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Afterthought - (Winner: Baalz as R\'yeh!)
<font color="green">Afterthought</font>
Status Page: http:/ Game Type: TCP/IP (static server) Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 24 turns moving to 48 hours per host after that. Quickhost enabled. Era: Middle Players: 21 (all) Start: Nations will be assigned when we are filled, or 72 hours – whichever is first. The game will start 48 hours after nations are posted. Nation Selection: Random with exceptions (see below) Map: 16.6 provinces per player pre-generated map. Victory Conditions: 225 out of 350 (~65%) provinces controlled, or the surrendering of all other players. Graphs: On Hall of Fame: 15 Renaming: On Everything Else: Defaults Masterpass: There will be one Length: If you aren’t eliminated this game might last 6+ Months. Be prepared! Machacka: Velusion Abysia: Zolharm Agartha: Jazzepi Arcoscephale: Kojusoki Jotunheim: WSzaboPeter Marignon: Teraswaerto Atlantis: Eressil3 Ermor: Lolomo T'ien Ch'i: Szumo R'lyeh: Baalz Mictlan: Vathmoth Shinuyama: Electro808 C'tis: Hadrian_II Oceania: Manuk Caelum: tromper Man: Arghaii Vanheim: K Pangaea: FrankTrollman Pythium: Tyrant Ulm: Methel Bander Log: Sandman Nation Selection: Once the game is full I will randomly assign nations out. When signing up players may request up to THREE nations they DON’T want. These are nations you DO NOT want to play. Sign up in this thread. After nations are assigned I’ll need you to email your pretender password to velusion(at)sbcglobal.net. This is because I’ve had issues with the Master Password working in the past AND so we can give your nation to another human player if you disappear. This is not optional. If you PM me your password make sure and include your email address if you would like to be included in the diplomacy email distribution list or want email notifications when turns host. Once I have your password I’ll send you the ip/port of the server where you can upload your pretender. Once everyone is uploaded I’ll send out an email listing everyone’s email contact for diplomacy purposes and add you to the game turn email notification list (unless you specify otherwise). Then the game starts. Quickhost will be enabled. The first 12 turns will be set to have a 24 hour autohost – so expect to do at least a turn a day for the first couple weeks. After that the timer will increase to 48 hours though it is hoped that players will normally still be able to play every 24 hours, with the occasional missed day. As turns take longer in late game this might increase further. As players get eliminated we can be more flexible with extensions and extended absences, but not in the first couple weeks. A small version of the map we will be using is here. The map has been tweaked to ensure (hopefully) that all players that start on land have at least four land neighbors and all players that start at sea have 3 sea neighbors. I have also tweaked the ocean connections so that separated sea provinces connect to each other across straits (hence all seas that look like they should be connected are linked). All the larger landmasses are linked across the straits as well. This map is a result of lots of random generation and a wee bit of photoshopping. If we do not fill, we will be using a smaller map. Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply let me know so we can find a replacement or turn the nation to computer controlled. If you will be unavailable for longer than a few days please let me know. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting us know will get you put on AI. If I think you are missing too many turns (e.g. 3 out of the last 6) I will put you on AI. Once (*ahem* - If) I am eliminated I’ll rely on the remaining players to tell me when something needs done with the game. Things that are generally frowned upon and could get you put on AI: • Excessively reminding people to do their turn or telling people to hurry up. • Exploiting known bugs on Edi’s bug list (see main forum sticky). • Spoofing or faking emails/PMs from me asking for people’s passwords. • Threatening or harassing players with consequences outside of Dom3 games. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'd like to join.
And i don't want to play ULM , MICTLAN and Agartha |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sign me up.
No Ti'en Chi, Neiflifhaifham giants, or Midgar. Jazzepi |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Kojusoki here.
No ULM, Mitclan or MAN please |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sign me up for anything but Mictlan, Abysia or T'ien Ch'i.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I am here. No Abysia, Pangaea or R'lyeh.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I would like to be in.
No mictlan, no oceania, no ulm please. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sign me up please. No C'tis, Abyssia, Pythium
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'd like to join too. No Ulm, Abyssia, Man.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'm in, good god no Mictlan. Other than that, I guess I'll steer away from Pangea and Shinuyama.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'm in, no Caelum, Ulm or Marignon.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Il play! no atlantis, oceania or r'lyeh.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
i'm in too.
no man, arco or tien chi |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I would like to join. No Acro, No Vanheim, No Man
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
If I'm not too late, I'd like to join. No R'lyeh, Agartha, or Man.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Ooh, count me in. No R'lyeh, Oceania, or Machaka.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'd like to play. No Agartha, C'tis, or Ulm.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Sign me up, no Ulm, Argatha or Caelum please.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
It's interesting, that many people avoid middle era Mictlan. Maybe that nation is need of a revamp.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'd like to play too, I'll even promise not to kill you off right in the beginning http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
No Agartha or Mictlan please. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'll take the last spot. I don't have any preferences.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Soooo, whats the magic site freq. on this map?
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I was going to join but it looks like you have plenty. I am not sure that I am ready for a game this big yet. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Default magic sites for middle era (40 I think)
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Nations posted! email me your passwords and I'll give you the port/server to upload your pretenders. velusion(at)sbcglobal.net
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
My reason for not wanting Abysia was simply because I'm already playing them in 2 MP games. Others may have similar reasons. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
My reason for not taking Abyssia was also that I am playing them in another MP game. I try not to repeat playing a nation that I have already played too.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I am missing passwords from:
Abysia: Zolharm Agartha: Jazzepi Jotunheim: WSzaboPeter Atlantis: Eressil3 Mictlan: Folket Man: UninspiredName Pythium: Tyrant Ulm: Methel If you have sent them to me and I missed it please resend it. Thanks! Remember you don't need to have the god ready to just supply me with the password. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I sent it. Since mail seems not reliable, I'll mp it to you too.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Are we using the worthy heroes mod? Not that I'm biased or anything, but Bandar Log has no heroes in the base game.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Nope, as listed in the game description there are no mods.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
mines also sent, still no reply though. *poke poke velusion*
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Ok just sent replies to everyone.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I am missing passwords from:
Mictlan: Folket Man: UninspiredName |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I'd like to join, if it's not too late.
I have no preferences. Let me know if I am accepted, and I will email you with a password http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif my e-mail is: lnikolaidis@gmail.com |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
However I'm still missing passwords from two people. If I don't get these by the end of the day I'll let you have one of their spots. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
good idea... when are we going to start?
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Using sheps "rules" of diplomacy this time please?
the fallout becouse of the somewhat rigid rules of last game had me worried. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
WSzaboPeter and I had a disagreement over the terms of our NAP. Since the rules for the game were that "you must obey treaties" instead of Shep's rules, it created some tension. Ultimately, WSzaboPeter ended up leaving the game.
I, personally, never want to play a "you must obey treaties" game again. Shep's rules are much simpler in that there are no headaches from disagreements over what an NAP stands for. If you disagree with the other person, then you simply break the pact. No need for rules lawyering. Jazzepi |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
If one of the two missing players don't send their passwords, may I play one of those nations? My email is Vathmoth@gmail.com Thanks |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
hahah, after reading this supposed 'code of conduct', I'm still chuckling.
It begins with a 'do anything you want and break any treaty you feel like breaking, at any time, because you want to win at all costs and so does everyone else' sort of vibe, and then follows up with an 'if you promise to trade something, you'd better trade it or you're being a jerk'. Makes no sense to me. Personally, I'd prefer to play with honest people that respect treaties. There are myriad other ways to 'backstab'. *shrug* It's up to Velusion and you guys though of course. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
If you are intimating, Hadrian, that in 'real life' treaties are broken, etc., and that trades are always consummated as promised. Uh. I disagree. This artificial delimitation is hackneyed in my opinion. "Hi, I'd like to be your friend. I won't attack you for five turns. Also, I'd like to trade you fifty gems for The Chalice." Next turn, you and yours expect to receive these gems because the 'rules' say so, yet you're okay with being attacked randomly because treaties mean nothing substantive. I don't get it. But I won't make further commentary regarding it, either. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I already stated my little preference and play-style, and others have theirs. It's especially fun to be an *honest* bad guy, for me, if I want to go that route. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Velusion should probably make it clear what dictates are in effect given previous problems or whatever. |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I've always felt that the transaction part of the rules was a compensation for the fact that the game has no mechanics to govern it. Generally you propose a trade, the other person accepts, and the swap happens. Since there's no in game mechanic for it, we just use out of game honesty.
Jazzepi |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I really hate the idea that there would be some external "you must obey treaties" rule. How would that be enforced anyway? Same goes for trading, though I think the cost of becoming known as someone who can't be trusted as a trading partner would be pretty prohibitive.
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
I don't enforce any sort of those rules in my games. IF someone wants to break a treaty or steal stuff for a trade agreement it's their prerogative. Likewise you can RP your play-style or min/max it to win.
The only things that could get you into trouble in my games: • Excessively reminding people to do their turn or telling people to hurry up. • Exploiting known bugs on Edi’s bug list (see main forum sticky) or obvious bugs that aren't on Edi's list. • Spoofing or faking emails/PMs in order to get nation passwords. • Threatening or harassing players with consequences outside of Dom3 games. • Hacking the game files or my server in any way. • Playing more than one nation in the same game. I will echo Terawaerto's post that if you DO steal from an agreed upon trade of goods it's very likely you will be ostracized, both in this game and future games around here. People are free to do what they want, but they are also free to let everyone know you are thief and carry over grudges into future games. I can honestly say I haven't heard of anyone purposefully stealing on a trade in any MP dom3 game, but it could (and probably will) eventually happen. Treaties are much more debatable and opinions on if it's OK to break them vary widely. My only advice to those that take treaties seriously is to avoid those who have been known to break them regularly in the past. If you don't have any sort of player history to go on, ask around or simply be careful. Edit: Added another to the list (once you get going you start adding rules you can't stop!) |
Re: Afterthought - Random Nations, Middle Era (Sig
edit : BTW give me 100 astral gems and I'll give you 200 !!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
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