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Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Turn 100!!)
<font color="red">Radiance</font>
Radiance Status Page Game Type: TCP/IP (static server) Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 12 turns moving to 48 hours per host. Quickhost enabled. Era: Middle Players: 21 (all) Start: Once we are all filled! Nation Selection: Random with exceptions (see below) Map: 16.6 provinces per player pre-generated map. Victory Conditions: 225 out of 350 (~65%) provinces controlled, or the surrendering of all other players. Graphs: On Magic Site Freq: 50 Hall of Fame: 15 Renaming: On Everything Else: Defaults Masterpass: There will be one Length: If you arent eliminated this game might last 6+ Months. Be prepared! Velusion - Pythium Hadrian II - T'ien Ch'i Meglobob - Agartha Wraithlord - Pangaea BanderLover - C'tis FAJ - Shinuyama Manuk - Arcoscephale cupido2 - Atlantis RentACop - Man JayThomas - R'lyeh Baalz - Abysia Frank Trollman - Caelum K - Mictlan Reverend Zombie - Jotunheim Kojusoki - Marignon Zolharm - Ermor Blofeld - Oceania Shovah32 - Ulm Hurst - Vanheim BigDisAwesome - Bander Log Shmonk - Machaka Alternate: Reay Nation Selection: Once the game is full I will randomly assign nations out. When signing up players may request up to TWO nations they DONT want. These are nations you DO NOT want to play. Sign up in this thread. After nations are assigned Ill need you to email (or PM if you want to keep it private) your pretender password. This is because Ive had issues with the Master Password working in the past AND so we can give your nation to another human player if you disappear. This is not optional. Once I have your password Ill send you the ip/port of the server where you can upload your pretender. Once everyone is uploaded Ill send out an email listing everyones email contact for diplomacy purposes and add you to the game turn email notification list (unless you specify otherwise). Then the game starts. Quickhost will be enabled. The first 12 turns will be set to have a 24 autohost so expect to do at least a turn a day for the first couple weeks. After that the timer will increase to 48 hours though it is hoped that players will normally still be able to play every 24 hours, with the occasional missed day. As turns take longer in late game this might increase further. As players get eliminated we can be more flexible with extensions and extended absences, but not in the first few weeks. A small version of the map we will be using is here. The map has been tweaked to ensure (hopefully) that all players that start on land have at least four land neighbors and all players that start at sea have 3 sea neighbors. I have also tweaked the ocean connections so that separated sea provinces connect to each other across straits (hence all the seas are linked). This map is a result of lots of random generation and a wee bit of photoshopping. Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply let me know so we can find a replacement or turn the nation to AI. If you will be unavailable for longer than a few days please let me know. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting us know will get you put on AI. If I think you are missing too many turns (e.g. 3 out of the last 6) I will put you on AI. Once I am eliminated (*coughisuckcough*) Ill rely on the remaining players to tell me when something needs done with the game. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
i d like to join.
and i dont want to play Man or Arco |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Well as one of my MP's as finished, why not?
I do not want to play Shinuyama or Bandar Log. Thanks for hosting. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I would like to join. thanks.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'll give it a go. Thanx.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
2 of my MPs finished, so i am snatching up velusion games all that I can:) you run a good MP.
I don't want Ulm or Caelum (and i don't want C'tis, but thats because its buggy and no one should have to play it) |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
id like to join.
random is ok. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to join too. I take what I get.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Count me in.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to join if room. Anything but Ermor (haven't played them yet is SP).
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'll play, but not Mictlan or Bandar Log.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
editted: nm, just noticed no mods.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to play.
I'll opt out of Agartha and Bandar Log. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like in, too, please--whatever is fine.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Id like to play - not as Ulm or Oceania please.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to join.
And i don't want to play ULM or MICTLAN |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to join as well, wouldn't want to play Ulm though. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Id like in, no TC or Mictlan please.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'd like to play as well. I don't have any problems with the different races, so whatever is fine.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
i'd like in. just be patient if i'm a total noob, it's my first MP game. no oceania or atlantis please.
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'll join.
And I'll opt out of Mictlan and Abysia. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Nations are assigned on the front page! Now I need an email sent to velusion(@at@)sbcglobal.net with your pretender password (or you can PM me if you want to keep your email private). Once I get that Ill share the server IP/port with you and you can upload your pretender file.
Looks like we got a good mix of inexperienced and experienced players. I've never played Pythium before but they share some troop similarities to Ermor (which I'm familiar with) so hopefully I won't be too lost. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I happen to already be playing Shinuyama in another game. If anyone would like to trade, let me know.
(Velusion said trading would be kosher) |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
So the server isn't overloaded come start time you can manually get the rather large map (6 meg zipped) now here.
Unzip the .tga file to your dominions3\maps folder. This isn't required but I would suggest it. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Mmmmm.....Miasma. Sure hope my neighbors don't mind low-lying, pestilence filled swampland. It's like Louisiana, without the yokels. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Disclaimer: Louisiana is a wonderful place and I would never consider their grand state a putrescent, west nile virus cesspool. Yokels? Oh yeah, they're there. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
We have a little more than half of the nations uploaded. I'm sure the forum being down for most of the day slowed us down.
For those left I need an email sent to velusion(@at@)sbcglobal.net with your pretender password (or you can PM me if you want to keep your email private). Once I get that I'll share the server IP/port with you and you can upload your pretender file. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Err, noob question: How to upload the pretender? I clicked on the "open" next to Atlantis and it is now human controlled. Was the pretender automaticly uploaded?
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Just hit disconnect... you're ready to go. I'll make an annoucement once the game is started. |
I've heard from everyone but Shovah32. Still need the following uploaded:
FAJ - Shinuyama Reverend Zombie - Jotunheim (forthcoming tonight) Shovah32 - Ulm Then we are ready to go. For those that sent me a PM instead of an email be aware you aren't going to get the hosting notifications. If you would like to get them just send me your email address and I'll add you. |
Re: Status
sorry, was still crossing my fingers for a switch http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif.
Uploaded. |
Re: Status
did we start? i have a "frozen" window...
Re: Status
We haven't started yet. Just waiting on Shovah32 now.
Re: Status
In the interests of moving this game along we will give Shovah32 24 hours to upload a pretender. If I don't hear from him I'll contact my alternate to take his spot.
Re: Status
yeah you do that
Re: Status
Ive already uploaded. Sorry for the delay, I completely forgot about this game.
Re: Status
Game has started!
Be expecting some delays as people have to download quite a big map. If you get stuck at the screen hanging either wait it out (might be awhile) or try back later. |
Re: Status
Let's get it on!!
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
4 hrs left and only Hadrian/T'ien Ch'i to do there turn. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Hadrian II is in all the other games I host and this would be his first miss! He probably forgot these are 24 hour turns, unlike my other games which are 48!
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I know this isn't an "RP" game, but from time to time (If I last long enough that is)I will post small stories for the nation I'm playing. I do this for the same reason I play music : it is as much for the audience's enjoyment as it is for my own creative outlet. So while I write this solely for the pleasure of writing, I also hope some people will actually enjoy it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Deep within the effluvium mists of the swamps of C'tis there is a valley; a valley filled with the ancient and crumbling ziggurats of entombed Lizard Kings. All is still in this Valley of Death, no wind stirs it's reed-filled wrens. Even the constant droning of insects and other swamplife seems muted here. The only person - and don't ever make the mistake of calling him that to his face - that can be seen in this early morning backdrop is Shagruh'Kahn, Lizard Captain of the first regiment. Despite his heavy plate curaiss, he sluices through the stagnant pools with ease. A falchion hangs heavily from his side, his shield slung over his left shoulder tapping a soft *rap* on his armored back. He was a large lizardman, even by C'tis standards. He stalked towards one of the ziggurats,his yellow eyes intent on his destination. There tomb of Ignokt. While not as majestically big as other tombs in the valley, this one was no less important. More than five centuries before, Ignokt had ruled a cult of Sauromancers that became the most powerful cult C'tis had seen. So powerful in fact that many of the entombed kings in this valley kept Ignokt around as their most trusted advisor. Ignokt was privy to all kingdom affairs and his success was seen as a very direct threat to the preistly sect that usually acted in advisory roles for the king. In deed, many viewed Ignokt as being the true king, since so often his ideas became Kingdom decrees. Despite many attempts on his life, Ignokt sat at the side of four successions of kings, his presence often the only constant in the fratricide that followed the oft untimely death of one ruler or another. But as he aged, Ignokt realized his power would soon cease with his death and so began preparations to return once his mortal shell ceased its functions of living. That was two hundred years ago. And that was why Shagru'Kahn came here now. Shagru'Kahn was not surprised to see the tomb door opened nor was he surprised to see Khre'el-abubal inside. The king-priest was kneeling in the water that, even in here, seemed to cover all the surface of the kingdom. Many saw this as a good omen and fervently prayed for the spread of swampland to cover the earth. Khre'el-abubal seemed entranced before the sarcophagus at which he knelt, his purple robes swaying gently with his body as he chanted meditatively. Shagru'Kahn paused in the tomb doorway, absent-mindedly snatching up a foot long reptile that had scurried within his reach. He tore it's small body in two between his poweful jaws and swallowed the morsel in one gulp. For the first time, Khre'el-abubal took notice of the captains presence. "It is almost time," the king-priest croaked dryly over his shoulder. Shagru'Kahn grunted in reply. "But there are many who will not be pleased by this occurence," Khre'el-abubal continued. "The surrounding nations will attempt to stop his return." Shagru'Kahn spat in contempt. "Let them try. I've slain more numbers of their kind than I can remember. Their bodies will be swallowed by the waters of C'tis, decaying within her pools, giving it more life." The captain thought of those surrounding 'peoples'- and he used that term very loosely - as a nuisance at the very least, as vermin meant for destruction at the very best. Just thinking of those 'humans' with their soft, pink flesh and their crunchable, sweet-marrow filled bones- Shagru'Kahn stuffed the last half of swamp reptile into his now salivating gullet and swallowed once. "He will come again," he stated further,"And when he does, I've no doubt that he willreward those who faithfully attended him before his revival." Khre'el-abubal nodded and very nearly smiled, as near as his reptilian features would allow anyway. "Yesss," he said softly, trailing his 's',"There is no doubt that his return is imminent. No doubt at all." |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
there is nothing more fun, than a stale as the first turn :/
well but [censored] happens. <- lol, the censor here is quite strict http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif good game everyone btw. i might just attack c'tis to see what bandarlover writes about it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Woe and tragedy are my specialties. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif You'd prolly wipe the field with me Hadrian. Hope you enjoyed the read.
Gandalf Parker had a link in this forum to a battle report that was quite entertaining as well. Forget what it was called though. |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
Is the server down?
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
Seemingly yes.
-Frank |
Re: Radiance Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Aren't the C'tissian Lizardmen supposed to be herbivorous, BandarLover?
Like the fiction, though. |
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