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-   -   Mod: Single Age (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34265)

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 12:25 PM

Single Age
Its preferable to have the mods list link to a conversation thread for each mod so Im going to start one for this mod. It does help hold down the conversational clutter in the stickied threads.

I didnt want to do a mod but I kept hinting and no one else did it so here it is.
edit: updated to Dominions 3.21

It puts 77 nations (including the blank slots) into Era 1 (early era). To use it, you unzip this to your dominions3/mods directory, then use the "Preferences" menu and then "Mod Preferences" to enable it.

This will allow you to create a game with all of the nations to select from. You can play early Ulm against mid Ulm and late Ulm at the same time. Or you can create a game where you play 90 AI's which is alot of fun on one of the giant 1500 province maps.

Once you create a game with it, you can go back and disable it so that it doesnt affect other games you make later. As far as I know, anytime you return to play that game created with that mod, it will kick in automatically without you having to re-enable it.

Do not use my old SingleAge mod for multiplayer games. It has been extensively updated by Slobby and can be found here..

Since Llama server at some point renamed the SingleAgeComplete by Slobby to just SingleAge, you might have to rename this one also to play on Llama's server.

Gandalf Parker

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 12:30 PM

Re: Single Age mod
I will probably have to update this mod when new nations come out.

I have no idea how it behaves with other mods so if anyone tests that, please post it here.

At this time, mods have a problem displaying the signup screen with new nations in it. So this mod (and probably other nation-add mods) are difficult to run from a server. This one, at least, I know to not work with the --enablemod command.

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 12:37 PM

Re: Single Age mod
So far, this is the workaround Im considering for actually trying to run a full MP game with this mod. Ive found that my server will happily run the game once it is created. But the initial signup might be a problem. By the way, if anyone else wants to beat me to the punch and offer this as an MP game that is fine with me.

Im thinking of having 3 signup "games".
Era 1 (early) on port 7111
Era 2 (mid) on port 7222
Era 3 (late) on port 7333
all running with no start-button.

That way people can upload their gods. When Im ready to start then I will take down those three "games" and copy all of the god files into one game directory for MegaGame on port 7321. I will run first hosting as if it was a pbem game. Then turn the game on for normal play after that.

Sombre April 17th, 2007 01:04 PM

Re: Single Age mod
It won't impact any other nation mods out there (besides those that modify vanilla nations, such as replacement nation mods), because all you're changing is the display name and the era of various nations.

I don't think the modlist has been cluttered up at all so far. Besides, all you need is in the first post so it wouldn't even matter if there were 500 pages of off topic spam after that. Well it would still be spam, but it wouldn't really mess the purpose up.

Anyway, I'll add this to the modlist in the near future, since we have a download link in the thread. Oh and you might want to stick a banner in the mod. Helps people see when they have the mod turned on, helps them togle it etc.

Sombre April 17th, 2007 01:13 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Oops, just noticed you changed the 'filler' nation slots as well. Yeah that will mess with the names and so on of other mods. So people will have to fiddle a bit if they want to use this with added nations.

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 02:34 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Well I was in keeping with my own recommendations for stickies. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I was going to try and keep it as simple as possible so someone else can easily modify it. But I guess you have a point. OK there is an icon image for the mod now.

Meglobob April 17th, 2007 04:21 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Wow! Thanks Gandalf, this looks great. I have not used many mods so far, been more into MP games. But I have just tried this with EA Niefelheim with worthy heros mod and it appeared to work fine. Only played a few turns as the battles phase takes ages to resolve with 76 nations!

Just a couple of points:-

1) I would put a thread in the main board, you will then get more playtesters, feedback and downloads.

2) EA Nielfelheims description did not appear. Got, 'early era nielfelheim description unavailable' repeated twice.

3) Many of the nations have the same flags which could cause confusion, especially in MP.

Excellent mod, thanks again for your time and effort.

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 04:50 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Actually I mentioned it on the main forum first (in my thread about a monster game). But doing any kinds of improvements on this is way down on my list. Im more aimed toward map and server things than modding. I tend to just suggest things and let others take off with it.

There is a banners mod which might work with this. If not then Im perfectly happy if he wants to do a combined mod. Especially if he comes up with some flags for the empty nations. If he does then Id be willing to come up with some more interesting names for them. Maybe even give them some basic troops.

WraithLord April 17th, 2007 05:06 PM

Re: Single Age mod
I've been waiting for this mod from day 1. Many thanks Gandalf!

Xietor April 17th, 2007 08:18 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Mid age Pangaea for the win.

Sombre April 17th, 2007 10:02 PM

Re: Single Age mod
The banners mod will work fine with the vanilla nations in this mod, yeah.

I'm thinking maybe I should put a non-sticky copy of the modlist over in the general forum to encourage some people to come over here. I guess all the modding babble can see a bit daunting to people who just want more toys to play with.

Gandalf Parker April 17th, 2007 10:25 PM

Re: Single Age mod
That might be a good idea. If they stepped in before that list was done and saw nothing but a bunch of conversations they didnt understand it might have blown them off.

Horst F. JENS April 18th, 2007 05:06 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Great work, Gandalf, i was waiting long time for such a mod.
I noted some problem with the "filler" nations:
You can select to play a Not-yet-existing nation like "Early Manchaka - Time of the Lions" but if doing so, you are unable to recruit any national units.
I testet your mod with all the conceptual balance mods (1.0) and it seem to work fine.
Very nice.

Gandalf Parker April 18th, 2007 06:20 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Thats how those nations are in the game. My mod only makes them available. However its a good starting point if you want to. Go ahead and add a few troops to each one.

Velusion April 28th, 2007 02:59 PM

Re: Single Age mod
I'm considering hosting a game with this mod.

Question - did you ever test the below process and verify that people can select their nation and play?


Gandalf Parker said:
So far, this is the workaround Im considering for actually trying to run a full MP game with this mod. Ive found that my server will happily run the game once it is created. But the initial signup might be a problem. By the way, if anyone else wants to beat me to the punch and offer this as an MP game that is fine with me.

Im thinking of having 3 signup "games".
Era 1 (early) on port 7111
Era 2 (mid) on port 7222
Era 3 (late) on port 7333
all running with no start-button.

That way people can upload their gods. When Im ready to start then I will take down those three "games" and copy all of the god files into one game directory for MegaGame on port 7321. I will run first hosting as if it was a pbem game. Then turn the game on for normal play after that.

Gandalf Parker April 28th, 2007 03:47 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Yes I got it to work but I couldnt get it to work quite the way I wanted to. (fully automatable for my lazy self)

This is the best Ive gotten so far. After the above arrangement with 3 signup "games", I had to rename all of the received files from the transmitted name such as early_ulm.2h to the pre-transmitted names such as early_ulm_1.2h (the way that dom keeps track of multiple god choices for a nation is to add 0 thru whatever on the name but its stripped when you send it).

Then send all of the sent god files to my desktop WinXP machine and put them all into an empty savedgames/newlords directory (I made a complete copy of the game into a different directory for this so I dont overwrite my own god-builds).

Then I started a game as if it was going to be a hotseat game for myself. I turned on the SingleAge mod, started an early era game, and "joined" as human players for all the nations. (I just realized that I probably could have just set the second player to human and hit "n" until it stopped adding since that would have added all the nations in random order instead of spending so long setting each one manually).

THEN I had to go thru each of the joins and "Load Pretender God" for each one to load in the god they sent me. Then hit start.

Once the ftherland file was generated I could transfer the entire game directory back to my server and run it as a server game.

I have tested it as far as being able to start a game with early, mid, late arcos and have the server run it. I did have a snag when I tried more something about "more than one player cant play the same nation" but it might have been something I did. Im just too easily distracted to to all that crap for 75 nations. PLEASE find an easier way to make it work.

It MIGHT be possible to do the same thing without transfering the files to a windows machine but Im not very fluent in the linux gui environment. For a graphic environment I use windows.

This is going to be a problem for any modded nations. The game is willing to RUN a game with them, but it wont allow signup over the net. So the games will either have to be started the way I just laid out, or as pbem.

Gandalf Parker

Velusion April 28th, 2007 03:54 PM

Re: Single Age mod

Gandalf Parker said:

I have tested it as far as being able to start a game with early, mid, late arcos and have the server run it. I did have a snag when I tried more something about "more than one player cant play the same nation" but it might have been something I did.

Gandalf Parker

Thats what I'm concerned about. Once the server is ready, can all the multi-nations connect and select which version of arco they want to play without error? I would have thought the mechanism for selecting which pre-loaded nation to play would have been tied into the same as the mechanism for selecting which empty nation to play...

Velusion April 28th, 2007 03:56 PM

Re: Single Age mod
BTW if you actually tried to process a turn like that it would have errored out because you have the same CD-key...

I would like to test it with a few volunteers. Anyone up for a quick test if I setup the server(s)? This is just to see if you can upload/connect and play a single turn...

Gandalf Parker June 12th, 2007 09:07 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Just to update this thread.....

The SingleAge mod has been updated to include the nations from the last upgrade patch. And should also be up to date for the next couple of upgrade patches (Fomoria and Gath)

The discussion on how the mod would work in a big game has of course proven true. Both the pros and cons. Check out the thread on the Perpetuality game.

The Perpetuality game is using a mod which includes my SingleAge mod, and the Streamers and Standards mod, and a couple of small fixit mods. I would very much like to incorporate the Streamers and Standards mod into this one if it is ever brought up to date in a way that I like.

HoneyBadger June 12th, 2007 10:57 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Nice work, Gandalf-any desire to make a version that incorporates various mod-nations as well?

Sombre June 12th, 2007 11:04 PM

Re: Single Age mod
It's not exactly hard to add mod-nations to it.

I wouldn't expect S&S to be updated, since Zepath doesn't appear to be around any more. If it was updated, what does 'in a way that I like' mean? It would imagine it would simply have added flags for Tuatha/whatever other vanilla nations were released.

Gandalf Parker June 13th, 2007 12:12 AM

Re: Single Age mod

HoneyBadger said:
Nice work, Gandalf-any desire to make a version that incorporates various mod-nations as well?

I dont think it would be hard to do. Delete the appropriate reference to that nation number and paste in the other mod. Or maybe just initialize both mods.

I am finally getting a chance to look at some of the "better AI" mods. The unbalanced ones such as Amos does. Im thinking about going for a mega game with such nations in the empty slots to make if a full 75 nation game. Putting them in as boosted AI's might be fun. And my usual chaotic additions to the map.

Other than that the only mods I would fill in an empty slot with is if someone would do some clone nations. Such as an EXACT match to Early Ulm. I would love it if someone cloned all of the nations. Then we could have a 75 nation game where EVERYONE would get to play whatever nation they wanted. Even if 10 people wanted early Ulm I could think it would allow me to add 10 of them with different nation numbres and slightly different nation name.

Gandalf Parker June 13th, 2007 12:14 AM

Re: Single Age mod

Sombre said:
It's not exactly hard to add mod-nations to it.

I wouldn't expect S&S to be updated, since Zepath doesn't appear to be around any more. If it was updated, what does 'in a way that I like' mean? It would imagine it would simply have added flags for Tuatha/whatever other vanilla nations were released.

Yes filling in the missing nations. And something for the empty slots. Maybe something like the empty flag that it uses for indepts now since I would prefer to return the indepts to the simple banner they have in the vanilla game. I think I would like for the nations to have the big flags and indepts to have something less distracting.
Just a thought

Sombre June 13th, 2007 12:58 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Setting the indeps to the default banner is as simple as deleting a single line of code.

Setting the empty nation slots to the indep flag seems sort of pointless, but it's also very easy. You have the .tga there already, you just need to set it for each empty nation. The only difference in code between them would be the nation number.

Gandalf Parker June 13th, 2007 11:43 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Cool. Then if someone decides to upgrade the mod with some new flags and become its new maintainer then things should be great.

I think we have enough description of Formosa for someone to go ahead and do a flag for that. Im afraid I dont have info on Gath yet but maybe something kinda generic could be done for the 3 eras of Gath just so its in place. It could be personalized to them later.

Slobby April 20th, 2008 08:28 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Neat mod! I'd like to use it in sp and put the ai's on random. However, I see there are filler slots. How can I get rid of those? Keep in mind I don't know how to mod in dom3 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif . And I'd like to keep it vanilla... can someone help?


Endoperez April 21st, 2008 02:39 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Edit the SingleAge.dm in any text editor, like Notepad. Go through the file, and change the #era of the nations you don't want to appear from 1 to 0.

Slobby April 23rd, 2008 12:19 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Great, thanks Endoperez!

Another question, some of the nations have descriptions yet others don't. Any ideas why? At first I thought it was the early/mid/late tags, but after removing them that's not the case. I then thought it was the spelling of the names, but Bogarus doesn't work, among others.

I also thought that it may be the age. However I changed all of them to 2 to balance la somewhat and some early nations still have their descriptions. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

And it seems I can only put in 36ai's as opposed to the original post of 76...

Endoperez April 23rd, 2008 01:23 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Do multiple nations with the same name work (e.g. Ulm, "Forges of" and Ulm, "Black Forest")? Is that what causes descriptions to disappear? Don't know why else that would happen if the nations are complete.

Edi April 23rd, 2008 02:51 AM

Re: Single Age mod
The problem is the way the descriptions are hardcoded in the files. The descriptions are tied to eras instead of the nation number. If you simpluy switch two nations between different eraas like I did with Ermor in the Restoration mod, the descriptions stay in place, so e.g. in my mod Ashen Empire in MA had the description of Broken Empire and the modified Broken Empire had the Ashen Empire description. So if you move a nation out of its own era, you need to write out the full description in the mod file, as well as the summary and brief descriptions too.

Slobby April 23rd, 2008 08:59 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Is it possible to 'write out the full description in the mod file'?

Saulot April 23rd, 2008 09:37 PM

Re: Single Age mod

That's what #descr, #summary, and #brief do.

Slobby April 25th, 2008 08:08 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Thanks for the replies, at some point I will put it altogether. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Xietor April 27th, 2008 10:59 AM

Is anyone going to update the banners and add the 2 new races for the upcoming patch?

It appears gath is in the mod, but Bogarus is not.

Slobby April 27th, 2008 11:58 AM

Re: 3.16?
Bogarus is there, as filler 71.

Bogarus and La Pythium (filler 70), just need their names changed.

Edi April 27th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: 3.16?
The new nation numbers will be in the next release of the Dom3 DB, but here they are, as well as the tail end of the nation numbers list:

20 Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen
45 Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
65 Gath, Last of the Giants

68 Lanka, Land of Demons
69 Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
70 Pythium, Serpent Cult
71 Bogarus, Age of Heroes

Zentar May 9th, 2008 11:47 AM

Re: 3.16?
Since you have mention a version 3.16 and modifications (Lanka Demons in particular), I wanted to post a game discovery that I found while playing Lanka. If you cast Twiceborn on a demon and it is killed while in one of your dominion controlled territories, then it is returned to your Capitol unchanged. Other races come back as a wight. Lanka Demons are immortal since they come back unchanged, alive, with the Twiceborn spell still intact and usable for an infinite number of times!!!!

I did a search to see if anyone else discussed this and found nothing. I would like to hear what others have to say about this.

NTJedi May 9th, 2008 11:49 AM

Re: 3.16?

Zentar said:
... ... I wanted to post a game discovery that I found while playing Lanka. If you cast Twiceborn on a demon and it is killed while in one of your dominion controlled territories, then it is returned to your Capitol unchanged. Other races come back as a wight. Lanka Demons are immortal since they come back unchanged, alive, with the Twiceborn spell still intact and usable for an infinite number of times!!!!

This has been already reported within the bug thread and listed within the shortlist.

Edi May 9th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: 3.16?
It's also been crushed in the next patch by rendering twiceborn uncastable on demons and inanimates.

Zentar May 10th, 2008 04:36 PM

Re: 3.16?

Edi said:
It's also been crushed in the next patch by rendering twiceborn uncastable on demons and inanimates.

Thank you!

Slobby May 30th, 2008 04:27 PM

Re: Single Age Complete
1 Attachment(s)
Attached is the single age mod with all the descriptions, etc for each nation. The default age is MA for independents.

Edi May 30th, 2008 05:56 PM

Re: Single Age Complete
Thanks for that work! Must have been tedious as all hell to do, so the community owes you for that.

MaxWilson May 30th, 2008 10:49 PM

Re: Single Age Complete
Thank you! I was just searching for a copy of Gandalf's old mod, intending to update it for Tir Na N'og/Eriu/Fomoria and Hinnam/Ashdod/Gath and use it, and lo and behold a much better version than what I was going to do was posted today. This is awesome.


MaxWilson May 30th, 2008 11:51 PM

Re: Single Age Complete
There's an error in the description text for MA R'lyeh. It cuts off at the end of the last paragraph. Should have

"However, most will be taken by Deep Ones instead, and the women's offspring will be strange, fishlike humanoids instead of the noble Starchildren they wanted. These half-human hybrids are usually devoted to the cause of putting mankind below the sea and often join the army of R'lyeh free of charge."


Edit: hmmm, never mind. It's in the mod file, I don't know why it's not showing up in the game.

Slobby May 31st, 2008 12:04 AM

Re: Single Age Complete

MaxWilson said:
There's an error in the description text for MA R'lyeh. It cuts off at the end of the last paragraph.


Hmmm, MA R'lyeh isn't the only one...other nations with long descr get off as well. Thanks for pointing it out.

Slobby May 31st, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: Single Age Complete
I have no idea how to correct the problem. Everything is there the game just won't take it all.

MaxWilson June 5th, 2008 01:32 PM

Re: Single Age Complete
I haven't found a way either. For now just accept it as a limitation of the modding engine--or (if you're eager for some more work) edit down the long descriptions to something shorter.


Atreidi June 6th, 2008 10:37 AM

Re: Single Age mod
Were can I get a copy of the mod. The link http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/SingleAge.zip is broken or does not load. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Edratman June 6th, 2008 10:54 AM

Re: Single Age mod

Atreidi said:
Were can I get a copy of the mod. The link http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/SingleAge.zip is broken or does not load. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

On page 3 of this thread there is an attachement with one the the posts by Slobby.

I have tried several different things to get the full descriptions also. The problem appears to me that the box does not expand for some inexplicable reason. Totally insignificent issue in my book. Anyone playing Single Age Mod should not require the descriptions.

Gandalf Parker July 20th, 2008 10:46 PM

Re: Single Age mod
Wow Im getting around to updating my stuff and find that Slobby has done this one quite well.

Thanks Slobby.

Now I wonder what I should update next.

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