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Nerfix October 12th, 2006 02:30 PM

Favorite nations so far?
Mine are

Early Agartha:

Oozes with flavour and I like playing them. Rhuax Pact is lovely and Troglos rock.

Early Atlantis:

I really like it for some eldricth reason I can't put my lantern organ on.

Late Atlantis:

Too cool. I really like their units, the theme, the flavour, all of it. They're kinda capital dependant but I really like it.

Late R'lyeh:

Ftaghn. That's "word" in r'lyeahian. Actually it's "waits".

Ygorl October 12th, 2006 03:04 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I had a blast in the test game I made with late Atlantis... Also, I was amused to have to send two rotting assassin bears to kill a Hoburg Hero, since he dispatched the first one I sent without a scratch!

dirtywick October 12th, 2006 03:06 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I can't wait to get my hands on the full version, but with just the demo Kailasa. I haven't been able to play Atlantis with much success yet, I'm still working out strategies with them.

Archonsod October 12th, 2006 03:14 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
EA Ulm
EA Caelum
EA Abysia
LE Atlantis

Haven't tried them all yet though. Haven't moved into the mid or late era's beyond a quick look either.

Shovah32 October 12th, 2006 03:19 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I like:
Late Atlantis
Late Rlyeh (they ROCK!)
Jomon (ninjas with shurikens kick ***)
Yomi (Dai oni can cast invunerability, soul vortex AND fireshield)
Middle Marignon (good access to those big angels)
Early and Middle Agartha (they are just plain fun)
Early Abysia (kickass sacred troops, blood/astral combo, amazing assasins)

OK, so what if my list was a little long?

Archonsod October 12th, 2006 03:22 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Would probably be easier to list least favourite nations http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

KissBlade October 12th, 2006 04:00 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Late Ryleh (a bit too good IMO actually), Mid Ryleh, Early TC, Jomon, Yomi. Haven't played too much of the others yet though Patala is a bit intriguing with Nagahs and Sauromatia with the zons.

atul October 12th, 2006 04:16 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

KissBlade said:
Sauromatia with the zons.

Sauromatia has got way too little love in these forums. I mean, what's not to like: Unit line-up with only one infantry unit, cavalry from archers to light to (EA-)heavy with lances, sacred lizard cavalry, standards from flayed skins, man-eaters, fear-inducing combat god witch kings, poison composite bows and hydras. Mages capable of mitigating both the death and misfortune scales. Um did I forget something? Oh yeah, optional blood sacrifice.

No need to ask what's my fav to date. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Twan October 12th, 2006 04:19 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Late Rlyeh is really fun.
EA Ermor is also one of my favorite as you can really do anything with it (big living armies with well armored troops + healers, bless strat with cavalry, going death & summons or focusing on artillery magic or alteration/thaumaturgy for your astral mages, etc... you can really play it as you want, all ways seem efficient).

Foodstamp October 12th, 2006 04:24 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I am not a min/maxxer, so keep that in mind when I list my favorites...

EA Neifelheim - I love running around with Niefel Jarls smashing hordes of enemies.

EA Vahheim - Frontlines of Vanheres with dwarven bladewind spammers, and later on the powerful wind mages making the battlefield look like a supercell storm blew in.

EA Pangaea - Stealther preachers, mages and centaurs running around ruining the enemies economy, taking a province and then going back into hiding while you mass maeiads and minotaurs to come in and smash the enemy for good.

So far I have not played a nation I did not like, but those 3 stand out as my favorite play experience so far. Tonight I plan on trying Helheim, I have a feeling they will become a quick favorite as well since they are so similar to Vanheim.

DominionsFan October 12th, 2006 04:27 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Argh, I had no time to try out all of the new nations at all..heh. Real life things can suck you in occasionally. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif
Anyways LE Agartha is pretty cool, also my all time favourite, AE Ermor. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I also like Jomon.

Potatoman October 12th, 2006 04:53 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Jomon with the ninja is pretty nice. And by nice I mean totally awesome. *cough* realultimatepower *cough*.
My favorite faction is probably Time of the Aboleths Ry'leh, or EA Tien Chi though.

Spring & Autumn Tien Chi seems to be a powerhouse EA with their awesome sacred warriors, great bowmen and trampling nobles with great stats.

Time of the Aboleths, on the other hand, seems about as weak as you can get, despite the entertaining theme. Their two enormous problems are that 1) none of your decent commanders can leave the sea and 2) none of your troops that can leave the sea have morale higher than 8.
Oh, and none of your mages have the paths to cast any amphibious summons or forge amulets of the fish.
I do imagine they trounce Atlantis & Oceania rather badly though.

Stryke11 October 12th, 2006 05:06 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
1st post!

I don't know how you all can play so many nations so quickly. I got the game right away and have so far only managed a 1 on 1 using middle age Ulm, which turned out to be identical to Dom2 Ulm, and I am at the halfway point in a game with early age Ermor. I really like Ermor. From what I read on this board and the Dom2 board the undead Ermor is a favorite here but I never liked it. I have been pretty thematic with the nation during this game, though. My pretender is the divine emperor, even though weak he fits. I have been trying two strategies, with a "good" army in the north with the blessable cavalry, the arch bishops, and living troops, and then an "slowly turning evil" army in the south with augur elders summoning armies of skeletons. My only beef is too many of the units are unnecessary. Why would you recruit Asscenci or Roraus (spelled wrong I know) when the Hastatus are only a little more expensive and better troops? I don't think I have hired one Leve the entire game, either. C'tis Aux troops are best bang for your buck, if not in cold climates.

I think next I'll try Sauromatia.

KissBlade October 12th, 2006 05:18 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
heh Ermor is a favorite? not since Dom II pre cb I'm afraid ...

Daynarr October 12th, 2006 05:26 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
My list:
Jomon - My most favorite, (yeah I like ninjas too :p)
Kailasa and Patala - I use them mostly for powerful magic and strong sacred units. Usually use them with imprisoned pretender for nice blessing (N10 in my most recent game - yes 10, not a typo http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif)and good scales (heat preference help them a lot). Ability to field wide variety of infantry and missiles is a big plus too. One of the rare nations whose national mages can cast petrify is BIG plus in MP games.
Pythium - I always liked them and with angels they simply rock. My biggest favorite for ME games.
MA Agartha - Again, no typo. ME Agartha is half way between EA and LA when it comes to units and they have some nice statues to summon too. They have ability to field both old agarthan troops that are amphibious (excellent for underwater expansion) and heavy infantry at their disposal (something EA Agartha misses badly). Together sacred troops and strong mages/priests they are formidable ME force.

Tortanick October 12th, 2006 05:28 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Pangea would be my favourite nation for its story if they hadant made an unbelivible late era: New age and Carrion Woods can't mix. I don't think anyone did the rise of civiliseation in greek halfmen before.

Without Pangea I can't say, when writing this post I went through Ermor (pre death undead, wow!) Ulm (Love the idea of magic fearing people) Maragon (Christians, and none of the nice christian whitewashed revisionist history http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif)

For gameplay I'm currently a fan of Caleum. Mammoths and Cold 3!!

Morkilus October 12th, 2006 05:46 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

Daynarr said:
MA Agartha - Again, no typo. ME Agartha is half way between EA and LA when it comes to units and they have some nice statues to summon too. They have ability to field both old agarthan troops that are amphibious (excellent for underwater expansion) and heavy infantry at their disposal (something EA Agartha misses badly). Together sacred troops and strong mages/priests they are formidable ME force.

Wow, I guess "Era" and "Age" as in "ME" and "MA" really are intechangable http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

I've only a chance to really play EA(E) Abysia and Vanheim. Both are a blast, but I really can't get into Abysia's Burning Ones. They seem so much like overcosted Jotuns. Maybe with a Water bless, but that is so... nonthematic and icky. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

PDF October 12th, 2006 06:01 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I really like the various "japanese" nations - EA Yomi, MA Shinuyama, LA Jomon.
They're well done, rich in strategies, have nice special spells and creatures, and are rather powerful (at least EA/MA, I'm less sure for LA).
Didn't try everything at all, and should try R'lyeh for sure ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

KissBlade October 12th, 2006 06:05 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Jomon is definitely one of the stronger late era nations. They have really versatile mages and you can get away with a pure samurai archer army for a long long long time ... Just make sure to capture surrounding mountains first...

Horst F. JENS October 12th, 2006 06:13 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
EA Pangea so far. Just looked at the early age (i am a slow player).

Meglobob October 12th, 2006 06:57 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I really like MA man, tower of avalon so far. Its very wheel of time and easy to play, powerful. Good for a new player.

Only played 3 nations so far thou, when I play a nation, I really play a nation, like to complete the game to the end.

upstreamedge October 12th, 2006 07:05 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Tien Chi early and middle

the immortals are AWSOME

and Marignon because they are insane

and LA Man because defenders pwn

I think LA ryleh and Ermor are actually overpowered, once I was playing against Ryleh and they got a Vastness on the third turn, needless to say I was down pretty quick

daesthai October 12th, 2006 07:11 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I'm having a lot of fun with Patala right now. I'm not yet any good with them, but having fun! =)

Maltrease October 12th, 2006 08:00 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
EA Caelum -> Loving Eaglekings and Thunderstrike!
EA Helheim -> Sacred Units with Water 9 bless... unstoppable (against computer at least).

Those are really the only two I've been able to spend much time with.

NTJedi October 12th, 2006 10:01 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

upstreamedge said:
I think LA ryleh and Ermor are actually overpowered, once I was playing against Ryleh and they got a Vastness on the third turn, needless to say I was down pretty quick

Overpowered is good for a few nations... if they were all balanced then SP gamers would have to resort to editing .map files much sooner to enjoy a challenging game.

Frostmourne27 October 12th, 2006 10:13 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Yes but what if you want play AS one of the overpowered nations?

Zen October 12th, 2006 10:16 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Most overpowered nations have a critical weakness or inherent flaw so that no matter how 'overpowered' a nation can be defeated with the application of solid strategy.

Even under the nature of luck in the game.

Frostmourne27 October 12th, 2006 10:19 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
True, and you can play in more fun/odd ways that aren't quite so good - turmoil and luck for example (instead of order). still, even from what I can see from my rather poor perch in the demo, a balance mod, or a lot of patches will be needed to balance things out, especially for multiplayer.

Zen October 12th, 2006 10:30 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Everyone has their own opinion on balance in games such as these. However, it would be safe to say you should probably see the full game and the full length and breadth of what the game offers. It does have nation shifts, strategy shifts, and that doesn't even include the diplomatic play.

Gandalf Parker October 13th, 2006 01:21 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Actually you will all be surprised to find out that the most overpowered nation in Dom3 is Oceania. Running multiple games with 79 nations on a fast burn (all AI and hosting continually) tended to show Ermor taking an early lead till about turn 20, then Oceania leads by turn 50. Of course eventually Arcos gains enough magic to make a strong showing and not enough games were run to the final win in order to make any guess at the actual most common winner in huge games.

So Id say Ermor on small maps, and Oceania on medium maps, and Arcos on large maps.

Fate October 13th, 2006 01:49 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I like Jomon alot, though I found Yomi was a bit hard to play (I will need a bit to figure them out).

I also like MA Agartha because it has been the first nation I succesfully pursued a summoning strat with (from the manual, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif )

Finally, I am having fun with Pythium's Angel summons. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

KissBlade October 13th, 2006 02:26 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
AI is retarded and not a good judge. Also Oceania isn't a LA era. Dreamlands you get uber mages that're recruitable everywhere, offensive dominion and the ability to just cluster your troops in one big block of attack closest to conquer the aters.

SalsaDoom October 13th, 2006 02:43 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Eh, my favorite was Pythium Serpent Cult, WHICH I SEE IS NOT HERE ANYMORE! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif

Perhaps a mod will show up and put them back in. There is a few units I sorely miss. I didn't like the default Pythium very much.

So far I like ME Ulm a fair amount (still, really). Early Ermor reminds me of the good old days so I play them occasionally.

My own nation which is fairly Ulm-like. It "works" but is in desperate need to "cleaning" up now that I have a bunch of new modding commands available http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I'll finish and release it someday.

Lets see... Agartha Ktonian Dead has neat stuff within.

Taqwus October 13th, 2006 04:32 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
On land, the only Dreamland mage available is the S1 Starspawn, and that's only on the coast, IIRC. The rest of the Illithids and Starspawn are recruited only at underwater castles.

Strong WS (and H, with free prophets), access through randoms to ED, badly needs Nature for supply items (don't want the illithids to starve with too many cultists running around for the declining pop) and perhaps Air (for anti-missile; alternate approach is death for Darkness).

KissBlade October 13th, 2006 04:47 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
right forgot about the land thing. Still, that's a minor loss considering the insanity spread.

DominionsFan October 13th, 2006 07:06 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

Gandalf Parker said:
Actually you will all be surprised to find out that the most overpowered nation in Dom3 is Oceania. Running multiple games with 79 nations on a fast burn (all AI and hosting continually) tended to show Ermor taking an early lead till about turn 20, then Oceania leads by turn 50. Of course eventually Arcos gains enough magic to make a strong showing and not enough games were run to the final win in order to make any guess at the actual most common winner in huge games.

So Id say Ermor on small maps, and Oceania on medium maps, and Arcos on large maps.

Hm...yesterday we had a chat with Boron about Oceania...we both agreed that Oceania isn't very good actually. Their best mage unit [capricorn] will loose -1 magic skill in all paths on land and their sacred troops's [trident knight] encumbrance is 8. Their regualr troops are pretty average. However the merman is pretty good, because he can throw a net.

Endoperez October 13th, 2006 07:40 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
That was Ai vs Ai vs Ai, with all Ais of all ages smashed together. Oceania did better than Ermor or R'lyeh etc in multiple test runs. Gandalf didn't find out exactly what happened, but the AI works very well with them.

Taqwus October 13th, 2006 02:48 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Incidentally, regarding insanity, it is possible to drive an enemy pretender seriously insane through the use of Void Spirits. A Jomon Master Lich had an insanity score over 70 through prolonged stay of a single Void Spirit in the Jomon capital.

I don't know whether it was permanent over rebirth ala Curse, 'tho, as his nation completely collapsed shortly after I killed him once, in my dominion.

Nerfix October 13th, 2006 03:41 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
*ahem* it's Void Spectre. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

BigJMoney October 13th, 2006 04:18 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I am enjoying MA Mictlan a lot. I won't explain why because I have a feeling most people on this board have no idea how ridiclously amped up the lil' tribals are now. I love them, especially since I have the option to play without blood. I've never been good at handling blood magic, and I am afraid that Mictlan's lower level priests will suck at blood sacrificing, so I go with MA where they don't do any of that stuff! Oh yeah, and that means a Mictlan option with no micro!

I also liked playing with MA Ulm a little just to see how much better their new sprites are. I'm not sure summoning bears and dire wolves has really made them competitive yet, though. Espeically with MA Caelum Cold-3 having heavier infantry (tht can fly, or are holy!) with lower encumbrance and magic weapons.


Arameyan October 13th, 2006 05:55 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
In the Early Era there is already about 8 nations that I absolutely want to try in MP! I'm a big fan of nature/poison nations (I miss the Pythian serpent Cult).

I like Early Pangaea. I want to mass lamiahs with an imprisoned N9 Mother of monsters but but I'm not sure its a good idea:
-I plan to cast them only with MoM, so I dont really use the N4 Pans for summonning.
-Even with mass protection lamiahs alone arent so powerful outside GoH dominion (I doubt they'll match the mid-game rush of N9 Bless Niefel Giants & Jarls).

For theses reasons I think I'll use lamiahs with sauromatia, (hydra + lamiahs). I really like the pans but honestly dont really know how to use them effectively with a N5+ prentender (other than VO summonning or locust swarm spamming).

I should try Charm + penetration items in MP:
charm(N3) charm charm charm reinvigoration(B1)

Gandalf Parker October 13th, 2006 06:25 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

Endoperez said:
That was Ai vs Ai vs Ai, with all Ais of all ages smashed together. Oceania did better than Ermor or R'lyeh etc in multiple test runs. Gandalf didn't find out exactly what happened, but the AI works very well with them.

True. But it appears to be about as good as any judgement until we have enough people proficient at each nation to be able to test it with players. I was surprised by it also. I considered it luck and kept running the tests. Apparently with a single minded AI on all of the nations, thats how it played out so something is there.

Its really not beneficial at this point for someone to say that any nation is a power nation since we all know that the power in Dominions is "player method" + "good nation match" = "power". Someone saying Ermor is powerful at this point might only mean that person plays Ermor better than they do other nations.

Gandalf Parker October 13th, 2006 06:29 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

BigJMoney said:
I am enjoying MA Mictlan a lot. I won't explain why because I have a feeling most people on this board have no idea how ridiclously amped up the lil' tribals are now. I love them,

I love that Lord of Night pretender. A titan that is a stealthy flying assassin? And can summon aid during the assassination? Even un-equiped he can take out nearly any commander. There has to be a blitz-game tactic in that.

Archonsod October 14th, 2006 05:59 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

Gandalf Parker said:
I was surprised by it also. I considered it luck and kept running the tests. Apparently with a single minded AI on all of the nations, thats how it played out so something is there.

Doesn't surprise me. One of the first games I played was the Silent Seas map (EA) with the three water nations & AI C'tis (I was playing Argatha). Was a close run thing, with the water nations proving to be the most challenging opponents (Atlantis was the worst of the three, but they had managed to drive a wedge between me and Oceania, so I had few encounters with Oceania until they'd managed to drive the Atlantians back).

Foodstamp October 14th, 2006 06:30 PM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Ironically in an EA random map I was playing last night with all EA nations, Oceania was the first to go, and a very fast death it was!

Quietly October 16th, 2006 05:26 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
Currently in love with EA arcosphale...

Running some sick games with bless/thug strategy, with different flavors based on scale choice (production being the main, such a hard choice given moderately resource intensive units on one hand, and philosopher research scale on the other... I think I am leaning towards sloth for better other scales/research, though that sort of puts me at the mercy of starting position)

Peter Ebbesen October 16th, 2006 05:46 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
EA Yomi, Oni Kings is probably my favourite at the moment; A bit strange, since it does not really work. I find myself using almost exclusively Dai-Oni with a few Demon General commanders to lead hordes of Bakemono archers since none of the normal troop demons are worth the cost, but even so, 'tis fun. Probably because Dai-Oni are so versatile on the battlefield once a bit research has been done.

LA Ermor, Ashen Empire... I don't really know about this one. Making Soul Gate a national global enchantment is an interesting move and certainly voids some of the more abusive SG strategies, and I like that, but doing that AND significantly reducing the Wraith Senators and Consuls in power (lost one holy level so they have the same holy strength as the Bishops/Archbishops - who cost half the gems, and Ermor lives - and dies - by its gems) as well as making Wraith Centurions, Senators, and Consuls only accessible at high conjuration levels just doesn't seem to work all that well. By the time you can afford them you are probably better off using standard spawning mound fiends for troops and stay using archbishops (despite the risk of "gem-loss" compared to using Wraiths if they die in your home province)... It would probably work better if the "Soul Gate" global enchantment also boosted the magic paths (including holy, or perhaps only holy) of all leaders that are Soul Gate aspected. But perhaps this should be in a separate thread. Who, playing LA Ermor, actually use the national Wraith Summons?

Belcarl October 16th, 2006 05:52 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
I haven't played all my old favorites from Dom2 yet but anyway.

I have fallen in love with Middle era Man. Cheap researchers, Good combat magic with the Witches (2-3A), and good durable troops with the wardens and knights of avalon.

Early and Middle age agartha should suit my regular style with lots of summons, however, I'm struggling to get them rolling. My temples keep getting raised by earthquakes, Bogus and Co: kills my prophet and main battlemage etc. Bad luck I guess, but I like the background theme.

Pythium got potential, but as with Agartha, I'm struggling with them in the early game. Once I pop out the angels they are great though. I have a few ideas I need to try out to get the Grand Theurgs and communions working despite the old age problem that might change my view of them.

Theonlystd October 16th, 2006 06:03 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?
La,Ma R'Lyeh

Bandar Log god i love those monkeys.

And Sauromatia suxors its EA only

Agrajag October 16th, 2006 07:28 AM

Re: Favorite nations so far?

Peter Ebbesen said:
Who, playing LA Ermor, actually use the national Wraith Summons?

The Wraith Centurions with their immortality are still powerful by the time you get them if you can keep your dominion high, and they aren't that expensive.
And since Conjuration is LA Ermor's most important school anyway, it won't take that long to get them.
Also, now that you start with +15 death gems per turn, LA Ermor gets +6 RP per turn and another +6 every four turns, and if you are a bit lucky with searches, you can get much more, so LA Ermor isn't as handicapped as it used to be as far as research goes.

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