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-   -   Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE* (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32067)

Teraswaerto November 30th, 2006 08:21 AM

Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
1 Attachment(s)
This is a reworked Dominions 3 version of my (with some help from Adept and Nekov) Hoburg Alliance Special Edition mod originally released for Dominions 2. Based on Illwinter's sample mod. No longer replaces Ulm.

Uses monster numbers 2101-2114, site number 760.

*No longer replaces Ulm! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Nation number 79 used.
*Starving Hoburg has stealth and is an assassin
*Helmets and shields fixed
*Holy level for Glory of Dreams 4 -> 3
*Some other minor changes

Jack_Trowell November 30th, 2006 09:12 AM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
I liked the dom2 version, nice to see it updated. ^_^

Juste a question : why did you keep the "replace Ulm" part ?
Dom3 allow mods to add new nations without having to replace an existing one.

Is there still a reason to remove Ulm, or is it just that it was easiest to keep it that way ?

Teraswaerto November 30th, 2006 09:23 AM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
Laziness, I guess. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'll change it for the next version, wanted to release this now that it was working with Dom3.

Jack_Trowell November 30th, 2006 01:29 PM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
Ok, I was thinking it was probably something like that. ^_^

Thanks for the info, ... and the mod ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

HoneyBadger December 1st, 2006 07:42 AM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
Hoburgs are awesome (also crunchy and delicious, if you clean them right). I was hoping someone would mod this in.

Jack_Trowell December 2nd, 2006 01:45 PM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
note : some units doesnt't get all their equipment in game :

those aren't used (at least for me)

#armor "Round Shield"
#armor "Helmet"

I modded using this for now :

#armor "Shield"
#armor "Iron Cap"

Jack_Trowell December 2nd, 2006 03:29 PM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
the heroine Hildegard is a level 4 priest. I remind she was powerful (exept for her lack of hit points) in dom2, but not that she was priest 5 then.

Isn't she supposed to only be priest 3 now ?

Jack_Trowell December 2nd, 2006 03:35 PM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
About the hero "Starving Hoburg" : he doesn't get *any* item slot.

While i can undestand that you don't want him to became a perfect SC (he is already undead, immortal, etheral, but with only a few hit points the first hit can kill him), but wouldn't he still be balanced with at least 2 misc slots ?

At least an amulet of luck and another of antimagic would help him survive more without allowing him to be more than a small thug (very small indeed ^_^)

Edit : I had almost forgottent that the original hoburg mod (its very first version) was in fact an exemple mod from illwinter. As I didn't use the original version in dom2, onlye th "special edition", maybe the starving hoburg lack of item slots was illwinter decision ?

Teraswaerto December 2nd, 2006 09:20 PM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
Thanks for the feedback.

The Starving Hoburg having 0 slots was my decision, it was that way originally in the Dom2 mod. He is immortal and has a death attack (consume soul). Maybe he could have more slots, hard to say. There were no heroes in the Illwinter hoburg mod.

Hildegard having holy 4 is a remnant of Dom2, she should probably have holy 3 now.

Kristoffer O December 3rd, 2006 05:53 AM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
'Round Shield' is renamed 'Shield' in dom3

Jack_Trowell December 3rd, 2006 05:58 AM

Re: Nation Mod: Hoburg Alliance SE for Dominions 3
Even as a SC killer, the death attack is not so powerful : Hildegard with good equipment would be a true SC, while the starving horbug currently is useless versul even normal units (etheral is not enought if you can't equip him with anything to improve its defenses) so he can't even be useful as a thug.

Sure, you could have a fight versus a lone SC pretender and kill it in the first hit, but chances are that versus a true SC you will probably be killed first and miss your few chances to hit (remember : no item slots means no boots of quickness, no bonus to attack, no luck ...)

So I think that at least 2 misc slots could make him more useful, without being overpowered (even with 2 misc slots, Hildegard would still be more powerfull)

Or there is another change that could be thematic : make him an assassin ("hidden under the bed to eat the children").Consume soul is very powerful with an assassin, but not much that most magical weapons that would kill anyone in one or two hits anyway, with added bonus to attack and defence (and isn't consume soul negated with magic resistance ?)

Taqwus December 3rd, 2006 01:53 PM

MR negates.
"Consume Soul" (also used by the Hunter of Heroes (!)) is MR-negates.

On the other hand, "Devour Soul" (only used by the Devourer of Souls, as far as I know) is unresistable death. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif

Jack_Trowell December 4th, 2006 07:13 AM

Re: MR negates.

Taqwus said:
"Consume Soul" (also used by the Hunter of Heroes (!)) is MR-negates.

... then making the starving hobug an assassin and/or giving him some items slots (at least 2 misc slots) should be a good idea I think.

Before I forget, another thing : PD is still Ulm's (with Arbalest crossbowmen) instead of hoburgs as would be expected.

Teraswaerto December 4th, 2006 07:52 AM

Re: MR negates.
I had envisioned the Starving Hoburg going into battle alongside other troops, not as an SC or even a thug really. Immortality let's him die and fight again, and he has fear. He may be too weak currently though, making him an assassin is something I'm considering.

*edit* I have no idea why the PD is bugged or how to fix it.
#defunit2 273 should work but it doesn't.

Jack_Trowell December 4th, 2006 12:11 PM

Re: MR negates.

Teraswaerto said:
I had envisioned the Starving Hoburg going into battle alongside other troops, not as an SC or even a thug really.

Well, for what I understand it's exactly what a thug is supposed to be : a powerful unit, but not enought to take whole armies by itself.


Immortality let's him die and fight again, and he has fear. He may be too weak currently though, making him an assassin is something I'm considering.

An assassin would be very thematic for this concept I think.


*edit* I have no idea why the PD is bugged or how to fix it.
#defunit2 273 should work but it doesn't.

Ok, at least its a known bug.

Endoperez December 4th, 2006 12:20 PM

Re: MR negates.

* Mod command #defmult1b etc, didn't work with value 20.

This has been fixed. Unless the bug in question is actually in the #defmult2 command, that bug might be known but is unreported.

HoneyBadger December 7th, 2006 04:06 AM

Re: MR negates.
Kind of a silly thought, but I'm all doped up on cold medicine (I've got some kind of horrible flu that's going around), but how about a gigantic hoburg national hero?

Hamfat the Hobig

When Hamfat was just a little hoburg, he often wandered off and played in the woods close to family home. His mother forbid him, telling him that there was an evil witch who lived in a gingerbread house in the woods and just loved to roast naughty little hoburg children in her oven. Well, Hamfat loved gingerbread even more than he did playing in the woods, so he'd sneak out his bedroom window-which was very close to the ground-and continue playing in the woods after dark, until one day he discovered that his mother was right-there really WAS a witch in the woods-who found him and caught him in a burlap bag. The witch fed Hamfat magical candy and cast spell after spell on him, and Hamfat grew and grew, not just out but up as well. Eventually, two little human children she had also caught, pushed the evil witch into her own oven and baked her, but by that time, Hamfat had grown to the size of a house and continues to grow! With no way to undo the evil the witch had done to him, Hamfat now works diligently to protect the children of the Hoburg nation.
Size 6, trample, other stats relatively pathetic.

Foodstamp December 7th, 2006 05:16 AM

Re: MR negates.
I like Hamfat the Hobig lol. I would probably shorten the description a bit though.

Teraswaerto December 9th, 2006 07:27 AM

Mod updated!
*No longer replaces Ulm! Nation number 79 used.
*Starving Hoburg has stealth and is an assassin
*Helmets and shields fixed
*Holy level for Glory of Dreams 4 -> 3
*Some other minor changes

Wauthan December 9th, 2006 07:46 AM

Re: Mod updated!
Thanks for the update Teraswaerto. I've missed the little fellers. Any plans about expanding the mod further or is this the "gold" version?

Teraswaerto December 9th, 2006 09:47 AM

Re: Mod updated!
I don't think there'll be any big changes. Maybe a new hero or two, some fiddling with the balance.

I would like to make early and late age versions of the nation, but there are so many mods I'd like to do that most of them will never be realized. Thinking of ideas is easy but actually sitting down and starting to make the mod is hard. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

Adept March 11th, 2009 12:16 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Hello Teraswaerto.

I just remembered our mod :) Great to see you did a version for Dom 3. I'm going to check it out now.

Fantomen March 11th, 2009 06:45 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
I´d love to see this getting a bit more Love. There are some strange things in it.

*the Tierfreund has two headslots and no feet.
*all forts, including the capital are simple hillforts. That seems bit strange and makes production scales useless.

Other than that I love it!

Fantomen March 11th, 2009 07:43 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
1 Attachment(s)
Ok so I threw a little fix together myself.

*Added a set of fort types.

*Gave Erdefreund normal item slots.

Use instead of original .dm (you still need the graphics from original zip)

This is my first try at modding but it seems to work.

I hope it is ok I post this since the OP seems to have abandoned the mod.

Burnsaber March 12th, 2009 12:46 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Considering that waerto hasn't logged on to these forums for 1,5 years says something. And his profile doesn't mention his e-mail adress..

Perhaps you could google search his nick to see if he has facebook/other forum account with the same nick?

I gotta admire your initiave thought, you saw something broken and went ahead and fixed it on your own instead of trying to bug other people to do it for you.

Sombre March 12th, 2009 07:04 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Yeah if you like this mod you could basically take it over entirely. I'm sure no one would mind.

Fantomen March 12th, 2009 03:47 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
I think I might do that. It would be a good way to learn modding. I´ll take a closer look and start a new thread when I made more updates/fixes.

Please post any ideas or thoughts on balance changes you might have.

Thierry March 16th, 2009 07:52 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
This is my favorite mod !

I'll try your patch tonight to see the effect of having various fortress type.

A thing I dislike in the original mod : the PD is extremely weak. Somehow I'd thought that Hoburg's PD should be strong/.
The way I see it they would try to balance their physicall weakness by having better organisation in their defense. Like global military training with pikes and crossbows for all adults ?
Maybe something a bit like the swiss army (maybee it's the crossbow thing again that alludes to Guillaume (Whilhem Tell)) or the US national guard ?
So I would see a larger PD force, but more important, with real value units. Base militia for Hoburg is the worst PD as it stands now...
I would even add free PD, like Tchen Chin !

I wished Hoburg cavalry had lances for first strike additional damage..

As a reminder of Master of Magic, maybe you could add slingers :D

Another funny idea would be to add a different kind of hero, sort of bilbo / frondon, with luck and a very high defence score. Or something like that..

By the way, what is your strategy for hoburg ? I always end up being drawn by all those 'recruitable everywhere' sacred. As they lack strength, I go fire, which is perhaps stupid, as the fire damage may not add much. Maybe I should go blood or death ? I also try to add water, as their defence is so high.
I try also to rely on crossbow guys, as they're cheap and seems to be the one to deliver the blow.. on paper..
But generaly I also get slaughtered very fast :doh:

What can we do with the mages that Hoburg has ? How does Nature helps them ?

Do you try for a stealth preaching strategy ?

Anyway good luck with the mod !

Fantomen March 30th, 2009 05:40 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
My strategy is based around two concepts and a water/astral bless.

The sneakers: The Erdefreunds, tierfreunds and hoburg militia. These units have great synergy as stealth raiders I think. Your Erdefreunds can stealth preach *and* cause unrest *AND* lay down earth buffs with earth boots/earthpower! Iron warriors is AOE 1 and each casting on size 1 hoburgs means 6 prot 20 tierfreunds quickened with twist fate and magical strong poison weapons. Support these frontliners with a host of high precicion slingers (the militia, yes there´s your slingers!) and destruction spam. Scales up to even greater nastiness with blood stones and marble warriors. Add in that these squads are dirt cheap and can pick their fights. Let your horticulturists tag along as self quickened, eagle eyed archers as soon as you get some decent bows forged.

The army: You have recruit everywhere sacreds in the wolkfreunds. High morale, defense(14>18 w bless), protection, shields and magic resistance(14>17 w bless) and twist fate. These are cheap enough and can hold the line even late in the game. From behind those your strong earth mages rips the enemies armor to shreds while your uncountable hordes of high precicion crossbows thickens the air with a deadly rain. Add in your nature component for eagle eyes(mandatory!) and charm, wooden warriors, relief, swarm etc.

You might get a A2 Vererht Obstgaertner for wind guide and/or F2 for flaming arrows.

Base prec 12 + Eye of aiming + Eagle eyes + Blade wind + Destruction = you do the math...

Stealth preaching is a workable strategy in itself too.

I haven´t gotten into the late game yet.

Ming May 18th, 2009 03:00 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
I have actually made an update of the Holburg mod for my own use but have not posted it in the forum before mainly because I did not know if Teraswerto would mind someone making changes to his mod, but also because I do not know how to create a zip file.

I am happy to upload it now that I know Teraswerto no longer visit these forums if someone could teach me how to create a zip file. Fee free to use my ideas if you like them (please note that I have also used sprites from Zepath without asking for permission since it was only for my own use).

What I did was to give it more strategic options and strengthened it on the margin since its low morale and HP can be easily exploited by a human opponent.

Burnsaber May 18th, 2009 03:17 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
What unpacking program do you use? I suggest googleing "Winrar" and downloading it, if you lack one.

Once you have winrar installed, just select the files you want to zip, and press left-click to bring the menu up.

There should be an option "add to archive", select that.

From that point and onwards, it's quite self-explanatory.

Ming May 18th, 2009 07:02 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the instruction. Here it is.

P.S. I added the Brewer unit not just for thematic reasons, but to add complexity to this nation's strategy. The Brewer can be very valuable, but it is also very vulnerable to direct damage ritual spells as well as assassinations, and compete with another very valuable capital only mage.

Ming May 30th, 2009 02:00 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
1 Attachment(s)
Updated holburg.rar, mainly to incorporate Fantomen's fixes, but also corrected typos and tweaked some units. Wandering Sage is now capital only because Fantomen's fix changes the starting castle, making it much quicker to build new castles (and making recruit anywhere Wandering Mages a little too powerful in the early game).

Burnsaber May 30th, 2009 05:11 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by Ming (Post 693583)
Updated holburg.rar, mainly to incorporate Fantomen's fixes, but also corrected typos and tweaked some units. Wandering Sage is now capital only because Fantomen's fix changes the starting castle, making it much quicker to build new castles (and making recruit anywhere Wandering Mages a little too powerful in the early game).

I suggest that you start a new threat for this mod. Editable first page is a absolute must for a nation thread. Otherwise it can be quite a pain to hunt for the latest version of the nation.

A graphical preview is always a good thing too. If I recall correctly, amounts of downloads tripled when I added the graphical preview for the Alugra mod.

Ming June 17th, 2009 06:38 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Thanks for the advice. I'll start a new thread when I update the file next time. Not sure how to do a graphical preview though.

Sombre June 17th, 2009 06:48 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Just take all the graphics for the mod and copy paste them into a .png graphic - attach it to a post then link to it using image tags.

Ming July 13th, 2009 01:38 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*

Thanks for your instructions. Unfortunately, my computer literacy is so low that I could not make any sense of it. :confused:

Burnsaber July 13th, 2009 03:49 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Open GIMP* or some other image-altering program (MS paint can't handle .png files, thought). Then create a large image (.jpeg is a good format for this purpose).

Then open all the mod graphics and copy-paste them to the large pic you just created. Add some text and you should have your graphic preview pic then.

*if you lack GIMP, just google & download it.

Sombre July 14th, 2009 11:32 AM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
jpg results in some pretty blurry/nasty looking sprites.

.png format is similarly small in size and suitable for the net while losing none of the picture quality.

Stavis_L July 14th, 2009 12:25 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 701284)
Open GIMP* or some other image-altering program (MS paint can't handle .png files, thought).

While I don't exactly *recommend* mspaint as an editing tool, the versions that come with XP and Vista do in fact now support .png format images.

For windows users looking for something free that's a little lighter weight than GIMP (which is great, but has a learning curve) you could try Paint.NET.

Teraswaerto July 16th, 2010 01:08 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
Hi Adept!

Nice to see people were interested even after I effectively abandoned the mod. After a brief lookat Ming's changes though, they are not something I would include. I'll update the first post after I've thought about what to put there some more.

Did Ming ever make new thread for it?

Fantomen July 16th, 2010 01:41 PM

Re: Hoburg Alliance SE *UPDATE*
I made a post with minor fixes earlier in this thread, you might want to include them.

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