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Silent Seas AAR
Shrapnel has graciously given permission for the Dom 3 testers to post AARs now that the game has gone gold. As such, I thought I'd fire up a small game with one of my favourite new nations and write it up.
So, without further ado... Welcome to Kailasa Kailasa is a nation of monkey people, living in dense forests. They revere the Yakshas, a race of semi-divine beings which inhabit the sacred slopes of Mount Kailasa. Now the rightful ruler of the Yakshas has come, to lead them and their monkey followers out of the sacred woods to conquer the known world. Pretender Design Kailasa in the early era, like many nations, doesn't have particularly advanced armour. The monkey peoples range from the fairly useless Markatas, who throw sticks and stones at their enemies and don't wear armour, to the big Bandar apes, who wield maces, longbows, or swords and sometimes do wear armour. However, the jewel of the Kailasa military are the Yakshas themselves - particularly the falchion-wielding Yavanas. They don't really wear armour, but they have a great attack and a great defence, and are sacred, as well as inspiring awe. Because of this, my pretender design will centre around a bless strategy. I want particularly to give them a water blessing, to boost their already impressive defence, and make them move faster towards their opponents (so they have less time being fired upon). On top of this I want Astral magic, so reach some of the really cool national summons available to Kailasa. So enter Ghanivallika, Mother of Gods, Goddess of Many Names, Goddess of Dreams, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory, Guide of Heroes. She is a Lady of Fortune skilled in Water magic (9) and Astral magic (4). She herself is imprisoned right now, which means that the last vestiges of last pantokrator's power still hold her in check, but the bonds are weakening, and soon she will be free. She rules an orderly realm (and hopefully therefore prosperous), which is quite hot. Her land is also inclined towards magic, though the inhabitants are a tiny bit slothful. Most importantly, her dominion is very strong (9), so lots of sacred troops will be able to be recruited in her cities, and her dominion will spread, eventually over the whole world. Game setup I am using the Silent Seas wraparound map (45 land, 8 sea), and have 3 random opponents - one of each of the three AI types: standard, defensive, and aggressive. I want this game to be a challenge, so I set the AIs to difficult AI, which should give them a little bit of a boost. I also upped the Independant strength a little (up to 7) and gave everyone 3 provinces to start with, rather than just one. Now the stage is set. The new gods will awaken and the world will once again be thrust into chaos, until Kailasa emerges (hopefully) as the great power, and Ghanivallika is undisputably the ruler of the earth. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Turn 1
I find myself somehow able to communicate with my people, who reside in the southern reaches of a huge forest that covers four provinces. My fortified city is currently under the command of Abhiviraja, a large Bandar ape. I also have Chabila, a particularly intelligent Markata, who claims to be able to scout enemy territories and bring back information on troop movements. While doubtful about the accuracy of his information (I'm not sure Markatas can count) I will send him out, if for no other purpose than discovering what other nations exist. In addition to Abhiviraja and Chabila there are 20 Markatas who someone saw fit to give small bows to. I can't imagine them doing much good with these, since the bows only cause 6 damage, and their precision is a lousy 8. In addition to the Markatas are a group of 15 Atavi Infantry. Atavi are warriors of forest tribes which belong to the Vanara caste. These Atavi are armed with maces and bucklers, and are stealthy (as are the Markatas). They also fling a variety of things at their enemies, including sticks and stones. In addition to my home province, I have two other provinces, one to the west where the mountains begin, and one to the south which looks to be a wasteland. The mountainous western province seems to contain a Mine of Superior Iron, which should be helpful, since it's right next door to my fortified city (although I have very few resource-intensive troops). The southern wasteland seems to contain, of all things, the legendary Horses Vale, where I can recruit extremely fast light horse-warriors. I can also recruit Garnet Amazons there, who specialize in fire and blood magic. The first order of business is recruit some Yavanas (Falchion-wielding Yakshas). While I could get more Bandar or Atavi, I think the Yavanas will be useful longer, and perhaps more effective. My dominion is strong, so I can recruit nine Yavanas. I have a little money left over (though not enough to recruit a researcher), and I notice that a group known as Victor's Villians are hiring themselves out as mercenaries, and only charging 30 gold. I bid 32, so maybe I'll get some cannon fodder for the front lines. I send Chabila south in search of other nations that might challenge me. Abhiviraja I send to the northwest, to check out what is in the rest of this big forest. Bandar are not stealthy, so I give him strict instructions to come back at the first sight of trouble. Nothing more I can do, especially as I am trapped outside the fabric of the world. I enter meditation. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Turn 2
Good News: I suceeded in convincing Victor that his Villains would be most comfortable working for Kailasa. Even better, a fallen Devata called Devasura turned up at my gates, seeking acceptance into my kingdom at the cost of his perpetual service. Devasura was banished from the Celestial Sphere and turned to blood magic as a way to regain his lost power. I accept his service but warn him to not participate in blood magic rituals (unless I command him to of course). I had been planning on elevating Abhiviraja to the role of prophet, but Devasura will make a far more suitable captain. A picture of my mercy (in accepting such a one), but also a threat to my enemies, by revealing what terrors I could unleash on them. No-one likes a blood-hunt. Abhiviraja returned from his foray deeper into the forest. He got through the forest as far as the shores of a large inland bay, where he encountered a band of Ichtyids. Foul creatures attempting to take over the holy wood that is mine by right! I will kick them back into their watery domain. The good news is that his exploits have won him respect, and he is well on his way to becoming a great hero. He has found great reserves of strength that no-one realised he had. The identity of one of my opponents is now known: The nation of Caelum raised up a Tempest Lord as a false prophet to challenge my name, and news of it has reached me. Next turn I will attack, but for now I bide my time. Nine more Yavanas are trained on the slopes of Mount Kailasa. This time I have enough extra gold to hire a Yogi - a white-furred Vanara with some small skill in astral magic. He will begin the research that will allow me to summon greater allies which now are scattered. I send Abhiviraja northeast this time, to get a closer look at what the forest holds in that direction. Reports suggest the wolf tribe may have taken up residence there. Devasura enters the temple to meditate on the new and important role I have for him. Victor lolls around the palace, trimming his fingernails with his dagger, glancing cynically around. He will be singing a different tune when he and his men are on the front line in the next conflict. No news yet from Chabila - apparently he's visiting the Garnet Sorceresses on his way south. Women love monkeys. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Screenshots please.
Re: Silent Seas AAR
I wasn't sure that was ok, but it is, so screenshots will be forthcoming http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Pretty cool, can't wait to hear more.
Well... Read more, but you get my point http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 3
All hail the arrival of the prophet of the Queen of Kailasa, the Mother of Gods, the Goddess of Many Names, the Goddess of Dreams, the Symbol of Unchallenged Victory, the Guide of Heroes, Ghanivallika the Lady of Fortune. Devasura re-emerges from his long exile redeemed and powerful in the might of the coming god. In other news, some magic astral gems were found in the southern province. Some being two, in this case. Abhiviraja returned once again from his foray into the northern forest, reporting that the rumours of the wolf tribe taking up residence there are true, but that they do not have a strong force - mainly archers, although there was a shadowy figure at the back who could have been a shaman. Chabila sent the report that he has found a land settled by a strangely garbed people with a foreign appearance. On hearing further details it would seem that he has found the ancient and dangerous kingdom of T'ien Ch'i. Their strength is as yet unknown, but they are close at hand. I commanded Chabila to get a little closer and try to ascertain numbers, although I think his answer will be limited to either 'few' or 'lots'. While I continue my recruitment of Yavanas, this turn Devasura will lead all our available troops north, to claim the forest in its entirety. First we will throw the detestable Ichytids back into the sea, then move on to the wolf tribe. Victor's Villains take the left flank, with orders to fire their bows. I put my Atavi on the right flank, with orders to hold for a couple of turns before attacking. In the center, and a little back, I place the 18 Yavanas I have trained. They will attack straight up the center after being blessed by Devasura. The Markatas I put on the flank to attack the back; who knows what they'll actually do. After my costs I am just 1 gold shy of recruiting another yogi to help with the research that the first (Das) has begun. I commanded Das to invoke the strange formulas of Alchemy to transmute an earth gem to 20 gold, in order to have enough to hire the second researcher. After this Das starts poring over old texts in an attempt to figure out techniques to call upon magical reinforcements. ------------------------------- Here's Abhiviraja - 'Smile for the Camera' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...abhiviraja.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Oooh, it seems that you're doing well so far. Good luck and thanks for the screenie.
Re: Silent Seas AAR
turn 4
Good and bad news this month: My forces quickly overthrew the Ichytids, only losing one Yavana and two markatas in the process. Most of the Ichytids were too awed by the presence of the Yavanas to even strike them. The province I conquered seems nice enough, although it seems that an air of unluckiness pervades the place. In the depths of the forest Devasura found the Academy of War, which trains soldiers in the ways of battle. I discovered the identity of my last adversary, when Vanheim proclaimed his own false prophet. I also discovered, much to my displeasure, that Caelum lies to the north, on the other side of the great forest, and in fact has ventured inside it. T'ien Ch'i has advanced north and now a small force lies on my (unguarded) border. I immediately order a mobilization of local militias in all my provinces. Because of this I can only recruit eight Yavanas this month. Devasura and Victor attack the wolf tribe - hopefully Caelum will attack them too and we will be able to defeat Caelum's expeditionary force. 'Oh my mistake, I didn't mean to destroy your pitiful army. Is that really the best you could do?' Abhiviraja is returning to the capital to collect more troops so that they can be brought to the front lines. All the nation is in readiness for war. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 5
Thankfully neither Caelum to the north nor T'ien Ch'i to the south attacked me. The only thing that really happened was that I drove the Wolf tribe out of the forest. Victor's Villains took the brunt of the arrows and ran from the field. This was not unexpected, and it allowed my Yavanas to get close enough to decimate the tribesmen. My Markatas ran into the fight and managed to take some losses, but overall a pretty good result. The Wolf tribe may have been drawn to the site by the presence of the Cedar Pillars, a site which produces magical gems and makes the casting of Enchantments cheaper. I'm uncertain of how I should proceed. I am tempted to attack Caelum, but am unsure of my strength compared to his. But I think I will be bold and attack his forces nonetheless - maybe I can take him by surprise. Victor (sans Villains) and Devasura will attack the last and north-most part of the forest, which Caelum currently holds. Abhiviraja returned to the capital and now complains that he doesn't feel comfortable leading the new Yavanas, since they are magic beings. Oversensitive Ape! I will have to recruit a Yaksha or Yakshini to lead them. First though I will call a Vanara Guru, to site search and ferry troops north. 末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末 http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...0655-Guru5.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Nice writing, makes for interesting reading.
About that bit on the White Ones reincarnating - are you able to specify what that means in practice or don't you know either? |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Great AAR, gratulations. I hope we will meet soon in the field of battle.
Re: Silent Seas AAR
I don't think the White Ones reincarnation has any game-play effects (like getting a free unit or something). I like to think that being reincarnated as a Markata is what happens to a Guru if they didn't lead a good enough life though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 6
Devasura led my forces to victory against the Caelians. They had a medium-sized army of about 40 deer tribe archers, as well as Caelian militia. Victor, sadly, met his end in the battle. This might have had something to do with his willingness to be placed alone in the front row of the combat. No other news except that T'ien Ch'i has appointed a prophet. What I'm realizing is that if I am going to be able to fight against the Caelians effectively I will need to recruit some armoured Bandar to put in the front and attract arrows. In melee my Yavanas are pretty much unstoppable, but they are susceptible to arrows. The province I just took is next to the Caelian Capitol. Looks like they have a Mountain City, which is tough to take (700 defence vs. my fortified city's 250). This turn I will take the province to the west of the one I just took, which is directly south of their Capitol. In addition, I am kinda hoping that Caelum will attack my weakest province if they counter-attack. Accordingly I am going to move troops into there, led by the Guru Divya, so that in case they attack, there will be a welcoming committee. Aside from that I am recruiting more Yavanas and now armoured Bandar as a meatshield. T'ien Ch'i has hired a group of fown spawn as mercenaries, and they are on my border. I will send one of my yogis down there with a few Yavanas just in case they stumble across the border. Abhiviraja will go along for the ride. I desperately need gold. Since my only priests are Yakshas and Yakshinis, and I need priests to bless my Yavanas, until I have some more gold I am limited to one fully effective army. I can alchemize earth gems, but what I really need is a big fat farmland province with an income over 200. So far the provinces have all been kinda poor. Research is going slowly. I guess that's one of the downsides of being imprisoned. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...in%20City6.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Good going, but that Caelian fort looks like a tough nut to crack. The gurus aren't your best mages I hope?
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Not even close. Kailasa has some really nasty mages.
Re: Silent Seas AAR
> I don't think the White Ones reincarnation has any game-play effects (like getting a free unit or something). I like to think that being reincarnated as a Markata is what happens to a Guru if they didn't lead a good enough life though
Of course it has an effect (unless some bug has appeared). The white one might reincarnate, in name and body (although the body might be a lesser or greater one, dependent on the karma of the white one). Or become one with the awakening god, increasing dominion. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
I haven't posted battle shots because I had already played to turn 8 or 9 before we got the go-ahead to for sure post screenshots. (I am playing ahead to make sure I have regular updates). There are some battle shots, and some more info on Kailasa's mages in the screenshot pipeline.
re. the fown spawn thing - that's a typo. I think I was thinking of a really bad pun on the word 'foul' - i.e. 'fowl' spawn (since they're employed by Caelum). But neither thing came out in the end. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 7
Took the province from Caelum easily. Unfortunately they didn't attack the province I wanted them to, but instead the one I captured last turn. They have in their employ another mercenary band. This turn I will attack from two sides: both Devasura and the new group that Divya is bringing up from the capital. Devasura finally became recognized as the hero he is. In addition to my pincer attack I will send one of my yogis into the province in between, to bolster the defence there in case Caelum attacks. T'ien Ch'i has pulled back from the border, so I will too. Besides I have a new job for Abhiviraja as the leader of the rapidly forming Bandar regiment. Chabila died in enemy territory. I think he finally got bored and started throwing things. I recruited another Markata to scout in his place. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...-Devasura7.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Reckon you could make yourself an army of combat heroes by hiring some of those four-armed asskickers and equipping them with dual hell swords and other neato stuff? I'd love to see that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Interesting stuff, keep 'em coming.
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Only 22 hitpoints? Is he in postive or negative dominion?
Attack and def are great though. Looks like a quite powerful combatant! |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
> does it actually depend on the actions of the White One or is it random?
If you murder a lot you'll end up in a warrior body. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
What he needs is a great set of equipment, and then to be unleashed on my enemies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 8
Lots of battles. Somehow my troops commanded by Divya didn't manage to make it to the battle, but that ended up being ok. Caelum just left a token force there, and they were easily overrun. Instead of focusing their attack on one of my provinces like I thought they would they attacked all three. I lost the one Devasura just took (because he was en route to attack the other one), but with the other two I repulsed the attack with minimal losses. I'm glad I moved troops up with the Yogi because that province was attacked. Since I now have three small armies I think I will combine them in one province and maybe siege his capital. That tends to draw the fire away from my provinces and towards trying to liberate his city. This turn I am recruiting a Yaksha, even though the cost is great. I need another commander who is able to lead and bless the Yavanas. Abhiviraja is leading a contingent of Bandar North to join up with the main army. It is almost winter. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...2-turn%208.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
1 Attachment(s)
Turn 9
Disaster! The cowardly Caelians attacked my supply lines. Abhiviraja was travelling north with a small group of Bandar when a Caelian army attacked in force. Worst of all, the great hero Abhiviraja, after seeing so many of his brother apes fall, rushed into the fray and died a heroic death. Even his sacrifice was not enough to stem the tide though, and the province was lost. The foul Caelians used mercenaries to disguise their true motives, but nonetheless it is a Caelian flag that flies over Mazovia tonight. But it will not end this way. Devasura will lead a force to cut off their supply line, and meet any reinforcements they should try to send. Divya the Guru will take a contingent of Yavanas and attack the current province these pathetic mercenaries are squatting in, and finally Boreda, my newly recruited Yakshini, will bring a group of Yavana to the province Caelum is most likely to attack next, in hopes of giving him an unpleasant surprise. I need to bolster research - I'll get nowhere at this rate. I call on another Yogi, in addition to the regular set of Yavanas. Now if T'ien Ch'i can just stay quiet, and I can get my troops in position, maybe I can put some serious pressure on Caelum and win some fertile and rich provinces. 末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末末 Yakshinis are gifted in Water Magic, and a little Nature, and in this case, some Earth. More importantly right now, they are priests. Here's Boreda, wearing scandalously little. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...32-Boreda9.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Nice little empire you go there!
Hmm, the early Caelum flag looks....unusual. A sun? Aren't they cold-lovers in the start? Tell me something about them. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
turn 10
Everything went according to plan except for 2 small things: The mercenaries instead of attacking my weakest province (like I figured they would) attacked my capitol! Thankfully my provincial defence was enough to send them packing. My Markatas rushed towards the cowardly mercenary Ichtyids, after which they died (quite quickly) sacrificing themselves for the greater good. The happy by-product of this is that it is a lot quieter around the palace, and hopefully that means the yogis can figure out how to use some of these magical gems to call for reinforcements from other planes. The second hiccup is that the Caelians attacked the province from which I launched the attack with another force, which (since I left the province all but empty) quickly overran my defences. I am sending Boreda the scantily clad Yakshini, and Divya the Guru up there to solve the problem, while Devasura hangs out defending the frontline province he's in. Next turn I will recruit a Yaksha and hopefully then I will have three fairly powerful raiding groups, which combined could storm the Caelian city. Chabila's replacement, Balakrit, is heading south and investigating independant provinces near T'ien Ch'i. Hopefully he will provide some useful information, like that Vanheim and T'ien Ch'i are at war. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
For some reason I missed turn 9.
I believe that Boreda is the first lvl 1 priest I have seen so far. Interesting. Best of luck against Caelum, but say, could you tell me what the Early Era (this is it right?) Caelum is like? |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 11
Things are looking good. My Yogis finally unearthed some arcane lore of value (although limited value) in their research, and my armies managed to defeat the Caelians in the province they attacked. The Caelians did not offer a counter-attack. This month I will consolidate my position, and perhaps assault the Caelum home province next month. I am sending Divya the Guru home from the front lines. He really isn't up to the exertion of combat. The funny thing is that he's 52 years old, which is getting on for a monkey, yet Boreda, who he's with at the moment, is 266 years old, yet looks like half his age. Devasura is 559 years old! http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...1-age%2011.jpg On the way home Divya will check a couple of provinces for magic sites that might be hidden to the untrained eye. The best thing would be a site that would provide some astral pearls, which are the required sacrifice to entice more of the Yakshas to join the war in this corporeal world. T'ien Ch'i once again has a few too many men for comfort on the border. I will send a Yogi down there with a few troops just in case. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 12
One year has passed since I first became dimly aware of the world which in the future I will rule. A lot has happened since then: both of those who first stepped forward to serve me are dead - Chabila, murdered by orientals in the deep south, and Abhiviraja, killed by a band of vicious mercenaries hired by Caelum. Their blood will be repaid in like kind a thousand fold. Yet their sacrifice has not been in vain: now my kingdom extends well beyond its initial bounds, and the cowardly Caelians are hiding in their supposedly impregnable mountain-top city. My frustration is primarily that I have not yet broken free to enter the fight personally. This month those sad pretenders who had been too lazy to do anything so far finally entered the world. Unfortunately those of us who have to overcome obstacles to break into the world are still imprisoned, held tantalizingly in view, yet unable to touch. Militarily this month was quiet. The Caelians stayed home to lick their wounds; T'ien Ch'i wisely thought better of attacking. My military build-up continues, this time with the addition of Anuprabha, a Yaksha gifted even more than is normal with skill in Earth magic. He will lead a group of Yavanas up to the front line who will hopefully be enough to contain the miserable Caelians in their pathetic little coop. But I think he probably needs to wait another turn first, to wait for a few more troops. Boreda is not just a pretty face - she found two magic sites while holding the front line! Actually I guess it's probably one really big magic site, since they both proclaim to be The Endless Forest. The important thing is that they give me some astral and nature gems. I think the time has come to attack Caelum's home province. Devasura and Boreda will lead in their armies in, a process that is made easier by the ability to see what forces are moving into a province, even if they are coming from different locations (see screenshot below). They will co-ordinate their attack and hopefully beat the Caelian defence without too much trouble. If the can siege the city the Caelians will be on a defensive footing, which is exactly where I want them. I may even be able to persuade the local population to renounce their false god and turn to me willingly. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...12%20coord.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Thanks for posting your AAR here; it's a great way to preview.
Shall we start a Typo/Grammar thread already? In Yakshini, I assume that both those which left and stayed are plural, so "... the most powerful of them HAVE left this world...", and also "... the few that still LINGER on..." Sill |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Re: Silent Seas AAR
For some reason those stick holding monkeys are hilarious.
Good going for the first year. Let's hope Tien Chi won't get any odd ideas. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Good going indeed, keep it up. I expect to see screens of the assault on the Caelian capital soon. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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turn 13
Success! my forces swept aside the pitiful defence the Caelian militia put up without losing a single man (or monkey). I immediately raised their taxes to 200% and sent Devasura on a blood hunt. That should make the people so angry that they won't be of much use to the Caelians even if they shouldbe able to kick us out. It looks like they only have one other province left. If I can manage to take that, then I'll be in good shape. Unfortunately I couldn't send Anuprabha up north this month, because T'ien Ch'i once again has a large force on my border - one that is in fact much larger than previous times - the reports of the scared citizens who live along the border suggest an army 120 strong. So I diverted Anuprabha south instead, to make sure that should T'ien Ch'i be foolish enough to attack they will be taught a sharp lesson. Even though I have less troops than T'ien Ch'i, I am confident my Yavanas will scythe through them like wheat. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...-13%20shot.jpg Research is finally beginning to look almost respectable, with 5 Yogis working round the clock. Hopefully they will get somewhere soon. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
120 composite archers judging from the small figures. How odd. Let's hope they won't get stupid ideas...what are you researching BTW?
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Such a huge crowd of missile troops could wreak havoc on your unarmored soldiers. I'm scared. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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Turn 14
Everything is proceeding according to plan. Caelum launched three fruitless attacks against me: two sets of 'Call of the Winds' in two different provinces, and then a pathetic attempt to dislodge me from his city with regular forces. Devasura captured 6 blood slaves, which upset the people. That and the increase in taxes left the province pretty unhappy with their overlords. T'ien Ch'i did not attack, but instead took the indy province which borders both of us. This is unfortunate because it gives me a larger border to defend, but a lot better than a declaration of war. Balakrit has found the border between T'ien Ch'i and Vanheim, and is hanging out in an independant province hoping to see some action. Just so long as he doesn't join in that's ok. With the extra money from putting Caelum's taxes at 200% I am able to afford another Yaksha, as well as my standard purchase of Yavanas. I am hoping to get one with extra Nature magic, because if so he will be able to summon his brethren from outside this world to aid us - that is as soon as I find the formula for the incantation. Those Yogis are only doing a so-so job figuring that stuff out. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr.../441112-14.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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Turn 15
More of the same this month: Caelum made another (feeble) attempt to break my siege. I captured another 11 blood slaves and now the people are getting well and truly mad. Things are stable with T'ien Ch'i. My newly recruited Yaksha is very good at Earth magic, but not as good at Nature as I had hoped. I am going to send him north to capture the mostly empty remaining Caelum province, and build some temples, to try to persuade the people there that their worship of this Caelian so-called 'god' is misguided. In the mean time Divya the Guru is continuing to search for magic sites. I need to build up my military for the inevitable war with T'ien Ch'i. Maybe take a few more independant provinces to increase the income somewhat. Anuprabha is bouncing back and forth along the border, to give the impression of large troop movements to any T'ien Ch'i observers who might be watching. Gah! I just realized that instead of recruiting Yavanas last turn I recruited Guhyakas! Not a terribly big deal, just that the Guhyakas carry a spear (so do less damage) and are less effective at both attack and defence. Oh well. http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...85-Guhyaka.jpg |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
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I just realised that I never posted a shot of my unit of choice, the powerful Yavana. Well, here he is:
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...187-Yavana.jpg With my water 9 astral 4 blessing he gets +4 def, which takes him to a whopping 18. Between the high defence and the awe effect these guys take very little damage in melee. They also have 2 attacks, one of which is capable of doing quite a lot of damage, so their damage output is impressive too. They just really have to stay away from missile weapons. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
Did anyone notice how there's this odd big eagle amongs those smaller ones?
And yup. Stick monkeys...*chuckle* Guhyakas and Yavana's ook like solid units. Not much of a resource cost and good stats. Nice. |
Re: Silent Seas AAR
The big hawk is the leader.
These guys are one example of sprites that have been remade. They look way better than the hawks from Dom II (IMHO). |
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