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mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
ERA 1 (early age) game on a 200 province map (15/player)
map image Quick Turns: on Turn Timeout: 24 hours rename: on mods: none independents strength: 5 Hall of Fame: 15 Magic Sites: 65 Master Password: xxxxxxx automated backups: on full web dir: game.dom3minions.com/games/mid_Unlucky will contain rolling stats file and rolling scores.html amoung other things Max Players: 13 no client start (but it will auto-start at 13 signups) server: game.dom3minions.com server IP: game port: 9876 The last mid-sized game on my server ran for 91 turns. The "Turn Timeout" setting can be changed during the game if the players agree to it. When you join please mention here what variable you would accept other than 13 players. What is the number of players you would accept for starting the game if it goes to Friday without 13 signups? If only 5 people have joined then would you prefer starting (40 provinces per player?) or continue waiting for more players. edited: new check page for mid-sized games http://game.dom3minions.com/bin/mids_chk.cgi Gandalf Parker |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Joined as Abysia. Everything else looks ok to me. Are graphs on or off?
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
in-game graphs are on.
And the games scores will be public, kindof like this.. http://www.dom3minions.com/games/mapAI-f_scores.html |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
OK, cool. Anxious to get started.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I'm for Agartha, and six or more players is fine by me.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Joined as Lanka. Any number is fine with me.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Joined as T'ien Chi. I've only played PBEM so far so a couple of questions:
How do I know when the game starts? This thread? What are quick turns? I'm assuming if everyone finishes their turn it advances? How do I know when a new turn is ready? Just keep checking or notification on this thread? edit: even 7+ players is fine. Looking forward to it |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
There is a utility on the stickied tools thread which can check servers without you having to keep bringing up Dominions.
But some servers also have check pages. Here is a new one for mid-sized games on my server. http://game.dom3minions.com/bin/mids_chk.cgi If you want to see what it looks like when turns are up then check the blitz page http://game.dom3minions.com/bin/blitz_chk.cgi You are right on quick turns. The game will host every 24 hours, or instantly if everyone turns in their turns. The last person turning in a turn can usually wait a couple minutes and do another one right away. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I am in as Niefelheim.
I would prefer to play with as many other players as possible. If we play with a small number of players on a map with 40 prov/player, I would suggest increasing the strength of the independents to 7 or 8. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Well, I have signed up as Atlantis, and I would be fine with fewer players; the folks who sign up at the last minute are usually also the people who constantly slow down the game once it's started.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Why? Why can I not stay away from monkeys!! I'm in as Kailasa. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
And I'm with Saint_dude. If less people, a bump in indies would be nice. Fewer players does atleast allow for some breathing room and actual kingdom conflicts when players start to find eachother. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
BandarLover.....Maybe same reason I seem to be Abysia????
Maybe I like the names of their leaders!!! |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I'll give Mictlan a try.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I'm in as C'tis.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I'm in as Yomi.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Any chance of including the worthy heroes mod? |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Some fun mods like that, including some of my own such as Chaos or SingleAge, might be included in games on my server at a later date. But not yet.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Hello. I'm in as Ermor
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Thanks Gandalf. I don't necessarily like mods.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
OK, Im in as Icy Hellheim http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
OK, we've got 13 players but I can't connect to the server
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Crud, I made some last-minute changes to my god and went to upload it, but it looks like the game's not there anymore. I'm getting no response from the server and the tracker page Gandalf so kindly set up shows nothing.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I can't log in either
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Oops. my fault. Thats what I get for messing with the map right up to the last minute. It should be generating now.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Thanks, that helped. Abysian turn complete.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
thanx CyborgMoses http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
A slight change to the chk page. It now shows the time left before hosting.
http://game.dom3minions.com/bin/mids_chk.cgi Also in the games web directory is a windows link. http://game.dom3minions.com/games/mid_Unlucky mid_Unlucky.lnk (or gamebutton.zip if you need it zipped to download it) If you put that on your desktop then clicking it should take you directly into the mid_Unlucky game. If you play multiple online dom3 games then this will save you having to put in the server and port each time. You can also copy it, and paste it again to your desktop. Then right-click it and go to "properties" to edit it to your other games. I think Ive had as many as 5 of these on my desktop at a time. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
And waaaiting for Agartha. Uninspiredname, where are you?
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Server seems to be down
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
OK, I was able to connect
Mictlan desires trade
The Nation of Mictlan proudly announces an addition of six pachyderms to its city zoo! However, due to the enormous appetites of these gentle giants, we are having difficulty balancing our budgets this season.
If you are in the market for 10 fine Water gems, on a cash basis, then PM vfb and make an offer! Offers to trade Earth gems, Fire gems, or Astral Pearls for Water gems would also be appreciated. Please be aware that due to excessive celebrations at the opening ceremonies, we currently do not have any virgins available to sell or trade. -- The Prophet of Mictlan |
Re: Mictlan desires trade
The way this game is shaping up, it appears that many players are playing their turns within the first couple hrs of the turn clock, while a few others are playing very near the end of the clock. Of course that is the way these games go - very normal.
I would like to make a suggestion though. It would be nice if the last person to turn in their turn, ran 2 turns a once. That way the game would not always be hanging up on the same person/people, and it would tend to move a bit faster. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Simultaneous turns later in the game could be a bit cumbersome. But at this early stage, turns are likely to only take a couple of minutes. |
Re: Mictlan desires trade
Part of that was my fault, apologies. Boston beat the yanks last night and I was in a forgetful haze of euphoria. (Plus the wife has guests staying over, so distractions abound) I shall be more attentive in the future!
Someone (not I!) needs to develop a taskbar app that monitors turn basis, red for no turn, green for go. Have it check 1/hr or whatever and be a pie chart with segments = nations, nations that have taken a turn go green and when full new turn. I almost wish I could code...anything. |
Re: Mictlan desires trade
Wasn't really trying to point the finger at anyone in particular. Just tying to think of how we can move things along a bit more.
I like Jutetrea's idea of a taskbar app. Thought I read about something like that in one of the other threads? |
Re: Mictlan desires trade
There is an app in the tools stickied post over in the Dom3 map/mod subforum
The chk page does tell you if your turn is ready. And most browsers have a way to refresh it on a regular basis. Some people actually wait to be last so they can do two turns in a row. Sometimes its handy. Im still going to iron out that "musical chairs" game version (last person to do their turn always stales) If someone really wants it, they can pm me an email address and I will have the game send an email when it hosts. Thats part of what the post-exec command switch is for. Ive also looked into IM, IRC, text messaging, and voice mails.. but lets hold it to emails for now. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Snif, the title of the game has is blahblah ( OPEN) which is not the truth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
I was dissapointed when I tried to join http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Oh, apparently that isn't the way to fight Aboleths. My mistake. (It still sucks that everyone involved in the battle fled... EXCEPT for the enemy prophet.)
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
It seems that Mictlan's announcement of our willingness to trade some magic gems was a bad idea. We unfortunately attracted the attention of a Master Thief, who proceeded to clean us right out. We regret that we will be unable to complete any of our pending trades.
-- The Prophet of Mictlan OOC: Grrr, Luck 3 has really been letting me down in MP. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
True, maybe the post should be changed to started instead of open. |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Sorry about that. My fault. I have now changed it to (started)
Now if you guys check the directory you will see some of the advantage of a webdir for each game. http://game.dom3minions.com/games/mid_Unlucky/ I will maintain rotating copies of scores and stats. And so far I have only received one request for email on turn. PM me or email me at dom3minions.com if you want notification when the turn processes. Otherwise you can keep an eye on the check page at http://game.dom3minions.com/bin/mids_chk.cgi A red asterisk means we dont have a turn from you yet. And the check page now lists the countdown timer also. Gandalf Parker |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
I personally like the check page myself.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Yeeeah, the delay was also sort of my fault for two of the turns... Really sorry... I'll be good from now on.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (OPEN)
Out of town for 3 days, will possibly be able to play late evenings..but highly doubtful. Is it possible to auto stale me if I don't play by 12pm EST?
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Three consecutive stale turns would be highly damaging. Any way we can find a sub?
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Agreed, but plans were made late and I don't really have someone available. Leaving for the airport in 5 hours, won't have internet access till about 8pm EST tomorrow... and that depends on the hotel. I'll bring my disk with me and try to install on the work laptop, pretty sure it will work - if it does, and I have access, I should be able to sneak time to do turns.
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Make sure to write down the CD key. Otherwise the disk isn't much good (personal experience). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Does Atlantis got a stale turn ?
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Guess so.
Atlantis looks to be in rough position. But then again, so are us giants. What the heck is to be done with the rapidly expanding plague that is Ermor? |
Re: mid_Unlucky game on Gandalfs server (started)
Check the stats.txt I think I have it setup to rotate the stats for 5 times. So you can easily check and see if someone has staled multiple times. (stats.txt and 1.stats.txt are the same turn. I should work on that) |
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