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Manual Typos
We've had two typos reported in the manual, so I have started this thread for typos only. If there are enough of them, we will make changes in the next printing.
Thanks! Mindi |
Re: Manual Typos
Page vi - A Note on the Music
"If you are lucky enough to love on the US west coast" should be "live". (A matter of taste, I suppose.) Page 3 - A Note to Those... Bullet 4 - "Certain nations have a lot of unqiue..." should be "unique" Page 12 - Paragraph 3 "That's because these units cost 10 gold and 9 resources." Should be phrased with "each" as language is unclear. Page 13 - Turn 3, Paragraph 2 "You can either left-lick on it..." should be "left-click". (Again a matter of opinion http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) Page 39 - Chart Order is underlined while all other scale names are not. EDIT Fixed my own typos! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
Magic Boost items table p 282, the Blood Stone is incorrectly indicated +1B instead of +1E.
The item description is correct. |
Re: Manual Typos
Turn resolution sequence:
"17. ... So if you forge a magic item with a special effect (like a Clam) you will gain the benefit of its effect on the same turn." But they appear in your lab and have no effect until given to someone. |
Re: Manual Typos
I'm not sure if this is a typo or if I'm doing something wrong..
p. 10 in the turtorial says "Left-click on Draam so he turns white, then hold down the [SHIFT] key and press [r]." to set Draam to be researching. when I do that, it just opens up the recruit screen. |
Re: Manual Typos
Dominion Scales
Page 39 and Page 51 There are several discrepancies between the two charts. 1.) Turmoil - 10% more random events or 5% more random events 2.) Growth/Death - Increases/Decreases supplies by 20% or 15% 3.) Magic/Drain - Gives mages +/- 1 research or +/- 1/2 research per scale |
Re: Manual Typos
You probably have Caps Lock on? That's how I can duplicate it. |
Re: Manual Typos
I found some too!
p. 225 Battlefield spells key: "plus several more are probably advisable just for fatiigue reduction" p. 78 "2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1" should have an additional 1,1 at the end, as the damage only adds up to 13. The rest of the description in that paragraph is correct., I'm sure there are more. Sorry for the typos, guys. Hopefully the manual is a positive thing on the whole. I guess I underestimated the task of self-proofing a 300-page manual. I did my best to comb through the manual for corrections (and even caught a bunch just before printing, but I take responsibility for the errors which remain. Now I know how IW feels when they make a patch. |
Re: Manual Typos
I think you did an incredible job. I've seen more typos in a hardback published novel. As Mindi said, if there are enough to warrant a new setup of the printers' files, we'll address these in the second printing. |
Re: Manual Typos
The destealth calculations did not make sense to me. While I don't have the manual here with me at the moment, I seem to recall --
destealth ~ sum{unit destealth} - (unrest/2) + {pd-9) example cites 10 Black Knights w/ destealth each 1.4 (commander not counted?) (total 14), unrest of 14 (which should be a penalty of 7, if it's unrest/2), pd of 21 or so. It says that 'the BK destealth is reduced to 1'. It has to mean that the total destealth of all 10 BKs is 1, because plugging in 10 (reduced to 1 per BK, instead of 1 total) yields a different final destealth. If the total BK destealth is reduced to 1, that's a penalty of 13, not 7. --- IIRC the paralysis damage example also is inconsistent. The manual states that if a unit already has a non-zero paralysis duration of P1, and gets hit with a P2 paralysis damage attack, the unit takes hp damage based on the lesser value (min(P1,P2)/2 IIRC), and gets a new paralysis duration of max(P1,P2). The example, however, switches them -- the lesser duration is kept, while the greater does the hp damage. |
Re: Manual Typos
In general, the text is always right. The problem sometimes occurred that the example was recalculated wrong when the mechanics changed, or it was calculated wrong in the first place and not corrected by me subsequently. If in doubt, the manual text is always right. The example may not be. I will look through the rest of the examples. |
Re: Manual Typos
Page 214 Faery Trod
There is a 50% chance of becoming lost of the faery path if... That does not sound right, though I could be wrong. |
Re: Manual Typos
The tutorial map has "Jelenia Gora" as one of the sea provinces. Unfortunately, Jelenia Gora means "Deer Mountain" in Polish, not a great name for a sea territory http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Minor quibble! |
Re: Manual Typos
According to the .map file for Silent Seas, Jelenia Gora apparently appears twice - the island in the southeast was supposed to have two provinces named "Jelenia Gora" and "Giewont." I think there was a copy-paste error when I was assigning names. The one assigned to a sea province was inadvertent. Thanks for finding it.
Re: Manual Typos
p. 61: Retreat* should not have an asterisk as it does not require target orders. The text immediately below that is correct, though.
Re: Manual Typos
p.3, 1st paragraph: "...you're going to find out that there is a lot of learn." should be "a lot to learn"
p.37, 11th paragraph: "Capsule Screen The income, resources, and dominion in a province can be displayed (and toggled off) by hitting the [5] key." should be "the [4] key." Wicked manual. I can't believe so much useful info is in one place. I am sooooo glad that resources and forts is in there. I always wondered if those heavy brown line impassable shared resources or not. Now I know that I had a crappy start as Ulm in my last DomII PBEM game! I had 2 or 3 territories across heavy brown lines, and they were all the local resource high ones. =$= |
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
National spells other than battle magic, summons, or holy appear to be missing. Intentional?
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
From MA:
Ulm has Tempering the Will in Thaumaturgy. Marignon has Holy Pyre, now national. Tien Chi has Celestial Chastisement in Evocation. Abysia has Inner Furnace in Enchtantment, and it's VERY cool. Jotunheim has Illwinter the global, of course. Bandar Log still has Celestial Music in Thaumaturgy. Those are all I cound find ATM. MA R'lyeh doesn't yet have the dream thing, it seems. |
Re: Manual Typos
We have a problem with Illwinter, which is not even in the full alphabetical list (Grimoire)!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
page 60 - General Orders > Fire
"If an enemy is" - this is a sentence fragment that doesn't continue on the next page - perhaps a printing error in my version? page 63 - Unit Inventories Should probably be "Commander Inventories" to alleviate confusion as standard units can't carry magic items. Just a thought. EDIT - I am enjoying the manual as well, just trying to help its next incarnation. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
For what it's worth: - Win XP - Service Pack 2 - Laptop Computer - AMD 64 - Like Jarkko said - several of the [SHIFT]+ operations are behaving incorrectly for me. Nothing really special about the system - no weird setups or background programs running. But let me know if there's any more info I can provide to help. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
I tried, and failed, to type in capitals. My Pretender's name is all lowercase, and when I tried using the command for monthly casting (M, right?), I couldn't do it. When I quit the demo, the caps lock was then on (I'd typed the key a few times during the session). |
Re: Manual Typos
Couple of things from the chart at the back showing Magic Boosting items:
It says Blood Stone boosts Blood but it actually boosts Earth It says Staff of Elemental Mastery requires 3 of each path to forge, but unless I'm much mistaken it's actually 4. |
Re: Manual Typos
Re: Manual Typos
pp. 85, Indirect Magic Table: might be a printing error, but there seems to be problem on the shaded lines of the table, so that the benefit from Earth magic has "Magic L adership +5", Nature magic has "Ma ic Leadership +5", and Blood magic has the "5" cut off halfway.
pp. 155, Grimoire Spell Index: "Summmon Sea Dogs" and "Summmon Sea Lions" should have "Summon". Not too big a deal, but the spelling puts them out of alphabetical order. |
Re: Manual Typos
As long as I don't hit the windows key or ALT-TAB it is fine. Sammual |
Re: Manual Typos
And now that PhilD has mentioned it, I can't type in capital letters either, everything is lower-case. It's as if the shift button doesn't register at all. Oh well, I'll keep an eye out to see if a solution presents itself. In the meantime, I won't worry about the hotkeys. =) |
Re: Manual Typos
Protection of the Grave on page 222: shouldn't it say 10 range? (it says 5)
I just got my copy today, and the manual is huge ( :O ) -I really really like it though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif This is the first full Dominions game I have gotten, I am so excited! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
On page 77 under Missile Combat there is an inconsistency that is making missile deviation calculation difficult to comprehend. "The amount of deviation is equal to the range multiplied by 1.25 / Precision." Yet, in the example below that, the "divided by Precision" part is left out; it's simply 8 x 1.25 = 10. 10 is a lot different than 10/Precision! (In the example the precision was 10).
The difference is pretty big. For example, a unit with Precision 17 can fire with no deviation up to a range of 10 squares. However, once he hits 11 squares, either the max deviation is 13.75 (13?), or 0.57 (0?). If it's the latter, then technically he can fire with no deviation up to 19 squares away, because it's less than 1. =$= |
Re: Manual Typos
In the tutorial it says that conquering the sea province will increase capitol resources due to the fort, but it says land forts do not take from sea provinces on page 36.
Another minor thing would be an explanation of summonable randoms (or, if they are totally random, a disclaimer stating that in the key), as the only other way to find out is via game files. |
Re: Manual Typos
Spell Index, page 149. Fire Shield is listed as Ench 1 when it is actually Ench 3.
Re: Manual Typos
Error in the text or in the game :
The manual and the introduction page for Ct'is say that Ct'is (miasma) prefer heat scale +1. The dominion screen when you create a pretender for Ct'is say they prefer heat scale +2. |
Re: Manual Typos
Page 213: Haruspex says it conducts a Search for "EARTH magic". I believe that's suppose to be for nature.
Same page: Augury spell: Search sites of "Earth Magic", but I believe it's supposed to be fire. Cut and paste gremlin I suspect. Page 233: In the light of Northern Star spell description, there is a small conversation about the actual effects of the spell. Manual is fantastic. |
Re: Manual Typos
Table of Abbreviations mentions FWAESDNBHU. There is no U anymore.
Possible omission, definite vagueness: Gift of Kurgi trait list does not mention Feeblemind (or was this removed? I don't have a good-enough Blood mage to check), and simply says "Dangerous". Granted, vagueness might be apropos here. |
Re: Manual Typos
Omission: 'Strength Not Added' is fairly important to know re weapons, ex. Rod of Death.
Re: Manual Typos
Magical hearts don't mention that they cause Chest Wound afflictions
Re: Manual Typos
Ashen Empire's Soul Gate is neither listed in the Grimoire index, nor the Grimoire itself.
Wraith Senator is listed as having H3 (page 191) - he has H2 in the relase version. Wraith Consul is listed as having H4 (page 172) - he has H3 in the release version. He is also listed as being a summon generally accessible through death magic - hence his location on page 172, but the Wraith Consul belongs in the Ashen Empire national summons on page ~191. |
Re: Manual Typos
Not exactly a typo, but : Couldn't the manual's spell lists and whatnot have been sorted in _some_ fashion? They're not alphabetical. They're not sorted by school of magic, or by magic level. Sometimes an Alt-3 spell is listed after an Alt-5 spell, all mixed with with Enchantment spells. Makes it tedious / irritating when you're searching for a spell, and because of random(1) ordering, there's no logical way to quickly find the spells. Similarly, is there any reason the Table of Contents & Index couldn't have been filled out a little better? ( _Why_ is the Dominions 3 Spell Index on page 143, instead of in the back of the book where the skeletal index is? ) Table of Contents could've/should've had something like : Summoning Rituals * Air Summonings * Astral Summonings * Blood . . As well as having the national summonings mentioned, especially since once again there's zero rhyme or reason in the ordering of the nations : once again it's not alphabetical, nor is Early/Middle/Late age for the same "base" nation always grouped together. (1) Possibly it's not really random, but if for instance it goes by the spell's ID number, that's essentially random when it comes to the players trying to use the manual as a reference. |
Re: Manual Typos
In general, spell sorting was an important decision I made when I started the manual, and decided the most useful method would be by path, for the reasons I outlined on p. 143 in the intro to the grimoire. Within each path, they are sorted by level first rather than by school, again for reasons I tried to explain on p. 143. Quote:
Re: Manual Typos
Ewww. The problem is that for national summons, it winds up jumping helter-skelter : Shinumaya for example goes Conj-3, Conj-5, Conj-1, etc, going up and down. I see now that it's astral, then death, etc, but that seems silly within national summons. That it's sorted at all is disguised because Astral comes before Nature, but looking at the Path column, Astral is 'S' - so 'S' is coming before 'N'. Seems it would've made more sense to sort alphabetically within levels of schools of research, but... On the nations you may be right, now that I'm looking at them again. Working night shift is playing havoc on my brain cell. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Manual Typos
I'm not really sure if this is a typo, but Middle Ear Mictlan, The Reign of the Lawgiver, has no national example strategy, even though it is quite different from other ages of mictlan. (that's page 123 BTW)
Re: Manual Typos
Murdering Winter is listed in the manual as costing 45 gems, but the game specifies 50.
Summon Mound Fiend lists the Mound Fiend's paths as D3; should be D3H2. Tartarian Gate should probably not list (x1) in parentheses. There are multiple possible Tartarians, but none of them are in limited quantity as far as I know. ~~ Omissions Hama Dryad summon perhaps should mention that they suffer if they leave their home province. Ditto for Naiads. Tlahuelpuchi tags might want to mention Shapeshifting. Void Spectre: Special, causes insanity. |
Re: Manual Typos
Not sure if this has been mentioned but I dont see the nation specific ritual Illwinter in the Grimoire index or in the ritual section of the Grimoire.
Re: Manual Typos
Tables: p. 48, 49, 85:
The shaded tables in the manual cause letters to be left out on alternating lines. Inconsistant use of periods within lists: p. 61, 62, 80, 92: By this I just mean that some of the sentences within a single list have periods and punctuation, while others do not. Tutorial: p. 12: The screen shot shows the druid "Draam" to be named Ladenius. Not a big problem. Later in the tutorial, Draam is again referred to by another name, though I can't seem to find it just skimming through. Also: Territory names are sometimes used more than once on the pre-made maps. For instance, the larger "Glory of the Gods" map has two Scraw Points, territories (273) and (299). Otherwise, a great manual of really amazing size. |
Re: Manual Typos
Grammatical error
page 136 - Middle Age Ulm ..cavalry and large monsters while the bowmen get engage enemy archers and light troops. "Get" should be removed, most likely. |
Re: Manual Typos
Twiceborn - erroneous spell description
In-game description says it works only on slain mages, i.e. in combat. Manual simply states "if caster dies in friendly dominion" .. what would include drowning, disease, etc.. But the spell works only in combat, actually, therefore the text in the manual should be changed to "caster slain (during a battle) in friendly dominion". |
Re: Manual Typos
I know it worked on diseased commanders in Dom2, haven't got a chance to try it in Dom3
Re: Manual Typos
Would also be interesting to see if it brings them back from the dead from magic assassinations, magic arrows from afar, etc. If not - bug city, imo.
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