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-   -   Wishlist: The Modder's Wishlist (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=30597)

DominionsFan October 3rd, 2006 06:02 AM

The Modder\'s Wishlist
I think it's a good idea to start this wishlist, since as we know, the devs will support the modders in the upcoming patches. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] The ability to change spell names and descriptions.

Why is this important? Until we can't change these 2 things, we cannot modify the existing summoning spells + national summons properly. In the vanilla game, we can change the monster what will be summoned, however the spell name and description will be the same, since we cannot change those.
[[If you don't get it...Example: Summoning spell: Iron Dragon
We would like to change this spell, so it will summon trolls instead. When we cast the spell it will summon trolls, however the spell name will be "Iron Dragon" still, and the description will show that we gonna summon a dragon, not trolls. Once we can change the spell name to Summon Trolls, and change the description, that the spell will summon trolls and not a dragon, everything will be perfect.]]

Endoperez October 3rd, 2006 07:06 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
* It isn't possible to add new national spells that have to be researched. The old #school and #research don't allow for that.

* It isn't possible to make sites that let everyone recruit the units. #com and #mon commands are needed in addition to #homecom and #homemon.

* All modding commands need #clear or similar command. Few examples:
#clear for weapons:
A sling can be cleared and redone so that it deals -2 damage, with strength added, instead of 9 damage with no str. Currently, it isn't possible to remove #nostr from a weapon.
#clear for sites:
National sites can be redone, e.g. to change Early Age Golden Era Arcos so that only Mage Engineers are restricted to capital while Engineers can be recruited anywhere.

* Scenario-type maps sometimes need more changes than the map commands allow. There should be a map command for a required mod that has to be enabled to play the map. The mod should be automatically enabled when a new game is created for the map, and error message should be shown if the mod isn't present.

* It should be possible to find out numbers of magic sites. That'd let us change national magic sites to e.g. add new national commanders. There are still sites with same names across the different eras of the same nation. The same for items, too!

* Age-restricted mods that don't affect games of other ages would make it easy to have more national spells in one age, especially if/when spell name and description modding are implemented. Example:
Mod that only works in Early Age could add a new nation that is given spells for summoning Tomb Oracles and Wailing Ladies that have very little to do with the Agarthan and Ermorian units of later ages.

<font color="green">EDIT: </font>
#insanity is missing. Hey, insanity is fun...

Agrajag October 5th, 2006 03:43 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Well, since there's a modder's wishlist, I might as well link you up to [url=http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&amp;Board=UBB74&amp;Number=39396 0&amp;fpart=&amp;PHPSESSID=]This fabulous thread (the Mod Command Brainstom thread)[url]
It started way back in 23/11/05, and it features a lot of ideas that will be really cool if they were in the game.

Twan October 6th, 2006 12:59 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Some others ideas :

Poptypes modding (without having to edit the units in the poptype)
#selectpop [number]
#addpop [unitid/name]
#addcommander [unitid/name]

Commands to change the effects of experience (ex :
#xplevel 1 -&gt; the following lines apply to the one star level
#hp=1 -&gt; +1 hp
#str=2 -&gt; + 2 strength


FrankTrollman October 6th, 2006 02:52 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Since it doesn't seem to be implented (yet), I would like:

[*] Mod Command to make extra effects from any spell.

I can copy stats frm an animist or an Ivy King to get extra Vine Ogres, but sometimes I want a character who makes extra effects from Crossbreeding, or Summer Lions, or even Magma Bolts. Any # effects spell should be a potential for a specialist to cast with extra effects.

[*] All Freespawn options should be open.

I would like to be able to freespawn things in castles, I would like to be able to freespawn things in areas with high dominon, I would like to be able to freespawn things in areas of high luck... etc. I know the code supports it because there are factions that do that (mostly R'lyeh and Ermor).

[*] Undead options should be moddable.

Longdead Giants and longdead C'tisians are a good start, but I want a chance to make longdead giant rats or longdead ant people. When you're making a non-human race, the ability to throw in ome appropriate longdead should be in there.


quantum_mechani October 11th, 2006 11:29 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I know there is far more that is wanted than can actually be added, but here are some commands I would find extremely useful:

Spell Modding



#effectsnmbr - Sets number of effects for a spell.

#dmg - Sets the damage a spell does

#mrneagtes - Sets if a spell is effected by mr, input of 0 would be not at all, 1 would be neagated, 2 would be easily negated.

#aoe - Sets aoe for a spell.

#range - Sets range for spell.

#copyspell - This would create a new spell with the same basic function as the one it is based on. In this way you could for instance make a new summoning spell to bind large numbers serpent fiends at once, or make an area of effect blink.

Monster Modding

#scalesensitive - Sets scale which unit is sensitive too (such as ice devils with cold/heat).

#senseamount - Sets severity of sensitivity from the #scalesensitive command.

Commander Modding

#summonallies - First number would set number of units to summon, second number would set monster number of units to summon.

Site Modding


#entersummon - Sets number and monster number of units to be summoned when mage enters (required mage path set by base site type).

#enterritual - Sets spell to be cast when mage enters site (as in scrying spell sites).

Magic Item Modding

#mainlevel - Same as current command, but could be set to 0, causing the item to cost 1 gem (one level of the path would still be required to forge it). This would be extremely handy for dealing with some hard to balance items.

#castspell - Sets spell that can be cast by commander wielding item in battle.

#castritual - Sets ritual that can be cast as an order by commander wielding item.

#fireres - And the rest of the resists.

#mr - Can be negative.

Poptype Modding







#defcom1 - Sets first type of commander in defense of province at the start of game.


#defunit1 - Sets first type of troop in defense of province at the start of game.


Scales Modding

#drainmr - Sets amount drain/magic scale changes mr.

#drainenc - Sets amount drain/magic scale changes spell casting encumbrance.

Frostmourne27 October 12th, 2006 01:14 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
quantum_mechani said:
Poptype Modding







#defcom1 - Sets first type of commander in defense of province at the start of game.


#defunit1 - Sets first type of troop in defense of province at the start of game.

Aren't there some poptypes that get more than 2 unit types? maybe allow for five or six, to create more interesting/varried poptypes?

DominionsFan October 12th, 2006 06:41 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

quantum_mechani said:
I know there is far more that is wanted than can actually be added, but here are some commands I would find extremely useful:

Spell Modding



#copyspell - This would create a new spell with the same basic function as the one it is based on. In this way you could for instance make a new summoning spell to bind large numbers serpent fiends at once, or make an area of effect blink.

Monster Modding

#scalesensitive - Sets scale which unit is sensitive too (such as ice devils with cold/heat).

#senseamount - Sets severity of sensitivity from the #scalesensitive command.

Commander Modding

#summonallies - First number would set number of units to summon, second number would set monster number of units to summon.

Site Modding


#entersummon - Sets number and monster number of units to be summoned when mage enters (required mage path set by base site type).

#enterritual - Sets spell to be cast when mage enters site (as in scrying spell sites).

Very nice list QM. All of your suggestions are excellent. I quoted out the most important modding commands from your list, what should be added at all costs. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Horst F. JENS October 13th, 2006 04:32 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Mod to cancel/alter the OLD AGE effect for commanders.

i suggest doing that for each unit, like
#unit (number)
#age 66
#start_of_old_age 80

it would be nice to mod old age effects and their probability per turn:
#old_age_disease 0.05
#old_age_feeblemind 0.1
#old_age_limp 0.3
#old_age_eyeloss 0.15
#old_age_armloss 0.0

Endoperez October 13th, 2006 04:38 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
7.50 #maxage &lt;age&gt;
This maximum age for a monster. After this age it will
risk getting afflicitions and eventually die. Default is 50.

7.75 #startage &lt;age&gt;
The start age for a monster. Usually there is no need to
set this as it will be calculated automatically depending
on startage and skills. An age of zero clears this command
and an age of -1 sets start age to zero.

I think there is a typo in the latter description. I think it should read "dpending on maxage and skills". In my Anansi mod age didn't work correctly, but that might be because he's a shapechanger.

Endoperez October 14th, 2006 08:55 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Ability to remove an existing nation

As an example, a new, empty era into which unwanted nations can be moved, or a command to make a nation unselectable. Currently, it's complicated to move e.g. LA C'tis Desert Tombs into Middle Age.

Tortanick October 14th, 2006 09:15 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Thanks Endoperez, I was just going to post that http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'd also like to add: some way of controling the maximum number of infinite heroes you can have. I want one hero where you can only have one at a time

DrPraetorious October 15th, 2006 10:13 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I've got some requests regarding pretender design.

Firstly, I'd like to add additional options under the pretender design (in the toolkit) and under the check-for-cheaters control.

For example - four types of pretenders, normal (as it is now), weak, strong and devastating.

Weak pretenders are built on 200 points. Scales cost 20 points each, and the dominion cost multiplier is 3. Dormancy is only worth 100 points, and imprisoned is worth 175 (which gives you a slight boost for those choices.)

Strong prenteders are built on 600 points, scales cost 30, the dominion cost multiplier is 10. Dormancy is worth 225 points, imprisoned is worth 375 points.

Devastating, 800, 40, 15, worth 300 or 500.

My suggestion is an #add_scheme command, with the following child commands.

#base_points &lt;num&gt;
#dominion_multiplier &lt;num&gt;
#magic_multiplier &lt;num&gt;
#scale_multiplier &lt;num&gt;
#points_dormant &lt;num&gt;
#points_imprisoned &lt;num&gt;

The game should automatically add the option to cycle through all existing schema in the Design Pretender God dialogue, and in the game creation dialogue "cheat prevention" should scroll through all available design schema.
Of course, there are other ways to achieve the same result (replacing all the national pretender lists, say,) but I think this ought to be achievable directly.
It'd also be nice if the AI could read these schema when making pretenders (assuming it spends points and doesn't pick them from a pre-compiled list.)


My second request may be completely infeasibl - but I'd like to be able to bring back themes.

I'd like to add another entire panel to pretender design. In that panel, I'd like to add a host of options, which either cost or give you points, and which modify your national characteristics. This is the logical way in which I think it'd be structured. I've got an entire list of ten sets of these, I'd like to put them under a pretender design section called "Commandments". I'm sure everyone could see how this would be cool.
The underlying idea is that I'd like to be able to take any position and "twiddle" it into a (second-rate, like vanheim, say) blood position (or necromancer position, or amphibious position, etc.). Concept is - I'm the new God, if I start demanding blood sacrifices, I expect Timmy the Archtheurg to get with the program.
I expect a lot of people wouldn't like this - and it'll be hell to game-balance it - but

#option_type 1
-- You can't have more than one option from the same "type".
#option_name "Make me an altar of splintered bones and rotting flesh!"
-- If possible, load these dynamically into the sub-menu.
#option_requires_mdeath 5
#option_requires_sdeath 0
-- Likewise for each magic path and scale. "Require death 0" means doesn't allow growth.
#option_nation 29
-- Now we have a block of mod commands which it runs if you are Pythium. All the same mod commands should be available as when modding a faction from scratch, in addition...
#option_cost_fixed 3
#option_cost_cumulative 2
-- Cost in pretender design points. Fixed points are multiplied by the cost of a scale - cumulative points are added together and then priced as an equivalent dominion increase, so discourage people from piling on lots of options.
#remrecunit &lt;nbr&gt;
#remreccom &lt;nbr&gt;
-- Ideally, this should pull all instances of a given unit number from the national recruit list. If the only commands you can support clear the list entirely - then just add this one.
-- So that you can change the list of capital-only units.
-- And a list for each nation that can take the mod.


And, thirdly, I'd like some more nation modding commands, but I'll compile that list later.

FrankTrollman October 15th, 2006 01:13 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Where do your point totals come from? I am unclear as to how making Dominion 10 (and the associated Awe effect) cost more makes pretenders stronger.

Heck, if anything the reverse seems to be true. If going for a standard super-combatant great kraken as Atlantis, you're looking at the cost to get a Dominion of 10 dropped down to 108 for "weak pretenders". It previously cost 252 under the normal rules, so the number of free points an awake god with Dominion 10 has is virtually unchanged save that scales are cheaper.

In short, while I agree that there should be an option for giving people more or less starting points, changing the relative cost of starting choices willy nlly is a terrible idea.


Tortanick October 15th, 2006 01:31 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I agree with Frank on that one.

I'd also like to see themes back.

Foodstamp October 16th, 2006 07:18 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I would like to see the following commands added to the game for modding...

#skeptic (Allows a unit to lower an enemy's dominion, just like the skeptic unit from Arco.)

#seduce (Like the Oreiads from Arco and maybe the succubus version?)

#lure (The lure ability the Oceania Sirens have)

I apologize if any of these are already in the game. I checked the mod.pdf for them and could not find them.

Twan October 16th, 2006 07:31 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Yes I would find better to have just a multiplier for starting points as a start option (but a screen before pretender design/loading would become needed) or a simple #dpmultiplier [x] as a mod command (with possible values in the 50-250% range).

Endoperez October 16th, 2006 08:13 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Foodstamp said:
I would like to see the following commands added to the game for modding...

#skeptic (Allows a unit to lower an enemy's dominion, just like the skeptic unit from Arco.)

#seduce (Like the Oreiads from Arco and maybe the succubus version?)

#lure (The lure ability the Oceania Sirens have)

I apologize if any of these are already in the game. I checked the mod.pdf for them and could not find them.

Good suggestions. For now, you can use #copystats to copy a Skeptic, perhaps an Oreiad, and change or remove the abilities you don't want.

DrPraetorious October 16th, 2006 02:02 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I mean "stronger pretender" in the specific sense of the pretender itself, as opposed to the benefits it gives to the nation.

Firstly, I made an error - you have 350 points to customize your pretender, not 400.

Okay, the points cost for each physical form are, I believe, either a function of the unit itself or of the nation(s) to which it is available - I didn't see a way to mod this in the manual, which obviously needs fixin'. Either way, dynamically changing those prices is essentially impossible.

So, how do you halve the cost of being a dragon with earth and fire, across all nations? Well, you double the total amount of points available, and double the cost of everything else on which you spend points (scales and dominion.)

If I have 350 points total, and I want to spend 160 on dominion and scales, I have 190 left to make my pretender Himself. This will buy me a dragon with fire-4 and earth-2.

If I have 700 points total, and I want to spend 360 on dominion and scales (which buys the same thing if prices are doubled), I have 340 left to maky my pretender Himself. This will buy me a dragon with fire-5 and earth-5. Yeah?

FrankTrollman October 16th, 2006 02:32 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Physical Form costs are moddable. The "#gcost" of the form is its base cost a a pretender. So if you don't think te new non-ehereal VQ is worth 175 frickin points, you can simply set a new gcost for her of something more reasonable like 125 and she'd appear with the new cost.

As for he rest, I don't think it's practical. Dominion scales of about 1-8 are an empire toggle, but dominion scores in the 9-10 range are a combat buff to your god. There's no way to regulate with cost multiples what people are doing by purchasing dominion scores.

That being said, I would like to see a "magic pretenders" option where purchasing picks is flatter. Path increase * 8 gets really expensive really fast, and I'd like just once to have the kind of powerful rainbow god that the computer is always running around with on a good AI scheme.


Endoperez October 16th, 2006 03:40 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Endoperez said:
* It should be possible to find out numbers of magic sites. That'd let us change national magic sites to e.g. add new national commanders. There are still sites with same names across the different eras of the same nation. The same for items, too!

I just found out that you can press Shift+i when viewing an item to get it's id number. So we have half of that one already!

EDIT: I also thought I was editing, not quoting, so I changed the message around.

Tortanick October 16th, 2006 03:45 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Add #communicant to the list for Therug Communicants
And I tried copysats for the communicants and it didn't work.

DrPraetorious October 16th, 2006 06:24 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Dominion scales in the 9-10 range do increase your ability to recruit sacred units.

That said - the dominion score of 9 combat buff is an unusual case. The price-schemes I proposed don't give a *discount* for it, but they never make it (relative to your total points) more expensive, so unless you're going to dominion 10 on a base dominion 1 god, it isn't going to have a huge impact, and I think that the mod as I proposed it would be workable.

sube October 17th, 2006 06:14 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
A few requests:

1) Suppose I want to mod a race that does not become weaker with old age, but stronger. With a switch like

#oldageeffect &lt;parameter&gt;

With this parameter (1 and -1?) you can set if the monster becomes stronger or weaker when ageing.

2) A fourth status for pretenders, in addition to awake - dormant - imprisoned. The fourth status would be something like banished: the god is somewhere else and happy to be there, not coming back at all. That may give you extra design points (for what? well only dominion, and magic for blessings). I'm requesting this because sometimes I would like to play just with armies vs armies, without godlike pretenders getting in the way.

3) Is #inquisitor already implemented? Apologies if i missed it.

...and more to come soon, probably.

DrPraetorious October 17th, 2006 11:32 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
If we're going to have more pretender status, I'd also like to see:

dead - your god begins play dead. You can call him back normally (and thus, before turn 12), but he shows up -1 on each magic path with an affliction. 200 points.

lost - your god has forgotten the world. A dominion strength of (150?) will return him to the world. 150 points?

bound - The seals on your god can only be loosed by BLOOD SACRIFICE. You need to research blood 5 and then have a blood mage offer up 200 blood slaves to get your god back. This is worth only 300 points because only people who think they can do this quickly will take it.

DrPraetorious October 22nd, 2006 03:23 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I second the various requests for commands to duplicate existing monster powers, but I'd actually like commands to add *new* monster powers.

To facilitate this, I'd like the modding commands to be as general as is reasonably feasible. I have some exmaples below, but whatever mod commands you add, please make them general in this way so we can do new stuff.

The following commands would let me do things for Mods we have in the works that'd be real keen:

#autospell {spellID}
This command gives a unit a spell that it automatically casts at the start of combat. If the spell has a target - the unit targets itself. This would be greatly more useful than #communicant or something to duplicate the communicant's ability.

#scalemod {tag} {scale} {multiplier}
This should also be available for weapons. The tag (which can be anything) is modded by the multiplier * the scale modifier (negative multiplier meaning you like negative scales.)
This would be very powerful - you could make philosophers
#scalemod researchbonus productivity -1
and you could make demons that spread disease but only in provinces with turmoil
#scalemod diseasecloud order -1
and all sorts of other cool stuff. If you have a command once under "scalemod" and once without scalemod, the argument of the command (research bonus, AP, whatever) should be additive.

#unitspawns {unitID} {multiplier}
#summonally {unitID} {multiplier}
#dominionspawns {unitID} {multiplier}
Instead of one command for each monster that presently has one of these abilities. Combine with scalemod to have it only work in some diminion types!

Awesome game, keep up the good work!

DrPraetorious October 23rd, 2006 08:32 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Okay, I want some stuff for spell-modding. This request is highly unlikely - but hey, can't hurt to ask, and it'd be schweet.

I'm sorry this is so long but I'm trying to be as concrete as possible.

I assume that one of the patches will include the ability to field entirely new spells. Here are some spells I want to add, and what they do, along with the code-I-think-should-do-this (all of these are intended as national spells for Padmassa, the Dark Coven):

Corrupt the Virtuous (BSS, 10 blood slaves) Blood 0
Attempts to kill a priest in a distant province. If successful, not only does the priest die, but you are able to steal their faith so that they join you as an undead. Priests in hostile dominion are highly resistant. This spell allows the Black Coven to obtain priests, since they have no national priest unit.

Soul Hunt (SSSSD, 8 astral) Evocation 5
This uniquely Padmassan variant of the Mind Hunt spell not only kills the target, but steals his soul and binds it to serve you.

Ascend the Inner Circle (DDDSSS, 30 death), Thaum 4
The high circle initiates of the black coven of Padmassa have learend to become vessels for the dark energy that fills the outer realms! Those who survive the rite become terrible mezomasters, and will gain power over death, blood, astral and/or earth magic.

Ascend the Final Circle (DDDDDSSSSS, 60 death), Thaum 7
Those who survive this transformation become Dread Masters - the true overlords of Pasmassa. Their power is terrible to behold, they are immortal beings who fly about the battlefield smiting their enemies with bolts of eldritch power.

#newspell "Corrupt the Virtuous" 501
#school 6
#nation 101
#researchlevel 0
#path 0 7
#path 1 4
#pathlevel 0 1
#pathlevel 1 2
#fatiguecost 1000
#spelltype ritual
#effect 1
#target random_remote_commander
#demand_target mag_priest
#forbid_target undead
#forbid_target inanimate
#penetration 0
#effect 2
#contingent 1
-- meaning, if effect 1 fails, this doesn't happen.
#summon local
#monster 1
-- meaning you get 1 of this.
#copystats target 1
-- copies the stats of the target of effect 1.
-- any summoning should also let you modify monster stats on the fly.
#name "Corrupted Priest"
-- Or, perhaps #prefix "Corrupted "
#mor 30
#newspell "Soul Hunt" 502
#copyspell "Mind Hunt"
#effect 4
#contingent 3
-- meaning, only if the Soul Slay goes off.
#summon local
#monster 1
#copystats "Enslaved Soul"
-- the enslaved soul is an undead who always benefits from Sabbath Slave.
-- It goes "help meeeeee!" and you laugh because you're evil and you think it's funny.
#newspell "Ascend the Inner Circle" 503
#effect 1
#target caster
#forbid_target magicbeing
-- You only need this for the first effect, since if a single effect is refused the spell won't be allowed as orders.
-- #if_target and #notif_target do the same thing, but the spell doesn't fail you just don't get that particular effect.
#chance 20
-- meaning 20%.
#effect 2
#target caster
-- Replaces stats, but keeps magic paths.
#monster 1
#copystats "Mezomaster"
-- The "Mezomaster" is a magic being, so you can't cast this more than once.
#effect 3
#target caster
#empower_death 1 50
#empower_blood 1 50
#empower_astral 1 25
#empower_earth 1 25
#empower_custom 23552 100
-- Ascend the Final Circle will be just like the previous spell, except the chance of death is 40%, it cannot be cast on immortals, and it makes you an immortal dread master of padmassa.
-- The High Circle Master, by the way, will be capital only, BBDD{EBSD,100%}{EBSD,50%}{EBSD,10%}.
-- So you have some awesome magic but you're an early nation, and it costs you a lot to get it.

FrankTrollman October 24th, 2006 07:51 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Why don't we have "#allowgod"?

While we can make copystat versions of existing gods and then restrictedgod them to new nations, this really eats through the unitlist fast when you're adding a nation or three. An "#allowgod" command would really cut down on unit repitition and make metamodding a whole lot easier. Probably be easy to encode too.

While we're at it, I'd like a "#bangod" command for a nation. Not every nation should have access to a Prince of Death or Cyclops!


Singularity24601 November 1st, 2006 10:10 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I second that... #allowgod and #bangod...

Moddable "kills population" and 'auto recruiting' (eg, LA Ermor, LA R'lyeh) could add much more character to nation design (eg, other Lovecraftian nations, armageddon demon cult nation with auto recruiting imps).

Moddable mercenary lists and general/nation-specific summoning spells would allow for more varied unit ideas. I'd think that spell modding would be difficult due to varied effects, but it would be much easier allow modding for only summoning spells, or combat spells...

Also, I'd like more moddable hero slots for each nation as heroes can really exemplify a culture.

Nerfix November 2nd, 2006 04:22 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I third #allowgod and #bangod and the summoning suggestions. I also like DrPraetorius' spell modding suggestion, though something easier like

#newspell 9998
#name "Astral Taint"
#school 6
#researchlevel 1
#path 0 7 (blood)
#pathlevel 0 1 (1 blood)
#path 1 4 (astral)
#pathlevel 1 1 (1 Astral)
#fatiguecost 100 (100 fatigue translates into 1 blood slave)
-- the new commands start here --
#target_others (the spell targets others)
#range 40 (40 range)
#prec 100 (always hits)
#aoe 0 (something like this could denote the One Person effect)
#dt_horrormark (Damage type: Horror Mark)
#dmg 1 (puts a lvl horror mark on the target)
#mr_resists (magic resistance negates)
#nbreffects 1 (number of effects)
#spell_scales normal (how the spell scales, could be used to create those scaling summoning and attack spell)

...would be just fine for the starters. IIRC Illwinter will allow spell modding at some patch, which is good. I can finally create my Sagittarian Guard, Kruvims, Angel Lords, Summon Thing That Should Not Be and so on... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Singularity24601 November 3rd, 2006 10:55 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Although #allowgod and #bangod would be ideal, it might be an error-checking headache to implement. I'd settle for allowing multiple instances of #restrictgod, each one allowing availability for an additional nation. Perhaps that could be done with less modification to the existing code.

Tortanick November 4th, 2006 01:53 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd like an easier way to name heroes, currently you give them their own random name pool, why not just have them get no random name and you use #name "eric the axelord"

Singularity24601 November 5th, 2006 02:08 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Tortanick said:
I'd like an easier way to name heroes, currently you give them their own random name pool, why not just have them get no random name and you use #name "eric the axelord"

Yes, furthermore, there seem to be insufficient #nametype slots to allow for more than 2 heroes (when I try to access slot 141 to 149, the game crashes when I go to "create new game" or "play existing game") with fixed names without interfering with other names in the game. I feel this is an important need that should be able to be easily granted (either #name or about 100 more #nametype slots).

Singularity24601 November 5th, 2006 10:18 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I'd also like the ability to mod in more gladiators (ie, disappear after one battle), such as murmillos, hoplomachi, etc. I tried #copystats on existing gladiators but it did not work.

DrPraetorious November 6th, 2006 02:27 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
It'd be great if the game understood hexadecimal bitmasks. Typing bitmasks out in decimal makes my pea-like brain hurt.

This goes double if we're going to be allowing Gods and Spells for multiple nations - since I *assume* you store those as bitmasks on the nation numbers.

#setpermitted 0x&lt;bitmask&gt;
-- Replaces nation specific bitmask.
-- The following table should fit in the manual and be reasoanbly understandable:
-- N = position in string x 4.
-- 0 None of nations N-&gt;N+3.
-- 1 Nation N-3 only
-- 2 Nation N-2 only
-- 4 Nation N-1 only
-- 8 Nation N only
-- Sum bitmasks for multiple nations.
-- Thus, the fourth character of the string controls nations 13,14,15 and 16.

#addpermit &lt;nation nbr.&gt;
#addpermits 0x&lt;bitmask&gt;
-- These do a bitwise and on the nation permission bitmask.
#delpermit &lt;nation nbr.&gt;
#delpermits 0x&lt;bitmask&gt;
-- And these are (current bitmask) ^ !(argument).

I'd like to be able to set units to be horrormarked, cursed and/or insane when recruited/summoned. Also, if we could give units the Lady of Love's unrest reduction power, because I want to put that on a non-pretender (and adding restrictgod 2000 or something at the end seems like a bit of a kludge.)

It isn't really needed for me to create new spells in whatever effect category Unholy Power etc. are in, but it'd be nice if we could at least copy those spells (or edit their nation-specifity as described above.) This is needed to add new undead nations.

I would, on the other hand, like new spells of the same effect-type as Transform. Preferably, the Damage would specify the monster-into-which-you-turned.

On that subject, I don't know how the game handles pools of varying number and types of monsters (e.g. Crossbreeding, Unfrozen), but it'd be nice if we could declare new such pools. Possibly we could have monster numbers in the 10000+ range reserved as identifiers for pools of monsters? I don't know how Crossbreeding and Unfrozen are handled internally, but it'd be nice if we could make spells with those properties.

Is the "no unholiness" bugcheck really needed at all? Firstly I don't see why it's needed to absolutely forbid non-sacred units from having holy magic, and I think it sometimes makes my mod crash for no reason, but I might be messsing up.


FrankTrollman November 6th, 2006 03:36 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

and adding restrictgod 2000 or something at the end seems like a bit of a kludge.)

Or you could use:


It's undocumented, but it removes a unit's magic paths and god status. It's from Dominions 2 and I think it still works. It wasn't documented in Dominions 2 either. :shrug:


NTJedi November 6th, 2006 03:22 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

The unfettered eater of the dead can travel on its own as an independent into other provinces.

Hopefully a modding command will allow this to become available for units we create.


quantum_mechani November 12th, 2006 11:19 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Something to round out the site modding commands:

#unrest, including negative numbers to reduce unrest.

Turin November 14th, 2006 05:45 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
If including missing monster attributes like seduction,animalawe or cursed is too much work, could you create a few standard empty units that have just one of those traits and are the basic unused unit in all other aspects, so we can mod those via the copystats command?

One command that I really want to have though is the spawnmonster behaviour, where a commander gets freespawns regularly, like the aboleth mothers.

B0rsuk November 15th, 2006 04:33 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist


The bold ones act as brackets. Upon unit creation, it has 10 percent chance of getting one of: modcommand, modcommand2, modcommand3.
Useful for: hybrids, mutants, tartarians, refugees, tartarians, flagellants, and much more.
It's similar to magic abilities, but more broader.




NTJedi November 15th, 2006 01:09 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

Turin said:
If including missing monster attributes like seduction,animalawe or cursed is too much work, could you create a few standard empty units that have just one of those traits and are the basic unused unit in all other aspects, so we can mod those via the copystats command?

One command that I really want to have though is the spawnmonster behaviour, where a commander gets freespawns regularly, like the aboleth mothers.

Yes this would also work great... if you can do this thankyou Illwinter!

FrankTrollman November 15th, 2006 02:21 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I would like it if the #hero1 command for nations was instead #hero1 &lt;name&gt; - where &lt;name&gt; is the name the hero automatically gets when generated as a hero. I think that would save everyone a lot of time (if that space is blank, a random name is generated).


Amos November 15th, 2006 08:57 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Is there a possibility that researchable national spells would be in the next patch?

zepath November 19th, 2006 07:49 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I second Amos' question/request. I've got a fever... and the only prescription is fully moddable national summons!

Amos November 19th, 2006 08:59 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I got a reply from Johan that its in the next patch.

HoneyBadger November 20th, 2006 01:18 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Ok, I'm not the best modder in the world, by any means, despite having lots and lots of experience doing so-I don't really have the knack for programming. I understand pretty completely how computers and languages work, just implementing is hard for me, so it's quite possible that I'm making dumb mistakes, but I was wondering if anyone who is good at modding would be willing to give lessons?

Preferrably someone with lots of patience http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Also, I'd like to second the notion that some creatures would get better with age. I'm thinking Aboleths and hydras in particular, also dragons and krackens, maybe vampires, but really, there are lots, if not most, units in the game which-background wise-have gotten or could get stronger and better with age. I would suggest implementation of this be done, for the sake of ease, as a command that permanently alters (perhaps as a shapechange) a unit into another unit, once it reaches a certain age. Thus a normal aboleth could evolve into a mindlord if it survived into it's 2000th year, or what have you. Vinemen could possibly become vine ogres. Dragons, for instance, could start the game as less powerful than they currently are, but in long games become more powerful. Jotuns over time would be affected by old age, but they might learn to change their shape into giant eagles or otters (this is an actual ability that some Jotuns had, according to Norse mythology. Loki, who was part Jotun, had this power in spades.). Agarthans would just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Other creatures could actually de-volve, for instance lycanthropes could become stronger with age, but because of their bestial rage, turn into big mindless brutes. I don't think this function would be too terribly difficult to code in, and should add a lot to the fun factor, and to how much you care about a particular unit, over time, if modded well. Making the function happen as a simple #shapechange type command at a certain age puts the emphasis on the modder, as far as how much trouble we're willing to take, rather than on the programmer. Instead of asking Johan to code in changes to dozens or hundreds of units, we can do this ourselves. I'm thinking that the command might allow units to transition from normal soldiers into commanders, but this should be a separate command, as it would be a powerful ability, and should only happen on a case-by-case. I'm also thinking that certain magic sites would either allow the age transformation to happen, or speed it along. Additionally, it might only be units with a lot of experience who transform-particularly in the case of aboleths, as all aboleths start out as free podlings and eventually become powerful mindlords, providing they survive. Possibly only hall-of-famers in some cases could transform. This would make long games a lot more interesting, and also make the game itself more fun, because you couldn't just look at or summon up a particularly powerful unit-such as a demon lord-you'd have to actually play the game and wait for certain favorite units to turn into something even better. It would change the dynamics and strategy in certain games from one of simple conquest, to survival and prosperity over time. You could in the case of aboleths (one of my favorite races, if noone's figured that out yet) have the advanced stages of life-mindlords, gibodai, aboleth, etc. cost a great deal more than they do now, but have a chance for even a humble podling to become extremely powerful, providing you as they player nurture that podling along over hundreds of turns. This would alter, strategy-wise, units (as someone put it, in another thread comparing Dom3 with the Civilization franchise) from simple troops that basically fight and perform functions, into tiles that you build on and with, as resources. This will hopefully help answer the "why doesn't Dom3 have a lot of buildings/city development/my favorite kind of micromanagement?" question.

By the way, to give praise where praise is due: really great ideas throughout this thread. I don't want to single anyone out because everyone has good ideas.

zepath November 20th, 2006 08:32 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist

HoneyBadger said:
I was wondering if anyone who is good at modding would be willing to give lessons?

Go into your /dominions3/docs/ directory and open the modding.pdf file. Crack open the .dm file of any of the mods available here in a text editor and start studying. Then, start experimenting. It'll come to you very quickly even if you had no programming knowledge. The developers have gone well out of there way to make this game moddable and to cater to the modding community. Just jump right in.


HoneyBadger said:
I'd like to second the notion that some creatures would get better with age.

Age alone doesn't really make sense. Years spent in idleness would certainly not make most creatures stronger or more skillful. I think the existing experience system covers this sufficiently. When we're talking about aboleths, pale ones, dragons, vamps, or whatever getting strong over long periods I think the frame of reference is centuries... not the decades that a long game will take. Besides, since there are so many beings in the game that might be included under such a system, you're talking about hundreds of new monsters for their "upgraded" versions or a substantial new feature that is well beyond the modder's sphere and that the developers will have to code. This would also disenfranchise human or human-like nations that start suffering from old age at 50. I'm content that creatures get better with battle experience and time-in-service and that magical creatures who simply never stop growing (in size or power) are represented as they are now... with different units for their different life stages.

DrPraetorious November 20th, 2006 09:41 PM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
Regarding Borsuk's request - yeah, that'd be awesome, but I think it's pretty clearly impossible. Try starting a game with a mod, then changing some features of the mod while the game is running and firing the game back up.

With the exception of certain acquired characteristics (magic paths, insanity, etc.) the units you've already recruited will change to match the new base unit. This means each unit "looks up" all of its abilities from the unit template for the corresponding unit # - meaning that all the units have to be the same.

Getting concrete with unit pools.

Number of effects, as with crossbreeding, determines the number of draws you get from the unit pool.

#unitpool &lt;number&gt;
-- defines a new unit pool. &lt;number&gt; must be in the range of 10,000+ - it is used in place of a unit # in spells.
-- Every time a unit is pulled from the unit pool, a dominions random number generator (2D6 with rerolls) is made.

-- Terminate every unit pool with end.

-- By default, nothing is added to the RNG; each of the following picks something to add to the RNG.
-- etc.
-- path1 and path2 add excess levels in the path to the DRNG.
-- "Spring" adds +3 to the DRNG in spring and subtracts -3 in autumn.
-- and so forth.

#pool &lt;minDRNG&gt; &lt;maxDRNG&gt;
#mon &lt;unitID&gt;
#com &lt;unitID&gt;

-- If the DRNG, with modifiers, is in the specified range, these units get added to the pool of summoned creatures.

On to my own request - I'd like it if we could set sites to "cast spells". You create a ritual spell (or pick an existing spell), and assign the spell ID and a magic-path to a site. Anyone walking into the site can then cast that spell every turn. I've always assumed that this was how scrying and summoning sites worked internally.

Now, if we *really* wanted to go nuts, instead of just having units, the pools could have *spell IDs*, and each of these subsidiary spells would go off if it's number came up. Combined with the ability to make sites cast spells, this would let us make our own variants on the Void Gate with different pools of monsters and a chance of being eaten by crazy.

As an alternative, if we ever get the ability to make our own events, a pool with event IDs (combined with the site modding) would work just as well.

HoneyBadger November 21st, 2006 04:32 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
DrPraetorious, I have to disagree that an aging system such as I have proposed would disenfranchise humans. Humans age quickly, it's true, but they also breed quickly, learn quickly, and in their relatively(and relative to a dragon perhaps, but not relative to almost every other animal on earth) "short" lifespans (approaching 75 years life expectancy, up from around 55 at the turn of the century, and maybe 25 in Dom 3), are able to increase in skills, knowledge, and power quite efficiently, and to pass those things on to their children, so that those children might live longer and better lives. If they weren't able to adapt and grow over time, then yes, the other races eventually would overrun them. But that's not what happened on Planet Earth, and a clever player backed up with good balancing shouldn't let it happen in a game, providing his or her opponent isn't more clever still. And noone who was unable to protect and nurture his or her growing units over time should be picking such a long-lived race to play.

Very large games with very large maps might last a very long time. I've seen people talking about games already lasting 1000 turns. That's over 80 game years already, and Dom 3 hasn't been out for 2 whole months. Rather than a gigantic, epic game becoming boring over time, I'd like to know that I have the opportunity to play a game which will still be interesting a year or even 10 years from now, without creating a new game with a new nation every time I want to see something different. I'm just asking for a relatively simple solution (programming wise) which might possibly require the addition of several hundred new creatures, but has that ever been a bad thing? Certainly not for the Dominions franchise. And while it would require a lot of work indeed, I'm not asking that the burden be put on the designers, or anyone, for that matter. If you didn't want to put that work in, then you certainly wouldn't have to. I'm just asking for the option, the choice to use or not to use a function which can just as easily sit there and gather dust, or that could, with a great deal of time and effort, transform a game as we currently play it into something a lot more dynamic. And it would make the aging system (which I personally think is a wonderful idea, as is, but which I read a lot of gripes about) a lot more fun.

By the way, thank you for pointing out the .dm files available here. I really just needed a point to start off from, since I've badly misplaced my manual, and I can't get a mod to work just from reading the mod doc.

B0rsuk November 21st, 2006 06:24 AM

Re: The Modder\'s Wishlist
I can't find a place to download the modding manual, and I'm still waiting for my copy, but

I'd love do see some unit orders restricted to terrain, for example

I have several ideas for my pseudo-slavic nation mod, and they would greatly benefit from commanders who can
1) summon allies in forests, swamps or mountains
2) assassinate in forests only
3) seduce in forest and swamp
Units getting stronger with age make sense only for units who _keep_growing_, and it's already the case (but not a game mechanic) for atlantians. Compare ages of atlantian spearmen, shambler, coral queen, basalt king....

In other cases, creatures should indeed get worse with age, especially old age. See Longdead, Master Lich...

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