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The Mod List (updated 24th feb)
Re: The Mod List
You are missing, among others:
Haida Gwaii Trade Confederation the various Crusade mods Hoburgs Machaka, EA (spider cult) This post should probably get a sticky if it is kept complete. |
Re: The Mod List
I know I'm missing lots, I'll get them all up bit by bit. If you know that one works with 3.06 that's certainly useful to know. I'll edit a few more in now.
Re: The Mod List
Marignon Reborn works with 3.06.
Hoburg Alliance SE is found here, also works with 3.06. Hoburg Alliance SE. |
Re: The Mod List
Haida Gwaii is 3.6 compatible and actually uses some of the new modding commands from that patch http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Also, it is being balanced towards vanilla.
Re: The Mod List
Has Haida Gwaii been released, I didn't see the mod as downloadable in the original thread ?
Or is it still in beta, only available on request ? |
Re: The Mod List
Re: The Mod List
Just doing nation mods or others?
I'm liking worthy heroes (1.06? Adds 2 or 3 heroes per race) and Alexanders Healing gods (Dom2 but works fine in 3.06, gives all gods recup). I also like the scales mod from the conceptual balance mod - although while I know a lot like it, not exactly my cup of tea. Not sure on authors, everything but the healing gods was from this forum. |
Re: The Mod List
Re: The Mod List
I'm just doing nation mods for now, but I'll do misc mods (like the excellent streamers and standards) later.
Amos, am I right to mark all of your mods as 'no' for balanced with vanilla? I'm just going by what people said in the threads and what you yourself said. I still think your mods are excellent and creative for SP (which is what modding's about really). |
Re: The Mod List
They are not balanced.
Re: The Mod List
This looks like a sincere effort to maintain a mod list.
Are you also going to create a categories for non-nation mods? Such as Balance mod Random mod Play All Nations in one game mod Since its a good effort Im willing to sticky it. Id have preferred a thread to track everything in this forum. Mods, Maps, Tools.. in order to avoid a screenful of stickies. But I cant really ask someone to tackle that. |
Re: The Mod List
Sombre, I'm happy you took this idea up. Good start! Perhaps the authors of the various mods can help you by posting here in a format you request, so you only have to "compile" instead of hunting around!
For example, Quote:
I'll act on my words with the following: Quote:
Also, can we request the forum mods to make this post a "sticky" so it doesn't drift down where it's hard to find? |
Re: The Mod List
I had already said that I would.
But you have to say that and then let it sit for abit. Otherwise everyone wonders where the post went. |
Re: The Mod List
Yes, I'll add in various misc mods as well as nation mods. I probably won't add every small balance or fix mod, but the larger ones will be in there eventually.
It's not terribly hard for me to keep it up to date with version changes, although it would help if people could point out any errors in the list or remind me to update something. Two notes - I'm including 'works with 3.06' rather than 'requires minimum dom3 vers of..' because I have to assume that most people are using 3.06, especially people who are using mods. I understand that 3.06 won't work for people who got their copy a 'certain' way, but there's not much that can be done about that. Most mods will work ok on 3.00 anyway - It's what I was using until recently - but some might not work with 3.06 or whatever the latest version is at any given moment. - Balanced for vanilla doesn't mean that anyone is /certain/ that's it's balanced, just that it was made with balance in mind or made to be used with vanilla settings. So if you make a new nation and you use your own pricing scheme or do not refer to the prices etc of vanilla dominions nations then that's a 'no', but if you /try/ to balance it to vanilla that's a 'yes', although obviously balance is always a work in progress (even for Illwinter). |
Re: The Mod List
"Theran Empire, Reign of the Vampiri" link sends you to the "Blood Elves" mod.
Re: The Mod List
Name: Mytheology Hyperlink: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 Type: Pretenders Version: 1.5 Final: No (ongoing) Author: Psientist Desc: Seventeen new Pretenders including six brand new deities and eleven Pretenders formally available only as Summons. There are a few Super Combatants and some very powerful magic-users. The new Pretenders include: Desire (New - Middle Man), Fallen Angel (Pythium Middle), Grim Reaper (New: Ermor, All Ages), Heliophagus (Abysia Late), King of Banefires (Yomi Early), King of Deeper Earth (Argatha Early), Lord of the Plague Wind (Machaka Middle), Monkey King (New - Kailasa Early, Bandar Log Middle, Patala Late), Morpheus (New - Arcocephale Late), Pantokrator (New - All), Queen of the Sea (Oceania Early), Queen of Thunder (Caelum Early), Shah of Djinn and Ifreet (custom graphic - Marignon Middle), Tarrasque (New - Maverni Early), Teratos Rex (New - C'Tis Early), Treelord (custom graphic - Pangea Early), Vastness (Ryleh Middle) 3.06 Compatible: Yes Balanced for vanilla: Yes |
Re: The Mod List
Here are links to my few miscellanous mods. I'm posting them here for ease of use more than to have them categorized, but wouldn't mind if they eventually got added to a list of some kind.
Name: Anansi, God Spider Version: 1.00 Final: Yes Author: Endoperez Desc: This mod adds a shapechanging pretender for Machaka. It's relatively balanced, but can probably be abused due to its non-generic combination of abilities (stealthy monster-pretender with pathcost 30). 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: yes Name: Castle Wyvern, incomplete Version: 0.50 Final: Yes Author: Endoperez Desc: This is an incomplete mod that will eventually add one random magic site to the list of randomly appearing Dom3 magic sites. However, due to modding restrictions, currently it only gives MA Agartha access to units that don't fit it. The final version won't give MA Agartha any new units unless my plans change a lot. 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: not as of 0.5 Name: Charge!, a magic item mod Version: 1.00 Final: Yes Author: Endoperez Desc: This simple mod changes all one-handed, magical spears so that they deal extra damage (AP dependent) on first hit, just like light lances. 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: yes |
Re: The Mod List
Some Dominions 2 maps (not mine, but I've tested). Apologies to all authors whose mods' descriptions were not done justice, or who have active threads I've missed:
Type of Mod: Map Name: FAERUN - THE FORGOTTEN REALMS (324 province "small" version) Hyperlink to download: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do...n_small_v2.rar Version: Dominions 2 Tested on Dominions 3 Author: Edi Description: 324 provinces (41 sea, 283 land). In the midst of the Godswar, new powers from outside the known planes of existence have invaded the Forgotten Realms and overthrown the old pantheon and its overgod, Ao. With the newcomer Gods falling into disagreement over the division of their conquest, a great upheaval has come upon Faerun. Out of the ashes of the old order they have gathered armies of followers, each determined to vanquish their erstwhile allies and claim sole Dominion over Faerun. Type of Mod: Map Name: The Harsh Land of Io Hyperlink to download: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/downloads/io.rar Version: Dominions 2 Tested on Dominions 3 Author: texAnimator Description: 133 provinces. Three hundred years after the great cataclysm of the 'Burning Times,' life once again starts to flourish in the realm of Io. The water is tainted, turned to lava and blood. The forests are gone, and much of the land is scorched waste. Food grows in rare fields of Flesh Trees. Type of Mod: Map Name: Land of Shahrivar Hyperlink to download: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do.../shahrivar.rar Version: Dominions 2 Tested on Dominions 3 Author: Sachka Description: Shahrivar is a persian month that ends summer and opens autumn. Its name means Tempting Territory... The nations fight to control the ancient sites revealed by the sacred map, and above all, the legendary Sunken Island of Naerun Sea. (180 provinces, no sea-players. You need 16 VP to win (total VP : 31). Type of Mod: Map Name: Drea Hyperlink to download: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do.../drea-v4.3.rar Version: 4.3 / Dominions 2 Tested on Dominions 3 Author: Chazar Description: 49 provinces, of which are 12 water, 8+1 cities, 12 forests, 3 mountains, 3 wastelands, and 2 swamps. 2-8 players, independent strength 5, victory points (11). Type of Mod: Map Name: The Hyborian Age Hyperlink to mod post: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...ev=#Post474728 Version: 1.0 (Dominions 3) Author: Original by Chrysagon - Dominions map by Frank Trollman Description: 114 Provinces. Conquer the world in the Hyborian age. Are you as powerful a god as Crom? Type of Mod: Map Name: The Land of Loemendor Hyperlink to download: http://www.strife.com/dominions-2/do.../Loemendor.rar Version: Dominions 2 Tested on Dominions 3 Author: Kalle Ojala (Kaljamaha) with feedback from Esko Halttunen (Edi). Description: 157 provinces, of which 142 land and 15 underwater. Recommended settings: 5-8 players, max. 1 underwater nation, 1 starting province, 7+ independents, 40- sites. |
Re: The Mod List
I added an extra bit to the list at the start which will make note of mod combinations that work. Hopefully we'll be able to get a few of these sorted out so people can enjoy fairly heavily modded games without worrying that they are all running over each other and causing problems.
I'll add the extra stuff in this thread to the list at a later date. My connection is acting a bit screwy right now. |
Re: The Mod List
Psientist, you're soon enough going to get new versions of both Faerun and Loemendor. I'll be doing Faerun and Kaljamaha has the Dom3 Loemendor coming along.
Edi |
Re: The Mod List
excellent! Some of my favorite maps.
Re: The Mod List
Lots of little bits added and updated. I'll try to play every mod on the list as time goes by, give a short opinion on each of them.
Re: The Mod List
Mytheology update:
version 1.52 Description "Seventeen new Pretenders and two new Blood spells including six brand new deities and eleven Pretenders formally available only as Summons. There are a few Super Combatants and some very powerful magic-users. The new Pretenders include: Desire (New - Middle Man), Fallen Archangel (Marignon Middle and Late), Grim Reaper (New: Ermor, All Ages), Heliophagus (Abysia Late), King of Banefires (Yomi Early), King of Deeper Earth (Argatha Early), Lord of the Plague Wind (Machaka Middle), Monkey King (New - Kailasa Early, Bandar Log Middle, Patala Late), Morpheus (New - Arcocephale Late), Pantokrator (New - All), Queen of the Sea (Oceania Early), Queen of Thunder (Caelum Early), Shah of Djinn and Ifreet (custom graphic - Marignon Middle), Tarrasque (New - Maverni Early), Teratos Rex (New - C'Tis Early), Treelord (custom graphic - Pangea Early), Vastness (Ryleh Middle)" Final: Getting There |
Re: The Mod List
For the record, I found updating the Mod Index (before I went overseas) to be quite a chore and would *love* it if others would continue the work - a group effort for group benefit =).
Re: The Mod List
Well thanks for the effort.
Maybe someone else will pick up on it. |
Re: The Mod List
Re: The Mod List
Name: Single Age mod
Type: crazy games Version: 1.00 Final: might update it for new nations Author: Gandalf Parker Desc: This places all of the early, mid, and late era nations into the early era. With this mod enabled you can play early Ulm against late Ulm. Or you can put all 77 nations into one game. Great for playing on a giant 1500 province map. 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: yes note:It also includes the empty slots which are named "filler" and their slot number. note2:Will not work for starting a game on servers. |
Re: The Mod List
Name:Sar Elad, Age of Miracles
Version: 0.60 Final: No. Author: Nerfix Desc: Sar Elad is a kingdom of men who were led from slavery to freedom by a great Prophet. 3.06 Compatible: ? Balanced for vanilla: Yes. This mod overlaps Lanka, needs to be cleared before made or have the nation spot it uses changed. |
Re: The Mod List
Name: Ulm Update
Version: 0.90 Final: Yes, unless bugs appear Author: Endoperez Desc: This mod makes MA Ulm slightly more powerful. All Black Plate untis get better armor for the same cost (22 instead of 20 protection, helm doesn't have -1 def), most of their commanders get Standard, some of their commanders can levy militia, and they get two new commanders. One of the new commanders is a good archer, other basically Lord Guardian recruitable everywhere. In short, Ulm gets more protection, a way to keep their forces from routing, cheap light infantry, an archer chassis and a thug chassis. 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: yes |
Re: The Mod List
You may want to add Lllamabeasts Reduced Old Age mod, as i think it is very good mod for a select niche of players.
My Beowulf mod is also complete, but it is only applicable to MA Man, and may be too narrow in scope to be included. |
Re: The Mod List
You can post at least your own mod, and I don't think Llamabeast would have anything against someone else doing the tedious work of writing a post in the proper form. Quote someone's post, change the details and remember to remove the quote marks before posting.
Re: The Mod List
Endoperez said:
Name: Brothers of the Cave Version: 0.90 Final: Yes, unless heavy critisism is voiced Author: Endoperez Desc: This mod creates two new heroes for Agartha. Obsidian Medium is available for both MA and LA Agartha, and gives them easier access to Death and Water. Agent of the Oracles is a MA Agarthan hero with weak magic, but a very useful Death/Fire combination. 3.06 Compatible: yes Balanced for vanilla: yes |
Re: The Mod List
I'm going to update this today. Compatible with 3.06 is going to be replaced with 3.08 and undoubtedly a whole bunch of ???? for most mods. I'll also add various new bits and pieces, try to make it a bit more accurate etc.
Once that's done, I have to update pretty much all of the mods I've made to work with 3.08, it seems. Doh. UPDATED. There's still some more to do and I'll do it later. In the meantime, if you think something should be added, put it in this thread in the format I've used. It makes updating this much easier. |
Re: Beowulf Final Version 3.08
After much testing, Beowulf, who is also included as the Epic Hero for Man in the Epic Heroes Mod, has received his final changes. Beowulf now has a Longbow of Avalon, a shield bash ability, and a Thunder kick. The description of his allies, the Geatas Stoneguards was beefed up.
This mod adds an epic hero Beowulf that is present from the start for MA Man. It also slightly twinks the Tower guard, giving it a bit more protection at the cost of defense, and a morale boost of 1. He was also given a makemonster command and he makes an entirely new thematic unit that was researched from the book Beowulf itself. The units are real, the nation is real. Kristopher may even recognize them if he is up on his Nordic history! They are fierce, because that is the way they actually were. The reason he was given a makemonster ability is so he can do something constructive at a castle. The casting heroes can research, hunt for gems, and forge items, a melee only hero can patrol(how exciting). So I borrowed the idea from Arralen and he summons consistently with Arralen's Black Duke of Ulm in his Black Steel Ulm mod. The difference is Beowulf is the only unit that can summon for Man, so it is not unbalanced. The troops Beowulf can summon make him more fun, as i think the new units he summons are fun-and quite useful. |
Re: Beowulf Final Version 3.08
As a suggestion, you'd better just link to your mod's thread instead of attaching the mod here.
Re: Beowulf Final Version 3.08
Name: Carthacia, Early
Version: 0.02 Final: No. Author: DrPraetorious Desc: Adds a nation of sailing hoburgs to the early era. Has powerful sacreds, above average magic. Needs a lot of work, heavy revision. 3.08 Compatible: Yes. Balanced for vanilla: Eventually, but probably not now. Name: Carthacia, Late Version: 0.01 Final: No Author: DrPraetorious Descr: Adds a nation of bloodthirsty, militaristic hoburgs to the late era. Magic is about average for the late era, but you can recruit clockwork monsters for resources only (0 gold) out of all of your castles, and a bunch of elite units which would be powerful if they weren't hoburgs. Also, you get very good sacred unit availability for the late era. On the downside, everyone is hoburgs. Also has a nice suite of national spells in blood and construction. 3.08 Compatible: Yes. Balanced for vanilla: Maybe. Will be eventually. |
Re: The Mod List
Interesting bug. if you play with greyhawk mod and teutanion both on and play as greyhawk both nations units are available.
PS when this happened i also had nova deus on, not sure if that was a factor |
Re: The Mod List
That sounds like fun. Might be worth doing on purpose.
Re: The Mod List
Its not a bug. They must be using the same nation number.
I have streamlined and updated the mod list, removing some of the stuff that was too much work keeping up to date, or was too subjective.
If I've missed a mod or two, let me know. |
Absarokahas come to Version 1.0
Name: Absaroka Version: 1.0 Final: Quite - further update can include better graphics, flavor text and small changes but the nation should work as it is. Author: Maraxus Descr: Adds a new nation to te Mid Era: Absaroka. A tribal nation that has found a connection to their wild side. Wendigos are heavy, recruitable thugs. 3.08 Compatible: Yes. Balanced for vanilla: I think so. |
I'm not going to add my mod to the modlist until it's ready, but I'll reserve this space until I do.
Re: F\'Thaqqua
HoneyBadger, there is not a limited number of replies. Also if you add your nation at that spot when there is several replies odds are that your post is missed when the first post is updated.
Re: F\'Thaqqua
Here is a link to the wonderful long-lost AI Mictlan mod that Sombre did. It does appear to help Mictlan avoid that death by lack of domain in the first 10 turns of the game.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...?Number=504412 |
Re: F\'Thaqqua
Wonderful? It's a two entry piece of crap :]
Black Tome
I was a bit surprised I didn't see the Black Tome of Aliscophale and its blessing hotfix.
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...;Number=500877 |
Re: Black Tome
Must have missed it. I'll add it next time around.
Re: Black Tome
"New Crobuzon" nation mod is here .
Re: Black Tome
Is there a mod that let's you see all the units in the game like Saber Cherry's BlackUnit View mod for Dominions 2?
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