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-   -   In-Game Typos (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=32268)

Edi December 11th, 2006 09:50 AM

In-Game Typos
I figured we should have a separate thread for actual bugs and another for less fatal but still annoying things called typos.

List in-game typos (misspelled pretender titles, unit names, typos in unit descriptions or erroneous descriptions etc) here. That way the bug thread will not get cluttered with the less important stuff and we can get the typo stuff ironed out here (because inevitably there will be arguments about proper spelling wrt UK vs US spelling). Just remember that Illwinter has preferred UK spelling in the past and that we should probably stick to it for the sake of consistency.

Let's follow the format of the bug thread, so that we post the problem issue in bold and then more detailed stuff in normal text below it. See my next post for examples.

Now, if only some friendly mod or admin were to stickify this. Thanks!


Edi December 11th, 2006 09:52 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
I'll start off:

Site: Villa of Everchanging Fresques
Should be "Villa of Everchanging Frescoes"

Fort: Jewled City
Should be "Jewelled City"


Ozymandias December 14th, 2006 03:33 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I got the random event:

A prospector genious has found a small gold deposit. 200 pounds of gold was found.

It should probably read:
A prospector genius has found a small gold deposit. 200 pounds of gold were found.

Reverend Zombie December 14th, 2006 03:50 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Or even:

A genius prospector has found a small gold deposit. 200 pounds of gold were found.

Actuarian December 14th, 2006 05:01 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
The weapon called Delibitative Poison should be Debilitative Poison.

Actuarian December 19th, 2006 11:44 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
A negative skill adjustment of my prophet for being out of his dominion was listed as "+-3".

Correction: The negative skill adjustment display problem is not just for the prophet and is not directly related to being out of dominion. It shows up as negative heat adjustments to skills for my cold-loving Jotuns.

B_Bond February 14th, 2007 07:58 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Ok, i guess I'll list this here (Even though it's not technically a typo) because it's getting absolutely no attention in the bug thread

The Heart Hider Hero from ME Shinuyama is still lacking a description. It may not seem serious but I hardly play dominions anymore because my favourite nation has a hero with no description. An alternative to adding a description would be to simply disable the hero. I'm not sure that would be any easier but, hey, as long as it's fixed in the next patch.

Edi March 9th, 2007 07:05 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
A crapload of typos found in unit descriptions while compiling the bug list.

Kristoffer, if you want these added into the shortlist thread, tell me and I'll copy the post from here and add it there.

  • <font color="green">U664 Hastatus typo "...wield shorts words and..." --&gt; "...wield short swords and..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U686 Hastatus typo "...wield shorts words and..." --&gt; "...wield short swords and..."</font>
  • U751/3 Thing that Should not Be typo, name should be written "Thing That Should Not Be"
  • U758/2 Thing of many Eyes typo, name should be written "Thing of Many Eyes"
  • <font color="green">U1058 Hippocampus typo extra full stop at the end</font>
  • <font color="green">U1084 Moose typo word "feast" should be "feasts"</font>
  • <font color="green">U1189 Mictlan Priest typo "...a more prominent priests..." --&gt; "...a more prominent priest..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1215 Marverni Chieftain typo "...The nobles or Marverni..." --&gt; "...The nobles of Marverni..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1297 Erinya (Megeara) typo at the end of description, "unrelenting one" should be "Unrelenting One" as it is used as a title</font>
  • <font color="green">U1298 Erinya (Tisiphone) typo at the end of description, "avenger of murder" should be "Avenger of Murder" as it is used as a title</font>
  • <font color="green">U1349/2 Devourer of Souls typo in the description, "Devourer of Soul" should be "Devourer of Souls</font>
  • <font color="green">U1426 Crowned Ape typo "...where apes ,and not humans..." --&gt; "...where apes, and not humans..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1427 Bakemono Sorcerer typo "DaiBbakemono...Old and wise...leads..." --&gt; "Dai Bakemono...lead..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1433/2 Kitsune typo "...lowborn peasants to greatness ,or...Kitsune are stealthy, and in human guise has..." --&gt; "...lowborn peasants to greatness, or...Kitsune are stealthy, and in human guise have..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1459 Oracle of the Ancients typo "...here lives a few Ancient Ones and...Oracles tries..." --&gt; "...here live a few Ancient Ones and...Oracles try..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1475 Attendant of the Oracles typo "...here lives a few surviving..." --&gt; "...here live a few surviving..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1490/2 Umbral typo "...Umbrals lurks." --&gt; "...Umbrals lurk."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1534 Minotaur Lord description error "...Minotaur commanders." --&gt; "...Minotaur Lords."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1556 Cerulean warrior typo "They armies...loose their humanity..." --&gt; "The armies...lose their humanity..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1558/2 Tlahuelpuchi typo "...they removes their feet..." --&gt; "...they remove their feet..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1564 Mad Cultist typo "...dreams of R'lyeh, will sooner or later loose...recieved...chanting of I , I , Ftaghn. Others calls out..." --&gt; "...dreams of R'lyeh will sooner or later lose...received...chanting of I, I, Ftaghn. Others call out..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1566 Mad One typo "...dreams of R'lyeh, will sooner or later loose..." --&gt; "...dreams of R'lyeh will sooner or later lose..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1567 Mad Merman same as U1566</font>
  • <font color="green">U1568 Mad Merman same as U1566</font>
  • <font color="green">U1569/2 Mad Triton same as U1566</font>
  • <font color="green">U1570 Human Dreamer typo "...The supernatural dreams of R'lyeh protects..." --&gt; "...The supernatural dreams of R'lyeh protect..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1571 Deep One Dreamer same as U1570</font>
  • <font color="green">U1572 Merman Dreamer same as U1570</font>
  • <font color="green">U1573 Merman Dreamer same as U1570</font>
  • <font color="green">U1574 Triton Dreamer same as U1570</font>
  • <font color="green">U1576 Mad Hybrid typo "...have recieved..." --&gt; "...have received..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1582 Guardian of the Tree typo "...was an orphan and were on his way..." --&gt; "...was an orphan and he and his master were on their way..." or "...was an orphan and on his way..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1583 Maker of Heroes typo "Athalwolf is an ancient shaman that have trained...aid of ancestors." --&gt; "Athalwolf is an ancient shaman who has trained...aid of the ancestors."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1586 Pontifex Maximus typo "...Arch Bishops of the new faith lets..." --&gt; "...Arch Bishops of the new faith let..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1588 Wanderer typo "In the depths of Carnutes, lives...Animals in turn, avoid..." --&gt; "In the depths of Carnutes lives...In turn, animals avoid..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1497/2 Attentive Statue typo "stand vigour" --&gt; stand vigil</font>
  • <font color="green">U1660 Reassembled Prince typo "...cowardly attacked by Shades...necromancy by the Sauromancers..." --&gt; "...treacherously attacked by Shades...necromancy from the Sauromancers..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1706 Ape Oracle typo "...her Band...life. The Mchumba..." --&gt; "...her band...life. Mchumba..." Unless Mchumba is a title instead of a name, of course.</font>
  • <font color="green">U1708 Consort of the Dead typo "...Ekishnugals reign...rarely aid..." --&gt; "...Ekishnugal's reign...rarely aids..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1713 Devala typo "...devalsa followed..." --&gt; "...devalas followed..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1715/2 Pisacha typo "...inhaits cemetaries...forever curses..." --&gt; "...inhabits cemeteries...forever curse..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1748 Mandaha typo "...All fires recognizes them..." --&gt; "...All fires recognize them..."</font>
  • <font color="green">U1767 Davana typo "...are vulnerable to fire since the war..." --&gt; "...have been vulnerable to fire since the war..."</font>

lch March 9th, 2007 10:37 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
<font color="green">U* Whatever "Shamen" should get replaced with "Shamans"</font>

More bugs when I have time to remember and collect them.

Edi March 9th, 2007 10:50 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
That one is not included because, while "shamans" is technically correct English and "shamen" is not, it is possible that the particular tribe/nation would use the incorrect word in their speech. An issue of dialects/game universe flavor in that case.

Furthermore, I will not do your legwork for you. If you wish to report an unlisted typo, you WILL include the id number of the unit or it will not be reported. Because I cannot be arsed to go through the unit DB to look at every unit that might have "Shaman" in the name and then poring over their descriptions to find which one(s) are affected.

Nothing personal, it's a matter of principle as much as anything else. If I give in just once and do people's digging for them, nobody will bother to report things in sufficient detail because they will assume I will take care of all the details.


lch March 9th, 2007 11:03 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
While I strongly doubt that it was intentionally entered incorrectly by the devs, it is a search and replace job and it should get replaced whereever found. "sed" does wonders.

I do not use any type of database program since I'm on Gentoo and I'd have to not only compile all of these bloatware programs by themself, but all the depencies that they require, too, which I of course don't want to do. But if there is some DB that includes the units/spell/whatever descriptions then please point me to where I can find them and I'll extract the id's out of there, using another machine to open it, maybe.

Edi March 9th, 2007 11:38 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Take a look at my sig. You need Open Office to read them, though.

You can also get unit ID numbers for specifc cases by selecting the unit for viewing and pressing shift-i. That will show you monster number as well as the weapon and armor numbers for the equipment it has.

Nick_K March 11th, 2007 07:55 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Hi, hopefully this is the right thread for this stuff and it's still being looked at. Anyway, during pretender design I noticed a few that aren't on the list here or the bug shortlist...

- The Great Black Bull pretender specifically mentions Pangaea in its unit description... but it is also available for Sauromatia.

<font color="green">- The Mother of Monsters has a few typos:
"The mother of monsters is an ancient being that have given birth..." This refers to one entity, so that 'have' sould be changed to 'has'. Also "As a mother of serpent-kin she sacred to lamias..." A typo here - the 'is' is missing. Sould be "she is sacred to lamias"

Just loaded up my Suromatia game...
The Oiorpata's description includes: "They young maidens...". This should be "The young maidens...".

(edit again)
The Witch King: "It is said that the blood of serpents flow in their veins". Should be "... the blood of serpents flows..."
Blood is uncountable so it's treated as a singular noun here.</font>

electricmayhem March 12th, 2007 01:57 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Site: Villa of Everchanging Fresques
Should be "Villa of Everchanging Frescoes"

I think Fresques is French for Frescoes, so perhaps it's a French magic site.

thejeff April 3rd, 2007 02:52 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
I'd thought I'd seen this reported before, but I can't find it.

The EA Vanheim Huskarls have their descriptions switched.

1508 has spear and javelin, but the description says axe and javelin.
1509 has axe and javelin, but the description says spear and javelin.

Edi April 3rd, 2007 05:01 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Good catch.

MaxWilson April 3rd, 2007 07:17 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

thejeff said:
The EA Vanheim Huskarls have their descriptions switched.

<font color="green">Not exactly typo-class, but EA Helheim's (Nation #16) description mentions skinshifters.

Military: Heavy infantry, skinshifters, valkyries, vanir
Magic: Earth, Air, Blood

It should read:

Military: Heavy infantry, valkyries, vanir
Magic: Earth, Death, Air</font>


Edit: I'm an idiot. Found the id # for Helheim in the mapedit manual.

Actuarian April 3rd, 2007 07:25 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

For unit ID's follow Edi's link for "Units, Weapons Armor" at the top of his sig.

lch April 11th, 2007 05:42 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
My pretender is the "Guardian of the Tablets of Destiny". This is supposed to be the "Tablets of Destinies".

Loren April 11th, 2007 07:05 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
A little more complex. Cast Strands of Arcane Power and get feebleminded from it. The message you get from this is quite wrong.

Edi April 12th, 2007 01:54 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

lch said:
My pretender is the "Guardian of the Tablets of Destiny". This is supposed to be the "Tablets of Destinies".

I presume you meant "Tablet of Destinies"?

vfb April 12th, 2007 06:16 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Individually named mercenaries are hired and fired with "have" instead of "has", eg:

"The Boar Mage have been bought..."


"The Boar Mage have left us...

lch April 12th, 2007 03:22 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

Edi said:
I presume you meant "Tablet of Destinies"?

yeah yeah http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

vfb April 13th, 2007 10:53 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Some units are pluralized incorrectly in the scouting descriptions.

#1689, Warrior of the Deep, is described as:

"The army consists of mainly Warrior of the Deeps."

That should probably be:

"The army consists of mainly Warriors of the Deep."

Edi April 13th, 2007 05:35 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
vfb, that's a function of how the scouting reports work. They just extract the unit name from somewhere else and add the plural s to the end. So anything that has a unit name of "x of y" is going to get reported as "z number of x of ys" instead of "z number of xs of y".

You could get it to work correctly, but that would require there to be a text list of name plurals for each unit and they would need to be linked so that it picks the name from the plural list instead of just retrieving the basic unit name.

It's probably doable, but it's a crapload of work for very little actual gain compared to many of the other unresolved issues (citadel battle graphics and other stuff in the shortlist).

vfb April 13th, 2007 07:46 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Agreed! It's a very minor issue, I just thought I'd document it.

And there is some other-than-add-an-s pluralization code, since in the case of units which are a "man", eg #928 Heavy Footman, the code does pluralize it correctly as Heavy Footmen. The code probably just looking for "man" at the end of the string or something like that. It could also search for " of ", to move the 's'.

MaxWilson April 13th, 2007 08:28 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Heh. On my mission in the Philippines, some missionaries would consistently refer to "Book of Mormons," ("We're running low on Book of Mormons") which drove other grammatically-inclined missionaries up the wall. "It's 'Books of Mormon!'" they would insist. Never did convince anyone to change their habits.

Americans are lazy about pluralization anyway. For instance, nobody ever says something like "There're two guys here to see you, Bob." It's always "There's two guys..."


lch April 14th, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

And there is some other-than-add-an-s pluralization code, since in the case of units which are a "man", eg #928 Heavy Footman, the code does pluralize it correctly as Heavy Footmen. The code probably just looking for "man" at the end of the string or something like that. It could also search for " of ", to move the 's'.

That's funny, this might be why the game makes the plural "Shamen" out of "Shaman" instead of "Shamans".


MaxWilson said:
Heh. On my mission in the Philippines, some missionaries would consistently refer to "Book of Mormons," ("We're running low on Book of Mormons") which drove other grammatically-inclined missionaries up the wall. "It's 'Books of Mormon!'" they would insist. Never did convince anyone to change their habits.

They should try "We're running low on Book of Morons"... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

vfb April 16th, 2007 02:52 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Two very minor typos:

<font color="green">Totem Shield (sorry, could not find item# in Edi's DB):
"striking it's wielder" should be "striking its wielder".

U1748 Mandaha:
"from it's will" should be "from its will".</font>

MaxWilson April 16th, 2007 04:43 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

lch said:

MaxWilson said:
Heh. On my mission in the Philippines, some missionaries would consistently refer to "Book of Mormons," ("We're running low on Book of Mormons") which drove other grammatically-inclined missionaries up the wall. "It's 'Books of Mormon!'" they would insist. Never did convince anyone to change their habits.

They should try "We're running low on Book of Morons"... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Well, it's a common enough mistake that I would hesitate to call someone a moron for making it... especially since our beloved Dominions 3 does it too.


Edi April 16th, 2007 04:50 AM

Re: In-Game Typos

vfb said:
Two very minor typos:

Totem Shield (sorry, could not find item# in Edi's DB):
"striking it's wielder" should be "striking its wielder".

U1748 Mandaha:
"from it's will" should be "from its will".

Totem Shield is 130. Should be in the file with the preliminary Item List (I'll have to finish that one, it sort of got sidelined). Noted.

There's going to be a lot of typo corrections if something that has been discussed with IW goes through, otherwise we're going to have to wait until Johan and Kristoffer get to them. Meanwhile, keep the reports coming. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

vfb April 24th, 2007 01:52 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
The gender of Pretenders gets confused in the game. It's quite funny in some cases:


... their lord and master ... he shall grant all his faithful ...

He's the Goddess of Birth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. Or a lumberjack, maybe.

There are some actual typos/grammar errors too:

", that prophecy is now fulfilled." should be ". That prophecy is now fulfilled."

"whom have not" should be "who have not"

"stamina, this" should be "stamina. This"

vfb April 24th, 2007 09:13 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Two more typos:

1) When designing a pretender and on the main design menu, hilighting "Magic" displays this help text:

Select your Pretender God's skill in the eigth different magic paths

Should be eight.

2) Armour #50 is "Weigthless Scale". It should be "Weightless".

lch April 24th, 2007 10:31 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
And you even missed the typo "prophesy" &lt;-&gt; "prophecy" there in your screenshot, unless that's the crazy british way to write it, again.

llamabeast April 24th, 2007 10:45 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
No crazy British there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif - it should be "prophecies" on both sides of the Atlantic.

vfb April 24th, 2007 12:03 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
Right, I missed that! "Prophesy" is always a verb, "prophecy" is always a noun, so in both cases in the dire portent, "prophecy"/"prophecies" should have been used.

Edi May 3rd, 2007 12:07 PM

Re: In-Game Typos

vfb said:
Two more typos:

1) When designing a pretender and on the main design menu, hilighting "Magic" displays this help text:

Select your Pretender God's skill in the eigth different magic paths

Should be eight.

2) Armour #50 is "Weigthless Scale". It should be "Weightless".

Thanks for these. They will be fixed in the future, though if not for this post, they'd have been missed.

lch May 4th, 2007 07:42 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
<font color="green">In the description of all Fir Bolg units, it reads "enchanted speras", which should be "enchanted spears".</font>

Edi May 5th, 2007 04:01 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Will be fixed. Proofreading all the units takes a while, but that one has been checked. Most typos in the game should be gone after the next patch.

vfb December 10th, 2007 04:38 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Typo in the water spell "Rain" battle enchantment description, it is described as "Natuaral Rain".

Edi December 10th, 2007 04:58 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Damn. That's a bad one to miss. I should've caught it with the Great Fixing.


vfb December 10th, 2007 05:10 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Nah, the great fixing was great! Can't catch everything.

One other typo that slipped through is "Select your Pretender God's skill in the eigth different magic paths" is still unfixed in 3.10, it should be "Select your Pretender God's skill in the eight different magic paths."

Edi December 10th, 2007 05:50 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
I actually did catch that one (it was reported and I noticed it on my own as well) and some of the other stuff such as event descriptions, global spell event descriptions etc, but they are in different source files (several files) than the spell, item and unit descriptions, so I could not touch them. I only had the description files to work with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

The "natuaral" in Rain description is a bona fide miss.

PurpleRhino December 12th, 2007 01:03 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
MA Bandar Log short description (on the nation selection screen) states that they use elepants. Not what these new things are, but I think I want one/some. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Kristoffer O December 13th, 2007 01:29 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
They glow in the dark http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

K December 13th, 2007 06:27 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
As long as we're on a typo hunt, the heroic quality that gives reinvigoration uses the word "unbelivable" rather than "unbelievable."

vfb December 13th, 2007 06:44 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
There's a few more in heroic qualities:

Cruelty: renowened -&gt; renowned, afflicitons-&gt;afflictions
Research: extraorinary -&gt; extraordinary
Precision: precison -&gt; precision

cleveland December 24th, 2007 01:16 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
1 Attachment(s)
For the mercenary "Mighty Pak-ur":

"Pak-ur doesn't command any men but is quite huge himself. and has 2 month remaining on current contract"

Should be:

"Pak-ur doesn't command any men but is quite huge himself. He has X month(s) remaining on his current contract."

Screenshot attached.

NTJedi December 24th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: In-Game Typos
On a side note... I believe shrapnelgames.com should start a poll asking if gamers would purchase an updated manual. They could send an email to those who purchased the game as well with a link to the poll... then they could decide if a second manual would be worth the profit.

Lots of information could be corrected and updated from the current manual.

Agrajag December 25th, 2007 06:40 AM

Re: In-Game Typos
Umm, yeah, turns out I forgot to put it down here :S
In the Immortality trait description it says "capitial" instead of "capital"
(Made a search the last time I wrote it down and it found nothing, so I'm guessing this is unknown so far.)

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