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-   -   WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=27340)

MajorDiarr January 17th, 2006 03:49 AM

WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
The name is missleading, I just never felt like changing it. This mod adds a nice big ship as well as a few other changes described in the ReadMe.

ReadMe -


Weapon Effects v0.3, the best improperly named mod there is.

To instal, just unzip the file and drop the WepFX directory in the Weird Worlds director. When you start the game hit the MODS button, select Weapon Effects Mod from the mod list, and hit START.

Originally, I intended to improve the missile explosion effects in order to bring the nuclear weapons more in line with how they would look in real life. I got side tracked and never really looked into improving the explosions. Instead, this mod adds a few things to the ships list and weapons all stemming from my original tangent. The list of features is as such:

Ships -

Terran Battleship - This, ladies and gentlemen, is the "original tangent" (that might make a nice ship name...). I read about making custom ships, this side tracked me from the weapon effects, I decided to make a ship with a broadside firing ability, and came up with this monster. It originally had four guns to a side, two fighter bays, the two engine types, plus two point defense weapons but that left me with only two miscellaneous slots. Now there are six main weapons, two point defense weapons, two engine types, and four misc slots.

You have to control this ship manually to get the best effect. And for now the Terran Battleship replaces the Terran Frigate.

Terran Fighter - This little ship was already in the game files in a non-functional state. It had no alpha map thingy, and its entry in the combat simulator was linked to Ripcord's ship. Suffice it to say, I rectified the problem. The Terran Fighter is not only in the game with this mod but is the fighter of choice for the Terran Fighter Bay. The alpha channel thing I made for it doesn't quite work but it works just enough.

Weapons -
None of these weapons replace other weapons.

Terran Fighter Bay - This is just the Garthan bay but crappier and it launches the excellent Terran Fighter.

Point Defense Laser Cannon - This is a modified Gatling Laser made to hit large numbers of missiles very rapidly. It is like having a second, specialised, shield layer.

Anti-Fighter Missile Tube - Again, a modified version of something else. It's highly maneuverable, fast, has good range, and is weak. Its good against fighters but takes a few hits to work. It some times spins out of control, it is probably a targeting issue related to not having a targeting computer. I originaly had this missile on the Terran Fighter but removed it because of technical issues, it will be added back in later if all goes well.

Slight Changes -

Ripcord O'Reilly - I added glows and gave him two weapons on the wingtips, instead of one in the nose.

Gauss Cannon - I made the shots of the Gauss Cannon move faster, 8.3_ times faster. It's more visually pleasing, especially for a weapon that is supposed to work on the basis of mass and velocity.

Everything in this mod may be used without my permission, except for the graphics files of the Terran Battleship and the ini files directly related to it.

Links -


The mod -

Vlad January 18th, 2006 05:31 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
It's fun :-)
only the ship's image seems to be fragged in battle and on the map

using a fresh install and the newest version

MajorDiarr January 18th, 2006 06:50 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
Thanks, actualy the ship's image isn't finished, that's why it looks messed up.:-D

Here's an update with a slightly different version of the battleship.

Davin January 28th, 2006 03:39 AM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
Just downloaded the mod, haven't played it yet.

But I do have to say that if this ship is half as awesome as it sounds, you definitely need to make the mod fit the name http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

MajorDiarr January 28th, 2006 11:14 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
Well, we'll see. Perhaps I'll even make realistic looking nukes some day. In the mean time:

I didn't think I would do it but I actually made an update! Version 0.5 adds the Terran Destroyer, the Mirror Terrans, centered battleship weapons thanks to Captbenson, and slightly more visible point defense lasers. Lets give Captbenson and myself a round of applause. *everyone claps furiously* You're too kind.

If you're wondering about the Mirror Terrans, they're Terrans from an alternate universe whose sole purpose is to fight non-goatee-wearing Terrans in the simulator. Damn, they're evil.

Version 0.5

PvK January 29th, 2006 09:29 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
The new destroyer is nice - I like it a lot.

MajorDiarr January 31st, 2006 07:08 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
I desided on a loose rule to follow with the Terran ships; their engineering section grows quite rapidly for the number of weapons they carry, so I desided to increase the Destroyer's size and give it a bit more customization. I'm also going to call it the Terran Cruiser once it is done.
Old -> New

PvK February 3rd, 2006 04:15 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
Ya, that's good too.

An idea: you could keep the Destroyer for something (too bad there are only 3 slots to choose as a player) since you already have it, but make it limited compared to the cruiser in other terms (such as not very many option slots and limited cargo space), to further develop that idea about needing more room to support the weapons.


MajorDiarr February 3rd, 2006 06:23 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
I can up the hull stats of the cruiser and keep the destroyer.

MajorDiarr February 9th, 2006 07:02 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named mod.
Good news, soon this mod will be appropriately named. I have finally made a weapons effect mod. This changes the fusion and fission missile effects, they may not actually more realistic, although, at the time I did think I was making them more realistic and for all I know they may in fact be more realistic. Also, I increased the drift distance for the missiles, this makes any ship with these missiles very powerful if you figure out how to use them correctly. I also added a ship called the Missile Corvette so the missile mods can be easily tested. Please, enjoy and tell me what you think.

[EDIT] I'm sorry, the link seems to have been wrong, I hope this one works.

orientis February 22nd, 2006 05:21 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
Yo MajorDiarr, your mod sounds awesome and I'd love to play it, but I can't get any of the d/l links to work. Do you have it hosted permanently somewhere?

I'd be happy to host it on my webspace if you like.. No UI but you could give the link to anyone you like.

MajorDiarr February 22nd, 2006 08:47 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
The last link I posted works for me, try it again. If it doesn't work I'll wrap up my new stuff and host it using the forum.

orientis February 23rd, 2006 01:55 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
Every time I go to that site it says that downloads are temporarily unavailable. I've tried several times in the last few days, even sat there for ten minutes trying to download the file, no luck.

orientis February 23rd, 2006 02:59 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
Actually, it just worked. I might suggest you change your file host though, that site sucks big time. Try yousendit.com

CautiousChaos March 29th, 2006 11:55 AM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
I just tried too and all I can do is upload a file. Nothing to download...


Paladin42 March 31st, 2006 01:50 AM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
I have tried all three links to no avail. Your full url gets loaded but the default at filegone switches to their home screen without the switch to get your file. Can you post it some where easier to get to? Thanks

MajorDiarr April 3rd, 2006 05:37 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
I'll upload whatever the most current version I have is later today.

Toe April 3rd, 2006 06:09 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
looking forward to this mod http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
have you found a working webspace yet?

MajorDiarr April 4th, 2006 02:03 AM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
1 Attachment(s)
I know a few places but I can just use this forum's hosting, as I probably should have all along. So, just look at the header of this post.

The mod has only a few changes from the last version, I haven't worked on the mod at all in months, but they're pretty neat.

Toe April 4th, 2006 11:37 AM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
This mod looks good, but there's a problem with the photon torpedo launcher. Its image isn't showing and once I put it into the cargo load my game crashed.
Are you still working on the battleship? Seems a bit unfinished http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
But still fun to play.

MajorDiarr April 4th, 2006 04:21 PM

Re: WW: Weapon Effects Mod - The best badly named
1 Attachment(s)
I forgot about that weapon, it isn't done at all. And I just remembered I made changes to the Moon Marauder, it's faster and might have slightly more hull points. I've uploaded a new version, I think it has the torp launcher removed from the main game, at least from planets and I placed it on a varient of the science ship in the simulator.

The battleship is definitely unfinished, graphicaly, and will probably remain that way for quite some time.

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