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Blood Simple?!
After extensive reading and searching I have noticed a tendency for folks to speak of blood as being an easy path to shoot up in. You speak of late games with hordes of soul-contracts and I look at the 80 blood cost and wonder how in the world..? I've tried races that have blood as one of their "strong" magic paths as well as those who only get it on a random but I am missing something methinks.. It just seems to take so long to get anywhere with it. You can only search one area per turn, it creates a fair bit of unrest which hurts income, and while hunting, your mages aren't researching. Plus, even with dowsing rods, the return is pretty minimal until you have a high (3+) Blood mage which I find difficult to get to with a random pick. Anyway, I would love some hints on how to use and play blood effectively! Thanks! |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
For soul contracts and other items, try to first forge a dwarven hammer (you'll need E3 and twenty earth gems for the first one) and use that to make it cheaper to build the items. If (when!) you make another hammer, use the first one while you forge it.
Re: Blood Simple?!
I think the easyness comes from Sages. 1 in 8 sages have Blood, and with even a few of them your blood income can easily be twice that of any other path. And as you can generate more blood slaves using up population (=money), you can get absurd blood income. And the 80 slaves/contract gives you one Devil each turn. Each of those critters cost 7 slaves to summon, and would need a BBFF mage to boost. Using a Dwarven Hammer to make a Contract out of Blood Slaves may sound stupid, but it lowers the cost to 60. As you can see, Contracts cost the same price 8 Devils would.
Blood is easy to get, not with powerful mages, but with many. In addition, after one high-level Blood mage, you can boost the level by Blood Athame, Brazen Skull and Armor of Souls, and possibly Earth Stone. I'd estimate that with 10 crimson Sages, empowering an Earth mage to Blood 3 and forging 4 boosters (or few Soul Contracts) can be done in 10 turns. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Rathar, when I started I had the same reaction you did: these people must know something I don't.
I guess what is so 'contrary' about mass-blood strategies is that, in a way, blood slaves replace gold as your primary resource. I'm not saying gold isn't important (you need it to buy your commanders/temples/forts), but blood slaves are the primary source of your armies. As you may have learned from other threads here, non-summoned troops have a very limited usefulness period. After a certain point, they become more or less superfluous. Blood Magic is one of the better magics because it plays into this fact. You're using your troops for one of their few useful abilities at any point in the game (patrolling), and you will be commander-heavy and summon-heavy from a relatively early point in the game. However, all of this is not in the least clear from the perspective of someone coming from more 'traditional' strategy games, where the summons are, at best, equal to 'normal' troops. To be quite honest, I don't like the obsolescence of national troops in Dominions II probably because of this fact. The end result is that the Dominions mindset, especially vis-a-vis other similar games, rewards a different approach. Playing with Blood Magic basically _requires_ this approach. That is why new players are often baffled by Blood Magic. I know for a fact I was. Anyway, I hope this helped. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Blood income is fairly easy to get going.
Basic rules are, make sure pop is over 5000, pref about 8000. Set taxes to 0. Have a mage with blood level 1, forge a sanguine dousing rod and then blood hunt. Dont have more than 3 mages per province doing that unless your patrolling. That being said. Blood spells can EAT through even a big income. The contract is good if you can build one fairly early as it takes about 8 or 9 turns to see a profit from them. So the first few tend to really profit you but depending on how long your game is, the returns diminish. Of course it means you dont have to keep mages summoning the buggers...but bleh. I would probably say its harder to get the multipath blood stuff outside of the blood nations. Sages are easy to get as blood 1 to get an economy going. Getting mages capable of summoning blood stuff that have additional path requirments with your economy is slightly harder I would imagine. Spiro |
Re: Blood Simple?!
i took a high blood god with ulm and gave a hamer of the forge lord to my empowered smith :p 75% forge bonus meant that the contract made its cost back in 4 turns
Re: Blood Simple?!
Aye, there are ways of course to make it cheaper.
Of course, getting construction 8. Forging a fire 3, Earth 3 Unique, Choosing Ulm, Then a blood 5 mage or god is one of the ways. I wouls say contracts are something you really have to want to use to make a big difference. Spiro. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Of course, if you play Mictlan, you can spend a vast ammount of blood slaves on dominion increasing. The lack of temple based dominion spread really screws you up.
In fact I would go as far to say its a little harsh. Though I speak from the point mainly of playing Mictlan and suffering under the lack of dominion. Were I to examine the whole picture maybe I would feel different. Either way, it can cost a helluva lot of blood slaves to feed 6 or 7 Blood Sacrifice, level 4 priests with Jade Knives. Spiro |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
I almost feel like thats an exploit though. I just think their should be a way, albeit different to others to have the ability to generate reasonable dominion.
I've been searching the boards for general strats on Mictlan, and there doesn't seem to be much. Its mainly what you can or can't do with blood. Mictlan are like a whole other world to that though due to some odd characteristics...the sacrifice being one of em. Perhaps I should start a thread. Spiro. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Thanks for the ideas folks!
The problem appears to be that I don't want to let go of national troops and other such traditional things which cost income but I now see how I actually get more value turning them into magic resources. Rathar |
Re: Blood Simple?!
the hard part is taking a prolific high population province and settign its taxes to zero.
the rest is easy. as you go eventually also equip your blood hunters with blood daggers, brazen skulls, and one of the two blood enhancing armors (one of them also enhances nature, but has its downfalls) and continue to push them along. I often get over 10 bloodslaves to a single searcher when doing it like this, you get 3 going and you're throwing out high end blood summons all over the place (not to mention succubus is the one "assassin" available to any nation willing to blood hunt. and with way more HPs than your average assassin) |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Equip blood hunters with blood boosters? That doesnt seem like an efficient strategy to me. Best to spend the least amount possible (just giving them a dousing rod) for the highest possible return. Save boosters for whoever your real bloodmage is and use the slaves to summon archdevils or something.
Another reason not to put anything more than you absolutely need on your hunters is because they are so vulnerable. Unless you've madcastled or something, your hunters will generally be spread out all over your empire with minimal protection. A wise player can raid your hunting operations, killing expensive mages and disrupting your blood supply lines. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Even if you do have all your hunters behind walls (and that should be the case as soon as feasible), Earth Attack and similar spells will utterly slaughter your hunters like there's no tomorrow, so you should expect those hunters to be expendable.
I wonder why those mages don't claim a life insurance or some such. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
I am SO glad that for my first MP game I am playing with 7 of my friends, none of whom has ever played this MP..!
I get the feeling that with just about any of you in the game it would be all over now (turn 25, biiig map) as we are still using twigs and rocks to arm ourselves! heh heh Rathar P.S. I am the only one of us who reads this forum with any frequency and I am #1 by a long shot! weee! |
Re: Blood Simple?!
glad they could help http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif btw if your bored and want to play a blitz against them try something like caelum and just make tons of basic seraphs and script them to quickness and then just false horror spam (take either wizards tower or watchtower and try to make 3 castles + 3 labs straight away and soon as you have some income make 4 seraphs a turn.
they will hate you for it probably after a while though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Yeah - which is why I really prefer to blood hunt provinces between 4000 and 6500, something like that. The more populous provinces I take the gold income from. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Graeme, spirokeat may be referring how to keep the population 'stable', if you take a growth scale. While 5000+ has no difference on if you succeed at bloodhunting, certainly the population determines its growth, and if it can 'keep up' with the population loss from bloodhunting.
Is this feasible? |
Re: Blood Simple?!
People complain about Mictlan micromanagement, but it's not that bad. Even as a relatively strong nation on a big map (like Faerun) you're not going to have more than 20 or so provinces being actively bloodhunted. This means that at the beginning of each turn, you spend 20 seconds or so clicking on those provinces and hitting ctrl-z. No big deal. And, for those huge long games, growth is pretty nice. It takes about 115 turns with growth-3 before your population has doubled. In Zen's mod, with twice the effect of growth, it takes less than 60. You can, of course, argue (validly) that by turn 60 money isn't that important, but you can also then send an army against 20 decent mages of the nation of your choice and watch it dissolve beneath a barrage of charm/falling frost/orb lightning/falling fires/nether darts/whatever the destructive spell du jour is...
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Thanks for that Graeme, I knew that 5k and below was a serious diminish but thought that it was a finer gradient than simply 5k and over.
BUT ! thats not why I said 8000. I suggest that because it gives your hunters a reasonable stay in one province before the pop does hit 5000 and below and you move em. One of the things that I do find a pain in the *** is when I pool my blood slaves and I then have to go to each Blood Sacrifice priest and give him new slaves. I hope thats changed in Dom3. In terms of equiping your hunters. All they get is a sanguine dousing rod. And I tend not to use anything but basic priests either. if I recall you can actually push unrest up despite tax 0, if you use higher level hunters. Three blood 1 priests with dousers seems the best. As far as changing gear and pushing dominion. Its very hard. Its not just about a temple and a chap sacrificing. You have to keep his blood supply up, which means a lab too. Plus your good priest is 390 gold a pop, giving you a basic cost to preach basic dominion of 790, plus a 5 slave, 5 nature knife. and then about 8 slaves per turn to keep him going, for every single province you want up. not too cheap. In my opinion dominion is the single hardest thing for Mictlan to deal with. Spiro. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Step2: Checking for unrest because of blood hunters since patroling troops are sometimes pushed to the front or haven't arrived yet. If unrest exists then switching those blood hunters to research or maybe forge a blood axe. Step3: Providing each blood hunter with 2 or 3 blood slaves... thus increasing survival of the province. Summon Imps is cheap and helps the patrollers and PD. Step4: Watching Dominion drops where priest hunting for blood has to switch into sacrificing for bringing dominion back up. Step5: Moving, Adding and equipping blood priests to maintain or expand dominion in newly conquered territory. And that's four other micromanagement steps of Mictlan which were missed. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Step2 can be easily done with F1 screen, and won't be needed every turn. Once in a few turns is enough, and I prefer to do that any way with any nation.
Step3: I thought hunt happens before movement and battles. That would mean that if the hunters catch anything, they can summon the imps. This is most often the case, so I don't worry about leaving the hunters any slaves. Step 4: Only needed in border provinces, really. Although as it is provinces bordering enemy dominion instead of enemy territory, it can sometimes be hard to notice. This is second step that really has to take time when playing Mictlan, and only if you don't have specialized priests that Blood Sacrifice continuously. Step5: Isn't that much harder than sitesearching without spells, or for holy/unholy magic, so I don't find it particularly infuriating. All of these do add micromanagement, but I don't think they increase it as much as you think. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
And even when it's border provinces only, it's extra management not needed by other nations... especially felt for large maps. Quote:
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Well, I have to say, having a far clearer understanding of how Dominion spreads and then changing accordingly, I find that as Mictlan I am capable of outstripping the other nations in the SP game I am in easily. Whereas before I was constantly at the bottom of the pile.
Knowledge is a wonderful thing. Thanks Zen. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Damn, I gotta answer this when I'm awake. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Blood Simple?!
Or... is that 1d6oe? I suppose that would be reasonable. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
yah, its OE
Re: Blood Simple?!
I'm pretty much with Graeme on this one. I played Mictlan on Large Faerun, expanded into T'ien Ch'i, Machaka, and Atlantis' territory, and didn't need to spend more than 2:25 per turn in blood-related micromanagement. Given that turns could easily take an hour or more, this was a trivial amount extra.
One thing that helps reduce the pain a lot is to make sure that you don't use all your slaves in a given turn. If you keep a pool at least as large as the number of slaves being sacrificed, your sacrificers (the ones at labs anyway, which in my opinion should be all of them) will automatically replenish their stores. Also, I've found that three hunters in a zero-tax province can pretty much be ignored when it comes to unrest. It's a self-regulating process; when they're very successful, unrest can really jump, but this makes them less successful in successive turns and so overall you do okay. If you take growth, you also don't have to worry about the population loss, and things really become easy. Different people have different play styles, certainly. The management involved in supporting mine is pretty minimal. If you like to play in a way that makes blood no fun, either don't play it or experiment with new tactics. At some point there is a tradeoff between being absolutely optimal despite the user interface and enjoying the game. As a note, in maybe 3000 province-turns of blood-hunting (with three dowsing hunters per) I've *never* noticed all of them coming up empty. Since blood mages share virgins, you're pretty much assured of having enough to summon some imps if need be. |
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Mictlan's whole idea is that they have to have blood hunters capturing and priests sacrificing slaves. If this brings micromanagement, it is a pity but hardly avoidable. Both the Z (pool all blood slaves from the chosen commanders) and the automatic refill of blood sacrificers are ways Illwinter tries to ease the burden with. I don't think the burden is big enough to warrant big chances, as the current one works quite well and doesn't increase the micromanagement too much.
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
way too risky in my book. Quote:
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Re: Blood Simple?!
Somewhere amongst this argument I recall a post stating that blood sacrificiers for Mictlan are automatically replenished. Is that really true, and how does it work?
Re: Blood Simple?!
Oh...and I demand that the vicious ad hominem attacks cease immediately!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Blood Simple?!
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