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Sophistry - (Finished) Winner DrPraetorious!
Status Page: (pending) Game Type: TCP/IP (static server) Speed: 24 hours per host for the first 24 turns moving to 48 hours per host after that. Quickhost enabled. Era: Early Players: 22 (all) – or however many we get. Start: Nations will be assigned when we are filled, or 72 hours – whichever is first. The game will start 48-72 hours after nations are posted or when all nations are uploaded. Nation Selection: Random with exceptions (see below) Map: 16 provinces per player pre-generated map (304/46 land/sea). Download here: Victory Conditions: 225 out of 350 (~65%) provinces controlled, or the surrendering of all other players. Hall of Fame: 15 Renaming: On Everything Else: Defaults Masterpass: Enabled Length: If you aren’t eliminated this game might last 6+ Months. Be prepared! Mods: Big-Game v1.1 Mod here: Yomi: Velusion Ermor: Baalz Marverni: Sensori R'lyeh: Jazzepi Atlantis: Lingchih Vanheim: AreWeInsaneYet Kailasa: Methal Sauromatia: Kojusoki Neifelheim: DrPreatorious Mictlan: BigDisAwesome Abysia: coobe Arcoscephale: Salamander8 Tir na n'Og: EarthRaver Oceania: Sandman Ulm: tibbs C'tis: MAJ_Disgrace Agartha: Nix Pangaea: Saint_Dude Caelum: Zolharm T'ien Ch'i: Rytek Helheim: FAJ Nation Selection: Once the game is full I will randomly assign nations out. When signing up players may request up to THREE nations they DON’T want. These are nations you DO NOT want to play. Sign up in this thread. After nations are assigned I’ll need you to email your pretender password to velusion(at)sbcglobal.net or PM me. This is because I’ve had issues with the Master Password working in the past AND so we can give your nation to another human player if you disappear. This is not optional. If you PM me your password make sure and include your email address if you would like to be included in the diplomacy email distribution list or want email notifications when turns host. Once I have your password I’ll send you the ip/port of the server where you can upload your pretender. Once everyone is uploaded I’ll add you to the game turn email notification list (unless you specify otherwise). Then the game starts. Quickhost will be enabled. The first 24 turns will be set to have a 24 hour autohost – so expect to do at least a turn a day for the first few weeks. After that the timer will increase to 48 hours though it is hoped that players will normally still be able to play every 24 hours, with the occasional missed day. As turns take longer in late game this might increase further. As players get eliminated we can be more flexible with extensions and extended absences, but not in the first couple weeks. The map has been tweaked to ensure (hopefully) that all players that start on land have at least four land neighbors and all players that start at sea have 3 sea neighbors. All the major seas are connected so that separated sea provinces connect to each other across straits (hence all seas that look like they should be connected are linked). All the larger landmasses are linked across the straits as well. If we do not fill, we will be using a smaller map. Players who wish to surrender (resign) should simply let me know so we can find a replacement or turn the nation to computer controlled. If you will be unavailable for longer than a few days please let me know. Failing to do you turn twice a in a row without letting us know will get you put on AI. If I think you are missing too many turns (e.g. 3 out of the last 6) I will put you on AI. Once (*ahem* - If) I am eliminated I’ll rely on the remaining players to tell me when something needs done with the game. General rules to follow in my games can be found here: http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...amp;PHPSESSID= I recommend you read them if you haven’t already. House Rules: There are specific endgame related issues that apply to larger Dom3 games that I have come to dread. There will be a simple Big Game Mod (v1.1) that will be used for this game that will tweak a few end-game aspects. These changes are not up for debate in this thread. If you don’t like these changes – please make another thread somewhere else to complain. Big Game Mod Changes: Arcane Nexus will cost 300 Astral Pearls to cast Clam of Pearls will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Nature Magic (Water will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge. Fever Fetishes will require a path 2 (instead of 1) in Fire Magic (Nature will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge. (New in v1.1)Blood Stone will require a path 3 (instead of 2) in Earth Magic (Blood will stay the same). This will increase the cost to forge. If we get less than 14 people we will not use this Mod. |
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
Velusion - No Preferences
Baalz - No Preferences Sensori - No Oceania or R'lyeh |
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
Sign me up, now now now now.
Nations I don't want... Mictlan T'ien Chi Atlantis Thanks, Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
I'll join.
No Mictlan. Glad to see another Velusion game. |
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
no yomi, marverni or ulm. in.
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
The map was slightly updated. If you already downloaded it - please get it again. This should be the final copy. Thanks!
Re: Sophistory - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-u
Hey Vel, thanks for the rockin' job you do hosting. I'd be remiss as I join my 10th game hosted by you if I didn't mention what a professional job you do supporting my habit. Seeing as how we're spitting distance in RL, let me know if you're ever a few hour's south in H-town so I can buy you a beer - or three.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'm in too, this sounds like fun. I'm not picky on the races, I'll take any.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
hello Velusion, thanx for hosting again http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
No ULM please and no Marveni |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Count me in
no Ry'leh no Lanka no Oceania |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'll join. I haven't played much multi-player yet, but it sounds like fun.
No R'lyeh, Atlantis, or Oceania for me please. Edit: Actually nevermind... going on vacation soon for the 4th, and I don't want to hold up the first few turns. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I think I'm becoming addicted to MP games *twitch* and must join another! *twitch*
No Pangaea. No Tir'Nan'Og. No Vanheim. Thanks. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up)
give me any random nation. Im here to absorb experience. Guys anyone know of any ways to prevent my hero or god from dieing?or is it inevitable?
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
i hate been cursed,who to avoid so they can have less chance of been cursed and i want to ask how to prevent affictions?any hints?
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...o=&fpart=1 However if you use a combat pretender assume he will probably be cursed eventually. Not much you can do to avoid that. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
What Velusion said.
If you use a combat pretender, eventually he's gonna die. It's always sad when it happens, but it's gonna happen. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
and guys how do i find a reliable ally to make alliance with?
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Be a people person. You'll figure it out.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'll play. I don't want Ulm.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Heh, diplomacy is quite a deep subject that you might have better luck posting in the general forum, but FWIW most people tend to make a good faith effort to follow through with agreements - BUT...
some people just plain don't some people are in multiple games and forgot what they agreed to some people have a different opinion on the details of what they agreed to and finally Many people are playing for a win so always remember that most alliances will not last longer than they benefit both partners insofar as they're both trying to win. So to sum it up, you'll have no problem finding reliable allies as long as you're strong enough to have a big stick, but not so strong that you look like you're about to win. Outside of that having high expectations of your allies is just going to be a frustrating experience. Obviously I speak in generalities, so take it for what it's worth. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I love Velusion's games so I MUST sign up! I have no preferences.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
You're a helluva host. If you ever find yourself in Ohio, drinks are on me. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Ack, I need to start traveling for work again! Sounds like it would help my liquor tab... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I would join, i play anything except Pangaea
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up)
I would like to sign up. My preference is Ulm, but I'll play any nation
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'll sign up, since my career in my other game seems to be winding down...
I'll take anyone but Vanheim or Helheim. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up)
I would like to join.
No Kailasa please. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up)
I would like to join.
I don't want paly: R'leyh Oceania Ulm |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Today is the last day for signups in this game! I'll post the nation assignments once the game fills the last two remaining spots or late tonight (whichever is first).
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
i would like to sighn up. No Ry'leh or Oceania
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Read em and weep! The front post is updated with the nation assignments.
I'll give you the IP and port once I get your password. Then you can upload your pretender. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I downloaded the attached zip, and it only has the TGA file in it. I put it into my map file, but I can't play it from the single player map selection. I wanted to mess around with it a little to get a feel for the number of water oceans.
Oh, and does anyone understand EA Ry'leh at all? I mean who the [censored] gets stationary priests?! Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
the .map file is not needed to play this game- but if you are interested - here it is.
IF you find any blatant errors let me know. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Hail Atlantis!
"Way down, below the oceans, where we may be, the antedeluvian seas"... Or somesuch, courtesy of Donovan ( I should have thoroughly confused anyone born after 1969 or so). I have no freaking idea how to play this nation. Should be fun. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Hey I'm right there with you. Ry'leh is freaky weird.
Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Hooboy Arco. Probably number 4 or 5 on my "not wanted" list had it been larger than 3. I'll have to make a test game to even know what EA Arco has for sites and mages.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Lanka for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif heard good stuff about it, but never played a blood hunting and reanimating nation serious before.....
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Never played Marverni before. Well, it ought to be fun enough finding out how to play 'em.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Niefelheim?! Geez, I knew I'd forgotten one of the heims... Scandinavian folklore is so uninspiring http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif *hides from the developers*
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
With a proper bless you can inspire fear in the hearts of your enemies. How's that for inspiring?!
Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
VANheim. that is, heim people AGAIN.
OUCH. that hurts, indeed. only if we can list four or five unwanted nations.. |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
I'm fine if people want to trade nations...
Also I think it was Agatha that wasn't taken... If someone really wants that... (heh) |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Yeah, I'll take the frogs. At least if I lose it'll be expected.
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Does anyone ever really *want* to get Agatha?
Jazzepi |
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Re: Sophistry - Random Nations, Early Age (Sign-up
Holy... somebody's giving away Niefelheim? Well, ahem, I guess I should take it then, just to be fair and all.
I won't though. I'm playing them already in another game, and these little fish guys kind of look like fun. I need to broaden my paying base anyway. |
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