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-   -   The new map Dawn (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32195)

Dedas December 7th, 2006 01:32 PM

The new map Dawn
A big golden trophy to the one/ones who made this map - it is beatiful! What I really like is your idea of different domains for the different nations of Dominions 3. This really helps new players like me to get a "feeling" for them; and as you have illustrated where they belong, you have also shown the player what their weaknesses and strengths might be - you have given them a home and an identity. Well done!

Might I add that more maps of this calibre is something that I in the future will dream off day and night?

JaydedOne December 7th, 2006 01:41 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Jason truly outdid himself with this one.

Gandalf Parker December 7th, 2006 02:33 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
The "Dawn of Dominions" scenario.
I hope Jason doesnt mind but here is a shot of it.

That is an excellent map. Some very creative matching between the image of the map (what you see) and the coding of the map (whats in the .map file as being the properties of each province).

Everyone should take a look at it (its in the new patch). Especially anyone considering their own maps as it does make use of some of the new features that have been added to the game or are soon to come.

Meglobob December 7th, 2006 03:12 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Fantastic new map, well done Jason...again.

reverend December 7th, 2006 03:38 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
This is one of the best maps I have seen so far!

Let's hope we get a new map of that quality with every larger patch. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Agrajag December 7th, 2006 03:39 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Now I'm sad that I spent this day coloring this guy:
Instead of checking out all the new stuff

Strages Sanctus December 7th, 2006 03:54 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
That map is a work of art... great lateral thinking went in to that design.

Edit: Typos

Shovah32 December 7th, 2006 06:53 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
I think im going to cry *sniff*. This map was beautifully drawn, thoughfully created and, best of all, a hell of a lot of fun to play (especially with agartha)

Jason_Lutes December 7th, 2006 07:53 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Hey, thanks everyone -- your comments really mean a lot. Since I just work on these things in my spare time, it's nice that the efoort is noticed. The gold trophy's going on my mantel!

I would like to do more maps in the future, but my time is very limited these days, so no guarantees. I've got a lot of other (paying) work on my plate, so that takes priority.

Thanks again!

Jack_Trowell December 7th, 2006 08:03 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Thanks for the map Jason, It's beautiful and has an unique flavor.

Now I just need to make or find a variant scenario for both middle Age and late era. ^_^

Zebion December 7th, 2006 08:18 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Argatha having a whole underground cave system is just beautifal and fun at the same time. I love Ze new cave system just for encouraging darkness monsters

Saarud December 7th, 2006 09:03 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
This map is superb. I have started 3 games so far on it just to test different nations... and I love it as there is even more feelings to the nation in this scenario. I think it is great as well that the setup is not balanced... I like to see more scenarios.

Two thumbs up!

Stryke11 December 8th, 2006 12:18 AM

Re: The new map Dawn

I consider your maps to be of such high quality that I for one would be willing to pay for a packet of them. I notice you mention you don't have a lot of spare time for non-"paying" work. I'm sure the community here appreciates your work so much that if you considered devoting some time to making multiple maps I think it wouldn't be unreasonable to set up some kind of fee structure.

Just my $0.02 (and potentially much more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ).

Horst F. JENS December 8th, 2006 04:12 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
I support this idea. Everyone who spend his free time to make maps or mods get my full admiration.
But to get more maps like the new one from Jason (i understand it is all self-made, not copied from other work) i suggest to club together and make a regular "map of the month" (Year/whatever) voting where the winner(s) get all money collected so far.

Recruit December 8th, 2006 05:00 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
Well done Jason on a great map.

Definately professional quality work. Curious to know what software you use? Do you work digitally or by hand?

bleach168 December 8th, 2006 08:49 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
I'm impressed. Great job!

Gandalf Parker December 8th, 2006 01:22 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
If anyone is really interested, there are some easy ways to setup money handling to support projects (thru PayPal is pretty simple or thru SourceForge if you want to be an official project). Or to setup putting a CD online and selling it with a bunch of maps or background screens or mods (thru CafePress is probably easiest).

Jason_Lutes December 8th, 2006 05:50 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

Recruit said:Definately professional quality work. Curious to know what software you use? Do you work digitally or by hand?

Professional quality except for the resolution issue. Still haven't got that part worked out (too chunky). But thanks!

I draw a bunch of terrain by hand, scan it in, clean it up in Photoshop and just copy-paste to build the map. For the older maps the terrain brushes were colored and then applied, but for this one I colored most of it afterwards, so it has more of a custom look.

Usually for the most basic continent/sea outlines I start with a something out of a fractal world generator, but in this case I asked the beta and mapping forums what Early Ages nations poeple would most like to see a scenario for, made a list of the top picks, and came up with this sketch:


Then I solicited feedback from Kristoffer and the beta forum regulars about how to improve it, rearranged some of the nations, and tweaked the layout somewhat.

I intended from the beginning to create a scenario that had more flavor than balance, and knew full well that some nations would have a much rougher go of it than others, which is how I like my strategy games in general. But I did make some .map file changes to Arco, Caelum, and C'tis to help them out a little.

In our current MP test game, Ulm and Marverni seem particularly crunched. I'd be curious to hear how other games go, and if people think the difficulty ratings need to be adjusted at all.

Michaelangelo December 8th, 2006 06:26 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Hi guys, I'm new to both the game and the forums. Is there a good location or link that details how to go about making maps that will work with the game?

Thanks, and congratulations to Jason for what appears to be outstanding work.

Ragnarok-X December 8th, 2006 06:35 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Great map. I have a suggestion though. The borderlines between territories are sometimes very hard to see. Would you mind releasing a version with "black"-borders ?

Endoperez December 8th, 2006 06:36 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

Michaelangelo said:
Hi guys, I'm new to both the game and the forums. Is there a good location or link that details how to go about making maps that will work with the game?

Thanks, and congratulations to Jason for what appears to be outstanding work.

Making the graphics is pretty easy. You can use any picture, with very very slight editing (adding the tiniest bit of hue so that there are no pure white pixels, and then adding one white pixel into every area that you want to be a province). Making the .map file that defines the neighbours, terrains, non-good starting sites, etc is quite a bit more complicated.

Gandalf Parker December 8th, 2006 07:24 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

Ragnarok-X said:
Great map. I have a suggestion though. The borderlines between territories are sometimes very hard to see. Would you mind releasing a version with "black"-borders ?

You could bring up the tga in any paint program and change the borders. It wouldnt affect any game play (as long as you dont use pure white when making changes)

WraithLord December 8th, 2006 08:21 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
I join the chorus chanting what a great map this is.
It does leave one with a taste for more http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Recruit December 8th, 2006 08:36 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

Jason_Lutes said:
I draw a bunch of terrain by hand, scan it in, clean it up in Photoshop and just copy-paste to build the map. For the older maps the terrain brushes were colored and then applied, but for this one I colored most of it afterwards, so it has more of a custom look.

The end result is great. I'm a graphic designer by trade and am interested in making some maps for this game to support it, but it's hard to find the time..

If you could get your hands on a graphics tablet I'd say you could produce some pretty awesome stuff.

Dedas December 9th, 2006 04:26 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
More, more, more! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Agrajag December 9th, 2006 06:32 AM

Re: The new map Dawn

Gandalf Parker said:

Ragnarok-X said:
Great map. I have a suggestion though. The borderlines between territories are sometimes very hard to see. Would you mind releasing a version with "black"-borders ?

You could bring up the tga in any paint program and change the borders. It wouldnt affect any game play (as long as you dont use pure white when making changes)

Well, it would be 200 times easier for Jason Lutes to change it, because he probably has the original map saved with different layers, so all he has to do is click on one layer and do a quick brush-over or many other similar easy things, and come up with an improved version.
Editing the .tga would mean hand-coloring each an every border piece and trying not to go out of lines.

Though I like the map the way it is http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Wauthan December 9th, 2006 09:34 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
Damn that's a sweet map. I promtly made two new scenarios (for middle and late age versions of the nations) and it remains nifty and balanced. Great work!

AStott December 9th, 2006 11:17 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

Jason_Lutes said:
Professional quality except for the resolution issue. Still haven't got that part worked out (too chunky). But thanks!

I assume from this comment that you don't have a higher resolution version of the map on your harddrive somewhere that we could convince someone to host for those of us who want to take the time to download it... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Bummer. That really is the ONLY negative to this map. Very well done. I've been enjoying a game on this map as Kailasa, and there are some very interesting features to the layout of this map that are not immediately apparent (and I'm not just talking about the province connections that aren't noticeable at first glance).

PhilD December 10th, 2006 09:54 AM

Re: The new map Dawn

AStott said:(and I'm not just talking about the province connections that aren't noticeable at first glance).

Am I the only one who systematically turns on the "Show neighbours" option? There are so many maps with non-obvious connections (or non-obvious non-connections) that I find it necessary most of the time...

PDF December 10th, 2006 10:34 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
PhilD we are two with neighbors arrows always visible ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I also love this map, I've started a solo game (with Helheim hehe) and the map beauty plus the setup are very enthralling.
I'm about to take Vanheim's fortress, chaaaarge !!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

AStott December 10th, 2006 11:53 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
I always turn on show neighbors. If you don't, there's at least one, possibly two connections up top that you never notice...

I don't know how you could function without show neighbors on.

I wish Dominions would remember when you started a new game that I always turn on show neighbors... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Agrajag December 10th, 2006 01:29 PM

Re: The new map Dawn

PhilD said:
Am I the only one who systematically turns on the "Show neighbours" option? There are so many maps with non-obvious connections (or non-obvious non-connections) that I find it necessary most of the time...

You are not the only one.

Jack_Trowell December 11th, 2006 06:21 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
I also always activate the "show neighbours" (and the info box).

It would be useful to have the game remember what your last settings were and use them when creating a new game.

Gandalf Parker December 12th, 2006 02:18 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
You can edit your icon that starts the game to the settings you prefer. I have it set to windowed, music off, no fades, Hall of Heroes set to 15, renaming on, and some others I cant remember right now.

I dont remember if the neighbors thing is on the list but if it isnt then Im sure we could ask Johan for it.

Gandalf Parker

Jack_Trowell December 12th, 2006 04:51 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Thanks, I had forgotten about the command line options. If you can indeed configure starting settings, it will be perfect ! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

BigJMoney December 12th, 2006 09:27 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Jason, this map is totally sweet. I appreciate scenarios, but I don't like it when people use scenarios to alter the game too much. I very much enjoy having a map with a set starting location for each nation that suits the flavor of the nation.


Ballbarian December 13th, 2006 12:42 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
Once again, great job Jason. Beautiful map!

Psientist December 4th, 2008 01:53 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Where *is* this map?

Denisius December 4th, 2008 02:24 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Why did you feel the need to resurrect such an old thread, why not just start a new one?

And to answer your question, it came with a patch, and is now available natively in every up to date Dominions installation. Just check the default maps.

cleveland December 4th, 2008 03:00 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
It's a good thing...he's inspired me to make a new map with the same type of fantastic stylization and fantasy regions.

It's going to be called "Dusk of Civilization as we Know It"

Here a sneak preview screenshot.


Tichy December 4th, 2008 03:18 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
No, for that real end-of-days flavor, I'd go with EuroDisney.

vfb December 4th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: The new map Dawn
Thanks Cleveland, that gave me a good laugh! Wow, separated at birth or something.

Lingchih December 5th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
Is it just me, or would that actually make a pretty cool map? You'd have to photoshop the numbers and stuff out. hehe.

HoneyBadger December 5th, 2008 03:01 AM

Re: The new map Dawn
"Dawn" is the kind of map I'd want to draw, if I drew maps for Dominions.

Cleveland-that reminds me of the novel, "Down and out in the Magic Kingdom", which I just started reading. Free on the internet, by the way. http://craphound.com/down/download.php

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