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zakna June 6th, 2007 12:17 PM

jotunheim guide/advice needed
Im playing jotunheim in armadillio game,
I looked on the forum for a for a guide or advices but didnt found any.

I never played with the giants before so all tips are welcome.

Cor June 6th, 2007 12:48 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
Hope you took a dual bless. They work really well with nature 9 water 9. But really I guess you don't have control over that at this moment, I assume you have already started the game.

zakna June 6th, 2007 02:14 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
I can still change my prentender game didnt started yet.

The game will be really crowded so i could face an enemy player on turn 2 so getting an emprisoned, dormant pretender for dual bless is not really an option because i be dead by the time he get there, and dual blessed troops wont save me from a SC.

And getting really bad scales with such hungry giants is not such a good idea i wouldnt matter in the early game but will kill me latter.

llamabeast June 6th, 2007 02:19 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
I've never played the giants, but I have played Sombre's Vaettiheim mod nation, which has the same vaetti in it as Jotunheim. They're surprisingly good troops. Being size 1 means they can really crowd in and overwhelm the enemy, and they have high defence and end up being surprisingly durable. It might be worth experimenting using them.

I think an SC pretender may well be a good idea, but strong blessed troops can be just as good to protect you at the beginning of the game. I don't even know what Jotunheim's sacred troops are though, so can't comment. But if I was Mictlan or Vanheim or someone else with strong sacreds, I think I would take an imprisoned pretender and a strong bless - probably more effective than an SC. But I don't speak from a lot of experience (I normally play nations without much of a bless strategy, with good scales or a rainbow pretender).

Cor June 6th, 2007 02:27 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
these are just my opionions, its your game play however you want...

Have you ever played a dual bless? If done right its much better than an awake pretender IMHO.

The problems with pretenders is either you have a SC, which can be taken down and will get afflictions or you have a powerful mage, which will take a while to research any spell for.

You can manage to avoid death scales. Take misfortune 2 order 1 ( only 5% more random events with a bonus in gold)
And take cold 3, not 2. you dont need production if your going to be recruiting alot of holy woodsmen so take -3. Make sure you have an okay dominion, so you can recriut lots of woodsmen. 7 or 8 should do. Take drain 2.

I have had very good luck with this build. just 10 woodsmen with the bless can decimate most indies. 20 can take knights with ease.

BigDisAwesome June 6th, 2007 02:33 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
Well I've never played Jotunheim, but it you want a respectable bless and a decent SC god, can't go wrong with a W9 or N9 dragon.

You can manage a W9 dragon with
6 dominion
3 order
3 cold
3 growth
2 misfortune
2 drain

Decent scales, decent bless, and a decent SC god.

zakna June 6th, 2007 03:07 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
Yes,i tested the dual bless out,i find that my woodsmens died of exaustion http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I will test it with ur setting and see what i can manage to do with more of them.

the 1 size guys is a good idea gonna try it too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Jazzepi June 6th, 2007 03:11 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed

zakna said:
Yes,i tested the dual bless out,i find that my woodsmens died of exaustion http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I will test it with ur setting and see what i can manage to do with more of them.

the 1 size guys is a good idea gonna try it too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

The earth style bless provides both protection and reinvigoration.


zakna June 6th, 2007 03:47 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
well i tried the dual W9 N9 imprisoned druid with ur scales settings and by turn 6 I'm sieging a capitol got 12 provinces and 6 armies of 6/7 woodsmen jarl kicking everyone ***.

So i got to say its impressive.

what would u think would be the research goals given that i have access to death nature water and blood ?

and what counters can i expect to my giants ? and how to counter the counter http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

btw thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread so far http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Cor June 6th, 2007 04:01 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
my first research goal would be Frighten. you can use those little 1d mages to spam that.

I was decimated with a similar tactic in Perpetuality game. I was really suprised by how effective it was.

Ironhawk June 6th, 2007 04:22 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
Normally I would say: don't risk using Frighten with giants cause of thier bad squad morale (due to low squad sizes). But if you have Beserked woodsmen I guess it doesnt matter http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Meglobob June 6th, 2007 04:22 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed

zakna said:and what counters can i expect to my giants ? and how to counter the counter http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Skele spam + darkness is very effective against the giants. Counter it with your own undead.


zakna said:what would u think would be the research goals given that i have access to death nature water and blood ?

In water, Maelstrom is the best gem producing spell, with the exception of Arcane nexus (you get 27 gems per turn), wolven winter/murdering winter/leprosy/your cold domain work well together.

Blood, dark vines is easy and consider immortal vampires.

Try to get a armour of twisting thorns--->blood thorn/brazen vessel. Also try to get skull staff/skullface. Having those will open up lots of spell options for you.

thejeff June 6th, 2007 04:44 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
One annoyance with Jotunheim that I've run into is that you've got these great early thuggable commanders, but no early armor for them. No earth, fire, or air magic, so the first decent armor I found was at Construction 6, the breath of winter armor (Whatever it's called.)

Plenty of other gear, though, and Jarls have decent armor already.

Also, be aware that although the Skratti's werewolf form makes a good thug, he'll change to a wolf after the fight and lose most of his equipment.

zakna June 8th, 2007 11:34 AM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
ok the game is started, ill give updates on what worked and what didn't, well off course after i defeated my opponents, don't want to blow the surprise effect http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Kristoffer O June 8th, 2007 03:16 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
I hope Badaboum is a mighty dragon. The Lawgiver wishes to make a crown of dragon bones to impress the masses at the high sermon in the Temple of the Land.

All Hail the Lawgiver, Lord of Light!

zakna June 8th, 2007 08:41 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
well, i think the lawgiver is in for a big "Badaboum" surprise http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Sleet June 25th, 2007 12:22 PM

Re: jotunheim guide/advice needed
Well I am starting out in a new game as well and tried out some strategies..

2nd turn, my army moves off to conquer a neighbor and guess what attacks my home? A vampire and army. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif
Fortunately the castle defenders are able to hold off the undead.

Also was able to use my priestly skills to good work to come back and break the siege.. that was an eye-opener start for a game.
Will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for the good info. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../beerglass.gif

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