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regret October 1st, 2005 07:12 PM

Ermor Themes
Hi all,

New to game but got a question to ask

i am trying Ermor themes at the moment
Can someone explain to me what the difference is between the different reanimates and call spirits options?
like which uses population or corpses or no requirement?
and roughly what i will get using the different options?
i roughly know that dominion effects and unholy rating of the summoner is how much you get
and that longdead doesn't require anything
and of course the 2 tips they show saying reanimate souless needs corpses and ghouls need pop.

thanks in advance

shovah October 1st, 2005 07:16 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
soul gate:
dispossesed spirits require corpses
shades require nothing
apparitions require 100 people per summon

ghouls need 10 people
not sure what others need as i usually play soul gate

regret October 1st, 2005 07:33 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

I was trying soul gate
how do you normally set your scales?
and once you run out of pop you just stick to summoning shades? or are shades generally good enough?

I think i may have made my game too violent since i set death 3 and have starting domain at 8 plus i was happily pillaging. my provinces emptied out really fast. am i missing out if i do not summon dispossesed and apparitions?

also as long as i have a temple in the province, does it matter make a difference than summoning from capitol? cos it seems to make a diff for ashen empire.

thanks again

quantum_mechani October 1st, 2005 07:50 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

regret said:

I was trying soul gate
how do you normally set your scales?
and once you run out of pop you just stick to summoning shades? or are shades generally good enough?

I think i may have made my game too violent since i set death 3 and have starting domain at 8 plus i was happily pillaging. my provinces emptied out really fast. am i missing out if i do not summon dispossesed and apparitions?

also as long as i have a temple in the province, does it matter make a difference than summoning from capitol? cos it seems to make a diff for ashen empire.

thanks again

Normal scales are full turmoil, sloth, cold, death, luck either way, full magic. Don't worry about emptying population, that is what dead Ermor is all about. Just playing SG Ermor will kill population much, much faster than full growth scale could cure, even if you could take that. As far as ordering commanders to reanimate, it does not matter where they are. For auto summons that don't need commanders, it is based on the dominion level, plus you will receive better spawns on fort provinces.

I would advise not paying as much attention to reanimation and instead spend gems on mages.

Turin October 1st, 2005 08:36 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
How to easily win with soul gate:

Pretender design:
Choose a lich queen with dominion 10 and several rainbow paths: you will want fire 4(for alchemy), earth 3+(to find money sites) and death 6(for well of misery) ,spend the rest as you see fit, but donīt put anything in blood.
Scales are: turmoil 3, sloth3,cold 3, death 3, luck 3, magic 2 or 3. Of course you choose the cheaper and superior castle.

How to play:
prophetize the wraith centurion, research with your lich queen until you have enough gems for a dusk elder. After the elder summon 3-4 wraith centurions for expansion, then mages for research.

How to expand:
Send out the wraith centurions towards provinces under your domain, the prophetized one should be able to take them alone, the other wraith centurions should work in pairs.

Script them to hold 5 times and then attack, positioning them at the far end of the battle field. Donīt use your freespawns for expansion, you will need them to patrol.
After the lich queen has summoned the dusk elder send her out to find magic sites.

As soon as a province is conquered, build a temple there(summon a priest if you get unlucky and donīt get one early as a freespawn), unless itīs a border province. Donīt bother building forts in the beginning, your freespawns will take care of early game raiding forces(just donīt forget to buy 1 PD everywhere) .
Fortresses seem to diminish the quality of your troops. In provinces with temples you get apparitions, ghosts and wailing ladies(all awesome) in provinces with forts you only get your mostly useless spectral legionaires.

All your money should go into temples. Soul gate ermor is all about dominion. To get money pillage provinces with special income sites(arenas etc) to 0 population as soon as possible, so you can get the full 200% taxes with no unrest.
Alchemize all the fire gems you can get. Use raiding parties consisting of a spectator and freespawns.

Research conjuration to lvl 8 as soon as possible, this will give you ashen angels and the well of misery, which are probably the most important spells for you. Continue to lvl 9 for ghost riders, or research conjuration 4 first to equip your centurions. Other important spells in the conjuration path are summon spectre, king of banefires and harvester of sorrows.

Molog October 1st, 2005 09:18 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Soulless need corpses for reanimating.

Ashen empire gets better undead at castles.

Soul gate gets free priests at temples sometimes.

There should be a table in your manual displaying how much each undead and what kind each kind of reanimating gives you.

If you make make an arch bischop your prophet with ashen empire, he'll reach level 5 unholy and can cast power of the sepulchre and reanimate cencors.

Chazar October 2nd, 2005 07:47 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
What are the weaknesses of Soul Gate? Does one defend against Soul Gate like one would defend against Ashen Empire (drive-by priesting, etc.)?

shovah October 2nd, 2005 08:09 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
well soul gates units are etheral but i think there are fewer of them than ashen (dont play ashen much but still think they get more) and their units generally dont do too much damage but have paralyzing abilities (pretty sure). not sure if this is different to ashen but in provinces with temples they often get free priests so wipe out temples asap

(try some priests with flying carpets and either a fire 9 blessing on sacred troops or some toher form of magic attacks)

if your in an mp game try and team up with someone to take them down and units that dont eat are good on then since their lands have low supplie and if you ignore them they will get way too strong (beware the tartarian factorys of doom) and also watch out for all their dusk eldars as they can really put a hurting down with the right spells (or with a few boosters can spam bane lords)

Vicious Love October 3rd, 2005 06:45 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

Chazar said:
What are the weaknesses of Soul Gate? Does one defend against Soul Gate like one would defend against Ashen Empire (drive-by priesting, etc.)?

Drive by priesting is a tad less effective, what with their comparatively high MR. Artillery spells, excepting the few that don't count as magic weapons, are even more effective, as few units have more than zero protection. Heavy armor is only effective against relatively few of Soul Gate's units, whereas high MR will protect against nearly all. A few high-MR, high-HP thugs with Charcoal Shields(or fire shielded Black Sorcerers) should be tremendously effective, but you are likely to lose one or two of them, once one fails his paralyze MR roll.

Soul Gate's dominion is technically less dangerous than AE's, but the distinction becomes meaningless within a few rounds. Ph34r it, as you would AE.

Also, should a wraith centurion wind up in your dominion, kill with an assassination spell before he can get back to the immortality zone. Don't assume this'll immobilize his army, though; Soul Gate still gets free commanders. As with AE, worthwhile commanders like centurions and Dusk Elders are still prime targets, if difficult ones.

Update: Also, be Caelum. Even your troops are useful against these guys. Without the ethereal edge, SG's troops are ultra-light infantry. Most of their units have less than 10 HP. Dispossessed spirits only have 1.

Yet another update: Keep in mind that most of Soul Gate's units aren't mindless. Morale aside, this means they'll have a lot less trouble capturing and defending forts. On the other hand, where AE Ermor gets wicked awesome knights of the Unholy Sepulchre(and the occasional censor), Soul Gate gets only marginally better troops. Therefore, while I'd advise you demolish your own fort rather than let AE Ermor take it, less drastic measures might be in order with SG. Then again, forts protect temples from raids, and temples are an even more important target than before, providing both dominion and some truly worthwhile autosummons.

Jurri October 3rd, 2005 07:17 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Soul Gate's critters are not lifeless, either, so life drain works nicely. (Which is why Soul Gate is in my opinion much worse than Ashen Empire. Alongside of course SG having less hp in the horde and less damage potential.) In fact, they aren't mindless either, so fear and awe should work against them, too.

Also, in theory a dude with high attack and a magic weapon should repel the dipossessed spirits to death when they swarm him, right? Could be considered, in case you don't happen to have fireshield available.

Alneyan October 3rd, 2005 07:17 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Note that mindless units have no problem sieging a fort: they work just as well as anyone else here. Mindless units do work poorly when defending forts.

Jurri October 3rd, 2005 07:39 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Well, it really doesn't matter if your guys are mindless or not if you have eight times more of them than your mindful comparison-group! Soul Gate guys have so low a strength anyway (on average, since most of the chaff is dispossesseds http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) that Ashen seems better even in fort defense. And of course they crack forts like heads, being both numerous and strong.

Turin October 3rd, 2005 10:31 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Well I guess itīs a matter of taste which theme you like more. Either you go for masses of troops, in which case AE ermor is your favourite, or you go for awesome leaders, then you are better off with soul gate.

Both themes seem to be incredibly strong (if you know how to make money with them) and I doubt anyone could win a 1vs1 vs my SG ermor.

thejeff October 3rd, 2005 10:49 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Turin, I'm curious. How do you take provinces with just the centurions? They seem to die pretty easily against any real opposition. What does the holdx5 accomplish?
I haven't tried this, but I've seen centurions get killed often enough when they go in with troops so I'm surprised they can win alone.
Since they're immortal, you get them back, but if they don't kill enough to weaken the province it seems pointless.

Or possibly the real question: What do you use for independent strength? I usually play 7-9.
I could see this strategy working on easier settings.

Jurri October 3rd, 2005 11:39 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Oh, the centurions certainly can take indep provinces alone. The holding is for both letting the enemy troops spread a little (you know, heavy infantry is a bit slower than light, and cavalry is faster than anything) and making it harder for the opposing archers to hit. The point would be that the centurion/s routs the enemies one squad at a time, without facing them all at a time. (Turin might have another reason for it, though, but that's why I do it.)

Works on most independent settings, at least to an extent, although as the strength of the indeps goes up the chances of a centurion dying go up as well. You can add to the force as many centurions as needed, though, since they don't rout even if some die; you could also equip some of them: only some, so that if that particular centurion dies the others can pick up the stuff.

Agreed that anyone would have a hard time beating any undead theme played by an above-average skilled player in a 1v1. I still would rather face SG than AE Ermor or CW Pangaea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

quantum_mechani October 3rd, 2005 11:47 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:

Agreed that anyone would have a hard time beating any undead theme played by an above-average skilled player in a 1v1. I still would rather face SG than AE Ermor or CW Pangaea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I don't know, I never considered it much of a problem. If you know you're facing undead, and no other nations, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Turin October 3rd, 2005 12:05 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

thejeff said:
Turin, I'm curious. How do you take provinces with just the centurions? They seem to die pretty easily against any real opposition. What does the holdx5 accomplish?

Pretty much the reasons Jurri stated. Additional points are that your centurion will be able to attack the fleeing units for a longer time, thus getting more xp. And enemy mages/priests have only a very poor chance of hitting him.

And once they get into the HoF they can become really nasty: heroic toughness, battle bellow, quickness or protection are all amazingly useful on them.

Indie strength isnīt that important, the only provinces that you should really stay away from are lizard provinces. Provinces with crossbowmen or heavy cav can be problematic too, they are usually for the prophet centurion or centurions with good heroic abilities.

ioticus October 3rd, 2005 12:10 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
I hope Dominions 3 tones down the power of undead themes because at present I think they are overpowered.

regret October 3rd, 2005 01:04 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
thanks for all the tips on Soul Gate, my game has improved tremendously http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

but now i want to try Ashen Empire, any tips on that? or play roughly the same way.

by the way, the propheted centurion/consul truely rocks. he just goes thru indies like water http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jurri October 3rd, 2005 01:10 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Turin said:
Both themes seem to be incredibly strong (if you know how to make money with them) and I doubt anyone could win a 1vs1 vs my SG ermor.


quantum_mechani said:
I don't know, I never considered it much of a problem. If you know you're facing undead, and no other nations, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

I smell a match brewing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif How about you guys face off, save each turn and report to the community your findings; I think there's a distinct lack of a detailed, good guide on how to handle undead. Now, I'm sure an archived game like that would be a concrete tutorial! (Even though my money's on Turin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Still, even then you'd see what's the worst that can happen, which is perhaps even more valuable than a step-by-step instruction... So either way it's bound to be interesting!)

NTJedi October 3rd, 2005 04:23 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

ioticus said:
I hope Dominions 3 tones down the power of undead themes because at present I think they are overpowered.

I partly disagree... every nation should have one theme which is extremely powerful for the purpose of new players not getting killed on turn_10 during multiplayer games. Heck if I play 10 games during a month and my brother only plays one game I'm going to want him to have a more powerful theme available so I don't slaughter him every game.
Also hopefully computer opponents will be more challenging and be supplied with better AI in DOM_3. It's sad watching them not cast the more effective spells like the elemental royalties, flames from the sky, ghost riders, etc. Also it's sad watching them lose battles because they starved their armies.

Molog October 3rd, 2005 05:15 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Carrion woods is not that strong.

Soul gate also gets lots of stealthy units, so mass stealth attacks are possible.

shovah October 3rd, 2005 06:07 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
and having nations overpowered is good to give newbies advantages but what about when experienced players start using them??

Endoperez October 3rd, 2005 06:53 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
I agree with shovah. As Gandalf Parker says, the nations aren't balanced against other nations. They are balanced to be weaker and stronger against spesific nations/tactics. Marignon is made to be *the* anti-undead nation. It should be, but also weaker against something else (high-mr non-undead summons?). Similarly, Ulm should be stronger against some nations, weak against others (like Ermor themes). Playing Man against Soul Gate should always be hard, because Soul Gate's powers work well against Man (human units -> no exceptional magic resistance, fear works), although Man still has some options (lots of monks, vinemen/ogres to slow down the hordes of undead, Maggots).

This balance isn't perfect, yet, and might never be, but the situation was improved from Dom:PPP. Ermor themes now vost some design points, Ulm has some new units (although Sappers and Siege Engineers aren't the best possible units), Marignon wasn't changed. I trust that we will see something similar in DomIII.

quantum_mechani October 4th, 2005 03:35 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:

Turin said:
Both themes seem to be incredibly strong (if you know how to make money with them) and I doubt anyone could win a 1vs1 vs my SG ermor.


quantum_mechani said:
I don't know, I never considered it much of a problem. If you know you're facing undead, and no other nations, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

I smell a match brewing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif How about you guys face off, save each turn and report to the community your findings; I think there's a distinct lack of a detailed, good guide on how to handle undead. Now, I'm sure an archived game like that would be a concrete tutorial! (Even though my money's on Turin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Still, even then you'd see what's the worst that can happen, which is perhaps even more valuable than a step-by-step instruction... So either way it's bound to be interesting!)

Heh, I'm always open for a 1vs.1 game with anyone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Chazar October 4th, 2005 06:20 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

NTJedi said:I partly disagree... every nation should have one theme which is extremely powerful for the purpose of new players not getting killed on turn_10 during multiplayer games.

That is not the purpose of themes! Themes are there for flavour, not balance. However, I do not understand why dominions does not simply allow different pretender design points for different players. Why are you not allowed to give a newbie just 80 extra design points? Of course, you can always leave design points unspent and there are the mods, but an option for accepting an 'easy' pretender design cannot be too difficult to implement...

Mark the Merciful October 4th, 2005 09:32 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
I'm not one of those who would argue that Ermor is unbeatably strong, but - purely in the interests of science - I'll challenge you quantum_mechani.

I'll take one of the dead Ermor themes, you pick any other nation/theme you like, and we'll see what happens.

Whadaya say?

GriffinOfBuerrig October 4th, 2005 10:00 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
I am one of those who thinks that emor(AE) is one or the strongest nation around: The death magic is SO ULTRA strong in nearly every stadium: For example: exelent early, middle and late summons

desintegrate(i have desinterated 2 Water queens in the MP-Game Padadise lost)

Dark Knowledege needs only D1 to cast....

Wraith sword etc.

I am quite sure that you are able to win over any strategy that is not designed ecpecially against emor.

Of course there are quite many tactics against emor, but most are quite useless(never got probs with priest, because i use arch bischops)

Cunclusio finalio: I love emor http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif

shovah October 4th, 2005 12:25 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
i love ermor too and just try it in a rich game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif 15 death gems a turn straight away+well of misery later on (tartarian/ghost rider spam anyone?)

Vicious Love October 4th, 2005 01:00 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:
Also, in theory a dude with high attack and a magic weapon should repel the dipossessed spirits to death when they swarm him, right? Could be considered, in case you don't happen to have fireshield available.

Not just in theory. They drop off like flies. I considered mentioning this, but figured it was covered by that whole "thugs vs ethereal" imperative, unless one favors 0-length weapons. Didn't think the whole morale weakness was worth pointing out, either, simply because SG has so many other, more easily exploited susceptibilities.


Alneyan said:
Note that mindless units have no problem sieging a fort: they work just as well as anyone else here. Mindless units do work poorly when defending forts.


Jurri said:
Ashen seems better even in fort defense. And of course they crack forts like heads, being both numerous and strong.

My mistake and point taken, respectively.

Vicious Love October 4th, 2005 01:07 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

GriffinOfBuerrig said:
I am one of those who thinks that emor(AE) is one or the strongest nation around: The death magic is SO ULTRA strong in nearly every stadium: For example: exelent early, middle and late summons

Death magic is unquestionably one of the more powerful paths in the game, even if one is aware of all the countermeasures. But AE Ermor isn't the only nation with death magic. Broken Empire has many of the advantages of Ashen Empire, none of the considerable disadvantages, and gets easy access to the ultraprecious death/astral combo. 110 gold for a half-sacred Nether Darts casters is simply a good deal, even in the late game.

At any rate, seeing as no nation relies solely on one magic path and no nation relies solely on magic, I'm really not entirely certain the magic paths should be balanced.

spirokeat October 4th, 2005 01:17 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Death magic is very good, but I suspect the power of Ermor doesn't come from straight out of the box death. Its the themes and the units that they provide that are unique to them.

Dark Knowledge costs 3 gems rather than the 2 that the other divines cost. In my particular instance it means that as Mictlan when Mictipoctli turns up, I can throw out a revenant with him or do it with my pretender if he doesn't and have a chance at getting a death economy going.

You should probably do three challenges.

Ermor out of the box vs anyone.
Ermor AE vs anyone
Ermor SG vs Anyone.

With some good players and knowing your facing Ermor specifically I don't think it would be the walk over that people are expecting. There are plenty of undead bashing spells and items out there.


quantum_mechani October 4th, 2005 01:37 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Mark the Merciful said:
I'm not one of those who would argue that Ermor is unbeatably strong, but - purely in the interests of science - I'll challenge you quantum_mechani.

I'll take one of the dead Ermor themes, you pick any other nation/theme you like, and we'll see what happens.

Whadaya say?

Sounds fair, base game or modded?

NTJedi October 4th, 2005 01:50 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Chazar said:
That is not the purpose of themes! Themes are there for flavour, not balance.

Of course themes are for flavour... but the game can provide a wider range of gaming experiences if themes have different strengths. Your idea about the host providing extra points for beginners could also work as an alternative.


Chazar said:
However, I do not understand why dominions does not simply allow different pretender design points for different players. Why are you not allowed to give a newbie just 80 extra design points?

That's an excellent idea... hopefully dominions_3 will have something such as this introduced.

Scott Hebert October 4th, 2005 02:04 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Broken Empire Ermor is actually one of my favorite Nation/Theme combinations. Their Grand Thaumaturgs can give them a very good chaff screen (and a Grand Thaumaturg prophet gets Longdead Horsemen). Their national units are basically Pythium's (or should I say the reverse?), which are among the best national units in the game. And, as people have mentioned, their Thaumaturgs are excellent Nether engines later.

Another note is that Death and Astral, IIRC, are the two paths that have a 1-path search spell. This allows your Thaumaturgs to search for the path sites, freeing your Grand Thaumaturgs for doing other things (like Reanimating Longdead or casting other spells).

As a final note, BE Ermor is the only nation/theme that has recruitable Unholy Priests (in any form) that does not suffer from a death scale or other drawbacks (Desert Tombs).

Mark the Merciful October 4th, 2005 02:05 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Ermor's pretty scary, but all death all the time makes it very much a one-trick pony. If you don't work very hard to diversify in the mid-game, then you're asking to get smacked by someone who know's how to kill the undead in large numbers.

shovah October 4th, 2005 02:17 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
like a few golem thugs with herald lances (only use golems as example for their self buffing)

spirokeat October 4th, 2005 04:39 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Thats kinda what I thought too. But perhaps its not just the inherent ability to kill the undead that make Ermor stronger as a nation generally. The ability to just spawn and zerg large armies is probably a factor too.

In SP when I come accross them its usually a case of me being able to outlive their attrition, provided I got enough time to set up an undead bashing response. Last time it was six holy Pyre casters and about twenty five spine devils.


Huzurdaddi October 4th, 2005 11:01 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

quantum_mechani said:

Mark the Merciful said:
I'm not one of those who would argue that Ermor is unbeatably strong, but - purely in the interests of science - I'll challenge you quantum_mechani.

I'll take one of the dead Ermor themes, you pick any other nation/theme you like, and we'll see what happens.

Whadaya say?

Sounds fair, base game or modded?

It's a trick. Get an axe.

You are dammed if you said base and damned if you do not. But base you may be playing calelum and that is a recipie for disaster.

Mark the Merciful October 5th, 2005 07:34 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

quantum_mechani said:

I'll take one of the dead Ermor themes, you pick any other nation/theme you like, and we'll see what happens.

Whadaya say?

Sounds fair, base game or modded?

Base is what I know, so I'd rather stick to that. What maps do people normally use for 1 vs 1 games?


It's a trick. Get an axe.

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif But the proposition we're testing is a strong one. We're assured that Ermor can beat any nation one-on-one, including a FH-spamming wrathful-skies-casting Caelum. Bring it on!

quantum_mechani October 5th, 2005 12:41 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Mark the Merciful said:
Base is what I know, so I'd rather stick to that. What maps do people normally use for 1 vs 1 games?

The usual maps are Urgaia, Clash of Titans, or The Nile.

Turin October 5th, 2005 07:01 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:

Turin said:
Both themes seem to be incredibly strong (if you know how to make money with them) and I doubt anyone could win a 1vs1 vs my SG ermor.


quantum_mechani said:
I don't know, I never considered it much of a problem. If you know you're facing undead, and no other nations, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

I smell a match brewing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif How about you guys face off, save each turn and report to the community your findings; I think there's a distinct lack of a detailed, good guide on how to handle undead. Now, I'm sure an archived game like that would be a concrete tutorial! (Even though my money's on Turin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Still, even then you'd see what's the worst that can happen, which is perhaps even more valuable than a step-by-step instruction... So either way it's bound to be interesting!)

We did two matches, one on the nile with quantum as tienīchi , one on urgaia as cītis desert tombs. The first game was pretty anticlimatic, I got a pretty good start and my prophet got heroic toughness. On turn 15 qm tried to invade, but my wraith centurions slaughtered his army and the game was over at that point.
My pretender was a f4a3s3e3d6n1 dom 10 lich queen. qm chose a dom10 lich. I saved my turns, but it was a pretty boring game.

The second took place on urgaia and was far more interesting.
I got a really crappy start, got a useless ability on my prophet (battle prowess) and had to wait until turn 20 to find my second death gem generating site, generating only 11 death gems/turn until that point. I never found firegems either, so I had money problems too.
So I just put temples everywhere I went, conquered provinces with my centurions and created 4 raiding squads with spectators and freespawns.
qmīs offensive consisted of an army with 9 sauromancers and tomb wyrms, they managed to knock over a few temples and kill quite a lot of freespawns.
But eventually he split them and a wraith centurion was able to kill off half the sauromancers. My raiding squads were running rampant in his provinces and I managed to capture one of his three forts. At that point we declared the game over.

quantum_mechani October 5th, 2005 07:15 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Turin said:

Jurri said:

Turin said:
Both themes seem to be incredibly strong (if you know how to make money with them) and I doubt anyone could win a 1vs1 vs my SG ermor.


quantum_mechani said:
I don't know, I never considered it much of a problem. If you know you're facing undead, and no other nations, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

I smell a match brewing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif How about you guys face off, save each turn and report to the community your findings; I think there's a distinct lack of a detailed, good guide on how to handle undead. Now, I'm sure an archived game like that would be a concrete tutorial! (Even though my money's on Turin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Still, even then you'd see what's the worst that can happen, which is perhaps even more valuable than a step-by-step instruction... So either way it's bound to be interesting!)

We did two matches, one on the nile with quantum as tienīchi , one on urgaia as cītis desert tombs. The first game was pretty anticlimatic, I got a pretty good start and my prophet got heroic toughness. On turn 15 qm tried to invade, but my wraith centurions slaughtered his army and the game was over at that point.
My pretender was a f4a3s3e3d6n1 dom 10 lich queen. qm chose a dom10 lich. I saved my turns, but it was a pretty boring game.

The second took place on urgaia and was far more interesting.
I got a really crappy start, got a useless ability on my prophet (battle prowess) and had to wait until turn 20 to find my second death gem generating site, generating only 11 death gems/turn until that point. I never found firegems either, so I had money problems too.
So I just put temples everywhere I went, conquered provinces with my centurions and created 4 raiding squads with spectators and freespawns.
qmīs offensive consisted of an army with 9 sauromancers and tomb wyrms, they managed to knock over a few temples and kill quite a lot of freespawns.
But eventually he split them and a wraith centurion was able to kill off half the sauromancers. My raiding squads were running rampant in his provinces and I managed to capture one of his three forts. At that point we declared the game over.

Yeah, he proved his point. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

SG played well is almost certainly the most deadly 1vs.1 nation, with the possible exception of base game Caelum. The second game he got quite unlucky, while I played one of the best counters nations, which I don't think could have been played much better.

The key to it's deadliness is it's immortal thugs from the start, and freespawning stealth squads. It is quite posible to deafeat the immortality with raiding and dominion push, but you can't do that while being constantly harassed by powerful stealth raiders. And of course SG gets money from raiding (more temples) while you get at best a few more gems, and cannot hold the provinces you take because free spawns simply retake them as your army moves off.

Jurri October 5th, 2005 08:42 PM

Re: Ermor Themes
Hey, neat! Do you have the turns from the second game saved up? They would serve as a great tutorial for playing SG, and opposing it. (And of course, I'd like to see how to play in a way that can't be surpassed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

You should try unmodded Caelum versus SG, too! They got magic weapons and stuff, so maybe they would stand a chance.

quantum_mechani October 5th, 2005 08:52 PM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:
Hey, neat! Do you have the turns from the second game saved up? They would serve as a great tutorial for playing SG, and opposing it. (And of course, I'd like to see how to play in a way that can't be surpassed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

You should try unmodded Caelum versus SG, too! They got magic weapons and stuff, so maybe they would stand a chance.

I don't know about Turin, all I have is a few turns from the first game.

shovah October 6th, 2005 04:41 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
only problem with caelum is alot of arrows would miss from etheralness and the good assault troops cost **** loads of resources (FH spam anyone, would love to see that vrs raise skele spams)

spirokeat October 6th, 2005 06:02 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Whats the stats on those centurions ? (im at work so cant check).

That is an interesting outcome.

Quantum, What tactics did you employ knowing what you were facing ?

As Tien Chi and Ctis ?


Turin October 6th, 2005 09:13 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

Jurri said:
Hey, neat! Do you have the turns from the second game saved up? They would serve as a great tutorial for playing SG, and opposing it. (And of course, I'd like to see how to play in a way that can't be surpassed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

You should try unmodded Caelum versus SG, too! They got magic weapons and stuff, so maybe they would stand a chance.

Sorry I didnīt save the turns from the second game, I only have the last one saved. As for the strategy, it was quite easy: build lots of temples, make raiding squads and always send your wraith centurions into provinces with friendly dominion.

unmodded caelum could very well stand a chance. But I see them getting trouble with income and raiding with false horrors shouldnīt be that effective due to high morale and magic weapons. Raiding with troops should be quite hard, even with magic weapons they will have a hard time killing the soulless and then the ghosts.

But the mages should perform well, if you can get airqueens out soon enough that might be enough.

quantum_mechani October 6th, 2005 11:39 AM

Re: Ermor Themes

spirokeat said:
Whats the stats on those centurions ? (im at work so cant check).

That is an interesting outcome.

Quantum, What tactics did you employ knowing what you were facing ?

As Tien Chi and Ctis ?

As T'ien Ch'i, the strategy was masters of the the dead casting dust to dust to kill centurions, and quickened priests to clear the chaff.

For C'tis, similar dust to dust casting early with sauromancers, plus a few early forts for hierodules. Then I went straight for bones, which worked quite well except for the fact there was no way my sauromancers could take a large enough force to destroy temples to keep the dominion out, and at the same time stop the intensive stealth raiding.

Jurri October 7th, 2005 11:38 AM

Re: Ermor Themes
Interesting strategies, QM! I'm not sure they are the best for the purpose, however.

I would think perhaps fire-blessed Vans or Sidhe or anything, really, could work, since they should be able to hurt the spirits and in the case of these two and some others also have a lot of survivability against centurions. Also, vans can sac slaves to spread dominion, right? That could be useful, too, if the game prolonged. Lightning bolts should work fine against centurions, as long as they aren't especially protected.

Shouldn't sauromancers be more effective skeleton spammers than spectators? Thusly, one would think fighting fire with fire would work. (Not that I know if spectators were used for that purpose http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) Also, base C'tis has these serpent dancers that have magic weapons, and a high def and an above average MR; they should be formidable against the spirits. Especially with some bless and a skeleton spam to soak the hits.

Fire/Astral flagellants would conceivably work, as they should have enough MR to resist many attacks, as well as well enough offensive capacity to beat centurions.

Perhaps the best bet would be fire (+a bit of earth, maybe) blessed white centaurs; you get the supply and the blessing from the dryads, as well as cheap banishment. Also, temples are easy to make with Pan.

Or maybe I'm missing something? Certainly these would have a hard time, too, but I wouldn't necessarily focus solely on mages and priests under circumstances like this.

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