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Dominion spread into enemy territories?
I was curious how dominion spread works exactly. There is a description of how it works in the game manual, but there are a few finer points I am confused about.
1) If you have a pretender starting with 10 dominion, is there any benefit to building temples? 2) What can you do to help push your dominion into provinces you do not control? 3) What are the benefits of blood sacrifices to dominion? Beyond increasing the dominion in the territory of the sacrifice, do blood sacrifices help to increase your overall dominion or help it spread to enemy territories? thanks! |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
1. Temples spread dominion: each temple generates one "temple check." So yes, there definitely is a benefit to building temples, even with a pretender with 10 dominion. Increasing max. dominion is just one thing temples do.
2. Build temples. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Also, preach in those provinces. 3. Blood sacrifices generate one temple check for each blood slave sacrificed. Their effect is not limited to the province they are in. Consider them as building a one-turn, temporary temple in that province for dominion spread purposes, for each blood slave sacrificed. |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Prophet and pretender spread dominion similar to temples; preaching only affects the priest's province, however, and most priestly commanders are non-stealthy.
Inquisitors, incidentally, are better at tearing down local enemy dominion by preaching than are normal priests; and everybody's a more effective preacher with a local temple. Skeptics (EA Arcosephale) are stealthy and reduce dominion (anybody's) where they are; Stone Idols have a similar effect. Melancholia is one spell which reduces dominion in the targeted province. If memory serves, at least one of the Demon Lords also reduces dominion... but, IIRC, none are stealthy, so you need to control the province first. Theoretically, a Skeptic Prophet with a Stone Idol and the Ark should be one monster dominion-shifter. :p There's also Wish, but that may not be the most efficient use of 100 pearls. EDIT(addition): There's another reason to build temples -- you need one to be able to recruit sacred units or commanders. |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
A Juggernaut is also supposed to spread dominion like a prophet.
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
basically, it's like this: dominion spread is proportional to your number of temples, and max dominion... so even if you dominion is maxed, it still increases ...
for example, if you have dominion 10 to start, and an active pretender, prophet, and home province temple, you spread "5" build a temple, and you spread "6" total... build 10 and you have 15 spread. It's easier to build dominion in empty rather than enemy dominions... you can also build via preaching... but who cares about all that! The main thing I wanted to say is this: You guys aware that currently, you can recruit more than 10 holy troops a turn? Apparently holy is uncapped, and for every 4 temples you get an extra point of it... for instance if you start with dominion 10, and build 4 temples, you can recruit 11 holy troops... quite useful for some nations/strategies I am pretty sure it didnt used to be this way in dom2 [edit] oh I forgot you asked about blood sacrifices... for everybody you sacrifice, it acts like that many temples were spreading. |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Temples, prophets, pretender all cause dominion to spread. It is explained in the manual.
At least they cause more checks for spread to occurr. GM12 |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Guess I should've read more of the manual then http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
What has me curious about dominion spread is how sometimes my candles will appear on the other side of the map even tho I have no priests, special items or special units in those territories. In my current game I had two provinces far far away suddently have my candles yet no neighboring provinces were this way. Also in another game I started near a corner of the map and grew to protect independent provinces deepest in the corner only later to discover enemy candles appearing. This second scenario could be sneaking enemy priests, but I don't understand the first scenario I explained. |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
There's a random event that replaces your dominion in a province with the dominion of an enemy pretender.
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
heh, last time I played, I played ashen empire ermor, and had someone else's random event apparently cause a province of theirs to have an undead revolt, resulting in my gaining control of a 3 dominion strong province deep in their territory, a small army of undead, and 5 1H ermorian cultists, who immediately began herding the local populace into some massive ghoul breeding pit
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
I've been reading the Dominion chapter of the manual pretty carefully, and have a few questions that some of you may be able to answer
* dominion spread: the manual says that when a "dominion spread" occurs (not produced by preaching), either the local dominion will increase, or enemy dominion will decrease, or it will be "passed" to some randomly chosen neighbouring province. Does this mean that each successful "temple check" will result, somewhere (potentially far away) in a dominion increase (or enemy dom. decrease)? (My past experience was that the effect didn't seem to be that radical) * order of things: since dominion increase don't "leak" to other provinces, the order in which things happen can be important - as is the interleaving of these actions between nations. Is this specified somewhere? (What I mean is that, if preaching happens first, successful preaching can make it easier to get a successful temple check, which in turn might leak to adjacent provinces; while, if preaching occurs last, it's more likely to be "wasted" as previous temple checks - and leaks - could have increased dominion to the limit before it happens. Also, enemy dominion spread can change conditions, so the question of "who goes first" can be important) |
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
I haven't studied the dominion spread algorithm much either, I am playing on a large map (Glory of the Gods, IIRC) with a dominion of six in my setup. I have taken about 25 provinces and put temples in most of them. I currently have dominion of strength of 3-4 in enemy (not neutral) provinces 6-9 spaces away from any of my troops, across an ocean that I have not entered yet. I was a bit surprised, since this covers about 10-12 enemy provinces. My core area dominion is about 9.
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
Are you playing SP? The AI tends to be very bad at keeping your dominion at bay; I also like to play SP on large maps, and most of the time my dominion spreads ahead of my provinces.
Re: Dominion spread into enemy territories?
"Are you playing SP? The AI tends to be very bad at keeping your dominion at bay; I also like to play SP on large maps, and most of the time my dominion spreads ahead of my provinces."
Guilty, I am still learning the game, never played Dom 2. I was just surprised about how far it spread into the enemy territory. |
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