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Game: Outriders (started)
Server IP Address: www.evilzombies.com
Port: 8097 Late Era, random map of 15 provinces per player, renaming enabled. Quickhost or every 48 hours. If you have a stale turn twice in a row, you'll become a computer player. 75 turn limit unless its close. join now! I'll start it once at least 10, preferrably 15 folk have joined. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'm in. Are you assigning nations as we go, or are you going to wait for the game to fill up?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
i´m in too
taking Midgard |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Random nations, or first come, first serve?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
count me in as ermor
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'd like to try Ry'leh again XD
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
ouch !.....hope this time we are not in war most of the game..........
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll make sure to attack you right away http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Seriously though, I don't carry animosity from one game to the next. You definitely deserved to win that one. Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I should really learn to read, saw random nations where it says random map. I'll give Jomon a try.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll try to in as Caelum
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Hmm the server ip is ?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll pick LA Agartha.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Why, why are you so mean? *weeps* [/emo] [angst] Well I hate R'lyeh anyways. So there! [/angst] For some reason, as Agartha (not necessarily as other nations), I have a tendency to irrationally desire war with R'lyeh, even if I have to pass up an easy target to do so. Loosely speaking, when should I aim for getting a pretender in? I'll wrap up some of my other waiting turns, then experiment with LA, since I have tried them out yet. Here's hoping some MA experience carries over. Regardless, as long as I have fun... |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Yes, come into the sea, bring all those amphibious troops you have. The nation of R'yleh needs flesh!
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Count me in as Ulm
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'm in with an experimental (retarded) mitclan pretender
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
If the game is still open, I'll be Pangea.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
13 Or 14 out of 15 slots, 10 minimum
Atriedes Jomon Schaedelbaron Midgard Ramiro Ermor Jazzeppi R'lyeh AreWeInsaneYet Caelum Lazy_Perfectionist Agartha GameExtremist Ulm Remmy (retarded) Mictlan PurpleRhino Pangaea Echodyne: Man Chelms Tequilich: Patala Rytek: Abyssia Mythel: Tien Chi Zachariah: Agartha Did I get everyone? Was someone else trying to play as Agartha or did I upload a pretender and forget I've done so? Anyways, I've uploaded my Agarthan pretender. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll take Man. Tentatively. I'll post again later.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Im sneaking in as Patala
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Im in as Abysia
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I jumped in as TC
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll start the game this evening.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Are you going to be in the game yourself, Zachariah, and as what nation?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
A small mistake, both Zachariah and I wanted Agartha. We'll settle that between the two of us, but if I don't show up in the game its because I'm to lazy to learn a new nation, and don't have the time to design a pretender by this evening.
However it turns out, I'm fine with it. I've currently got SmokyBat and Jaguar to fulfill my Agartha cravings, and I do need to set aside some time to learn other factions, and come up with a plan for them. That is, if I wish to be able to join a wider variety of games, including the often overwhelming Random Nation type. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Any guestimate on start time?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
You're looking for 15 players - seems Marignon, Atlantis, Ct'si, Utgard and Arco are open? Taking a look at them, if I get in (and you're still under 13 players when I look to upload), great. No mods, right?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Eh, never mind - forgot how much I .... prefer the game modded. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
oh crap i'm a goof: i hadn't passworded my pretender god, so was overridden by someone else. I started over, this time with a password. Sorry everyone!
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I think that before the game starts, I can still override you, even if you do have a password. In the future, I'd advise stating your choice in the first post. Either that, or you forgot a password again.
I was careful not to upload one of my own, but the option did appear without asking me for a password. I wasn't willing to do a test and overwrite it to be certain how it works. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I don't believe having a password helps you protect your pretender during upload.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'm definately in as Chelms.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Looks like I'm out. Enjoy. You needn't fear my experimental pretender, who I haven't yet practiced with, and has one key flaw.
On the other hand, I still have Smoky Bat to try out another pretender I've been working on, the Cyclops "Hillary Rodham Clinton". |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
well i'm in as Agartha, as I was originally. Super-lame if password protection doesn't work during nation selection.
Lazy, i hope you join us anyway. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I might, if you're still open tomorrow. But I need to rest tonight before I can be decisive enough to make a choice. Fortunately, no work tomorrow. Now though, tired = indecisive. When I'm truly hungry, for instance, it can take me a half-hour to choose what to eat. If I've taken off the edge, I can usually make up my mind in three minutes.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Tell ya what, I'll take LA Atlantis. I have some limited experience with them. I should be able to throw together a strategy and pretender within the day.
It looks like I might face R'lyeh again. You may have your fun yet, Jazzepi. So... only nine pretenders uploaded? |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I will join, too - I will join as Arco.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
i'll kick off the game this evening: we're at 11, so hopefully there will be at least one more.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I would like to join as well http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif since there is no big choice, i´ll take Ctis. Gonna upload within 30 minutes after my post
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
hm... already a ctis pretender uploaded.... why is this ?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I'll try Marignon if you are still taking players. I'm working on a pretender, and should be uploaded within a couple of hours.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
As a suggestion to Zachariah there should really be a signup period for the game. Or at least a requirement to post which nation you're taking to prevent this sort of thing.
Jazzepi |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
I had uploaded my god last night and had not announced it. I sometimes prefer some anonymity in my games or at least for the early part of the game. Sorry for the confusion coobe. It is generally a good idea to login to the server to see which nations remain before you make your god.
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
Well, I've finally uploaded my pretender.
On the subject of anonymity, it would probably be a good idea some other time and thread to hash out some system for that. I can see positives and negatives for that, but the main issue is that it's hard for mp n00bs like me to pick up on the clues when anonymity isn't mentioned explicitly, and anonymous players naturally don't advertise etiquette for it. Perhaps a poll could be used to keep track of joined members? Or declaration of anonymous at the beginning of the game? I'm just brainstorming, but since the problems been hashed out, I really don't care to clutter this thread further. It'd be interesting to see what a dedicated thread could come up with, or a game where players didn't declare their race, simply posting that they've joined after sending in a pretender? Well, doesn't matter now, but I could see anonymity adding some fun, so I'd love to see some n00b friendly system for this or an anon/public/mixed tag for games. |
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
when is this game starting?
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
and now ? can i still join ? i mean its quite confusing if everybody would just join without saying what nation he wants. It jsut doesnt work that way....
Re: Game: Outriders (open)
omg, once again i was unable to play as my selected pretender! I just tried a test game w/ the same pretender, same settings, and it was fine, so I think someone must have bumped me.
I will start this game again, and I'm assuming that everyone's taking the same nation's that they originally selected. If not, just post to this thread. Please be respectful of other people's nation selections! This time, before starting, I will make sure that everything is proper. Sorry for the craziness! |
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