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sprites: request to devs
i believe there was an image file a while ago which had the sprites used for the dom2 maps, i was wondering if we could get a similar image containing the dom3 sprites?
Re: sprites: request to devs
Kristoffer has made some posts to the effect that he would be willing to release the sprites. I'll let him confirm that, though.
Edi |
Re: sprites: request to devs
I'm willing. Just need to focus http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: sprites: request to devs
excellent thanks.
i'd like to package them in with my map generator, so people don't have to try and find their own, if you wouldn't mind that is? |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Kristoffer, any new info on getting those sprites?
Re: sprites: request to devs
Just a friendly bump.
Re: sprites: request to devs
Ah. thanks for the bump. JK has shown me how it's done. We are making a zip now.
Sprites are just dumped from the army files and thus unsorted and unedited, meaning you will find old and ugly sprites that are not used any longer. THere is no way of knowing which sprite is which until you open it. In short, a renaming project is probably needed if they are to be useful for most modders. Still it's a beginning. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
1 Attachment(s)
3550 unsorted sprites http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: sprites: request to devs
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: sprites: request to devs
Wow, if you look at them in full screen mode its really easy to see which ones have been updated from the old days, and which ones havent.
Thank you for this. Maybe we can get the online library updated with them now that we have the attack sprites also. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Thank you Aristander for bumping this!
and a big THANK YOU! to KO for sharing these with us! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: sprites: request to devs
thanks Kristoffer and Aristander
to all, expect a quicky update for the MapGen with sprites added sometime soon |
Re: sprites: request to devs
You have made countless modders very, VERY happy.
Re: sprites: request to devs
I'm happy
Re: sprites: request to devs
I'm ecstatic.
Anyone know of a good (prefereably free) program for previewing .tga files? Opening them one at a time in GIMP is actually kinda a pain. Do we want to split this up and coordinate renaming efforts? If we split it ten ways, each of will only have to rename 355 sprite files. To get the ball rolling, I'll volunteer (and start working on) army5_*. For ease of book-keeping, I propose the following renaming scheme: army5_-0.tga is a picture of a brown bear, so I will rename it: army5_-0-BrownBear1.tga army5_-1.tga is, unsurprisingly, the other sprite for the same unit. army5_-0-BrownBear2.tga Note the additional "-" and the BouncingCaps. So I'm going to start renaming army5, I'll post it as an attachment when I'm done, and if everyone claims a subset of files here and then keeps to my arbitrary conventions we should have a more useful archive post-haste. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
One more suggestion - if you don't know what a sprite is (exactly), put double parens () at the end of the filename.
e.g.: army5_-3-BlueCloud().tga Some of these will probably be unused sprites. This way we can work out details (which Pan is which, etc.) later. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
drP, use irfanview
Re: sprites: request to devs
One more change. The 1 and 2 after the unit description are redundant since the two poses are always adjacent, so I've stopped adding them.
Re: sprites: request to devs
1 Attachment(s)
PB, thanks! Irfanview works great.
Here's army 5 with preliminary labels. I think, actually, that labels reflecting the armament and description of the unit are probably going to be more useful to modders, rather than the name of the corresponding in game unit, especially for humanoid troops. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Irfanview also has a module you can download for it which will let you view RGB files. That way you can easily view ALL of the maps in the maps directory.
Re: sprites: request to devs
Just got home... Is there an easy way that anyone has seen to tie a unit number(s) to a sprite set? I am just a day or two from completing my province editor. It currently includes data filtering for units, items and magic sites (thanks to Edi's fantastic db!) and links to the online unit list graphics, but I would like to include the sprites in a preview of some sort. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: sprites: request to devs
They might be kindof in order but I didnt verify that
Re: sprites: request to devs
I gotta say that complaints about the graphics of dom3 really sell the beauty of all of these unit sprites short. Just browsing them en masse like this truly makes me appreciate the beauty of them. The time and care that has gone into making graphics with such detail and character while at the same time keeping the canvas and memory use so small deserves praise. Not to mention how this format makes it much more user friendly for modders and tinkerers. (Is tinkerers a word? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif )
Thanks again KO. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif |
Re: sprites: request to devs
They really expose the crassness of what you get in a lot of videogames nowadays.
Certainly, it's nice to have a lot of pixels and polygons to work with, but if someone can actually draw (disclaimer - I cannot) they can convey the character of something with a simple line or, in this case, with a relatively tiny number of pixels. From a la-de-da hoity-toity artistic standpoint, the ability to do good pixel art (as we see in dom3) is really quite refined. I can do this pretty quickly so I'll just go ahead and label all the sprites myself. I'm not going to have time to match them to unit #s, I'm afraid, but I'll at least include a useful description of each sprite. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
If we didn't already have perfect sprite extraction (minus the attack sprites) this would be more of a big deal, but it's still pretty huge.
Hopefully this will encourage people to have a go at their own graphics for mods. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
i think that i might finish up a mod of my own now that i have unit sprites
Re: sprites: request to devs
Re: sprites: request to devs
1 Attachment(s)
Here comes some mapstuff.
Re: sprites: request to devs
thank you tha
nk you thank you thank you |
Re: sprites: request to devs
I can't find the clockwork horror. Has anyone seen it? I must just not be seeing it for some reason 'cause I've scrolled through the list a couple times.
Re: sprites: request to devs
army7_-274 and 275
Re: sprites: request to devs
Is there any way we could get a cross index of some kind matching sprite files with unit numbers? I did a quick program to rename sprite sets to a unit number format in the hopes that the sprites would appear in a 0 based order, but the results are mixed. Many match, but many are out of sorts. Any help would be very much appreciated. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: sprites: request to devs
If you've got even a partially-correct list, go ahead and post it. We can fix the errors as we find them.
Actually, I think a list indexed by sprite-description might be more useful than one indexed by unit-#. I was thinking of this hierarchy: nation / type (cavalry, infantry, etc.) / armament-type / sprite |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Unfortunately no such luck. Units are more or less given sprites in order, but some units share sprites and some sprites have been replaced by later sprites making it all very unorganized.
Re: sprites: request to devs
It does however make it interesting to see the growth of the game. The order that nations, pretenders and summons were created in.
Re: sprites: request to devs
More or less. Some remakes are made as overwrites, others are added last (unit data changed to point at a new sprite).
Re: sprites: request to devs
As far as a list goes, my program only pulled out the base unit sprites (leaving the attack sprites behind) and did a simple renaming of the tga to a "00001.tga" format. I started a spreadsheet, but didn't get far enough to justify uploading it. If/when I go back to it, I will refine it a little to get as close as I can with minimal work and then I will share it with you and anyone else interested. KO, Ah well, thanks anyhow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I didn't want to spend a lot of time reinventing an index that you might already have available. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
This is a collage with all (or well at least almost, I might have missed a few) the sprites. (Excluding attack poses)
Not organized in any way but just nice too look at. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://www.mediafire.com/?2g1dojxibrs |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Gabriella - that is absolutely fantastic! Thanks so much. That's really great for finding sprites to use/modify for mod units.
May I ask, how did you do it? |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Dunno how Gabriella did it, but Imagemagick is quite useful for stuff like that.
P.S.: Some of those sprites are attack sprites, but it's nonetheless a nice collage to look at. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
ImageMagick will also generate a handy thumbnail-to-file page. But I couldnt figure out what file I would want a thumbnail to click to. Maybe the old sprite library which was made with screenshots of the units info screen? Or a zip of just that units sprites? (but that seemed to make the ripping off of the game images too easy)
Re: sprites: request to devs
They are viewable online here...
http://www.dom3minions.com/sprites/ |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Hey, with all due respect.. I think this is the wrong way to go about it.
Why not dump each .tga into a database entry, (web enabled) with columns for searchinng, and description. But the neat thing would be that then people could update the info a few at a time whenever they wanted... like 307 - Sphinx... 5-105 Large Air Elemental2 With everyone working on it a few at a time we'd be done in no time.... Chris |
Re: sprites: request to devs
If you have any idea how to do that chris, please go ahead and set it up. I'm sure we would all help complete it.
Re: sprites: request to devs
Sure. A SQL file. Relational Database.
One index key would be the unit number as is used in maps and mods. Another index key would be the text name of the unit. And another for the .tga file since the other two keys wont cover all of the images (some are partial, old images no longer in use, new images not yet in the game, or after being attacked like mount without rider). A web interface, probably PHP, could be written to allow updating. Kindof like a WIKI interface. It should allow for sprite #1, sprite #2, other sprites for that unit, and "also see" links for variations of the same unit. Also a spot to link to the screen capture of the info screen on a unit. And the text of that screen typed in so that it can be cut-and-pasted into peoples projects. And a tie-in to Edi's unit database. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
If somebody wants to tie it into the Unit DB, go right ahead. You're likely going to have to use the BaseU sheet from that, because only the Base<X> sheets contain purely elemental data. The display pages use spreadsheet function to produce the final results.
It'd actually be easier to get the display results with a SQL DB, but my skills in that department are sadly lacking. Having a reference for the sprites would be awesome. If anyone feels like taking it up and has questions about the unit DB, post them here or in the Dom3DB Discussion thread or send them by PM. |
Re: sprites: request to devs
A tie in to display, and even better search on, weapons, size+flight+animal+native protection value (a stand-in for race), and mounted-ness would be much awesome.
Re: sprites: request to devs
OK Gandalf, why don't you go ahead and DO it? |
Re: sprites: request to devs
Ah but this time Gandalf hasn't said he wants it done, just talked about how it could be done. Can't expect people to do things they're not actually interesting in seeing. I only say 'DIY' when someone is asking others to do something they want when they could just as easily do it themself.
Re: sprites: request to devs
Actually I did my part. Thats what Ive been doing for decades at work. Initial layout, MAYBE up to the point of Psuedo Code if thats what is needed to make it clear. I only code something up to the point of proving it can be done. The hacking part is fun, after thats its just work. I pass it on for someone else to make pretty. For instance, if I was really interested in getting this then I would outsource it to India for a few bills.
Its like moderating. I dont have to come up with answers. I just have to keep the conversations going. If I DIY'd all my ideas it wouldnt be nearly as good as spurring community effort. Many major projects here have me credited in the readme for the idea that are MUCH better than I would have made. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
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