.
~ C’tis has declared war on me.
~ There was an event in Horslund Forest. A wave of religious zeal has swept the province and a group of followers committed to your cause have joined your armies. It appears that I now have 47 militias that have joined me. Guess I will have to send them to their death soon as I think I pay upkeep on them :/.
~ There are 8 arena battles and one winner. I will try to quickly summarize what happens in each of them.

(1) Mictlan vs. Caelum. Mictlan send Mictlipoctli its prophet which is equipped with an Axe of Sharpness. Caelum sends Xshviwraspa the Seraphine. Mictlipoctli spams Raise Skeletons and Xshviwraspa keeps casting Banishment. The skeletons quickly overwhelm her and Mictlan wins.
(2) T’ien Ch’I vs. Abysia. T’ien Ch’I sends Tian-Zong the Prince General and Abysia sends Mog the Beast Trainer. Tian-Zong takes a few rounds and ends up killing Mog in melee and is left undamaged.
(3) Mictlan vs. C’tis. C’tis sends Ishkur its prophet the Lizard King. Ishkur starts out casting Holy Avenger and repeated Smites on Mictlipoctli. Mictlipoctli gets damaged on the first Smite and goes berserk and charges to melee. Mictlipoctli end up winning the battle with 19 hps left.
(4) Arcoscephale vs. T’ien Ch’I. Arcoscephale sends Nurbis the Moloch, its pretender. The Moloch is 4F, 2A, 6S, 4D. It has its imps appear then casts Personal Luck and Body Ethereal and goes into melee. Tian-Zong manages to kill one imp and then perishes once Nurbis hits him.
(5) Mictlan vs. Pythium. Pythium sends Bartholomeus its prophet the Patriarch and also has Ritual of Returning up. Mictlipoctli spams Raise Skeletons again and as soon as one hits Bartholomeus he routs (returns to the capitol I assume due to RoR).
(6) Mictlan vs. Arcoscephale. The imps from Nurbis the Moloch kill Mictlipoctli before they can do anything.
(7) Arcoscephale vs. Vanheim. Vanheim sends Gunnlaug the Vanjarl. Gunnlaug casts Banishment then kills enough imps to make them rout. Nurbis casts Personal Luck, Body Ethereal then ends up killing Gunnlaug in melee after a few rounds of combat and misses. Gunnlaug also casts Confusion quite a few times during the battle.
(8) Atlantis vs. Arcoscephale. Atlantis sends Zagauba the Deep Seer. The imps from Nurbis the Moloch kill Zagauba the first round and Nurbis ends up winning the competition for Arcoscephale.

Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still available at now 27 gold.
The Lost Legion was recruited by Vanheim.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 5 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40,70,70 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 3 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – Swamp
<font color="white"> I -2 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40),(30),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 5 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -1 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

On my borders it appears that Marignon has 3 Royal Guards in (146) and no visible troops in (141).

I increase the PD of my sage province (180) to 15. Libar is my new sage and is 1E. I recruit another sage this turn.

Tunne the scout picks up the Endless Bag of Wine and heads to (146) to join my main army there. My main army moves from (166) to attack Marignon at (146). I pick up the 47 militia and set them at the front of the formation with Attack Closest orders. Hopefully some will die off before they run for the hills http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. This also adds quite a bit of supply usage to my army, but hopefully will not result in too many starving units.

Angerboda gives its 2 Jotun Spearmen bodyguards to Gisli so that she can use her Forest Survival and travel directly to (202) to search for magic sites.

Gisli takes the Wraith Sword from the lab and summons another Ice Drake. This will be my Last summon of Ice Drakes and I will save the rest of my water gems for some more clams. Aude the Gygja forges a Pendant of Luck.

The rest of my mages will research conjuration with 74 of the 77 total RPs and start enchantment with the remaining 3 RPs.

Kelan October 25th, 2004 07:10 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 23:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 800
Income: 700
Upkeep: 245
RP Total: 71
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: (+71)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">17 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">9 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">6 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">13 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">41 (+6)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">4 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Conjuration 5 has been completed.
~ An arrow has struck Fres the Jotun Skratti in the heart, he survived and is now wounded.
~ Gisli cast Summon Ice Drake.
~ There was a battle in (146) Vorgunmarsh.

Marignon has as defenders 3 Royal Guard, 1 Friar, 1 Royal Navigator, 3 Archers, 2 Pikeneers, 1 Swordsman, and 4 Light Infantry. The battle is easily won and I successfully killed off 16 of my militias. There were also no survivors as none of the enemy was allowed to escape.

It appears that the province has 103 supplies even though it is a swamp which is well within the 73 supplies my army is now using.

Helmut’s Sappers are now employed by T’ien Ch’i.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is finally recruited by C’tis.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90,40,40,70,70,90 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 40/20 (2200, 7, 20, 103) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I -1 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40),(30),(40),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 5 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -6 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now appears to own provinces (136) and (123) to the south. These used to be owned by Pythium earlier I think. Marignon now has in (141) 90 Lizard Warriors, Crossbowmen, and Light Infantry. Marignon also has in (136) 90 Halberdiers, Crossbowmen, Archers, Swordsmen, and Pikeneers. Yikes, looks like some fairly large armies that could move on me soon.

I increase the PD of my new province of (146) to 11.

Gisli takes the new Pendant of Luck and the Ice Drake he just summoned and searches for magic sites in (218). Angerboda searches for magic sites in (202).

My fort is completed in (152). Hopefully my army will be able to handle Marignon’s armies in the area. I would like to construct a lab in the new province of (146) because there is a new Library there, but I decide it may be best to wait until the threat in the area is calmed down some. I notice I can also recruit shaman in the swamp (146). I send my main army back to (152) to try to anticipate an offensive by Marignon.

Confar is my new sage and is 1B. I will use him to blood hunt later on when I get that going. This turn I recruit a new sage, a Niefel Jarl and 3 Jotun Spearmen in my capitol, and a Jotun Scout in (152).

For this turn I forge a Skull Staff, Winged Shoes (by one of my sages), and use alchemy to get enough nature gems to forge a Ring of Regeneration. I ponder summoning a Bane Lord, but they are so dang slow on the battlefield and I hate waiting for them in past times I have used them. However, I have never used Winged Shoes on them and decide to try that this time which should fix that problem. I forge the Skull Staff so that I can get one of my 2D casters to 3D to summon one next turn.

I take a peek at the graphs and make a note of the numbers of provinces the other nations have compared to me. I will list the nations and the relative amount of provinces compared to me. Marignon (+1), Arcoscephale (+2), Vanheim (+3), C’tis (+3), T’ien Ch’I (+5), R’lyeh (-1), Mictlan (-2), Pythium (-3) and the others less than that.

The rest of my mages will research Enchantment with 71 RPs. I would like to get to Enchantment 5 in case I need to Dispel a real nasty global and hopefully to try to cast Gift of Health before too long.

Kelan October 26th, 2004 07:09 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 24:

Provinces: 9
Treasury: 389
Income: 662
Upkeep: 275
RP Total: 71
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 2 (+71)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">14 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">13 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">7 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">9 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">37 (+6)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">2 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Enchantment 1 and 2 have been completed.
~ Gisli and Angerboda did not find any magic sites.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.

Oops, looks like I made a big mistake. I forgot to put my units to Move and Patrol and my main army went and hid inside the castle in (152). Marignon took over the province with 68 units and is now attacking the castle. I am under siege, but they are unable to damage the walls. My PD was only able to manage to kill 2 of their units before routing.

The Lost Legion is still employed by Vanheim.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by C’tis.
Burelk’s City Guard is now employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The Green Horde is now available, Murong Chui commands 40 men for 300 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (31570, 223, 173, 421) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7470, 40, 33, 147) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10080, 58, 30, 206) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7530, 41, 33, 174) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (10810, 81, 8, 211) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10270, 70, 106, 287) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9330, 51, 31, 197) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9250, 57, 34, 209) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 6 {Siege} (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/16 (9130, 52, 30, 180) 0 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 7, 20, 103) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I -1 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 6 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="white"> I ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -1 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -5 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -3 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has 40 Crossbowmen and Halberdiers in (136) and a single Inquisitor in (141). Pythium has taken over the province (123) and has an army of 70 Militias, Spring Hawks, and Alae Legionnaires.

My income is really starting to drop off more than I would like. I really need to get that 2nd army going and taking some provinces. Gramner is my new Niefel Jarl and he takes the Skull Staff, gathers up all of the Jotun Spearmen in my castle (5 of them) and casts Revive Bane Lord.

I have my Gygja forge 2 Wraith Swords and 2 Pendants of Luck. I need to alchemize 2D to 1S to complete the 2nd one. Oligar is my new sage and is 1E. I have one of my 1A sages forge some Winged Shoes.

I recruit 2 Niefel Giants and 2 Jotun Spearmen in my capitol.

Angerboda moves to province (183) to continue searching.

My main army in the castle in (152) will Break Siege and try to eliminate Marignon’s sieging army. Hopefully Marignon will not continue further into my lands.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 71 RPs.

Kelan October 26th, 2004 07:35 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
1 Attachment(s)
TURN 25:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 421
Income: 684
Upkeep: 278
RP Total: 85
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 3 (+85)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">11 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">17 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">8 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">8 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">6 (+6)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">4 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Research in Enchantment 3 has been completed.
~ Gramner has cast Revive Bane Lord.
~ There was an event in (195) Oeversee. A very ill omen was seen and rumors of it have spread throughout the province. The province now has 29 unrest.
~ There was a battle in (152) South Horslund Forest.

My army breaks siege and it appears that Marignon’s army has remained in the province. The army consists of 1 Commander, 1 Inquisitor, 5 Swordsmen, 12 Light Infantry, 18 Crossbowmen, and 30 Lizard Warriors. I have my remaining 31 Militia set to attack first and they manage to kill a few units before fleeing to neighboring provinces. I do manage to get 23 of them killed, though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. My army then manages to rout the enemy quickly and leaves no survivors due to their speed and swift killing.

Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by C’tis.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
Master Gibur is now available, he commands 1 man for 80 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 5 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 40/29 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70,40 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 5 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50,100 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 60/15 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 0 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 6 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -2 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -6 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -3 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has about 40 Crossbowmen and Lizard Warriors in (141). Pythium has taken over (136) from Marignon and now has about 70 Militias, Velites, Alae Legionnaires with a huge Hydra and Several Spring Hawks. Pythium has about 10 Principes in the province of (123). It also appears that Marignon has taken over province (189) this turn. I set the PD of province 152 back to 11.

Gramner picks up the remaining Niefel Giants and Jotun Spearmen which now total 2 Niefel Giants and 7 Jotun Spearmen. Cernetu the Bane Lord grabs a Wraith Sword, Pendant of Luck, and Winged Shoes from the lab. Gisli, Gramner and Cernetu form my 2nd army and move to province (208) this turn.

Angerboda searches (183) for magic sites. Xeran the sage forges another pair of Winged Shoes. I have one of my Jotun Skratti forge a Clam of Pearls.

I recruit 1 new sage, 1 Jotun Gode to join up with my second army, and 2 Jotun Spearmen.

I would like to start summoning some Vine Men or Vine Ogres soon, but just don’t have enough of a nature gem income yet to do it well. I still have Jarls without Rings of Regeneration and I would like to get Gift of Health up sometime among other things. I will try to fit it in sometime soon. Hopefully Angerboda will find some more nature sites soon which would help a lot.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 85 RPs.

Attached is an updated Turn 25 map.

Kelan October 27th, 2004 07:53 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 26:

Provinces: 10
Treasury: 334
Income: 637
Upkeep: 293
RP Total: 93
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 4 (+93)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">8 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">11 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">9 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">16 (+3/5)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">14 (+8)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">6 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Mictlan has declared war on me.
~ Research in Enchantment 4 has been completed.
~ Angerboda has found a magic site in North Horslund Forest, Graveyard of the Damned which generates 2D per turn.
~ There was an event in (208) Farsen Forest. A very ill omen was seen and rumors of it have spread throughout the province. The province now has 28 unrest.
~ There was a battle in (146) Vorgunmarsh.

Marignon attacks me in (146) like I suspected and my army was waiting for them. They attack with 1 Commander, 3 Pikeneers, 4 Halberdiers, 8 Crossbowmen, and 10 Lizard Warriors. I end up killing them all before they can escape and lose one of my Militia in the battle. After casting quickness, Gotvid with his Heroic Quickness ability also ends up having 3/74 move during the battle. 74?! Dang! He can really move around the battlefield.

Master Gibur is recruited by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is now employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by T’ien Ch’i.
The Farstrikers are now available, Arnaud commands 30 men for 160 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 40/28 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 10 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 10 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 10 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 80/9 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 10 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – (80),(70),30,60,60,40,60, 70,90,40,90,70,50,50,90, 40,40,70,70,90,70,40,60 Barbarians
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 10 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40) Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30) Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90,(70),(70),80,70,50,100,70 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 90/2 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 80/6 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 0 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py 6 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -2 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -5 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Pythium appears to have taken province (141) from Marignon. Pythium and Marignon seem to be having quite a little war down here in the swamps. I still don’t think Pythium has tried to go after me yet, though. Pythium has 30 Alae Legionnaires and Triarius in (141), 30 Militias and Triarius in (136), and (123) appears to be free from military units.

I send my main army back to province (152) with orders to Move and Patrol.

Erik is my new Jotun Gode that is in my capitol. He takes the 2 new Jotun Spearmen and moves on to (208). Angerboda moves on to (166) to continue searching for sites.

Robior is my new sage and is 1A. I have one of my 1A sages forge another pair of Winged Shoes and a Jotun Skratti forges a Clam of Pearls. I recruit another sage this turn and a Jotun Scout in my capitol.

My newly formed 2nd army will attack the barbarians in the west in province (212). I have a total of 2 Niefel Jarls, 1 Bane Lord, 2 Niefel Giants, 3 Ice Drakes, and 9 Jotun Spearmen. I have the Niefel Jarls cast Quickness, Breath of Winter, Blessing, and attack closest. I have the Bane Lord (hold) a couple turns then attack closest also.

With my remaining gold I increase the PD of all of my provinces that were under 10 up to 10. This should protect them all from the minor remote attack spells anyway.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 93 RPs.

Kelan October 27th, 2004 08:25 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 27:

Provinces: 11
Treasury: 397
Income: 688
Upkeep: 300
RP Total: 101
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4 (+44)
Enchantment: 4 (+57)
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">5 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">5 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">10 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">25 (+3/6)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">22 (+8)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">8 (+2)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Atlantis has made the King of the Deep named Ctalou its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (212) West Farsen Forest.

As defenders there are 2 barbarian chiefs, 28 barbarians with mauls, and 33 barbarians with great swords. Yikes, that is a lot of barbarians. The battle ends up going very well, though. I lose no units, but one of my ice drakes has acquired 2 wounds. Still, I am quite pleased with the results.

Master Gibur is still employed by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is now employed by C’tis.
The Farstrikers are now employed by Abysia.
Magnus’s Crossbows are now available, Rolf Magnus commands 20 men for 120 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 80/7 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 90/3 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – 20/31 (7370, 20, 22, 146) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – (40),50 Light Infantry/Militias
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30),20 Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90, (70),(70),80,70,50,100,70,40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 21 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 5 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 13 Def
<font color="white"> I -1 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40),(50) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py 5 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -1 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -5 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg -2 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Pythium now has in (141) 40 Velites, Alae Legionnaires, and a huge Hydra and in (123) has about 10 Alae Legionnaires. Pythium’s province of (136) appears to have no enemy units.

I set the PDs of all provinces up to at least 11 and the PD of (152) up to 21, and (146) to 13.

Arnold is my new sage and is 1F. This turn I recruit another sage. Angerboda will search province (166) for magic sites.

I send my first army off to attack Pythium in the province (141). My 2nd army moves on to attack the next province in the west (216). Erik the Gode and Aurgelmer my new scout move to province (212).

I have Sif the Gygja take the Skull Staff and summon another Bane Lord this turn and Aude forges another Pendant of Luck. I will have my new Bane Lord take a pair of Winged Shoes and hurry south to help in the wars in the swamps.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Enchantment with 57 RPs and will complete Enchantment 5. They continue to research Construction with the remaining 44 RPs.

Kelan October 28th, 2004 07:04 PM

Re: Jotunheim: Niefelheim AAR
TURN 28:

Provinces: 13
Treasury: 443
Income: 772
Upkeep: 306
RP Total: 108
Forts: 3
Temples: 3
Max Dom: 6
Conv Prov: 15

Conjuration: 5
Alteration: 3
Construction: 4 (+108)
Enchantment: 5
Blood Magic:

Gem Income
Fire: <font color="red"> </font>
Air: <font color="white">7 (+2)</font>
Water: <font color="blue">9 (+4)</font>
Earth: <font color="yellow">11 (+1) </font>
Astral: <font color="white">30 (+3/7)</font>
Death: <font color="purple">15 (+8)</font>
Nature: <font color="#009200">11 (+3)</font>
Blood: <font color="red"> </font>

~ Enchantment level 5 has been completed.
~ Sif casts Revive Bane Lord.
~ Angerboda has found 1 magic site, the Glen of Verdant Greenery which generates 1N gem per turn.
~ Pythium has made the Emerald Lord named Antonius its prophet.
~ C’tis has made the Lizard King named Tibira’kalammak its prophet.
~ There was a battle in (141) The Sinking Land.
~ There was a battle in (216) Frostwater.

In the province of (141), Pythium only has a single Theurg Acolyte as a defender. He is easily killed and we take the province.

In the province of (216), there are 3 Commanders, 5 Heavy Infantry, 13 Militias, and 21 Light Infantry. My forces easily rout the enemy with no losses.

I notice that Gramner and Gisli are now in the Hall of Fame. Gramner has acquired Lightning Reflexes and Gisli now has Heroic Precision. I also notice that Freke has been in the Hall of Fame for a while and has Heroic Strength and now has a strength of 43. Dang, that would hurt if you got hit by him. I may have to get him a weapon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Master Gibur is still employed by Marignon.
Magnus’s Crossbows are recruited by Marignon.
Dagan, the Renegade Sage is still employed by Vanheim.
Burelk’s City Guard is still employed by C’tis.
The Fishermen are now available, Sho-guu commands 25 men for 120 gold.

<font color="#64300C">J=Jotunheim, </font> <font color="white"> I=Indep., </font> <font color="#CD4200"> Mg=Marignon, </font> <font color="#9F2DB0">Py=Pythium</font>

<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (207) </font> Yldemir – Capitol – 100/0 (32220, 241, 169, 455) 25 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (208) </font> Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/1 (7600, 42, 33, 162) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (218) </font> East Farsen Forest – Forest – 100/0 (10280, 62, 30, 221) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (202) </font> High Yldemir – Forest – 100/0 (7680, 43, 33, 176) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (195) </font> Oeversee – Plains – 100/0 (11010, 51, 6, 212) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (212) </font> West Farsen Forest – Forest – 90/4 (7370, 20, 22, 146) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (180) </font> Suddeir Down – Plains – 100/0 (10470, 74, 102, 288) 15 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (183) </font> North Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9530, 54, 31, 200) 11 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 3 (216) </font> Frostwater – Mountain – 70/10 (5850, 23, 34, 122) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 1 (205) </font> Aeros River – Mountain – (30),20,30 Militias/Archers/Heavy Infantry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (166) </font> Horslund Forest – Forest – 100/0 (9450, 54, 13, 199) 11 Def
<font color="white"> I 6 (165) </font> Tolk – Farm Lands – (80),50,90,80,(60),40,90, (70),(70),80,70,50,100,70,40,40 Crossbowmen/Heavy Cavalry
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (152) </font> South Horslund Forest – Forest - 100/0 (9330, 52, 96, 290) 21 Def
<font color="#64300C"> J 4 (146) </font> Vorgunmarsh – 100/0 (2200, 11, 22, 103) 15 Def
<font color="white"> I 0 (193) </font> Upper Skelde – Farm Lands – (50),(50),(50),(30),(50), (30),(30),(60),(50),(40), (30),(40),(40),(50),(40),(40),(50),(40) Militias/Longbowmen/Knights
<font color="#64300C"> J 6 (141) </font> The Sinking Land – Farm Lands - 60/14 (3250, 10, 21, 125) 15 Def
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (189) </font> Skelde Henge – Plains – (20) Tribal Cavalry
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg ? (179) </font> Braegen Marches – Plains
? ? (169) Skeldmarsh – Swamp
? ? (170) Oast Hills – Farm Lands – (9) Heavy Infantry
? ? (153) Golana – Swamp
? ? (161) Bolfar – Farm Lands
? ? (187) Godsgrave Pass – Mountain
? ? (172) Mount Isen – Plains
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -3 (136) </font> Toemuck Fen – Swamp
<font color="#9F2DB0"> Py -5 (123) </font> Madderein – Swamp
<font color="#CD4200"> Mg 0 (143) </font> Wisp’s Home – Swamp

Marignon now has 10 Crossbowmen in the province of (143). The Pythium provinces of (136) and (123) appear to be free from military units.

I set the PD of my new province (216) up to 11 and increase the PD of (141) and (146) to 15.

Tredel is my new sage and is 1A. This turn I recruit another sage in (180) and 3 Jotun Spearmen and 1 Jotun Huskarl in (152). Angerboda will move to (152).

I have my first army move from (141) to attack Pythium in (136).

I have my 2nd army move from (216) to attack (205). Erik the Jotun Gode with 2 Spearmen and a Scout also join the fight in (205) from (212). I also have Forsete the Scout move from (146) to (123) to scout into Pythium’s lands.

Wormfriend is my new Bane Lord and he picks up some Winged Shoes and a Pendant of Luck and flies to (180). He will pick up more items in the lab there next turn.

This turn I forge another Wraith Sword and Ring of Regeneration.

The rest of my mages will continue to research Construction with 108 RPs.

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