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New map - Aventurien
Aventurien is the world of a European pen and paper RPG called "Das Schwarze Auge", or DSA. It's similar to Dungeons and Dragons, except it doesn't suck http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
The copyright owners at Fanpro graciously gave permission to use their map for Dom2, so here it is. Well, a first Version anyway. I've done most of the work, but I'd like some feedback from you guys. Specifically, are there any province connection problems? Any game balance problems, bad starting locations? Province types that don't make sense? There are also several things I'd like to work on in the future. They include
For now, I'd appreciate it if you could download the map here (warning, 16 MB file) and let me know what you think. You're free to host and redistribute the file as long as it includes the readme; I want to respect Fanpro's license agreement. Please note the oh so romantic signs of wear and tear, the traces of an entire youth wasted rolling dice and running from imaginary orcs. And remember, Immer feste druff! |
Re: New map - Aventurien
I am looking forward for the big Version , hopefully with about 200 provinces , my most liked map size http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif .
Maybe you could also do a populated map like Edi's Faerun or even a small mod with some DSA creatures http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif . |
Re: New map - Aventurien
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gifCool!http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif I have not played on it yet, but I already like it because:
Admittingly, the two systems and default-world-backgorunds are worlds apart, but hey, what would the world be without some diversity? Just imagine what Dom2 would be without diversity! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: New map - Aventurien
It's the most illogical and made-up conglomerate of nations, tech levels, map snippets from "real world" regions, topped off by it's unwieldy and unconsistent simulation rules. I really appreciate (nearly) every effort to contribute something to this great game and it's community .. but why must it be a map of "Aventurien"? Why can't you (and others) come up with something new and creative, instead of rehashing old crap? To get a little bit more "back on topic" .. .. as you already wrote, you map is way to colourful, it's really hard to distinguish borders and flags from the background. A little bit less contrast and colour shifting may rectify this. .. a map without unpassable borders or "special taylored" bottleneck provinces isn't 'state of the art', and boring to play. It looks different than other maps, it plays the same. .. despite all colours, it's hard to tell waste from plains. But that makes a big difference concerning pop and ress... .. ocean tiles are way to big. Makes not only underwater movement too fast, but makes also shure that underwater nations will die from "dominion starving" very soon. More to come when I have the time to check the map more thoroughly. |
Re: New map - Aventurien
Man, this looks great! I dig smaller maps. The visibility issue might be solved by lowering the brightness of the map. Although the province neighbor arrows aren't that important if the borders are clearly marked as is the case in this (I don't see the problem with borders).
How about some impassable borders? |
Re: New map - Aventurien
I've never actually played DSA, I thought D&D was pretty good. Anyhow, the map is GREAT. I second Chazar's plea for more SMALLER MAPS. In fact, I was just about to post begging for some nice ones with water, and here comes yours. Thanks!!! I have just spent about 10 minutes looking at it, nothing more out of Zeitmangel at the moment, but may I make these comments which are hopefully constructive? - It is very hard to see neighbors (similar problem to Edi's Faerum the first time around), so I could hardly tell you right now, especially the water neighbors. Suggestion: Make little markers (similar to Edi) so that we can see where a prov may be to follow the arrows, and adjust perhaps the brightness? - There are huge amounts of swamps and wastelands and almost no forests. Maybe the DSA-Welt is like that, I dont know. But had you considered making some of the provinces dual- or even tri-type (such as: Forest and Mountain)? It is also not particularly clear which symbol represents trees (or whatever). - Neighbors: Just looking, I would have thought that the Desert of Khom would border to the north with 28 (cant see name), but it doesnt. Well this looks like a very promising start, I would much rather have a smallerish map than anything else. Thanks tons! |
Re: New map - Aventurien
My advice:
Do not mix terrain features. The %-tages add up - or cancel each other out, mostly. But every unit with "survival x" or "y" or "z", with the province having the terrain XYZ, gets unrestricted movement. Furthermore it's not clear how random events and pop type randomization behave in such cases. Only mix that works ok (province-date wise) is mountain+wood. But there are too few woods (if any at all?) on the map, for shure. Could be difficult to make them clearly visible by color, though. |
Re: New map - Aventurien
Thanks to everyone else for the suggestions. Mixing terrain types is not a good idea in my opinion, but I will see about adding more forests. The color saturation level could easily be lowered, but I wanted to avoid too much of a pastel effect where the colors are washed out. Structure and chokepoints are one of the things I thought about right after posting this thread, and would indeed be nice. I have a dislike for impassable borders that aren't clearly marked (as in, a huge honking ocean), but I'll see about making some of the mountain ranges impassable. |
Re: New map - Aventurien
Haven't had the chance to play it yet, but I just downloaded it and the map LOOKS great! can't wait to give it a go. =) thanks!
~J |
Re: New map - Aventurien
Re: New map - Aventurien
An useless tidbit of information. You may think you have not played DSA, but
the old farts among us may have tried 'Shadows of Arkania' and the other games in the series... that was DSA, or a hell of a coincidence. |
Re: New map - Aventurien
... I'll not comment on Arralen's comments, though quite frankly I'm surprised.
As for the map. A few things you might want to change from my perspective. 1.) Brightness, the map is very bright, tone it down a little more earthy and then you wouldn't get bLasted with colors. 2.) Terrain grouping. I don't know if you have a specific grouping for your terrain (like those are countries, or something). But more often than not it's easier to group by Terrain types, or at least for a country have one province that is dedicated to the population of the land and the other devoted to the special terrain. (Example, Orcland. You could snag together most of the mountains on one side and the (desert?) and apply the wasteland and mountain tag (low pop) then grab the center and make it plains with a higher population (to simulate orcish? population). 3.) Water provinces need to fit into one of two catagories. Either be viable for water nation(s), or be used as buffers and the map regulated to no water nations. What you've chosen here is the second option I believe. 4.) There isn't really a way to make a map unique as far some of the mapping commands (Sea & Sky makes good use of this as do most of Andrews maps, but he is a talented mapmaker) but you can make provinces that create interesting areas of contention by their borders. 5.) Edi was smart by making the Province box grid. I myself have taken to using it. I think it would fit well on this map as well. To use it, is really simple. Make a C&P of one white pixel then on each true direction put one black square pixel <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> BL BL WH BL BL </pre><hr /> |
Re: New map - Aventurien
Thank you for the map ... I'll try it as soon as I can.
It looks great. I agree with most of the comment and also I would like to have a mpa with more impassable border and chokes ... latly I was most playing on Cradle and I really like it for these reason anyway, I like the map! Thank you! Liga |
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