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Horror Reward System
After seeing the stats of these new horrors and witnessing some of them in action it seems some sort of reward should be given to the commander for winning a battle against one of these terrible creatures which come from different planes and/or dimensions.
It seems only logical a commander or unit which has been able to slay one of these terrible beasts in battle would be more experienced and/or receive a bonus or two for one of his random stats such as strength, magic resistance or dexterity. Currently even if a commander slays any of these super horrors twenty or thrity times the only reward is the same as killing a single infantry on a normal battlefield. Any ideas on what types of rewards could be given to a commander which slays one of these terrible horrors? |
Re: Horror Reward System
Yes, let's make a SS combat spell which rewards victim. And no one would abuse it.
Re: Horror Reward System
it could remove 1 level of horror marking
Re: Horror Reward System
Re: Horror Reward System
I like the idea of awards as well! They don't have to be huge, but given the strength of these horrors they not trivial to beat. You would need to almost build a custom SC built with the purpose of killing horrors and if so... why not have another advancement path to gain power.
I rather like the idea of gaining power and dominion in the Astral plain where these creatures and horrors reside. Maybe there is some tie in to the void gate mechanics? |
Re: Horror Reward System
Seems like it might ADD a level of horror marking. They would note you as having killed one of their own. OTOH, you would certainly come away with something--a random thing:
1. fear/awe aura--something about you has changed that marks you among lesser men. 2. You gain insight into the universe from your encounter--random magic at 1 level. 3. You found an item on the horror--random item. 4. You took a piece of it as a souvenir (an extra horror mark, plus another pick on this chart). 5. During the battle, some of the Horror's ichor soaked into your own wounds--vastly increasing one of your attributes (e.g. ap, strength, protection, def lvl, mr) 6. Two more rolls on the table. |
Re: Horror Reward System
The problems with rewards for horrors is that they'll tend to escalate. As you're killing them you get horror marked, consequently getting attacked more often and killing more horrors. Maybe some kind of feedback reward - for example not getting attacked by lesser horrors (comparatively to defeated ones) in any circumstances?
Re: Horror Reward System
The various doom horrors are nasty enough that I wouldn't want to send even a really buffed out pretender up against them repeatedly. Of course, the best defense against the doom horrors is probably astral shield (Or being a really buff gorgon). They tend to paralyze themselves via their massive number of attacks.
Re: Horror Reward System
Maybe allow to take petrified horrors as souvenirs? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Horror Reward System
Lower horror mark seems most rational, it will not get out of hand and it seems when you have killed one horror there is one horror less that have noticed you.
Re: Horror Reward System
I finally met the Hunter of Heroes in one of my SP games, and the Dai Oni he was coming for won the fight. The Oni in question had his bodyguard of three automatic wolves, plus a squad of undead from the wraith crown. The bodyguard kept the horror occupied long enough for the Oni to hit it a few times with his flame brand sword and that was the end of it, horror dead. Not so scary http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Horror Reward System
Also the reward mentioned by Action sounds like a justified reward. |
Re: Horror Reward System
After having achieved Immortality, there is nothing left for the Hunter of Heroes but to GET REVENGE http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif |
Re: Horror Reward System
Just what i was thinking, also if you've killed countless horrors they would probably consider you dangerous enough to become a threat. I personally like Uh-Nu-Buh's reward system but dont know how easy it would be for the dev's to impliment.
Re: Horror Reward System
Second is in regards to the Hunter of Heroes which is not mindless. Being immortal I see little reason for it to desire killing a creature which has defeated it in battle frequently compared with seeking an easier target. Quote:
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Quote:
Re: Horror Reward System
I also like Uh-Nu-Buh's ideas. The Doom horrors are so powerful it just screams out that achieving mastery over them should be worth something.
I wouldn't even mind if things like body guards didn't appear to help you, or the Horror always targeted the commander (if it could reach them) regardless of what other chaff is available. That would keep the wrath crown and some simple magic from being able to take out the horror. |
Re: Horror Reward System
Re: Horror Reward System
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Horror Reward System
Musing over reputation...
What if
- every unit started with a base reputation/fame value - when you killed a unit in battle, you gained reputation proportionate -- quite a bit if the loser had equal or higher rep than the winner, less otherwise - when you died in battle, you lost the same amount of reputation that the victor gained - reputation bonus for winning the Deathmatch :p And that would be used for the HoF, instead of pure kill count. If the HoH has been killing powerful heroes who've slain many, its reputation will be high, and he who kills it next will gain correspondingly. |
Re: Musing over reputation...
(At least that's what I understand from empirical testing) |
Re: Musing over reputation...
There's also a 25 "hero point" bonus for each time you've died I believe.
Re: Musing over reputation...
What I meant was that kills are counted equally as it is -- so somebody who kills chaff is quite possibly more famous than somebody who runs around slaying powerful heroes.
On a tangent, does the 'Vengeance of the Dead grows exponentially stronger with repeated casts' still exist? VotD kills probably shouldn't count... unless the dead are supposed to become more vengeful every time you kill their shades. |
Re: Musing over reputation...
Maybe their buddies in the underworld come along to help them get some vengance?
Re: Musing over reputation...
I don't really like the idea of killing a horror giving you a reward. It's already possible to make really really powerful dudes, and having another avenue ("hunter of horrors") open for gaining even more power could yield dudes who are totally unstoppable. If it could be done without making this possible, it might be interesting...
I do like Action's idea of removing a horror mark level if you kill one. You could maybe even push this a bit; if you kill a doom horror, you lose your horror mark entirely, and you lose one level of horror markage for killing even a regular horror. Serious effort in a battle, or abuse of a mighty artifact, could still doom you, but you would have the chance to not just survive but actually triumph. |
Re: Horror Reward System
Re: Horror Reward System
[/quote] Heh. Anyone else seen the japanese movie, "Ichi the Killer"? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Horror Reward System
How about removing/lowering the horror mark, and a custom title if the hero manages to slay one of the doom horrors (might be a neat idea to have the title increase per horror killed, i.e. slayer of horrors, destroyer of horrors and so on, would give some cool bragging rights for HoF hero's)
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