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majama May 12th, 2005 04:26 PM

too powerfull orion
i'm new in this game but im sure if Orion mercenary is the key to easy victory, he is too powerfull, it's bad thing, it make game sensless.

Please tell me how to eliminate him from game, is any mod or patch?

quantum_mechani May 12th, 2005 04:42 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
He is good, but there are many, many things that can kill him.
It would be possible to mod him to be weaker, but he is really not as great as all that.

majama May 12th, 2005 04:53 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
I hate Orion because with him always one buy = few new victories and lands. If computers buyed him first: I lost, if i buy: I win
if possible i will be happy turn him off

Saber Cherry May 12th, 2005 04:54 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
Orion is too cheap for his value - he should be, maybe, 150 or 200 gold. But he rarely plays an important role in a game, except maybe if you are playing against AIs set to Easy with independents at strength 3 on a small map.

You can mod Eternal Knights to make them weaker; the instructions are in the Modding Manual that you can get on the Shrapnel downloads page.

majama May 12th, 2005 05:07 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
thx Saber, i will read this manual and maybe something can do.
Have you ever seen game with no-orion on first place in hall of fame?

Boron May 12th, 2005 05:25 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
As soon as you have built your first SC orion will no longer be an issue http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Similiar with some REALLY powerful troops like F9W9 blessed Vans or massproduced devils.

Orion is really not an issue you will soon see. SCs maybe are though.

majama May 12th, 2005 05:46 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
SC? what does mean?

Boron May 12th, 2005 05:51 PM

Re: too powerfull orion

majama said:
SC? what does mean?

Super combatant.

For starting try a VQ god with 2fire 2air 3earth and 1water as magic, script her to quickness, ironskin, fireshield , mistform and mirrorimage, then attack enemy archers.

This vq will reliably beat almost any indep armies and be tough for 200 troop ai armies also.

RibbonBlue May 12th, 2005 06:33 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
Whos Orion, ive never seen or this thing.

NTJedi May 12th, 2005 06:39 PM

Re: too powerfull orion

majama said:
I hate Orion because with him always one buy = few new victories and lands. If computers buyed him first: I lost, if i buy: I win
if possible i will be happy turn him off

He's not the most powerful mercenary in my opinion. There's an air mage which comes with 30? slyphs! I guarantee that air mage would easily kill Orion and his men.

I wouldn't make any changes... my opinion.

Oversway May 12th, 2005 06:44 PM

Re: too powerfull orion

Have you ever seen game with no-orion on first place in hall of fame?

That is because he starts with 1000 experience, for thematic reasons.

majama May 12th, 2005 07:46 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
ok, but still orion is unnecessary for me and havent option to eliminate him from game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

NTJedi May 12th, 2005 08:25 PM

Re: too powerfull orion

majama said:
ok, but still orion is unnecessary for me and havent option to eliminate him from game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

There's an air mage which comes with 30? slyphs! I guarantee that air mage mercenary that would easily kill Orion and his men.

Orion is a great mercenary... but there's some summoned units much worse than him.

Graeme Dice May 12th, 2005 09:19 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
The Eternal Knights have no shields, so the easiest way to kill them is with crossbows.

ioticus May 13th, 2005 12:10 AM

Re: too powerfull orion
I've never seen Orion in my games. What exactly is he?

Chazar May 13th, 2005 03:30 AM

Re: too powerfull orion

ioticus said:I've never seen Orion in my games. What exactly is he?

SPOILER WARNING! DO NOT READ AHEAD! NEVER EVER! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Orion is the leader of the mercenary band "The Eternal Knights". They come in Plate Cuirasses with Flambeau's, have regeneration, fire immunity and are sacred. Orion has nice items for Protection and casting HolyPyre or something like that. For exact stats, look into Edi's formidable Unit Database (e.g. available at Arryn's) for exact stats, but be aware that while looking into those tools is almost necessary for multiplayer, it will also spoil the great fun factor of discovery of the game!!! So use at your own risk!

The Eternal Knights are useful if they come early on, but they are few and can be fairly easily killed by long range weapons or tramplers. Or in fact any bigger masses of normal troops (I once wanted to prevent my enemy from hiring the eternal knights, but I did not wish to spend my money on them. So I hired them once and sent them entirely on their own against left-over (i.e. harder) independents (setting 6-7 or such). I wanted them to win the first battles, so I placed them forward and set to attack rear, Orion to bless and cast spells. They did win two times, but there wasnt much left of them after the second battle. They are good value to combine them with a full army, but they are far from being invincible...

PDF May 13th, 2005 04:57 AM

Re: too powerfull orion
IMHO they are too powerful for their cost, and way above all other mercs . Just Etherealize/Arrow Fend them and they require some serious opposition...

majama May 13th, 2005 06:31 AM

Re: too powerfull orion
I'm working for mod in this quest, let any "Mod Master" (like Saber http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) see:

#modname "Orion weaker"
#description "This mod is to fix too powerfull Orion mercenaries"
#domversion 2.16

#selectmonster 366
#name "Eternal Knight"
#hp 10
#prot 10
#mrl 15
#enc 6
#def 12


Is this ok? how to change experience for them (they have 5 stars at beginning) help me if you know how to do it

Endoperez May 13th, 2005 03:21 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
Experience cannot be modded, but you can lower their stats. Att 10 is 15 with 5 stars, 13 when att is 8, and so on.

Thematically they should have final stats somewhat better than most elite units have, but maybe 12-13 range is better for game play.

Saber Cherry May 13th, 2005 04:49 PM

Re: too powerfull orion
That looks fine as far as syntax goes. You should probably add a mod version as well, but I don't think it is necessary. However, I think you actually made them stronger http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif "#prot 10" in a mod will give BASE protection 10, meaning 10 protection before armor is applied; same with "enc 6," that acts before armor, making their encumbrance too high. And "#def 12" acts before bonuses from their weapon and experience, so they'd end up with about 17 experience. As Endoperez said, you cannot mod Mercenary experience.

Try this:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
#modname "Orion weaker"
#description "This mod is to fix overly powerful Orion mercenaries"
#version 1.00
#domversion 2.16

#selectmonster 366
#name "Eternal Knight"
#hp 10
#str 9
#prot 0
#att 8
#def 8
#enc 3

</pre><hr />

majama May 14th, 2005 03:04 AM

Re: too powerfull orion
ok, thx, now orion will be less danger for me
its a pity that experience is not moddable, i think change experience to zero should resolve orion problem hall of fame 1st place for him

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