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Spectarofdeath July 15th, 2006 02:20 PM

OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Why do television studios kill such great shows like Surface and Invasion? I hate that. They give you one season, they end it on a cliff hanger then kill it. WTH. And then they replace it with bs reality shows or comedies with brain dead retards.

Renegade 13 July 15th, 2006 02:29 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
It's simple. Shows that actually require you to think a little bit cost more to create than "reality" or comedy shows. Most people would rather turn their mind off when in front of the TV; they don't care whether or not what they're watching is interesting, it's just a method of mindlessly passing time.

NullAshton July 15th, 2006 02:47 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Which is why some shows are good, such as Stargate SG-1. You can think a little, or you can just turn off your mind and enjoy it. Depends on what you feel like at the moment.

Atrocities July 15th, 2006 03:48 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Because they are ran by those brain dead retards you mentioned. The only way they will get the message is through a severe and near leathal beating... constantly in the ratings.

Reality shows ARE NOT WORTH THE VIDEO TAPE THAT THEY ARE RECORDED ON, but unfortunetly they are extremely popular because there are soooooooooooooooo many brain dead retards watching them. Hell lets face it, how much intelligence does it take to figure out that if you eat the worms, you get $10,000? Brain dead retards, or BDR's for short, love these shows because they can figure em out. Of course while the rest of us, non BDR's, think of them as the stupidest thing to hit the air waves since Fonzy Jumped The Shark.

It is really a sobering thought to think that there are far more BDR's in this world, evident by the increasing number of stupid laws, stupid tv, and of course stupid governments that have popped up over the last twenty years, than there are non BDR's.

We have BDR's to thank for the boom in "not my fault" and "I hurty myself on your product" lawsuits. Come on people, if they can sue a company because their product, say a hand held hair dryer, didn't come with a warning advising them not to use their product while actively taking a shower, then you better believe that these illitrate dumb asses are going to want to watch Joe the Milloniar lie to some utterly retarded women every damn week for 13 weeks. "huh huh, Joe is so cool. Duhhhhhh" (Wipe the drewel off of your face you BDR!"

As they sit in their drug indused "good mood" they relate to the averge BDR's plight as either s/he strugges with daily challenge and ultimately when they must face evicition from the island later that night for being the BDR of the day. Hell just look at poor old Richard who is now sitting, broke, and more likely than not *** tighted clamped, in complete fear for his life in a Federal Prison for tax evasion. I wonder if he is going too or has yet sued the Survior produces for not telling him that he had to pay taxes on his million dollar prize? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh da duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

As long as the BDR's are out breading the non BDR's, the future of good television is in dyier peril. Since most things that can kill you if your a BDR have been outlawed, banned, or safety gaurded to the point of uselessness the thinning of the BDR hurd has slowed to the point for which we are now paying the price for.

Time to invent a new product that any one with a shred of common sense will know how to safely use, put it on a new reality show, and then sit back and watch the BDR's drop like flies.

Azselendor July 15th, 2006 06:40 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Because network execs want money. The dumber a show is, the more likely more people will watch it. Thus the more people that watch it means the more advertisers will pay to advertise in those time slots for that show. Shows like Invasion have limited audiences and thus advertisers avoid it because the auddience will reach a specific size and sit there. That means after a while, the audience ignores your ad and won't buy stuff.

That's when the advertisers pull the ad and the network execs don't get money. Then they take their rage out on the show in question and it gets cancelled.

But they aren't stupid, they are money grubbing sons .... you get the idea with no responsibility.

Jack Simth July 15th, 2006 07:09 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
There's also a downard spiral in how they run the ratings - it's how many people of those checked watched that show at that time compared to other shows at the same time, not the percentage of participants who watched and were home at that time.

So that show that got on at a time of day when everyone who had a job was at work, gets just those who were at home watching TV while everyone was at work. So a show that appeals well to the non-working crowd gets huge ratings for it's time slot.... and then is shipped into prime time, as are a lot of clones of that type of show.

Next year, when everyone's home, there's nothing on that appeals to the crowd that works every day (as all the stuff that appeals to the people who don't is what ended up in prime time) and so they don't watch anything much when they are home.....

narf poit chez BOOM July 15th, 2006 07:11 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
And I'm paying for cable why?

Spectarofdeath July 15th, 2006 08:17 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
I dont even have cable, no offense but its not worth the 70.00 + $ they want to charge for it. I did have cable when I lived at home with my parents and the only channels I watched were Sci-fi, discovery or the History channel, other then maybe the few good shows scattered across other channels ie Star Trek. That was several years ago as well. Now all your paying for is (no offense to any fans) 18 channels of ESPN, 10 MTV's, 15 womens networks, 40 all news channels all the time. Even the movie channels dont hold any appeal to me now since I can go to my local library and get the movies on DVD anyway. And if they dont have the DVD I want? I can request it and they will get it. I dream of a scene like towards the end of invasion when there pushing all the normals off the dock, lets do that to all the BDR's. We can start with the politicians.

Atrocities July 15th, 2006 09:44 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?

narf poit chez BOOM said:
And I'm paying for cable why?

The same reason why I am paying for satellite TV, for the endless hours of utter useless commericals, infomericals, and sports that I will never watch.

Yimboli July 15th, 2006 10:41 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
I don't watch TV. I bought a Roland digital piano for less than my friend bought a huge plasma TV for. He also pays per month to sit in front of it and waste away... so basically he's paying more to develop himself less, while I learn a rare skill.

Drop cable and use the money for classes or guitar lessons or something... anything is better than network crap.

Atrocities July 15th, 2006 11:31 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
There isn't much to watch on the boobtube to justify the $80 a month most people here in the states pay for TV.

Renegade 13 July 16th, 2006 03:22 AM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?

Atrocities said:
There isn't much to watch on the boobtube to justify the $80 a month most people here in the states pay for TV.

http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif You pay that much for TV down there? Ouch.

Up here, we pay something like $40 CDN per month for satellite TV. Way cheaper. However, it's tough finding something worth watching. If it wasn't for Stargate, BSG, various Star Treks, Hockey (!!), and the very few other shows I regularly watch, I'd give up on TV altogether.

ToddT July 16th, 2006 12:50 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
$40 CDN for satlite, That cost more more down here, too.
actually cable can be had for under $20 bucks US but, it doesn't get you much, as soon as you get into the regular services packages your looknig at $45 US to beyond $100 us.
and given whats on this these days.................
oh cable (not sure about Sat) bumb the more current/interesting material into the higher priced packages.

Atrocities July 16th, 2006 09:05 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
We pay more because we have greedy f***ing politicans who tac on fees, taxes, and useage costs three to four times each year. Hell the average cell phone now cost 40% in fees 60% for service now. Hell when I first had a cell phone, back in 90, I was paying $30.00 a month for 5 hours a month of phone time. Now its $65.00 for the same package. ALL FEES.

We even have politicans here in states, and in my state, that want to tack on more ISP fees, hell those have trippled in the last two years. My ISP service is $44.00 a month, but I pay $66.00 a month after all the taxes and state/federal fees.

Now they want to "fee" emails. WTF! Time to do some house cleaning! Unfortunetly that never works because you end up replacing the scumbags with even worse greedy scumbages in an endless on going election fruad game of replace the scumbag with an even worse scumbag. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

But I degress. Ya we do pay way too much for Satellite. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Suicide Junkie July 16th, 2006 09:31 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Might I suggest an alternative explanation?
Perhaps they are cancelling the good shows and adding lame ones to decrease expectations!
That way, they don't have to work hard finding and developing good shows, but still rake in the bucks because people still sit, and just channel surf.

Will July 16th, 2006 09:32 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Sorry to take the OT even more OT...

Well, that's the way pricing on "service" commodities works, where there is often a geographical monopoly. The price will always expand to the precise point that the market will bear. Even things like satellite TV and cellular phones, where there often is not a geographical monopoly, you get the same effects out of mandatory length service contracts. Because it would cost too much to switch to a competitor, few people ever do. And so, companies can increase charges right up to the point where they begin to lose customers. Same reason why Microsoft can charge $280 retail for Windows XP Professional ($140 OEM) and people still pay it; because the costs of training and getting equivalent software for a different platform are initially too high.

If it's any consolation on the cell phone costs, there will probably be a law passed sometime in the next few decades that requires wireless providers to open up their networks to competitors, and keep the charge for using a competitors network reasonable. Then, the cellular phone system would be more similar to long-distance service for land-lines, and there would be more direct competition, driving prices down. So, places like my old hometown in Pennsylvania, which has only one cellular provider, would be open to all providers, with the same resources devoted to coverage, and places like my current hometown, Los Angeles, would still have all the providers there, but the coverage would get better because the different networks become one network. Which also means no more needing to check with your friends to see who has the best reception in a particular spot, and no more finding out that your new apartment has zero reception for your service, but perfect reception for your friend's service.

Captain Kwok July 16th, 2006 09:34 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
There's really only one factor and that is the ratings (and to some degree, who makes up the audience). That is how the networks set their ad fees which is the major source of income for the network.

Atrocities July 16th, 2006 10:06 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Right now what would you say are the best shows on TV?

Stargate SG1
Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galatica
The Shield
CSI Miami
Deadliest Catch (Reality that is real)
The Unit

Bets networks:
History Channel
Discovery Channel
National Geographic Channel
Commedy Centeral
Food Network
The Learning Channel
The Military Channel
History International
CBS (CSI shows)

Caduceus July 16th, 2006 10:50 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
I agree with SciFi's Friday night line-up, though the two SG's are fluff. Fluff that I enjoy, but fluff nonetheless. Battlestar Galactica I would stack up against any drama as far as character development and varying sorts of topicality - from abortion to military and civilian governments to church versus state, anyone?

My wife swears by Veronica Mars (the first season, anyway).

Smallville can be good, though a bit campy. With children I have a difficult time seeing it every week.

Speaking of children, you forgot the all-important children's networks:

Noggin (commercial-free toddler TV from 6A - 6P)
Baby First (24 hour "pay" channel)

Atrocities July 16th, 2006 11:07 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
I like the idea of being able to download shows and watch them on my lap top commerical free and having them on my lap top means I can watch them anytime I wish. I don't mind paying $2.00 a episode or just waiting until the series comes out on DVD then paying $40.00 or it. However when the DVD's for a series start costing $100.00 or more, I tend to say **** you and not buy them any more. (Say for Star Trek.. gotta have the Trek.)

I hate it when they break try to charge $60 to $100.00 for 13 episodes or less. That is just price gouging at its best.

mac5732 July 17th, 2006 12:15 AM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
In regards to good sci fi series being taken off like Firefly and others over the yrs and from what I've read and heard, I'd say the overly rich and overly rated moguls at the TV stations, just don't like Sci Fi shows, no matter how good they are. Fox is one of the worst as far as I'm concerned, They wouldn't know a good show if it bit them in the a.. They need some people with common sense and a feel for what people like when it comes to shows and that includes animated shows as well. Futurama, etc. some of which they did bring back after an outcry. Instead we get some of the dumbest shows on TV that they all rave about and the critics think are cool, but the audiences think that they smell. I can't understand the sponsers either. When they get a good show with following, they still back off and let the moguls call the shots. They need some ba... to say, no we like and want to keep it on the air.... UGH. Have you seen some of the lamest comedy shows on tv and yet they are highly rated by the upper upps? Ugh, some smell so bad they need to hang the writers..

I enjoyed Firefly and Battlestar when they first came out and Star Trek as well when it lst came out. But the lame brains at the networks made sure they failed and took them off the air, why???

well, just my 2 cents, maybe we need to start a boycot of Hollywood TV shows unti they wake up or get their heads out of the toilet.....

bearclaw July 17th, 2006 01:03 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
I don't have TV at all. We do have one that is plugged into a DVD player but nothing more.

My kids (ages 6 and 3) have never seen TV except for if they are at someone else's house.

They are not exposed to any commercials, no silly shows, no accidental exposure to anything unless we allow it first. My kids enjoy toys that don't need batteries, are phyically fit, spend most of their time outside, have no idea who Yu-gi-oh or Pokimon are, ask intelligent questions about the world they see around them, are excited to actually get in the van and go see something new, etc, etc, etc.

That said, we also have 4 computers in the house. They have development games that they enjoy and a few websites that they like.

Renegade 13 July 17th, 2006 02:20 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'd rather have a computer than a TV any day, if I had to choose. Much more intellectually stimulating (well, it can be http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif ) and not nearly so expensive for the most part. Best part; no commercials!

mac5732 July 17th, 2006 03:15 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
Renegade, what do you call the pop ups when you on the net???? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Hunpecked July 17th, 2006 04:38 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?

mac5732 said:
In regards to good sci fi series being taken off like Firefly and others over the yrs and from what I've read and heard, I'd say the overly rich and overly rated moguls at the TV stations, just don't like Sci Fi shows, no matter how good they are.

Well, considering the number of shows that are canceled every season, I'd say they don't like ANY TV genre. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Seriously, isn't it all about money, not taste? After its initial failure, the Star Trek franchise enjoyed tremendous success on TV. Was it because the network executives suddenly became sci fi fans, or because the shows made money?

Note that sci fi shows, with their special effects, tend to be more expensive than most series, especially reality shows. I've read that James Cameron's Dark Angel series was canceled despite good ratings because ad revenues still couldn't cover its costs. As I recall, when the first Battlestar Galactica came out, it was the most expensive series on TV; it would have needed unusually good ratings to rate a second season.

So I wouldn't be so quick to dump on the network bigwigs for looking to the bottom line, at least in the short run. In the long run, however, they may be cutting their own throats by programming for the least common denominator. I understand network viewership has been steadily falling for years, perhaps because the higher denominators (i.e. the ones who can afford it) are moving to cable, DVDs, and computers.

Azselendor July 17th, 2006 06:34 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?
The original BSG was costing 2 million per episode (or about 5 million per episode today) and angered thrifty network executives. Then the added cost of fending off George Lucas's infringement lawsuit and countersuit just made the networks say "Screw it."

Enterprise suffered a similar fault as it's episodes for season one and two cost roughly 5 million each, but was reduced to 3 million after networks threatened to drop it mid season. And the 4th season only happened because the Viacom was forced to significantly reduce star trek licensing fees and advertising requirements.

Baron Munchausen July 17th, 2006 06:46 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?

mac5732 said:
Renegade, what do you call the pop ups when you on the net???? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

'Pop-ups'? What are these 'pop-ups' you speak of?


Renegade 13 July 17th, 2006 07:48 PM

Re: OT: Why are TV studios so stupid?

mac5732 said:
Renegade, what do you call the pop ups when you on the net???? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Pop-up blockers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Saber Cherry July 19th, 2006 06:40 AM

Best network on TV today
My vote goes to www.animesuki.com http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif 70% may be garbage, but there are so many channels! And Japanese corporations are utterly insane in what they will fund, as the marketing dollars are either not controlled by stodgy conservatives, or are controlled by stodgy conservatives who have let their greed dissolve any 'moral imperative'. Basically, there's a very high random factor and few limits, which occasionally produces gems and always produces eclecticity.

Since this forum is dedicated to interstellar alien invasions and subjugation through superiour technology, I strongly recommend Keroro Gunso http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/420.html

mac5732 July 23rd, 2006 02:23 AM

Re: Best network on TV today
Hi S.C., at least the producers/TV?movies in Japan like Sci Fi, thats more then I can say about Hollywood, they do go all out in their movies/shoes.. (I always loved the Gozilla movies ) ) also my oldest son and his finance are into anime and I'll pass along those links. They go to the anime convention in Baltimore every yr. I believe its next month or end of this month.. oh well.

Hollywood still has a lot to be desired as to some of the movies/tv series they are putting out. IMHO they need to regroup and take a poll of the viewers. Some of them are just darn awful and yet they think they are great... oh well, my 2 cents once again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

narf poit chez BOOM July 24th, 2006 05:58 AM

Re: Best network on TV today
Robin, Witch Hunter is awesome.

That is all.

Azselendor July 24th, 2006 12:33 PM

Re: Best network on TV today
Hollywood plays it safe, they'll only make movies that traditionally make money or movies with big, safe names attached.

Look at the Matrix films or Blair Witch films.

On the other hand, Japan seems to churn out film after film without any regaurds to film quality (often story quality is brilliantly good, but production values are left to be desired).

They we have the infamous bollywood out of India, which has gotten better in recent years, but has all the traditional horrors of indian film such as the music number during a car chase, over the top acting, and lines no mortal would be caught saying. Their production values are raising there, all they need is some qualified film editors.

But back to hollywood, what they need most of all is an end of the endless (and often mindless) consultants and some budget-minded directors and producers.

Saber Cherry July 25th, 2006 03:57 AM

Re: Best network on TV today

KlvinoHRGA said:
They we have the infamous bollywood out of India, which has gotten better in recent years, but has all the traditional horrors of indian film such as the music number during a car chase, over the top acting, and lines no mortal would be caught saying. Their production values are raising there, all they need is some qualified film editors.

I admit, I have yet to see any Bollywood film. The closest is 'Bend it like Beckham' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Otherwise... the glimpses I've caught from TV's playing in Indian grocery stores scare me well away http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

Azselendor July 25th, 2006 01:22 PM

Re: Best network on TV today
Consider yourself lucky.

I just watched what passes for a horror film in india. My brain now hurts.

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