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What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
I'm having problems running Dominions 3 on my new laptop and i'm not sure if it's a computer deficiency or a vista error. At startup it only half loads the menu while the 'please wait' remains, the sound plays but the animated hills and trees background is just black. The amount of menu loaded seems random as it's been different every time i attempt to play the game. Yes, i've tried compatibility mode and i can't find the settings file so i'm not sure if the disparity between the games starting resolution and my own [1280x800] could be causing the crash. Is this just vista or my computer, how the hell do i fix this?
system specs Intel® Centrino® Duo 1.86GHz 1GB RAM Hard Drive Size 160GB graphics Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 I searched the first few live pages about vista errors but i didn't find any, if there's a specific support forum i couldn't find it either. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Do you know how to edit the shortcut that calls the game.
Here is a list of the command line switches. http://www.dom3minions.com/docs/CommandLine.txt usage: dom3 [option(s)] [gamename] options: -v --version Print version number and exit -d Increase debug level -g --host Generate new turn and exit --verify Verify all 2h-files and exit (creates .chk files) --statfile Create a player info file after each turn (stats.txt) --scoredump Create a score file after each turn (scores.html) --finalhost Generate new turn, send out final score msg and exit -c --nocredits Disables the end credits ******* Network Options ******* -C --tcpclient Connect to a Dominions multiplayer server -S --tcpserver Start a Dominions multiplayer server --ipadr XXX Use this IP-adr when connecting to server --port X Use this port nbr --preexec CMD Execute this command before each turn generation --postexec CMD Execute this command after each turn generation -t --hosttime X Y Host on day X (0=sunday) hour Y (0-23) --minutes X Set host interval in minutes -h --hours X Set host interval in hours --pauseday X Stop timer on this day (0=sunday) -q --quickhost Host as soon as all turns are done -n --nonationsel No nation selection when resuming a network game --noclientstart Clients cannot start the game during Choose Participants --uploadtime X Game is created after this many minutes. --uploadmaxp X Game is created if this many players join. --closed X Nation closed X=nation number (0-79) --easyai X Nation ai controlled X=nation number (0-79) --normai X Nation ai controlled X=nation number (0-79) --diffai X Nation ai controlled X=nation number (0-79) --mightyai X Nation ai controlled X=nation number (0-79) --impai X Nation ai controlled X=nation number (0-79) ******* New Game Options ******* --mapfile XXX Filename of map. E.g. eye.map --randmap X Make and use a random map with X prov per player (10,15,20) --research X Research difficulty 0-3 (default 1) --hofsize X Size of Hall of Fame 5-15 (default 10) --indepstr X Strength of Independents 0-9 (default 5) --magicsites X Magic site frequency 0-75 (default 40) --eventrarity X Random event rarity 1-2, 1=common 2=rare --totalvp X Vic. points available in the world 0-25 --capitalvp One extra victory per capital --requiredvp X Vic. points required for victory (default total/2) --summervp Vic. points are accumulated each summer --richness X Money multiple 50-300 (default 100) --resources X Resource multiple 50-300 (default 100) --supplies X Supply multiple 50-300 (default 100) --masterpass XX Master password. E.g. masterblaster --startprov X Number of starting provinces (1-9) --renaming Enable commander renaming --noscoregraphs Disable score graphs --nonationinfo No info at all on other nations --era X New game created in this era (1-3) -M --enablemod XXX Enable the mod with filename XXX ******* Random Map Options ******* --makemap XXX Generate a random map with filename XXX and exit --riverpart X 100 = normal amount of rivers, 0=no rivers --seapart X Percent of map that is below water level (default=30) --mountpart X Percent of map that is mountains (default=20) --forestpart X Percent of lands that are forests (default=20) --farmpart X Percent of lands that are farm lands (default=15) --wastepart X Percent of lands that are wastes (default=10) --swamppart X Percent of lands that are swamps (default=10) --mapaa Enable antialiasing for random maps --mapsize W H Set width and height of random map (default=1600 1200) --mapprov X Set number of provinces (default=150) --passmount Don't use impassable mountains on random maps --mapgcol RGBA Ground color 0-255 (default=170 146 116 255) --mapscol RGBA Sea color 0-255 (default=54 54 130 255) --mapbcol RGBA Ground border color 0-255 (x4) --mapsbcol RGBA Sea border color 0-255 (x4) --mapnoise X Ground color noise 0-255 (default 15) --borderwidth X Border width 0-500 (default 100) ******* Video Options ******* -w --window Run Dominions 3 in a window -u --fullscreen Use the entire screen --bitplanes X Try to use a color depth of X bits per pixel --zbuffer X Try to use a depth buffer of X bits per pixel (default=16) -T --textonly Use this with --tcpserver to get graphicless server --gamma X Set gamma function (brightness) 0.1 - 5.0 (default=1.0) --opacity X Set gui opacity 0 - 100 -r --res X Y Set screen resolution / window size (default=800 600) --animback Use animated backgrounds -a --noanimback Don't use animated backgrounds --fade Use fade effects -f --nofade No fade effects --nopopups No helpful popups --fps X Aim for this nbr of frames per second (default=20) --maxfps X Maximum nbr of frames per second (default=50) --filtering X Quality of OpenGL filtering 0-3 (default=2) --maxtexsize X Max texture size in pixels 32-4096 (default=unlimited) --treequal X Tree quality 1-5 (default=3) --texqual X Texture quality 1-5 (default=3) --nolightfx No light effects in battles --partamount X Max nbr of particles 0-8 (0=none, 4=default, 8=max) --nograss Don't draw the grass --noarcade Don't draw floating damage numbers --noglext Don't use any OpenGL extensions --vsync Enable vsync -V --novsync Disable vsync --renderpath X Use different optimizations 0-1 (0=good for low mem cards) -x --fastgrx Faster graphics (use 3 times for best performance (-xxx)) -p --perftest Run a performance test and exit ******* Audio Options ******* -s --nosound No sound effects or music -m --nomusic No music --musicvol X Set music volume, 0-100 --clickvol X Set mouse click volume, 0-100 --arts Route sound through aRts (default) -o --oss Use direct oss sound output (best quality) Example: dom3 -wm Run Dominons 3 in a window and without music |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Are you running Vista? If you are, that's your problem right there and it might be helped by up to date latest graphics drivers but I wouldn't bet on it.
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
So is that it then? I mean do you plan on fixing that or are you already? It's near impossible to find a new computer that doesn't ship with vista.
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Well... I could point out some PC distributors with more flexibility, or go into linux dualboots. And mention that even in brick and mortar stores, you can easily find a new computer without Vista. It's called a Mac. Surely you've heard of Apple?
Sorry, had to get that smart-aleck out of my system. I know what you meant. And considering where the bulk of the market is, Vista capability may be an unfortunate necessity. Personally, I have no interest in Vista. I may go out of my way to avoid migrating to it. But I do want to be helpful, so I'm doing some google searches online. Unfortunately, my searchs didn't turn up much. But you may want to try window's vista's compatibility mode. It allows you to select specific versions, including Windows XP, Service Pack 2. http://cws.internet.com/article/3645-.htm It's described down at the bottom of the article. I'm not confident it will help, but it is very quick to try out. http://www.worldstart.com/tips/tips.php/3817 |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
So I guess we should be asking you... "Do you plan on fixing that or are you already done ordering a better laptop without Vista?" |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
I have vista and have no problems with Dominions 3, just make sure all hardwares are properly updated, then reinstall the game.
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
... Vista's the 'new thing' though, right? At the moment it's not necessary, but won't we start seeing vista-only games released once it's been out for a few years and covers the bulk of the windows market?
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Yep. I wouldn't upgrade to Vista now, and won't for some years I think, but if I bought a new computer now I would get one with Vista on it (and then I'd put ubuntu on dual-boot).
Anyway, poor old LuckyRaccoon, you've obviously already got a computer with Vista and don't want to hear all this. It sounds like Lazy_Perfectionist's idea with the compatibility mode might help. The first thing though is definitely to upgrade your video drivers. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
And run windows update. There aren't any that deal specifically with Dominions, but there have been updates that improve compatibility with a long list of programs, some of which are games. Don't need to install them all, just look them over, see if any might help, then decide which ones are worth installing. DirectX, I recommend you update that if there are any new versions available.
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
As stated by one person above, no problems with Vista as long as you take care to update your stuff to the latest specs. Microsoft supplied drivers suck arse in most cases and you need to go to the hardware manufacturer for drivers which either will or will not work. Or you can start exploring options for Linux dual-booting. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Beat me with a wet mackerel and call me an idiot. I really should have noticed this the first time I responded.
Intel Graphics. That's certainly the problem. Intel graphics has a long history of being mistaken for an actual video card, but failing miserably. General minimum Requirements: * 256MB Ram, 500 MB disk space * A good OpenGL accelerated graphics card (geforce or equivalent is recommended). Windows minimum Requirements: * 600 MHz Pentium II Processor * Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
LuckyRaccoon, my own advice would be: upgrade yours drivers, straight from Intel. If it doesn't work, try playing with the flags Gandalf mentioned. in particular -xxx and --noglext. You might also want to try other 3D games and tell us which ones work, if any (I don't think the problem comes from Dominions as such).
Regarding the Intel Graphics card: the Intel Graphics 950 should have enough firepower to play the game, and its specs are definitely higher than the first Geforce cards. More significantly, Intel claims the 950 can run these games and Vista's Aero interface, so it should be able to run Dominions with decent performance, at the very least. For that matter, Dominions doesn't actually require a 3D card in the first place; my old computer could run the game with only software support (Mesa on Linux), though it didn't have much in the way of processing power. It was slow, of course, but it works - if you don't mind its s.l.o.w.n...e..s...s. As I understand it, the 950 doesn't have support for some advanced features, the like of hardware T&L. Still, I'm pretty sure Dominions doesn't require that kind of feature, since the game runs under software Mesa. But you do need *some* kind of OpenGL support somewhere, so that means proper drivers. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
A) Vista is neat and new with great new hooks that programmers will be able to do wonderful things with. We will all want it. B) The people who make the video and sound cards are still catching up to making drivers that can use Vistas new features. C) Game developers have not even started using new Vista hooks. D) AT THE TIME OF THIS WRITING it seems that getting pre-vista games to run on vista is only capable of two things. Either it runs worse for lack of something, or with work you can make it run the same as it did before you got Vista. So my recommendations would be.... 1) I would NOT want to go thru the headache of upgrading Vista on a machine with older hardware and older programs already installed on it which would all have to be tweeked just to get them to run as well as they used to. 2) But if you buy a new machine from a reputable company then they probably give you hardware which IS up to date for Vista so you would probably be ahead things when the games come out for Vista. Personally however, for many reasons, I would not get a windows laptop. Everything has its pros and cons. For me its Linux on servers, Windows on desktop, and Mac on laptops. Gandalf Parker |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
It will be awhile before developers release a game which can use DirectX_10 and the new hooks since game developers don't want to lose customers still using Windows2000 or WinXP. I believe Microsoft will be the first because they want to push everyone into using Vista... so HALO_3 and maybe DungeonSiege_3 probably won't work on older operating systems unless cracked. I'm irritated how Vista is still 32bit by default and maximum RAM is still 4GBs and... well I'll stop my rant. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
So, any luck getting this up and running? I've picked up a similar laptop, esp. with regards to the intel graphics 950. I intend to turn it into a triple-boot linux web/work machine, but it would be nice to get Dominions III on it.
If I get it up and running, I'll share what I did. As it is, I don't have the graphics yet, and my computer freezes when autoupdating (gotta love vista) or manually installing drivers. That, and the link from the 950 chip product page takes me to 945 drivers. I'll need to get familiar with this. If I need to, I can play Dom3 on another computer, but I'm going to bash my head against this for a bit. Its fun. |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
Sorry for being a bit snide the first time around... I've made some progress in getting the game to play, I'll share that- but I haven't tested it extensively yet. If you want a starter point to look at, though...
Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility mode on (though I don't think it has any effect, though I'll find out as I test) And I modified the shortcut with the following commands -w (closes easier upon failure, since the X button is still there). Disabling visual themes, desktop compostiion, display scaling- all semi-useless. Update: Unless there's a more specific option I can turn off thats the source of the problem, -a --noanimback is essential. Though windows xp compatiblility isn't looking to be that way. -a --noanimback (got me past the start menu- through the start menu, and all the way into pretender design. It stopped working though once I tried to close the two messages that show up at the beginning of the game) -f --nofade (now I can see the world map) I haven't tried entering a battle yet, or disabling some of these tweaks to see if they're unnecessary, but I've made significant progress in getting the game to show up. So, the shortcut running in windows mode is <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> "blah balh \dom3.exe" -w -a --noanimback -f --nofade </pre><hr /> If it really is working, I'll find out what exactly is necessary and try and write some clear instructions for you to try. If you're around, let me know? |
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
With my current config, it seems to be playable. As long as you don't try to watch battles. I'll try a couple more switches and get back to you.
Re: What\'s wrong with my Dominions?
One particular switch seems to be all thats needed, allowing you animated backgrounds and watching battles.
That's --noglext . If you've tried the other switches, you may need to renable/restore default setting in the video section for as full an experience as possible. Try it and let me know. |
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