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Operating System poll
I couldn't find find any Operating System polls on Dominions3 forum. There are probably some such polls on Dominions2 forum, but I already found a good excuse for doing it all over again, you see.
How do I post polls here ? Let's see... |
Re: Operating System poll
Windows 2k on my desktop, Ubuntu / XP pro on my notebook.
Dominions everywhere. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Operating System poll
You dont quite support me, and possibly others. The multiple-OS's doesnt seem to support multiple os in the house (not dual boot)
I have 3 desktops in my house (mine, wife, one son) which all run WinXP. And I have 2 servers which run Linux. Im not quite ready to run linux as a desktop, and I wouldnt consider using anything else for a server. I do plan to get a mac one day though (probably become my other sons computer) If this is headed toward swaying anything in the development of the game, Im afraid it wont have an impact. This is not a windows game that is trying to support other OS's. Its a linux game which is being modified to also run on mac and windows. I dont think that any numbers will change that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Gandalf Parker |
Re: Operating System poll
In your case, Gandalf (is it actually your name !?) I'd pick Windows, Windows/Linux. It's not that important that these system run on different machines.
I don't have any problems with Dominions3 being a Linux game. None at all. |
Re: Operating System poll
Gee, no choice for "primarily Mac o/s, with a W*nd*ws system for games that won't run on a real o/s, and a Linux box as a toy"? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Operating System poll
Home: 3 XP desktops, 2 xp laptops, 1 RH FC5 media server.
Work: 1 XP desktop, 1 RH FC5 64bit desktop, 1 XP laptop, 120 Linux servers, 12 AIX servers, 15 Solaris servers, 10 2K servers, various sundry others. XP for games. Linux for anything serious--music, video, biohazard analysis, cardiopulmanry diagnostics, etc. Macs are for people over 50 according to the latests demographics polls Apple conducted then tried to squelch.... |
Re: Operating System poll
That's what I'm led to believe. Despite occasional claims that Macs are more numerous than Linux boxes(or at least as numerous), they certainly aren't popular in gaming communities. Each time I see an Operating System Poll somewhere, Macs come last. Which means either: - Mac people aren't really interested in games - There are much more linux users than most people think. It wouldn't suprise me considering how hard it is to measure actual popularity of Linux - possibly both of the above |
Re: Operating System poll
Re: Operating System poll
Macs, Cigars, Cadillacs, smelling like cheese, forgetting your daughters' name, florida, skin cancer, macular degeneritus, bifocals, groceries used to cost 10 cents, grampa simpson, and WHAT? SAY THAT AGAIN? WHAT? AGAIN. SAY IT AGAIN. SPEAK UP. I HATE PEOPLE WHO WHISPER.
Re: Operating System poll
I have windows on my main and linux on my old pos cpu.
Re: Operating System poll
I dual boot and even triple boot with different operating systems... most dual boots and triple boots are with the MS operating systems.
Re: Operating System poll
Hey! I am have a Mac, and I am well under 50.
I got a Mac for the sake of trying something new, even though I like games a lot. I like my Mac a lot, but I don't have many of games for it because there are very few good games that come out for Macs. That's ok. I save money that way. I wonder if Macs were a 50 yo & up thing because they were too expensive. Prices are lower now. How old is that research? |
Re: Operating System poll
The Mac demographic research was just brought to light in the last week. I think it was done in the last 6 months. Check Slashdot for an article this last week. Most people are guessing it is because of prices and cash availability....
Re: Operating System poll
Mac is also used by developers under 50 who likes to make games for those over 50 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Operating System poll
More and more of my colleagues (computer science lab and engineering school) use MacOS, apparently. Others use mostly Linux (and system administrators love them for it, since it's apparently soooo much easier to administer lots of Linux machines than lots of Windows machines). Oh, and those MacOS users I'm thinking of are under 50, too.
Personally, I use Linux for anything serious, and Windows for anything that I can't make work on Linux (which included Dom3 until I recently reinstalled a newer Linux distribution, which let me get past the "graphics works slow as hell" problem). |
Re: Operating System poll
Well, I have to have Windows for all my computer games to work.
I can't dual boot linux because I can't spare any space on my hard disk (its almost permenantly filled). So yeah, single boot Windows, how dull. |
Re: Operating System poll
Well, a triple install ; Windows, Linux, Dos on desktop and Linux and Windows on laptop.
I keep Dos for playing around some very old games (Mofm, Xcom, Dungeon Master, Doom ,Civ I, Tie-Fighter, Monkeiy Island I&II etc, and some autoexec.bat and config.sys editing... I know i know, DosBox do it better. |
Re: Operating System poll
Yes Gandalf is really my name (well technically a middle name but I go by it)
I think that the surveys on Mac reflect the fact that many people use Macs when they want a computer that will let them do all of the usual computer things without alot of experimentation into other things (and therefore a whole let less headaches). So in my experience I see two large groups. Grandparents who want to keep up with the family online. And SysAdmins who have enough computer headaches in their life without running into crap when they just want to type something or connect to a problem machine. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I really got to get myself that mac) |
Re: Operating System poll
Re: Operating System poll
That would be Wowbagger (the Infinitely Prolonged). And I would actually accept bets on Stavro Mueller (or Müller). It's a common German last name. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Operating System poll
Re: Operating System poll
Hm, I currently have only WinXP, had Linux at work but after a year of very bad user experience (I want to do my work with my computer, not just work with my computer) I pleaded a change to Win and am not looking back...
Although, currently I'm looking for a new desktop, and I've been drooling over those 24-inch flatscreen iMacs. The crossplatform operation (okay, I mean playing games) is the only thing I'm worried about, otherwise I'm sold. And to the age question, I'm 25 and many of my friends have switched to mac during the last year or so. So apparently it's changing. |
Re: Operating System poll
Good ole' window$ here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Operating System poll
Just a plug: for developers, the popular Linux variants rock. Fedora Core, for example, comes with everything you need to learn all you could want to learn about MySQL, PERL, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Apache, etc. ad nauseum. Most of the tutorials out there are centered on Linux, or include Linux. Additionally, they pretty much work out of the box for most desktop applications. And it is all free, and runs well on older equipment.
Caveat #1, I love the MacOS. I just dislike the attitude it often engenders in users, or the attitude of the general person it attracts: hoplessness in the face of adversity. Hep me, hep me, I cain't hep mesef! Contrast this to the attitude linux engenders/attracts: roll up your sleaves, sweat a bit, learn a lot, and get it done. I have a friend who is 19 who just got a mac. He's been a pc/windows guy for years, but loves his mac. One of the things he hates is that he can't even add memory to it, for fear of violating the warranty. He still has his old pc at home for puttering/learning/expanding his consciousness with. He doesn't mess with the mac, just uses it for the 120 (or whatever number it is) things it comes preconfigured to do. Caveat #2, WinXP is the best platform for gaming right now. I hate it, but I admit it. It has the most game titles, the best graphics performance, the most support for advanced drivers.... Blech. I live with it. |
Re: Operating System poll
Also, while Mac can be usable as a dev machine with enough FLOSS software bolted on... I really wouldn't want to develop without the kernel sources and oprofile. But for knocking up a web page, I suppose it can work. But then, if you end up replacing every piece of software, why not save yourself the money and go for a full linux box? Personally I do recommend Macs... to the truly computer illitterates. Windows for my-computer-is-really-my-console people, BSD for the I-learned-unix-in-the-70s-and-it-was-the-best-that-ever-was and linux for the rest. |
Re: Operating System poll
Linux aaaall the way baby! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Operating System poll
I'm using OSX on my Macbook and Windows on my PC.
Re: Operating System poll
http://developer.apple.com/opensource/index.html You can't get sources for their GUI/window manager, or any other service they've written themselves. AFAIK, nobody's ported oprofile to Mac O/S, but gprof seems to work fine for what I do. (I'm not sure if the PPC has the right hardware to support some of the fancier things oprofile does. Despite having an PPC Mac on my desk, I admit I don't know the architecture as well as x86, Itanium, MIPS, or ARM.) |
Re: Operating System poll
I use Windows XP currently, but in my defense, I knew how to do a LOT with DOS, back in the caveman days. True, it's not a great...whatever it is, but it's simplistic. The biggest problem with Windows is their quality-control. You can't beat it for versatility though-it's got a bug to fit every function.
Re: Operating System poll
If you knew DOS then you should look at Linux.
Id say that 90% of your knowledge transfers over quite nicely. And would even be greatly appreciated since so many linux people are getting hooked on GUI (windowy things) that they sometimes have trouble doing simple things that dont have a menu button |
Re: Operating System poll
You can try Ubuntu install disc. (Or livecd from another distro). Ubuntu install disc is curious in fact that it runs the system first, using RAM only, and then gives you an option to install it to hdd. Quote:
Nevermind little details like inability to use Search function on forums. Now they went as far as discouraging from using commandline(read the first post from the sticky thread): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286599 It should be called Ubuntu Windows, really. I'm going back to Debian as soon as Etch is out. I don't have *too* much against Ubuntu itself, but I can't stand the community, which has worst parts from windows and mac people (arrogance...). If you want an easy introduction to Linux, try Ubuntu. You'll be surrounded by people who tell you what to click to make something run. If you consider yourself experienced linux user, use another distribution. Debian users, for example, tend to not only give you hints how to get somethin working, but also explain how it works. They make you learn and help you learning. Ubuntu is for people who don't like to learn. To keep it from being 100% rant: I really love how package management is done in civilised linux distributions. Ubuntu got it right, mostly because it's the same as in Debian. Once you try apt-get (or any graphical frontend like synaptic or adept) you'll hate the windows way of installing programs. |
Re: Operating System poll
If I would recommend one distribution it would be Fedora. I've been using that since FC2 and it runs like clockwork (running FC6 now).
Re: Operating System poll
I use Debian and have been thrilled. My servers have run for years without problems (and not a whole lot of knowledge on my part) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Operating System poll
Windows XP at home and Solaris at work.
Wish Doms 3 would run under Solaris like Doms 2, though productivity would likely plummet. |
Re: Operating System poll
But, to each their own and happy birthday EMH (I suppose that cake means a birthday or something)! |
Re: Operating System poll
My definition of "computer illiterate" is "I cant read the computer screen". Believe me I hve met many of those. |
Re: Operating System poll
But an almost on-topic question: for those who have dual-boot machines and copies of Dom3 on both O/S's, do you see any performance differences between them? Anybody even tried? |
Re: Operating System poll
Re: Operating System poll
I wonder if "Your primary operating system at home" is a well-phrased question (in the context of the discussion). The last part ('at home') may skew results because of gaming. I've dual-boot (Linux/Windows) at home and bunch of Linux and Windows boxes at work. Of course, I do all interesting and exciting stuff at work and my home computer mostly relegated to games, which, naturally, makes Windows a primary OS http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Operating System poll
Ive never liked dual boots (altho I havent tried any in a long long time). Ive always had an old computer I could put linux on which operated as least as well as my new desktop with windows on it.
Re: Operating System poll
I am using Linux (specificially Mandriva Linux, though Debian isn't bad, either) exclusively since three years now.
I haven't tried a Mac (yet), but I really can't understand why anyone would want to use Windows (of course, there are some who actually need to use it - I'm not speaking of some kids mucking around with an illegal copy of Photoshop, but specialized applications for work which are available exclusively for Windows). I mean sure, it takes some learning to switch systems, but in my experience (having used Windows from 3.x to XP) the work required to keep a Windows system running is much greater (and a running expense instead of a one-time kind of thing). But it seems not to register with most because they are used to it. |
Re: Operating System poll
All Windows, from server 2k3 to Vista. Of course I manage windows servers in a datacenter and used to work for Microsoft so I obviously scoff at all the linux fanboys out there.
Re: Operating System poll
100% Windows here, although I originally discovered Dominions:PPP through a Linux gaming website.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Like Velusion, I use Windows professionally. I even have the MCSE, for whatever that's worth. And my Windows is pretty well-customized to exactly what I like. Yes, it's possible to tweak the heck out of Windows with a little bit of work. I've tried several different flavors of Linux, and my favorite is Ubuntu. Still, though, I'm not sure that I see the huge appeal. I can get all of the cool OSS stuff for Windows, plus Windows runs all of my games. Why switch? |
Re: Operating System poll
Linux. (ubuntu 7.10 right now, although I've gone through everything from Caldera 2.2, to Red Hat 7.4, to Mandriva 8.6.)
Windoze 98 is installed on this computer, but now that I have 1G of memory it will no longer boot. Doesn't matter, I have a separate machine that has Red Hat 7.4 and Windoze 98 on it so I can play all my old (Loki! and other) games. Interestingly, the hardware on this machine is failing, yet linux seems to deal with it, and Windoze just crashes; I mean more than usual (if I pull out a 512K stick to make it work). In the end, is that DOM3 is a cross-platform game, and we all can enjoy it. What makes it easily cross-platform is that it is NOT developed in Windoze. Also with linux I have the luxury of Wine and Dosemu for those times when I need them. [I run ACBLSCORE (bridge players know) under Dosemu, and my favorite proxy-server/filter, the Proxomitron, under Wine.] |
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