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Zachariah April 11th, 2007 02:29 AM

Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
Server IP Address:
Port: 8097
Late Era, random map of 15 provinces per player, renaming enabled.
Quickhost or every 48 hours.

join now! I'l start it once a bunch of folk have joined.

Ramiro April 11th, 2007 12:33 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Im in as ermor !

UninspiredName April 11th, 2007 12:42 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Ooh, I'm in as Patala.

Catquiet April 11th, 2007 12:44 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs

cupido2 April 11th, 2007 12:54 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Arco please


(Happend in every game on this server before I could upload my pretender)

Reverend Zombie April 11th, 2007 01:03 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs

cupido2 said:
Arco please


(Happend in every game on this server before I could upload my pretender)

There's a command line command for noclientstart.

UninspiredName April 11th, 2007 01:07 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Bah. Taken. Alright, Marignon then. Not that I have any right to complain. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Tequilich April 11th, 2007 02:13 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
ill give Ulm a try.

Tuidjy April 11th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I went in as Man, but uploaded a pretender without a password. Any chance
you can remove her? I do not think anyone wants a unprotected player.

UninspiredName April 11th, 2007 03:15 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I think if you just delete the old pretender, make a password-protected one, and try to join as man again, (It would still say 'human-controlled') it will give you the option to overwrite.

Tuidjy April 11th, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
You are right. I just did that. Thank you.

Jazzepi April 11th, 2007 04:14 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I'd like to try R'lyeh. It's going to take me a day or so to put together my pretender, so please don't take that slot if you're thinking of joining!


Herbacious April 11th, 2007 04:27 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Hey "UninspiredName" if you would still like to play Patala I didn't have my heart totally set on them... I just happened to pick them before you posted =)

Send me a PM if you would still like to play as them and I'll pick someone else.

K April 11th, 2007 05:03 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I'm in as Atlantis.

Jazzepi April 11th, 2007 06:55 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I accidentally placed my pretender in the midgard slot. I did not mean to do this! Someone else feel free to take them. If the game starts with them in, they will need to be set to AI.

Also, someone took my R'lyeh slot between the time I posted and right now, so I'm bumping them out. If you're going to join a game, you should at least care enough to bother to read the thread involved in it.


Herbacious April 11th, 2007 07:41 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Well you could always ask the host to rotate Midgard back through AI to open, easier than counting on someone to take the slot.

Jazzepi April 11th, 2007 07:50 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I sent him a message as well.


Zachariah April 11th, 2007 10:16 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
i tried closing nation 14 (midgard), but it didn't seem to work, so i took it over, and will make it an AI.

Jazzepi April 11th, 2007 10:20 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
Thanks Zach. Sorry about that =\


Digress April 11th, 2007 11:16 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs
I joined as Jomon.

Reverend Zombie April 11th, 2007 11:37 PM

I\'m in
As Pangaea.

Arghaii April 12th, 2007 11:26 AM

Re: I\'m in
As Tien'Chi.

Zachariah April 12th, 2007 11:44 AM

Hidden Signs: Begins!
ok, i'm kicking this sucker off! see you on the battlefield!

Jazzepi April 22nd, 2007 08:03 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: Begins!
The nation of the Mad Dreamers, Ry'leh is looking for a dwarven hammer. We have gems to trade. Let us know if you are interesting in selling such a creation via PM on the forums.


K April 26th, 2007 02:52 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: Begins!
The True Atlantians have engaged Ry'leh. Any help would be appreciated.

Jazzepi April 28th, 2007 11:32 AM

Re: Hidden Signs: Begins!
Marignon is staling again for the 2nd time in a row. I sent and e-mail and PM to the host. He needs to be set to AI so that we can move on with the game.


Jazzepi April 29th, 2007 07:40 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: Begins!
Marignon is staling for the 3rd time in a row. Can the person running this game *please* set him to AI.


Zachariah May 1st, 2007 12:11 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
OK, I just set em to AI. Sorry for the delay. I also had to reset the host clock to 48 hours, but there's only one more nation to post their turn: come on Man!

Tuidjy May 4th, 2007 07:33 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
I have been trying to post my turn. I cannot connect. Is it me?
Can the rest of you connect? As for my delay, I apologize...
I was trying some diplomacy, and failed on all fronts ;-) So
no more reasons to delay.

K May 4th, 2007 07:38 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
Do you have the new patch?

Zachariah May 4th, 2007 09:22 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
just updated the server to 3.08, so yah: you'll need the path.

Jazzepi May 6th, 2007 06:02 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
4 hours till host, Patala is about to stale.


Zachariah May 7th, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
if they stale again next turn, i'll AI-ify them

Jazzepi May 8th, 2007 06:50 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
3 hours till host, Patala is about to stale again.

I think they took their last turn though. I dunno, maybe the player just needs to be nudged. I just really hate waiting for one person.


Tuidjy May 12th, 2007 02:29 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
Do you keep logs of your turns on the server? For the third time in
a row, my armies did not execuse my orders as given. Every turn,
I have one or two armies NOT MOVING. No, there is nothing moving
against them, they just stay and do nothing.

This turn, it has been three turns since I have broken T'ien C'hi
armies, and I have been unable to order my armies into his
undefended provinces. This turn, I was unable to withdraw my army
from a province I knew Ulm was invading with 400 troops. And no,
my commanders did not all go insane and unresponsive at the same
time because of R'lyeh domain. I checked. The effects are EXACTLY
the same, but they were under T'ien Ch'i domain, they did not
display the icons, and ALL commanders in the affected armies
failed to act.

Consider me a whiner if you wish, but I am getting tired of playing
a game in which my armies sit there and do nothing. In my other
game upgraded from 3.06, I have Pangea's mangradoras appearing in
my (C'tis) domain, even when it is level 8, and I am fighting indies.

As far as I am considered, 3.06 to 3.08 games are messed up, domain wise.
I am dropping from this game. I enjoyed fighting three enemies
at once, but I do not enjoying losing a retreating army because of bugs.

Jazzepi May 13th, 2007 09:33 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
Is Arghaii as T'ien Ch'i still with us?


Jazzepi May 19th, 2007 12:39 PM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
Arghaii as T'ien Ch'i staled last turn, might be heading for another one.


Zachariah May 20th, 2007 12:39 AM

Re: Hidden Signs: In Progress
i'll AI-ify him if he doesn't take his turn before next hosting.

Reverend Zombie May 23rd, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
My internet access will be spotty this weekend. May I have some extra time for submitting turns due Saturday or Sunday, please?

Zachariah May 23rd, 2007 12:08 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
possibly... can you try and hold off on taking your last turn till just before you leave, and send me an in-game message telling me when you'll return?

Jazzepi May 24th, 2007 01:30 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
Emor's legions grow out of control. They control the south eastern section of the map without contest. Soon they will conquer Pangea, and finish off the last of Jomon. With these two conquests in place, they will have sundered three nations in a row.

The mad dreamers of Ry'leh call to all the people of the world to unite in a great alliance against the undead hordes. While they may not knock on your door today, very soon they will swarm across your borders.

The time is ripe, Emor has done little in the way of research, but they are doubtlessly working hard at studying for terrible evocations that will not effect their undead hordes. If you wait to act, our fate is surely sealed.

Ry'leh promises safe passage, and the return of any border lands taking during raiding, to those that would join agaisnt Emor. Their legions are large, and their commanders plentiful, but if we stand together we can best them.

This call goes out to Arco and Ulm whom both share borders with Emor. The land is Mictlan is unfortunately stranded a bit far away to help, but they could at least pledge support.


Tequilich May 24th, 2007 02:44 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
The Counts of Ulm agree with the beings of the deep, Ermor must be stopped. Ulm officially breaks the NAP pact we have had with Ermor and will start hostilities after 3 turns. We call out to the nation of Arco to join in our crusade.

Catquiet May 24th, 2007 04:43 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
If Arco wishes to fight Ermor, Mictlan offers a NAP with Arco until Ermor is defeated. Now you just need to get a NAP with Patala to secure your western border.

Who is subbing for Patala BTW?

Ramiro May 24th, 2007 05:39 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
And I am the big villan....... .
I have make pease with all nations in my frontiers and only attack unhonorable lords who not mantain he´s words.
I have newer wroke my word or a pact.
If you want war you will have war.
If the other nations are so ingenous to believe ermor is the real danger, I invite them and see the map and respond the following : R ligh controls all the oceans, how you supouse you will defeat him ?, he expand in the same way as ermor and if ermor disapear he will ocupate half world....
If pangea retreat from my territories I offer them pease: you invade me and broke a pact not me ...

Tequilich May 24th, 2007 05:44 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
To the fall of the Ermorian Empire! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

cupido2 May 25th, 2007 09:46 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
These false words make the wise men of Arco laugh!
A non-aggression pact with Patala??? NAP broken and backstabbed by the ape-scum: shame on him. Doing the same mistake again: shame on me.
And the oh-so-worried-about-the-Ermor-threat double-tongued aliens from the sea are weakening Arco, the only nation able to face Ermor, even more by joining forces with the traitor-monkeys and invading the north of our peaceful and once prospering kingdom.
So the wise men decided: As long as Arco isn't given back all his provinces that were lost through treason and treachery and as long as there is no reparation payed to Arco, Arco is not willing to rise arms against Ermor.

Jazzepi May 28th, 2007 11:31 AM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)

cupido2 said:
These false words make the wise men of Arco laugh!
A non-aggression pact with Patala??? NAP broken and backstabbed by the ape-scum: shame on him. Doing the same mistake again: shame on me.
And the oh-so-worried-about-the-Ermor-threat double-tongued aliens from the sea are weakening Arco, the only nation able to face Ermor, even more by joining forces with the traitor-monkeys and invading the north of our peaceful and once prospering kingdom.
So the wise men decided: As long as Arco isn't given back all his provinces that were lost through treason and treachery and as long as there is no reparation payed to Arco, Arco is not willing to rise arms against Ermor.

The mad dreamers of the deep have continued their raids until Arco agreed that Emor needs to be defeated. In this light, we have pulled our people from Arco's shores, and raid no more. They can take back their 2 provinces with ease. We do claim sovereign control of all the ocean though, and will no return the single ocean province Arco staked a claim on.

We hope this is good enough for the people of Arco, your northern border is secured, and we will keep our NAP at least until the foul forces of Emor are ground into the dust from wench they came.

We ask that Patala and Arco might reach some sort of agreement and peaceful terms so that Emor might be dealt with.


Jazzepi May 28th, 2007 04:22 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
Can we move away from the long hosting now that Reverend Zombie is back?


Jazzepi May 28th, 2007 08:23 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
The mad dreamers would like to announce that they have, for sale, dwarven hammers! Price is negotiable, but we are looking to make a substantial profit. After all, these hammers save you gems in the long run.


cupido2 May 30th, 2007 01:02 PM

Re: Game: Hidden Signs (in progress)
Since when is Patala on AI?? o.O

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